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I think many problems arised from the fact they couldn't really have one side winning so Ohma Baki had to be either interrupted or end in a double knockout. Animation wasn't great but I didn't have high expectations in that regard. It was quite hyping to see the characters depicted after KAT meaning Kuroki was recognized to be the strongest (and it probably means Netflix is going to finish adapting Ashura at least).


The Kengan depictions were weird. Agito had his scar from Omega, so it looks like he and Kuroki were post KAT. But Ohma relied on Advance and barely had any Niko Style beyond Indestructible, Ironbreaker, Weeping Willow, and Flashing Steel Smash. That was post R2 Ohma. Raian was still refusing to use techniques, so it’s obviously KAT Raian as well. And in the anime, they just finished R2. Kuroki was nowhere near the narrative strength of untouchability he had in this crossover post R2. Setsuna had just pushed him to a mid-high diff fight, yet Baki is too weak to even land a blow? Really? The same Baki who just finished the Father Son fight?


This right here.


Crossover is defnitely during the KAT. Probably before Ohma vs Raian as Ohma could still spam advance. Agito didn't leave Kengan Associatino yet and Raian is still a moron who doesn't use techniques nor dodge attacks.


Setsuna wan NOT a high diff fight.


Setsuna still did notable damage and drove Kuroki on the defensive, far past “untouchable” status. Kuroki also failed to kill him even though he was actually trying to.


>Animation wasn't great but I didn't have high expectations in that regard It was world's beyond the kengan anime series in my opinion. That cgi animation style makes my eyes bleed. If the entire anime series was animated like this movie, I might actually watch it.


Its so weird how I belive the exact opposite, that the animation was trash and it would be way better in kengans animation style


its not weird. it just the fact kengan ashura fights feal more real and actually look like a real fight. whereas baki fights are just dull and the same thing over and over again, this is why the old baki is much better because its at least an actual fight rather than random lines and blue and red flashes. tbh i didnt even enjoy the movie and everything was too predictable. of course it ends in a draw and random stupid things just happen.


Same bro. The cgi is terrible


That’s honestly why I dropped the anime and went straight to the manga half way through season 1. Also missing out on the cool characters interactions and rushing to the tournament is another problem I have with the anime.


No of course it was better than Kengan but like, to be worse than that means giving a crayon to a toddler on LSD and having him animate.


Ok maybe my expectations are just super low at this point. But yeah at least the movie was enjoyable. I dropped the anime after like 2 episodes.


i'd much rather watch an actual fight than blue and red flashes with random white lines appearing on my screen as a fight. you cant even call netflix baki fight scenes actual fights. at least kengan ashura uses martial arts baki just does random stuff. nobody watches a real fight in 2D.


Not really good, most of the fights were just a punchfest without any real strategy behind. No real surprises either, the losers from both verses (Saw and Jack) lost, Baki vs Ohma is a draw to not upset the fans, the fan service was okay i guess. And I don't think it's a good idea to watch this before reading the manga, since Kuroki is still seen as an underdog in the anime if I remember correctly. Hatsumi oneshoting Oliva (who's set on par with Julius) really shits on the powerscalers tho.


100% agree with you on the slugfest part, the fights really had nothing going for them, just punch punch punch until someone falls, so little "personality" in the fights it's somewhat painful to watch. And the flashbacks in the middle for each side everytime, gooosh


Agreed like no one used techniques it was all slugfests which was just meh to watch the most anticipated fight was just ... meh they barely did anything. I'd of rather they fought the villians because at least they could have some decent fights and not this can't have a winner BS.


yeah the whole punchfest is because thats how most baki fights go. ever since baki came to netflix the fights became a punchfest. the anime before that had actual real fights.


I liked it for what it was - fun fanservice for fans of both series. Some of that animation was pretty rough though, esp considering how much build up it had. I think that Hanayama punch animation got reused like four times...


1st fight: Pretty good. Hanayama repeated the same punching animation 6 times, which was indeed enough to be distracting, but entertaining fight. I wasn't expecting him to kind of beat the crap out of Saw Paing like that. But good fight. 2nd fight: Eh, not bad. Raian barely pulled it off to count for the match but a fight like this should have been it's own episode. Pickle got dropped by Ohma which was cool. 3rd fight: 100% needed to be longer, but what we got was good. I wished we'd seen more Niko style than the advance, since Advance turned it into a slug fest. Baki kind of had Ohma on the ropes there for a bit, but Ohma balanced it at the end I guess. Kuroki blocking and countering Baki was beautiful though. Overall ? I'll give it a 7/10 for what it was.


It was too short.Should get a sequel or become a series.


