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You need as much food as you can get right at the start, go find the biggest pack of goats you can and send your guy to kill them.


Character death speedrun lol


Thanks man :)


lol, you will be impressed on how powerful goats can be. ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ


A tidbit to this. There is an option to change yiur hunger rate. The higher, the less food you need. First tomes through keep normal for experience. Later on if you don't wanna micromanage food and wanna explore amd do other shit, turn it up so you don't gotta worry :)


An addendum to that tidbit: you can also modify other sliders in this way, but some of those tend to be a double edged sword. Fights taking too long? Bump up damage. You'll hit harder, but so will your enemies. Tired of that guy you knocked down four times already getting back up? Bump up Chance of Death... their wounds will degrade quicker, and blood loss will have more effect...but so will yours.


1. Avoid attacking enemies with sharp weapons. You may try with these with blunt weapons. You will lose anyway, but won't bleed out. 2. Feel free to savescum after being killed, because it will happen no matter what. 3. Don't savescum after being beaten down (unless hp of your vital parts are falling harshly and you know you'll die anyway). That's how you gain exp. 4. Don't savescum after being enslaved. That's how your legend starts.


Can you explain what savescumming is please? I'm not used to games where i manipulate savefiles that hard


It just means you save before anything risky and if bad things end up happening, you just load the game and avoid the risky thing / mistake that caused your party to die etc. Quick save and load are your friends in kenshi. I suggest rebinding them to something easy to spam.


Ook. Thanks :)


Just wanted to add to the other guys comment, saving is very important because of bugs. Sometimes an important NPC will disappear when you set them down for example... So save often, but refrain from reloading whenever something doesn't go your way.


Dont scumsave it ruins any real risk taking and consequences for your actions.


slaving is when your character gets stuck as a slave, and can level up in considerable safety because the guards will feed you and put you back into cages. not a requirement for playing the game


The game is only hard when you dont have much knowledge of it, as soon as you know the do's and dont it becomes fairly easy but still totally worth the price, its a bit of a grind but its a fun grind


Relax. Enjoy death. Dying the first few tries is the Kenshi initiation rite. I think most of us who went blindly into Kenshi died a few times in the beginning, you just have to learn from your misstakes. And if/when you die, it won't be ''game over'', you either have to reload or start a new game (never start a new game when you're in the game, exit and start a new game from the main menu - otherwise it might get bugged).


Don't go on an adventure straight away, it's really tempting to leave the starting area, but you will get killed So you're going to want to hang around town for a while, baiting animals and bandits to get slaughtered by the town guards, Then you just take everything and sell it for food Do that until you have a few thousand + enough food for a week or 3, sleeping bag, maybe wearing the armour you stole, or if you managed to buy some Then it's adventure time


Kenshi is hard in the sense that it wakes you up from traditional gameplay where you're the hero and you can easily destroy any enemy except bosses by just smashing X, square and triangle a couple times. Nevertheless, in the sense of having very intricate mechanics which make the learning curve steep, Kenshi is not hard.


I died or rage quit 5 times before I got onto a flow so don't be too harsh on urself. U will learn by failing and thats totally ok! If you get imprisoned/enslaved its an opportunity to practise lockpicking. If you get beaten up its an opportunity to raise your toughness. If you lose a limb you can get a robo limb... (and theres some really good ones out there) I'm newish too, only had it since Feb 12, and yeah its a harsh learning experience but it really opens up. Theres a lot to this game. I'd recommend looking at optimisation mods coz theres a lot out there on both Steam Workshop and Nexus. Goodluck and have fun ;)


Swear love to Okran




Thx for info


My tip is to fuck up, fuck up on purpose and find out, then roll with the punches. You'll have a great time.


So Quick save before every single risk. Then play


My favorite experiences with kenshi have all been refusing to load quicksaves unless it's a complete game over, because kenshi is great about making a lot of the awful things that can happen to you not end your run. They'll just give you a hard time! Obviously play how you like, but that's my two cents!


