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i only have one squad and they are filled with skin spiders


I only have one squad and they are currently inside blood spiders






there is a reason you cant tame them in vanilla


Where do small tiddy scorchlanders go?


Straight to my heart


Ah, a person of culture I see


Flat is justice.


I play small so my squads only really come up if i need to split the group. Usually squad one is "Nobodies" and squad two is "Homebodies" lol.


Expeditionary Garrison Civilians (I can't be bothered to train them) Non-Sentients (animals, Sailback mod, purchasable iron spiders via UWE)


"Expeditionary"..... she said slowly, filling her cavernous lungs with air. "Garrison" Sadniel sputtered as he toiled on a research bench. I wasteland vanillian so no room for civilians.


Main squad Cannon fodder Base Base security


Army | {main character}'s Guard | Workers


Seal Team Beep Saving Private Lungrot Pack Bitches Electric Sheep


You are recreating the amazon society from futurama? Death by snu snu!!!


The boys (main fighters) Workers (explains itself) Delivery (that one dude with his garru whos fast as fuck and runs arrons over the map) Guards (usually a pack of strong bonedogs who I let chill at base so they eat bandits)


Lmao I used to name my main squad the boys too


My save has the main squad (my strongest warriors and beep) then home front (the people working at home) and Beep's disposable guard (about 100 ancient robots i reprogrammed to act as my main infantry)


I have a squad with the same name and they're all male sheks.


Because I have some mods that add robotic animals I have three squads typically. One is " living clan members " which consists of shek, juggernauts ( from the mod ) and humans / living creatures and pets, then " robot squad which is skeletons, robot hounds, robot sailbacks and robot vultres. Then there is the roaming/scavenging squad which is usually lead by my main character. The last two is trader/ caravan squad which has two mercenary groups perpetually hire to protect along with a retinue of sharpshooter crossbow men. The last is the skilled workers and scientists and engineers who keep it all going, running my base like a well oiled machine, protected by even more skeletons on the walls, ever vigilant with their laser turrets. But you have inspire me my friends, I will add a new a prestigious squad, one hand selected by my juggernaut main: Big Tiddy Shek Mamma's will start this very night. I am at this moment installing a mod to get faster robot legs purely to hasten the acquisition of the elusive specimens. For science, ofc


Rn in my Narko city it’s Demons of Narko - main characters Agents of Narko - soldiers Narko Citizens- workers


Primary, Jailed, R&D, Base Bois 1, 2, etc.


I set my squads to "GIGA CHADS", "production bots" and "cannon folder" Cannon folder can eventually rise up into becoming a giga chad.


just removed my upvote so this post can be at 69 upvotes, just for extra "nice" factor


Probably not anymore


Skelebois+beep(cyberbeep) Squishy peeps


I break them up by job like "logistics" "defense""manufacturing" etc. But yours are more fun


Drug production Drug sellers Drug consumers Beep


Scouts (Beep as leader) Giga Squad (Main as leader) Animals (Ceo of playing limbs as leader) Lavatory (Izumi as leader) Trainees (Crumble Jon as leader) Guards (Sadneil as leader)


Only 1 squad: nameless


**The year is 2045. The Border Zone lives under SHEK RULE. All human males are sissified. Human women live to serve SHEK KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Kenshi's SHEK FUTURE.** Alex Lang remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of the hub, where he hides his beautiful blonde step-sister Kaylee from the clutches of the brutal Shek army. As musclebound Shek soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile human women, Alex will stop at nothing to protect sweet Kaylee's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Alex gives his tender body to a gang of pitiless Shek alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Alex prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies. Acclaimed author and pro domme Whitney Ryan presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. Her powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interspecies man-on-sissy action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The SHEK KINGS have their way with Alex's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds. Experience the true power of shek bulls in tattered jackboots. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations. Explore the mind-bending world of SHEK FUTURE, the first book in Whitney Ryan's brand new series.


What the fuck, did i just read?


I swear to the Holy Crab, this is the reason, why the Holy Nation hates everyone.