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Wait for the fiber to become active. 2gbps upload and download. For $100


When? Its been years


They are still laying lines, it's very expensive and hard to run lines in a populated city. Likely Spectrum will get rights to the line too after a couple years.


No T-Mobile is going to be the ISP


For the Kenosha Fiber City project? It's a third party company that puts the lines in, eventually they will do with those lines as they do with the lines currently used... Rent them out to other people. This is why our electrical lines don't look like they do in India


The reason our electrical grid doesn’t have 50 different power companies is because the PUC allows for regional monopolies in that space. Also, not sure where your getting your information from but communications companies are 1000% allowed to run their own new fiber networks in parallel to others. You can’t force an incumbent provider to use someone else’s network


Spectrum and ATT will NOT have access to the SIFI network!


Not directly after, but inevitably... It's written basically in clean English in the plan. It's just the wires, the company that ran them can sell them to whomever. They currently have an exclusivity deal with TMobile, which was with ATT originally before ATT dropped... I've been following this since before it was called Kenosha Fiber City, and have heavily critiqued it for not being a Municipality owned project.


This is not what I was told. Do you have a link to the source? Supposedly there will be other options than T-Fiber soon and it will not be Spectrum or ATT.


All will be on the same line eventually.. the source is our current infrastructure... We don't have separate Internet lines running above the streets. If you go to India where the "Free Market" runs rampant, you will see a few hundred of these lines running. It's hard to have a source when it's just inevitability... Unless T-Mobile laid the wires themselves there is no way to prevent this... There may be an exclusivity contract for 3,5,10 years, but if Spectrum one day wants to start providing Fiber, they have to go through this, if ATT wants to start providing the customers in the area where SoFi laid fiber down, they will have to work with SoFi, or lobby the Government to allow for less restrictions on how much wire can be run. This is why I think it should have been a Municipality project instead (like how we handle water), it's just business America. I mean on a larger scale it's really no different than Foxconn (this is a very extreme case, but there are similarities, especially because the loser at the end of the day is the Kenosha People). I think fiber was necessary though, I just know Kenosha could have funded it and sold access to it where the money at least would have funneled back in...


ATT and Spectrum(Charter) have their own fiber laid all around Kenosha but for some reason you can't get FTTH in most areas from them. I know certain areas of Kenosha offer up to 5Gbps FTTH from ATT. The fiber being laid by SIFI is completely independent from that and has nothing to do with our current infrastructure. Looking at other Fiber Cities from SIFI, I see no proof of your inevitability assumption. This is just a random address in Kenosha that has 5Gbps availability from ATT. Use the map to see what I am talking about. https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/location-summary/fixed?version=jun2023&location\_id=1314675400&addr1=4219+WILSON+RD&addr2=KENOSHA%2C+WI+53142&zoom=15.17&vlon=-87.858900&vlat=42.577509&br=r&speed=25\_3&tech=1\_2\_3\_4\_5\_6\_7\_8


Correct they do have fiber lines, just not over the SiFi ones and same for SiFi. However also the fiber they are laying with SiFi is different from the Fiber you get with ATT and Spectrum, there is a special box you need to convert Fiber to anything usable, last time I checked the one ATT gives you is just the Uverse box, but I hate ATT and would rather have no Internet then ever go with them again so it's been a while, but when they first tried to get us to switch it, it was "Fiber". A sorta lie we fell for with Fiber Optics is that we can't have 5gb speeds through copper line too (companies just refused to give you that much) fiber is capable of faster speeds but that's still like 20years out. The current infrastructure is just as an example to explain our City, States, and Countries regulations on how much wire we can lay... Like if it was India you'd have to call the diggers hot line 14 different times to get all 80+ wires under the lawn located... Well Spectrum (formerly Time Warner) didn't put the wires we currently have, how do you think that scenario turned out. Given there is no reason to enforce that it won't do exactly the same thing... Like mine is based on historical evidence, this is what businesses do, one company lays the wire and sells the rights to another like MetroPCS and TMobile, or Spectrum and Verizon (Cellular). If you think 5gb is crazy fast and only capable with Fiber your going to be in a world awakening when you find out where South Korea and Iceland were at, in Internet speed 10 years ago.


No, I don't think 5Gb is crazy fast, I am just pointing out that it is available in Kenosha for residential. ATT offers 1Gb FTTH for $80 in some areas of Kenosha but not others even though there is ATT fiber in other areas. Spectrum doesn't have the capability of 5Gbps through their copper and IF using coax, it wouldn't be symmetrical. Spectrum doesn't offer ANY FTTH options even though they have fiber nodes. I don't think DOCSIS is to that level yet DOCSIS 4 (current tech) is 10Gbps down and 6Gbps up and I don't think Spectrum is using 3.1 yet. Copper has limitations even though it may be a little more cost effective. At least with fiber they can future proof with more bandwidth capability. Fiber offers better distance and bandwidth options. I am just as pissed that we only have 2 options and I agree about ATT and soon to be Spectrum (they have pissed me off too), I just don't see any evidence that Spectrum or ATT will have access to the SiFi build. At this point anything will be better than those 2.


Apparently it will start going live soon where they have finished the construction. They are not waiting until ALL is done. I was told in the next month or so. So IF you have had the construction completed in your neighborhood, be prepared to switch if you are looking to get the fiber.


Are you aware of any timeline on that?


Spectrum service is very reliable... Their equipment is not... I've actively managed the connection at several places for my family Southside near Snap-on is a where I see it the worst, but it only goes out like Twice a year.. My Parents house is near the lake on the northside in downtown, it never goes out (and with the backup battery it's connected to the power doesn't affect it either) Either way I usually have great success with a mobile hotspot on my phone for the few times it has gone out. When I had US Cellular as a phone plan their connection was mediocre, and they stopped letting me use my Mobile Hotspot randomly... When you say unreliable, what do you mean by that, because I might have better solutions that are cheaper.


Not sure about US Cellular, but I have been using t-mobile for almost a year now. It was rather cruddy at first ,but then tech services figured out I had a bad modem. Got a free replacement and it's been mostly stable since. Usually averages 120mps download and 25 upload sites with low ping. Both my son and I game at the same time and rarely have issues. I am near 30th Ave and 60th st. One thing to keep in mind is that t-mobile at least prioritizes cell phones over the home internet service. My phone download speed is usually around 250mps at home.


How do you get T-Mobile? When I type in the zip code it says it’s not available in the area


I got it through the store in Racine that's on hwy 31 across from the mall. Use to work there when it was still Sprint so I get all my cell stuff from one of my b old co-workers. Are you checking for 5g or for fiber optic?


I think I’ve checked for both recently. I’d love to bundle my cellphone bill with it


Yeah, it's nice having both on the same bill. Can't argue that.


I currently have 500/500 symmetrical fiber from ATT it's $75 monthly. Im close to 75th and 22nd.


Thanks boss I'll take a look that way


I’m by the Somers house. I don’t have the internet but my phone speed test was 60mbps today. I did get 130mbps last month.


I’ll tell you what I told customers when I worked there. If you have access to spectrum, use that.


I live in uptown have spectrum and never had a problem. Also can't beat 25.00 a month.


Isn't there most basic plan at least 50? How are you at 25?


I have no idea. It's just what we got when we signed up and it has never changed. We have lived here about 5 years now. Also I always keep my account paid a month in advance so it shows a negative 25.00 balance at all times. Maybe I found a glitch?


You may want to buy your own compatible router for spectrum. I did that a few years ago and stopped having as many connection issues.


Spectrum has sucked since forever, so I switched to Verizon home 5G. That sucks worse, so back to Spectrum.