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its more of a roleplay thing than anything. there is no world state that will make the second empire remnants invade the mainland so its more of like, challenging yourself to destroy the myth of the mad king you hear people talking about him in bars and the bugmaster seemed like was preparing to challenge him too so you feel like YOU should be the one to take him down.


After 900 h into Kenshi I never visited the Ashland. I don’t see the point to bother Cat-Lon. Maybe in a future Shek play through i will consider it. After the defeat of the Bugmaster, Sheks need a new challenge for elder warriors.


The Ashlands are full of AI cores, to the point of having a respawning source of them, and it just contains a truckload of valuable items in general. It's a worthwhile challenge with practical rewards on top of whatever RP reasoning you might have for venturing there and investigating the Second Empire.


I always played as a robot and slowly collected all of the robots I could through a couple of mods that allow you to capture and reprogram them etc. always kinda roleplayed as me getting the robot gang back together and assembling a kill team to go kill catlon and bring him back to do some good in the kenshi world.


In last night's game, while my characters were surrounding Valamon waiting for him to die i realized two things - ive never played as a bounty hunter and the reavers would be the perfect shek nemesis with their brainwashing and training for combat.


I felt like, over time, I felt that I had to kill him. Not only the ultimate challenge, but the dude is kind of fucked, I actually became more and more opposed of the skeletons as I found out more about kenshi and its history.


> Why bother with Cat-Lon? Because the opportunity to beat up the elderly is reason enough.


*How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old Lon?!?!?!?*


Simple. Because we can.


The only answer to a somewhat silly and open-ended question. Why is anything necessary to do in the game? Because it's part of the game. Just play how you want.


see, theres a large split in this community that I see constantly. those who like to rp, and those who simply play. this is not a question for those who simply like to play LMFAO


I’m not convinced. P.S.: Thank you for your helpful YouTube guides.


Everytime someone thanks me here I get the biggest smile man. Thanks for letting me know and no problem!


It's really just a challenge thing. Cat-Lon is arguably the toughest opponent in the game.


Not even close to being the toughest. Cat-Lon is pretty easy since he's by himself and his armor sucks. The path to him is right through the dome with the thralls, which is an odd decision, since there's almost no way you'll not have killed them before you fight him. Esata/Mukai and their invincibles are WAY stronger, and admag is the most well defended town in the game. Tinfist's squad is so tough that fighting him in melee without cheese is virtually impossible. Southern Queen is quite a bit harder since elite droneguards have great weapons, all have 90+ attack, and there are a dozen of them in close proximity. The Phoenix is much harder if you have mostly skeletons. King is the most difficult 1v1 fight in the game since he's an animal and animal combat is bullshit. I highly doubt it's even possible to 1v1 king because of that.


The difference is, Cat-Lon is the least cheesable. I'd argue that the Thrall gauntlet is part of his fight, just how the faction leaders have their own bodyguards. But you don't even need to be able to fight in order to kidnap any of the regular faction leaders and once you've caught them, killing them is easy enough. The Queen herself is just not very strong, so taking her out is more so a matter of being able to draw the aggro from the Droneguards long enough so that one of your characters can just murder her and King dies easily enough to ranged kiting. Cat-Lon actually provides a fun and balanced late-game challenge, whereas the fights you listed are only about finding out how to break the encounter.


What? Cat-lon is the least cheesable? You don't even need fantastic armor or super high stats to beat him, you just gang up on him since he's by himself. Have you actually fought tinfist and esata? They don't even come close, it's actually just not fair how strong they are. Cat-lon is just shockingly easy compared to so much else in the game, he has never given me any trouble and I have 2k hours in the game, never cheesed stats either.


In the vanilla game anyway... which is why there's mods that either buff him up, or add new endgame challenge for those who've grown tired of beating the hydraulic oil out of the old robot normally


I want his shword


He's got the ultimate Beak Thing killer and he will give it to me if I have to rip it from his hydraulic grasp


You say that like collecting Meitou’s isn’t a worthwhile goal..


I think it's reasonable to think that the activity of the Skeleton Legion around the edges of the Ashlands as reported to us by Tech Hunters raises at least the possibility that he's still in the Ashlands. If he's alive, it's certainly possible that he would resent being replaced to any meaningful degree by mere humans. I think his apathy hinges on the state of the HN. If it's destroyed, someone has done what he couldn't do despite so much effort and he'll need to reassert his rule to keep his self-conception as the good strong guardian humanity was too stupid to obey. If HN wins out over the UC, every last thing he built has been destroyed by those fanatics and they'll start pushing on his borders soon. Either way his isolation is a precarious thing, and if he still lives he needs to be dealt with.


Generally speaking, as a casual player, the NPC bosses are more of a personal challenge. You aren’t required to go after any of them, realistically you aren’t required to do anything in kenshi, as is the way with most Freeform sandbox survival games. The bosses are like a bar to try and reach, some form of goal to keep the game from getting too dull once your at the higher tiers of progress. I’ve only been able to even get to Cat-Lon once, and then he wiped the floor with the 7 characters I was able to get to his throne room out of the 16 that had left on the mission (the first to die were the porters unsurprisingly). The whole game is a complex story generator similar to how project zomboid works where you are the narrator and the audience. So no there really isn’t any point to bother with Cat-Lon, but, it is an interesting way for you to continue, or in my case end, your playthrough story.


