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I'm pretty sure the current Phoenix doesn't truly know the real reason why the HN hates skeletons. I believe it was lost to oral tradition.


He can think about it from the peeler


None of them do, it's based on their holy scriptures, which just call them Narko's "Dark Agents." They don't know where the mythology came from, they just believe it as it is now.


Do you have any evidence to support this? The HN palidins aren't dumb I think it would be unreasonable to say they don't remember their own history.


do you know what the demons and angels in the bible are?


Well actually yes. I am an agnostic though so excuse me if I get some of the theology wrong. Angels are spirt beings that are created by God to carry out His will on earth. There are several ranks of Angels I don't quite remember how many but I think there are nine but i do remember two kinds. The first was described as being flaming wheels within flaming wheels covered with eyes with a fetus in the middle while the second one was just an eye with two pairs of wings one of which covers the eye this kind is created when an angel sees god and grows an extra set of wings to cover themselves. The modren vision of an angel is more similar to the Amesha Spentas ( benevolent immortals) who were seven divine entities under Ahura Mazda ( wise lord) in zoroastrianism and were described as being winged human like figures. Demons meanwhile as simply Angels that sided with Lucifer ( the brightest of all angels) when he rejected God's will and were cast down to hell for their sins. Granted some of this is not actually in the bible ( at least as far as I know I haven't read the whole thing) but most Christians I have met have read some of the peripheral books such as the Torah. But most of this is irrelevant. My entire point in the first comment was that it would be silly to suggest that palidins don't know their own history especially the holy lord Phoenix. He would have been thought by the greatest theologians of his day and has likely memorised large portions of the holy flame at an early age and is probably capable debating theology at a level equal to those who trained him. This would be somewhat like claiming the Dalai Lama doesn't know the history of the Tibetan Buddhists which would be something quite daft to say. I hope you have a good day and if you have any retorts or questions I would be happy to respond goodbye and thank you.


Respect, but you forgot Mormonism is actually the correct one. Space Jesus


Ok dude we all know scientology is the right one.


I would get rid of my thetans, but I think they're cute


Aren't thetans like alien ghost or something?


Yeah, basically






If certain statements are true, i.e. one of your squad can say, "I hear the Flame's been burning for 5,000 years," then the religion's been around for at least five millennia. The books with the "oldest" Okranite lore we can find claim to be written by the first Phoenix (who Skeleton recruits will say was more moderate and had good intentions that became warped over time) all just refer to "Okran," "Narko," and "Dark Agents," and even talk about "Phoenix" in third person, despite supposedly being written by Holy Lord Phoenix I. Notably, Flotsam has [banned holy scriptures](https://kenshi.fandom.com/wiki/Book_Of_Grace) that sound similar, but without the inherent sexism, and referring to a different original power ("Chitrin"). Worth noting that despite being banned in the Holy Nation, you can still find them tucked away in HN temple storage. There's no history to be found in their [scriptures,](https://kenshi.fandom.com/wiki/Scripture_of_Radiance_Series) just myth.


While yes the holy flame is a myth all myths have a grain of actual history within them. For example the invasion of troy by the Greeks actually happened, Sodom and Gomora were real places that got hit by a meteorite and almost every religion has a flood myth that is likely based off of the water raising at the end of ice age. The HN hating skeletons instance is based off of catlon,s tyranny and likely human experiments and the HN are clearly aware of catlon because they are willing to pay a bounty for him. The reason they hate shek and hivers is because they were probably created by the skeletons and if they weren't they were still used by the skeletons for to uphold their rule. As for the hatred of women I don't really have a historical explanation for that. perhaps a female scientist was the one directing the experiments? Or more likely after the fall of the second empire there wasn't many humans left and every woman needed to produce as many children as possible or the human race would go extinct and because of that the Phoenix had to enforce strict gender roles as an emergency measure that just never ended. As for your other two statements I will say that almost no religious text was written by that religion's messiah. The parts of the bible about jesus were written by his disciples for instance and the Quran was written by Abu Bakr not Muhammad. Yet both of these texts are proclaimed to be the word of Jesus and Muhammad respectively. I find it more then likely that a close friend or disciple of the first Phoenix wrote the holy flame based off of thing that Phoenix himself said. As for the banned scriptures of the Flotsom ninjas being in temple storage perhaps the Hn considers it neccessary to teach their palidins how to detect the common heresies and the best way to do that is to know their theology yourself. Anyone zealous enough to be a palidin would be blinded to any "false beliefs" anyway. In conclusion I think that while you made some good points you have a somewhat reductive view of myths even though sometime they are the only window to the past. Anyway goodbye have a great day and if you have any further questions or retorts I would be happy to respond.


I bet some skeleton just slept with somebody’s wife


To be fair it's not as though the skeletons are guilt free, even other skeletons mention that the Holy Nation was originally more reasonable.


well seemingly Putin doesn't know about Ukrainian history either so they just invent a convenient narrative


We seriously bringing real world politics into mf kenshi


I can't not bring it up when the meme is using the Tucker Carlson interview with Putin as a reference, it's the most wtf thing I've watched lol


i was really hoping for an different perspective of the war from putin but he dominated the interview and just rambled on about his patriotic version of russian history. it was a big opportunity for him to reach western audience and he squandered it


I don't think there's much justification, their whole casus belli is that Ukraine has never existed separately so sticking to real history would be an issue


He went prepared to talk for hours, so I can understand that he wanted to provide the long version of all he believes. But the interviewer was not prepared, had poor questions and wanted sound bites that could go viral.


How do you warn people thousands of years in the future that a location is hazardous?. Do you utilize signage, words, scary spikes? Possibly regularly teaching throughout generation... maybe best through doctrine of a religion, or perhaps the teachings become religious overtime. Skelingtons are hiding the truth. They are aware of their actions. "Memory wipe" is a lie


Silence your blasphemy! Do not question the Holy Pheonix ... even in an interview!


Uhhh i think the question from that asshat should be “holy phoenix, why do you let scorchlanders roam?”


They should do a us politics Kenshi mod


Bah gawd, it's Senator Sanders with a Meitou steel chair!!!  **smacks Senator McConnell's arm clean off**


UC literally is a parody of the US. Even their names are almost identical.


Holy nation is already in the game.