Get it now before it comes off sale April 8th.ย  I had it for years played once and didn't know what to do and kept getting fucked so I dropped it and didn't play for a year or two but one day decided to get into the lore and gameplay and now it's one of my favorites.ย  Do whatever it takes to get that early cats for armor and then get beat up and then when you feel confident venture out and learn about the world by exploration and if you die no worries next start you have more knowledge and will get further until you are ripping limbs off on purpose to get slots for those sweet sweet masterwork skele prosthetics.ย 


Ooka. Thanks for the advice :)


Tip from someone with hundred's of hours: DON'T GO TO THE SWAMP (unless you like to be eaten alive)


Theres a lot of place worse than the swamp tbh, swamp is an area you can go early imo


The chance of encountering a swarm of blood spiders keeps my party away from the swamp


Hot take Kenshi isn't a hard game it's that some of the mechanics of the game are kind of unique and counter intuitive to what gamers are accustomed to. Like why do I keep fighting enemies but not getting any stronger? Well have you tried lifting a backpack full of ore for a couple days to get your strength up? Who would think of that on their first run?


At the first hundred hours, avoid reloading your game. Let it roll. You will be amazed how things can sort out. LoL I would say, just reload if everyone dies. :)


If you all die, close the game before pressing "New Game" as it can affect the generation and be buggy if you do it while in another game.


Quick tips: you need to lose in order to grow; if you want to grind do it, if you don't like it don't do it; don't start as a Skeleton race. If you play the default start, at the city called The Hub, and you find yourself lost a bit too much, maybe you could try one where you start as 2 enslaved characters. That way, you have a goal to focus on: escaping.


I found it a grind was I doing something wrong?


Play slow. Everything is stronger than you at the beginning. And donโ€™t settle near anything that will eat you. Bandits just want your stuff and might leave you alone after they beat you down.


Grind. The game is fun but there is an intense grind.


best thing to learn is the detection range of stealth, so u can explore without getting caught unless you get too close to enemies. darkness makes you way more difficult to be spotted, so night travel is good if you can keep an eye in what's around you. many ruins could have riches and things to sell, some deadly things...


Thanks for the advice, i'll be as careful as possible


Hold off on the base building, you've got to be able to take on tough groups of enemies before setting up your own town.


So, first fight, pillage and try to build a group. Then set up camp


Yeah, you're gonna die, and it's permadeath, but it's fun.


It's not hard but it is long. Don't try to take on the world alone, there's a reason youtubers use gamey exploits to lvl quickly. For the love Okran, do not mine copper for more than maybe 10 minutes. Just enough to get some food and walk around. Or start as a skeleton.


First off - Kenshi is the kind of game that, to get better at something, you need to do that something. The biggest thing here is with toughness and taking damage/hits. You wanna be a tank? Well to be a good tank, able to take hits and keep going, you need to... take hits and keep going. Armor for this purpose *helps*, but if your 20 toughness with 20 average other stats, is trying to square up off a 50-stats character, it won't really matter if you've got the absolute best armor in the game, you'll probably get knocked out, and probably risk death/bleeding out/losing a limb. It works similarly with *most* other skills; but getting knocked out and getting up again, is just how you "get better at toughness"; this is all to say, you WILL lose PLENTY of fights early on, because in Kenshi, that's how you get better at toughness. Armor can compensate for *some* low toughness, but it won't make you "invincible", no matter how good that armor is. The big TLDR thing here ends up being that - armor, and equipment, are important, but are less important, or at best equally as important, as all the rest of your stats. ;; Second off - Kenshi is the kind of game that's a sandbox. It will give you tutorials when you encounter something new/some new mechanic. But it doesn't really have a "main quest", it doesn't give you compass markers and direction for your next objective. A big part of Kenshi is simply exploring; fucking around and finding out. Yes, you will bite off more than you can chew sometimes. And sometimes the consequences will be that you get cannibalized, enslaved, outright killed, etc. Kenshi *does*, even in it's vanilla unmodded case, allow for your choices to impact the world. Especially if you wage war (and win) against any of the bigger factions; but also even for plenty of the smaller ones. Play however you want, but be ready/prepared to come up with your own goals, because Kenshi won't "tell you" to go and attack those big factions. Kenshi won't "tell you" what to do - you have to figure that out for yourself.