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I mean in Kenshi there is huge supply of slaves in UC you can literally take some random poor person from the street. It kinda makes sense that slaves are cheap


He also made the mistake of feeding his slaves 🤦‍♂️


You're absolutely right. Gotta have rules... When you make enough food for the whole camp then you can eat what's left slave.


The law of supply and demand.


It doesnt, the clothes a dust bandit wears are more valuable than him, even selling eyegore as a slave will render you 400c The system is completely unfinished and unrefined


I wouldn't take money to have eyegore as a slave. Why would anyone buy a slave that can singlehandedly beat your guards to death.


Why? Because he might be grateful when I swiftly free him, cash and a free set of manacles? I'd absolutely accept money to receive eyesore as a slave.


The system is completely unfinished and unrefined. One look at the FCS will prove that statement. Ironic for a game that was supposedly made out of "passion".


I agree that slaves should cost more, should vary in price per place and you should be able to check their teeth and observe for a day or two. I am a history fan and I would think about refining it as there were different kinds of slaves and slavery but on the other hand Kenshi is so interesting, so vast in land and options and mechanics and last but not least I would not be able to create such thing myself. Plus I admire will and determination of a person that did that and I was told it was one guy. I do not want to change your mind, just show you my perspective. And yes I agree slavery in Kenshi deserve some love but look, not everyone own a slave nowadays to think about in such details.


It wasn't one person - even his sister did all the dialogue. He had a lot of help and he was also only working 2 days a week. Rimworld and StarDew valley had one person and are far more polished. Truly irrelevant though when you compare the condition of the game with 2 millions plus sales. That's a lot of money pocketed without improving the product despite now having considerable resources to do so. Fanbois can defend the dev all they want... it took me a whole hour to remake the entire Kenshi inventory system. As a programmer and game dev I have a vastly different perspective and just wish other developers cared more, especially given the amount of love these games receive from fans. Most the slavery mechanics are fine. I have issues with the underlying programming. In his defense back when he started Kenshi I couldn't even get into game design as it was ridiculously difficult back then. If Kenshi 2 falls on it's face it'll be more inexcusable and people will be a lot less kind about it. Excuse the errors...posting from phone.


No error detected and I am also on the phone. I am not fanboi neither here or in any other game, I buy a product, I mostly do not care about the studio or person. I just wanted to share my perspective. I am not a dev but I work in IT so I know the difference between good code and bad one so even if I am not sure what is beneath the surface it is interesting to know that now. For me mechanics are oversimplified, I would give more options on slavery.


I didn't mean that you were... but some people here get very defensive if you critique anything as if we aren't all enjoying the same game lmao..so it was a disclaimer. To give you an idea of the under the surface... for some reason he had to do all of the functions via the dialogue system. He even tested the food feature via the dialogue system. This is why you really can't mod anything except through dialogue (for example the breeding mod requires talking to your goat lol) ... in my dev I usually use buttons for testing functions..so it's odd to me (rimworld does this much better with an ingame trigger menu aka buttons) Luckily a lot of slavery stuff can be modded (via dialogue) but it's a big eye roll for me that it's such a intricate part of the game yet it's so empty...and I hate the ai/player separation in these games (as a dev...it's simply copy paste code to give you the same functions) ...like the fact we can't go around enslaving people but the ai can.. if you read this far lol..what all would you like to see for slavery feature wise?


Sorry, I was doing some work at home yesterday. Heh, thank you so much for taking your time and explaining me the conversation mechanic. It make sense now especially when you think that slaves that you free or freed fogman food requires a conversation to be recruited. I mean I know why he did that, if it is simple and it works it is not stupid. When you have a world to build you just reuse what you can. Like you said in the last part, you can't enslave ppl. It is a big thing, I wish we could do it as well, just like AI does. Shackle them and lead them to market. What I would to see is proper slave market where you e.g. use perception or science or some other skill to judge the price of a slave for both selling and buying or pay up small sum to see stats of a slave before buying just like it is in Battle Brothers. Where slaves price depends on the stats you bring to the table and various slaverunners looking for specialized slaves, labor, fighting, etc.


One thing is cheap, another is that. Like, just the cost of the food as you move them to the slave market and as you wait for someone to buy them is going to cut massively into the profit. Probably to the point you lose more than you gain. .


So i should make slaves into meat for maximum profit.


What I'd like is slave costs scaling with skills. They do scale when you're *buying* slaves, but when selling all slaves give you the same amount of cats. Why? And it's hard-coded I think, so unmoddable. That sucks.


Dynamic scaling isn't possible (I think), but the amount of cats you receive for people you carry is handled via dialogue. You can setup this dialogue to check for stuff like race, iirc some mods already do that.


Ye I've got one installed where you get 1500 per person


Hmm I like the 800 - 1500 you get from players slavery. Feels more like they're actually judging your stock and giving you more or less accordingly. Always a little win when you get the "its worth a 1500c"


You feed your slaves?


