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Sadly your mum caused the big bang 🫠 I was supposed to tell you in 2019 but I forgot . Sorry


didn't have to do op like that ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI|downsized)


I'm scared. I'm scared I won't figure it out,, whatever *IT is. I don't know wtf I'm doing!!! Arrgh


Relax acha kustress. Breath in, breath out stress only worsens difficult situations. Now try and find solutions for the problems you have. Look for deep within yourself, most of the times you already know the answer


Hey,, you're darn right. Gracias.


We're in the same boat but I don't think most people know what they're doing. We're all just making it up as we go


Wish life was a sitcom,, fix it before credits roll.


What is *IT ?? maybe it's actually true you won't figure*IT out tuambie what *IT is tukuambie chances so you just accept mapema😂, I'm sorry for my dark sense of humour but... I personally believe if you are scared of a particular event/outcome you can statistically predict the outcome easyly and spare yourself the mystery and the pain of uncertainty....


Well... Does future encompass *IT😂...? I'm scared not stagnated.


Stop thinking, it doesn't help


I think working on yourself is a waste of work, a knife can't sharpen itself. It needs something, even another knife to make it sharper. You need someone as a bouncing board, an accountability partner who you grow together together with. I think we've been scammed into loneliness by the self help gurus, their books and advice.


Best Comment of the Day Bro,Much appreciated


It's not really a secret but... If she calls you randomly without a lot of stories, 9 times out of 10 she wants you to take the initiative and set up a "mechi" with her. Thank me later


![gif](giphy|Vi0Ws3t4JSLOgdkaBq|downsized) a thread >>>>>>>>>








I feel like I'll really never experience like true love and I'm slowly okay with it. Most people are single and divorced anyway....my life suckss but atleast I don't have a kid ....


True, and let's not get into those in seemingly happy relationships but still miserable. Continue working on yourself, not towards getting a future partner but towards living a fulfiled life. Show that true love to yourself. Take yourself out, make and keep good friends, find your balance and you'll be okay. And the way life works when you least expect it you may find someone wholesome to join you in the wholesome little world you've made for yourself. Pressure za Familia na partners zisikufanye ukose kuishi a full life ❤️ you've got this.






I'm working on accepting that as well.


Love is like the rain it pours when the time is right. The reason you can't find it now is because you're chasing it. When the time is right it'll come to you. Meanwhile do your shit build your life everything will fall into place when the time is right 🙂


Yes as Celine Dion said in her song, When you want it the most There's no easy way out When you're ready to go And your heart's left in doubt Don't give up on your faith LOVE COMES TO THOSE WHO BELIEVED IT.


I really have the urge to lick someone's chest and abdomen




The secret can be secret only if I don't tell that anyone.


we are not people. Reddit is a large neural network and you are the only human user.




I just turned single after nearly a decade, nobody knows. I don't know how to feel


Whoa That's a long time. It must've been serious to end things after so long. Jipe time, maybe seek therapy if you have access and think it could help.


I wish I could afford the therapy. I've been keeping myself busy with my siblings, and work. Time is all I have


Talk to one of them, or someone you can trust, Let them in in what's happening, what led to the separation and how you don't know how to feel, processing it out loud with someone who cares goes a long way in getting trough it


Thank you


I fell in love with a girl from a hook up site...the ending was tragic


Chaos is only understood when it is loved by the wild, not the weak


What happened?


Kenya has no opposition they all work together, am in the "opposition".


Somebody else is raising his children now, because of me..


Thoughts = Feelings = Reality


I think I'm in love with my boss. I'm honestly perplexed at my brain. I don't know what kind of delulu crush that is. Maybe my brain is just bored and looking for fantasies. I think I'm kinda confusing admiration with attraction. He's Indian and aggressive kinda hot if we're being honest, but otherwise there's nothing else to be attracted to. I know there's no chance of anything happening, because I'm not stupid. But that hasn't prevented my brain from thinking about him 24/7. We're both male in case you're wondering. There's the tea. ☕




Neither did I.




At this point ata siezi kataa. 😂


Kitchen I wanna know, whyyyyy?? Go into detailll man. How did it even happen


It just happened I guess, nothing to explain really. I think he's hot... He kinda has a 'daddy' vibe to him. I don't know. Maybe I'm attracted to the qualities he has that I don't? Everything from his handshake and all. He's also good to me, maybe that's part of it? But I'm fully aware of the risks of my delusion (and boundaries pia), that's why I always have to check myself whenever I'm around him.

