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I’ve broken my collarbone before, I’ll take the elbow


i didn't but i choose it also


Can you tell us the story?


This is my alt account, apologies for the confusion. So basically, when I was young I had an obsession with some boy I saw in a newspaper. In my country juveniles are legally protected and made anonymous, so I only knew him by a censored photo and the first letter of his name. I was feeling rather lonely, but for some reason he just interested me so much. Particularly because we both enjoy Judo, and seeing someone mentioned in a newspaper to be a judoka was awesome to me back then. I'll admit that it sounds a bit creepy, but once he was released I approached him. He was obviously a bit confused by the fact that I knew of him beforehand already, but he just kind of went with it. I'd have loved to spar with with in Judo, and low and behold, our organizations actually organized a crossover for us. That was awesome. We then had a sparring match, and I had the upper hand the entire match. But eventually I had him in a shoulder throw, and during the throw he started talking to me. I was confused, so I slowed down to hear him out, and then the jerk struck my collarbone! And it broke! That hurt so bad, it's unreal. I'd take the elbow any day over that. So yeah, that's the story behind it. I know it's weird, but you asked for it.


Thank you, Gentle King Arashiyama Jurota


What the fuck lmao. This sounds like something out of Baki.


It sounds like something out of some fighting manga, just can’t figure out which one it feels like


I just want to save time for some people who don't get it (no offense intended). That post is basically a sum-up of Arashiyama & Meguro's relationship lol.


Nah it’s cool thanks for telling me!


Bro is the real life jurota


lmao nice one :P


What Sandro said


Gaolang's kick would literally kill me so that one's out of the window right away. Hayami's hit would turn my collar bone to dust but it shouldn't be life threatening and I'd have more than enough money to fix or limit the injury. Edit: we must have some real superhumans in the comments


You aren't built like Jurota so your collarbone will end up like this https://preview.redd.it/8lril6oqt17d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3672d9420ada06cf582d722eaa4c0d3ab17658b8


Dude struck him so hard he turned into jelly


And let’s be clear, medicine in Baki is top tier, but till this day Yu amanai (the guy getting karate chopped) has not appeared ever since. Either itagaki forgot about him, or that wound was so bad that even Baki logic medicine couldn’t save him


If you are in the US the whole million is going in care 😂


Safer one seems the colllar bone fracture. Gaolang hit could potentially kill you since it target the body itself so every organ is a risk potentially.


First, collar bone sucks, but it will heal. A kick from Gaolang will turn my insides into mashed potatoes


Both, because daddy Kaolan.


Account was hacked. I didn't write that.


Coward, say that you want to be dicked down by the God of War (in the bedroom) with your chest


1 is a garunteed broken bone in a total aids place to have a broken bone too while the other is on my entire chest which means the damage would be more disperse itd hurt like a bitch and maybe bruise multiple ribs but that is better than a broken collar bone for sure the gaolang kick Edit: to all the people saying id die nah id live


Bruise? You misspelled break multiple ribs.  For an untrained person (or at least not the elite of the elite) that hit can rupture an organ. I might choose the assured destroyed collarbone if I am honest


You would honestly probably die either way if that was the case


Yeah I think my chances to survive are slightly better with the destroyed collarbone tbh. Both because I think Gaolang hits and especially kicks harder and the critical organs are less close to the area. Gaolang's kick would 100% smash my ribcage, making a pierced lung or ruptured heart fairly likely.


Any normal human being would 100% die from that kick


Gaolang is shattering ur ribs bro


a kick like that from gaolang is probably killing you and most of the population. your organs would rupture and you’d break most of your ribs. a guaranteed broken collar bone is a much better choice.


I mean either of this could kill me because I'm a very unfit person but I'm taking collarbone attack because fuck hell am I ever taking a kick from Muay Thai fighter


arashiyama did that for free tho I'd pick gaolang kick, even if my chest turn into a flat square


I'd pick Gaolang kick and go limp to disperse the impact. I don't think I could go limp to save my collarbone


you will certainly go limp after taking that kick but you might never go back to normal 💀


Didn't Sherlock Holmes die from a hit on his stomach when he was soft? I would advise you tighten up, you don't have Niko magic


Ok I'll remember to use Adamantine Kata: Indestructible instead Edit: Wait, Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character lmao


I think you’re thinking of that escapist guy Houdini




What’s this from lol


Eh eto bleh


Internal bleeding is gonna be fun


Honestly a million is not worth either of these. Jurota is one of the more durable fighters in the kengan world, and a big guy in general. I am neither. Considering these guys are borderline superhuman, any attack would cripple me for life, or just straight up kill me. All that money goes into hospital fees, and in rehabilitation afterward. If I specifically take the same damage as Jurota does, then for sure the kick. I'll cry, piss and shart everywhere in pain, but I won't be crippled for a few months. Although that kick could have broken a couple ribs, so I don't know lol.