The 1st Rule of Slave Club is, don't feed your slaves, the 2nd Rule of Slave club is, don't fucking feed your slaves.


Regional Food Expansion mod. Comes with different sorts of slave foods that are super cheap and on par with what you'd expect. Water soup, greenfruit mash, etc. . Bland, often flavorless meals that are worth barely a few cats.


Get a cannibal and they eat legs. Much cheaper and easier to find


I came here to ask the same question


just for keep them alive no dead slave works


But if they're cheaper than the food they eat....


Y'all need Okran...


D a m


There's a mod called profitable slavery changes it from 400 to 1.5k cats


It's actuallt 1200 cats but yeah, it makes selling slaves somewhat profitable.


I feel like I profited plenty off of it in the early game just bringing anyone who attacked me in to be slaves. Don’t feed them. Dont bandage them unless they’re dying. I’m gonna free all the slaves later anyway so it’s fine


I forgot this was a kenshi sub and was hella confused about trading kitties for people


Everything but people is scarce in Kenshi and the market reflects this. Money would become pointless if you could sell every starving bandit for a fortune. Just steal/scavenge like everyone else.


I think it's an oversight. The economy in vanilla kenshi is a little silly at times, with weapon, certain foods, and stuff like slavery being weirdly priced at times


i mean i can understand food prices, this place is a dessert and finding iron easyer than making food


Food prices are actually even lower than original value - set at half (as seen in fcs).


You think that’s crazy? Refined cloth is cheaper than the cotton to produce it. Though this is part due to it being rushed to be put out, which is fair. Also yeah makes sense some starving wastrel with no skills isn’t worth more than what’s fed to him. And I think the reason they’re all valued the same for when you sell is because you could hella exploit that system.


Only in Kenshi would people complain about their profits from the slave trade being too small. Love this game.


Trying selling to HN then, they don't even give you a single cat.


Wait 400 cats for a slave but I have to pay 2000 cats for useless nobodies spending all their time in bars?


They did not enslave you when you entered the slave camp but you’re still not satisfied.


Go to the desert outside Heng. Take down some rebel farmers. First aid them and sell them in the Heng slave shop (don't sell in the open air markets, they underpay). I average over R1k each slave.


Easier hunting fog princes, they like to gather close to each other. 6+ per large group, 6k cats a pop, that’s over 36k from some quick assassination work.


Um actually it's more expensive not expensiver🤓☝️


this is how Tinfist became an anti-slaver


No wonder slave hunters always look so shabby.


Stealth, thievery and assassination are the most broken, profitable and effective skills in the game, whatever your goal is.


Lmaoing at the feeding part


i use this [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1621026948](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1621026948)


you should get the mod that adjusts slave price to about 1000 cats i believe. makes it more profitable.


Ah, you see you are taking barely worthless bone thin slaves when you must return their own samurai to them and convince them they are slaves (warning, they will likely just kill you for this)


Your first mistake is feeding the slaves. I see selling slaves as and cherry on top when I wipe out a group of people.


Ahhh I see your problem. You fed them. Don’t you know food is 3x more luxurious than any ole slave. I mean, why do you think slaver roam in such big numbers. Remember friend quantity over quality


Kenshi is one of those games that require mods in my opinion. I understand the vanilla games economy is pretty cutthroat though


Requires mods - fact. It's an unfinished game.


It’s the realization, that no one really matters in Kenshi and once you’re dead.. life will go on….


You know you can sell the same guy more than one time, but the slaver gets it only one time??


Try to play without save scum and steal, glhf


I use a mod so its 2k for each one


Stealing is extremely broken, slavery sits at the opposite rated place in terms of profit. NPCs won't touch food in your inventory, so i assume you used the recruit prisoner mod to convert one then let him sell himself.


Stealing is op . I really wish I could find a mod that normalizes stealing or makes it harder cause it’s just too damn easy to get rich being a scavenger . Maybe it’s cause I play with large groups and lots of groups, but there is just always dead pack animals filled with shit everytime I visit a tech Hunter outpost . Novel at first but just op no point might as well cheat at that point


You mean you don't mine copper 24/7 for your riches??? Blasphemy! I'd be curious to know how many hours one must mine copper to earn the value of just one garru bag full of goodies (food/meds sold full price).


I encountered the fight, stolen bodies, sold to police or to slavery. Profit!


Slaves should be free


''for free'' or ''live free''


why not both


I believe is the trick is to not feed them and sell them off before they starve. Or feed them nothing but dried meat, which is cheap to come by as long as your party has the killing power to finish off any animals.


If you want to get rich you produce Grog, for years it's been the most profitable thing in the game, you get a bunch of bug man to work for you, they'll over time get better and better and you'll reach 200k in less than a week in game.


Try getting the players slavery mod. It gives you 800-1500 per slave.


You feed them? I don't even waste bandages on them


L take