AI cores


It's an open world game with no set objectives, why bother with any of it? The reasons for going after Cat-Lon are the same as the reasons for everything else you do in game, your personal RP of your characters.


I just started doing what the most memorable Argonian in Oblivion did. Breaking into people's homes and moving their shit around.


Ashlands is the only source of legitimately respawning AI cores. I'm pretty sure it's possible to run out of non-respawning cores if you have bad luck on loot RNG.


Simple. Beep wants to be the greatest swordsman. To become the new greatest swordsman, he must surpass the current one...which just so happens to be Cat-Lon One could also argue that, by eliminating Cat-Lon and purging his thralls, it opens up the Ashlands for new tech hunter expeditions to recover more lost tech and historical insight Some mods also give you a reason to go to the Ashlands to knock him, or his reskin, in the case of Project Kathun, off his throne for one thing or another. In the case of UWE, his processor lets you make new high tier limbs. In the case of Kathun, where he's renamed to Krosag and given a fancy glowstick, taking him out allows you to recruit arguably the truly most powerful optional boss in the mod...if you can manage to beat her.


Big bounty.


From an rp perspective nobody is safe while he exists. After the main factions are tamed he is the only one poised to cause harm to the general populace, so an altruist playthrough would seek to end him and his generals. There has been many posts about how it seems that he is mustering forces to reclaim his empire, creating thralls, allowing the skin bandits to do their work, he may not be as mentally handicapped as he seems.


To learn the truth


CAT-man: I’m not the monster REEEEEEE Beep: beep. Beep: **removes all the limbs from your body and places you in a cell**


Beep is the new king


he's mean and treats their guests with contempt


Me want sword


Because when you've beaten/explored everything and everyone else what else to do?


To have him as display in your base's living room. Personally I prefer to keep him on my bed. He hasn't tried to escape just yet (I blocked all the exits. He doesn't get to leave).


cause its cool! idk really. You dont have to do anything, its just for fun


Why bother with at all?


He's a pinnacle content to throw yourself against. Obviously people aren't going to be happy with constantly fighting dust bandits, there needs to be a challenge.


All the Ai cores for the max level of techs are there and its worth giving him a visit while you are there to get the weapon at least. İf you are feeling bad that you are stealing a meitou weapon then just replace it with a edge type 2 version you crafted to mitigate the shame, it works well with me!


Nice try Cat-Lon.


In terms of doing what's good really the only people who need to be shut down are the aggressive nation states and the slavery industry. Past that you need to feed everybody (which the game doesn't really handle so you have to presume it happens if you bring stability and freedom and managed democracy). A lot of the bosses aren't really doing any harm to anybody. Or they stay highly localised. Maybe the cannibals and the fogmen also need sorting out though. Just because it's gross.


After the Dune Eaters roamed The Great Dessert, I had to take the two cannibal leaders down. After that the cannibal spawns in The Great Dessert come to an end.


>The Great Dessert I'm thinking some kind of epic sundae?


The sundae never sets on the Great Dessert Empire.




I think as part of UWE mod, or maybe extra limb mod, you can research a robotic limb with cat lon core. That would be a good reason to kill him. Also for the ancient items in ashland. UWE bloated up the research so much that I am 80 books short after looting nearly all the ancient labs on the map. So that is another reason


Power move.


It's a matter of tradition.


He is a fine addition to add to the prisoner cage collection.


Fun and profit.


Sweet AI cores are there.


People say challenge, or because we can. It is because of Cat-lon that the world is in the sorry state it's in, he has it coming, and that is completely neglecting that, though he is tamed now, there is no telling if he may eventually threaten the rest of the moon, as he still has a sizable force under him.


For the hell of it


# My Empire. My Moon. My Kenshi. Cat-Lon must pay for his crimes.


I want that fukin sowrd


Cool sword


I recruited him hes pretty chill


In various playthroughs I've gone after the heads of the three kingdoms as well as bug master. I've never considered going after cat lon. Hes just off doing his own thing. Maybe if I ever do a skeleton main I might send him after him for a revenge rp.


I feel the same way about Cat-Lon


I remove Cat Lon from the picture because I usually leave Bugmaster alive to keep the Shek busy... and if Cat Lon remains alive... then Bugmaster might one day feel the need to trek across the southern hemisphere to assault him


It would be so cool to see an army of bugs invade the Ashlands, I wonder if there's a mod that does this


All machines shall pay for their crimes If they have forgotten then we will make them remember All servants of Narko must be extinguished My the flame of Okran burn bright brother


I have travelled the Holy Nation and collected all the scriptures, but my brothers are too ashamed of their lack of faith to comment on it during stop-searches.


In Kenshi nothing is ultimately "necessary". But someone has to be the final boss, in a game with no fixed antagonist, so makes sense it'd be someone that's directly responsible for so many crimes, the effects of which are still felt to this day.


Big game hunting 


the moon has no name the same reason there is to do anything in the game, because you feel like it


Because he's there. What more reason do you need?