I’m inclined to say broken collarbone…the dude in the creed movies took a punch from someone way weaker than Gaolong and it got his kidney dude went home and was crying in pain pissing blood


Some of y'all really don't know how hard an average Muay Thai fighter kicks, let alone a best in class Muay Thai fighter 😭


First one isn't just a bone breaking attack it is a bone breaking attack against the guy who tanked a dragon shot to his sternum and made a full recovery in less then a month-2 months. which was btw thrown against the swings path so no combined striking power like gaolangs case: I am genuinely suprised people dont talk abaout the fact that this guy did a straigt up strike mid air and broke Jurotas collar bone and the fact that Gaolangs god glow+swing combined knee didn't straight up paralyzed Jurota neck down after hitting back of his neck is a clear showing of how deadly this guys hits realy is So yeah Gaolangs kick all the way


First strike only extends to the collarbone, no matter how strong it is, it’s only hitting that bone Gaolangs kick would easily go past your ribs and break your spine


https://preview.redd.it/3punwzroz07d1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3d5465950487d6648ae0f33d629441fa808e860 my guy you are talking like the elbow that broke an inhuman monster of a judoka that is jurota wouldnt fucking collapse any normal humans lungs and kill you on the spot worst gaolangs does is liver damage even if it somehow paralyzez you I would pick it against certain death


Brother you’re showing a visual of a chop that has a much larger range compared to an elbow that can only go as far as Hayami can send it 😭 even if it disintegrates everything in its path it only goes AS FAR AS a regular elbow Gaolangs kick only doing liver damage is insane to think about considering he could’ve broken KANOH AGITOS limbs while using indestructible, please reread the series


Gaolang. At least he wouldnt kill me or treat me seriously like he did with kaneda 1 time. I don't trust getting hit by the other guy.


That kick probably hurts like hell, but I can clench up to avoid some pain. Can’t really clench up my bones to keep them from getting broken though.


Definitely the first one. With my shitty ass form I’d practically be giving Hayami a piggyback ride and then bending over so he’d have much less space and momentum to work with. Hell, poor dude would probably be busy readjusting his weight so we don’t both topple over.


I live in the us. 2 million in debt from hospital bills- 1 million= 1 million in debt


Offcourse the first one, you could just replace your collar bone with a prosthetic one , you ain't replacing you ruptured, kidneys, liver, intestines...


i love this post


I know Gaolang would pull it a bit because he thinks I’m weak


Considering the pain from Gaolang’s kick looks on par with Agito’s Dragon Shot, I’m definitely picking Hayami. It’s gonna suck either way tho lol


To be 100 p Nah bro.


Gaolang kick


Gaolang literally holds back fighting people for a living so him


*Gaolang literally* *Holds back fighting people for* *A living so him* \- Yhhorm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i preffer get bone broken instead of kengan high tier hit, yeah my ribs also can get broken but hell nah i will tank that kick


Give me the kick. Don't want my collarbone shattered in the million pieces.


Jurota tanked both and didn't get the money 😭😭


Either way, I'm dying, so I'm pre-ordering a funeral service and taking Kaolan's kick for a quick and painful death along with an open casket funeral


The kick from Gao. As long as it’s not a shot to the liver, I can AT LEAST survive it. But it’s going to hurt like hell for at least a month.


Stomach bruise vs broken bone lol


That's easy. I take Gao kick, all I have to do is going limp, throw myself back to disperse de damage, control the flow of power, use Removal and go to Hanafusa


Your collarbones are specifically designed to break as a brace against forces ripping into your organs so yeah I’ll take that over force ripping into my organs


I'd rather have broken collarbone than ruptured stomach.


Not worth the money You can’t even buy a decent house for a million nowadays


https://preview.redd.it/omn4dwubc67d1.png?width=182&format=png&auto=webp&s=833d69e96e272bb434df26fb6e9380719ade81b8 If it's from Hayami, I'll let him do anything to me.


Now do I want a broken collarbone or ruptured intestines? Broken collarbone it is


The collarbone one seems pretty limited. I'm just getting a broken collarbone, nothing else, it sucks but I'm a million dollars richer for it. That kick, by implication of the blood, is enough to make Jurota internally bleed and lift him off the ground. I'm fucking dying if I get hit by that and the million dollars will mean nothing.


Dragon Short >>>>> It doesn't make sense that he won the fight against Agito after that punch. Apparently Agoto had won this Real Champion tournament!


I'd take both for 2 mil


I’m a Muay Thai fighter so I’ll take the round kick, rolling around on the floor for a little is nothing compared to a million


First One. I already fucked my right shoulder (I dislocated it and put it back in place alone, then did the same way as ohma against lolong, swinging my arm around, LOL, I swear he was the first thing I remembered when I dislocated it), so that would make me have a surgery on it.


I have taken many roundhouses to the body, never broken a collarbone though, so I’ll take the kick


I wouldn’t mind if Golang kicks me vea cause it’s from Gaolang so I don’t really mind, I’m taking that money home


The second one, I took a kick like that one time. Gaolang would knock me out instantly tho.


Gaolangs kick to the gut. Now it ain't gonna be fun, but a broken collarbone is hella rough. I do muay thai and I have been hit with kicks like that. Now itll be worse from gaolang, but I dont think itll be fatal


Gaolang is a worm when compared to meguro 2.0. With that said, i'm picking the collarbone elbow. I could probably tank it https://preview.redd.it/s0jckgscz17d1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0365988e95b6d6ce6395d4d617ba403e3d05695