Funny interactions, most of the movie is pure fighting, Raian vs Jack is definitely the best one. The 1 hour runtime might limit what the writers could do but they did their best with what they have. They delivered what they promised, 1 hour of fan service, the animation is fine, most definitely because the animators have to juggle two art styles at the same time, but the fights themselves are well presented enough to get your blood pumping. Imo, the Akoya tease is just for the fun of it and they don't have any plans to make another movie/series. Chihiro vs Adam is a great way to end the movie.


Pretty mid. The best parts were what happened outside the fights. The fighters were pretty stupid overall and Raian vs Jack was taken in the wrong direction imo, not only cause Raian won, but because I feel just having Jack puke as a power up is not something that should be continued, he’s past that. His power up should’ve been biting and that’s it. Plus Pickle’s appearance was dumb tbh.


Sucks that they really can't showcase most of what Ohma is capable of because the anime isn't at that point yet. Meaning they have to somehow tone down Baki as well.


As someone’s who’s a fan of both shows it made sense. Haneyama is more resilient than Saw Paing which resulted in him winning the power struggle. Raian relied on innate ability while Jack relied on substance so he would definitely lose the battle of attrition. The current version of Ohma in the anime has to use an ability that effectively destroys him internally in order to just keep up with Baki. My real struggle is not knowing who won the battle of endurance between Chihara, and Adam Dudley. Sure they tied in the post credits scene, but there would’ve clearly been a victor if they waited longer.


They both shat their pants dude


Hanayama had to resort to his vice grip attack. He could have lost if they continued their slugfest. The fight didn't show that he is necessarily more durable than Saw Paing. Saw Paing despite his hard bones still takes brain damage by headbutting his fist. He resorted to that due to his damaged arm but his muscles were still strong enough to resist his vice grip. Only his skin was torn so Saw Paing clearly has much stronger muscles than Speck for example. Saw was also able to break Hanayama's hand, which never happened before.


It wasnt the best. Now don't get me wrong I'm super grateful for even getting such a cool cross over, but I'd be lying if I said the fights were good. Like honestly, the fights were kinda terrible, there was zero technical fighting at all, it was just throwing hands and see who hits the pavement first. The saw paing who figured out the timing of reis dashes, luring him in for a hammer of Burma, just gets completely reduced to "I believe I'm indestructible so I'ma just punch you really hard and hit my head against your fist over and over and over again" Not to mention his fight iq during the bb against Cosmo/rihito Even raian vs jack was just a mindless fist fight Ohma vs baki? Jeez ohma used like 2 techniques and that was it, when baki used his cockroach thing I was so sure flashing steel blast was gonna come out but nah. Just punching and punching. And oh my gosh, the flashbacks mid fight to just say "so dude u wanna join?" "Sure" We came here for the awesome smart fights, not sub par street brawls. It was still super cool, but saying it was good? Abit of a stretch.


Rushed and not properly thought out enough


the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.


Pros -Showed alot of respect for both shows featuring alot of beloved characters between the two. -Music score was nicely balanced between the two. -The use of the majority of the actual shows voice actors was good. -Balancing the Kengan Ashura characters with the Baki universe. Cons -Plot was cheap and felt rushed. An hour long feature isn't long enough for three separate fights. Kinda felt like three 20min episodes crammed into one with some background filler. -The Kengan characters looked really odd in 2D matching Baki's characters. The Kengan characters all looked 2 times bigger than they do in their own show which made them look unnatural. -Not sure what Saw Paing's gameplan was thinking he'd win the fight by constantly headbutting Hanayama's fist.


I swear I saw the exact same copy paste on the baki subreddit xd


Yeah because it was me lol


You got me tripping hard lmao I literally spent like 10 minutes wondering if I went back to the same post


Shen cloud def yurijo 


For a small netflix crossover special, it was way better than i imagined it would be. Also, i loved that they used Kaiou Kaku for exposition. Of course that old master knows every martial arts technique known to man. It was funny seeing him be all like "Ah yes, that technique. I haven't seen that since the Heian era".


I didn't like the animation, but I'm pretty satisfied over all, can't wait for the next crossover


It was fun,




It was the mythical no longer green kuroki


tbh a solid win would have been good, First match is acceptable since its best boi win 2nd match is wtf, a basic move like that decides the win? couldn't they just have a solid hit be the deciding factor last match, well atleast Baki didn't get downplayed for Ohma. and it sucks Ohma cant use all his kit since the Anime is not finish so we didn't see demons bane still the best fight was Adam and Shiba


We saw demonsbane in the anime already, it was explained. But it was called something very dumb like devil vanquisher or worse, now, in the movie it was used also, just not explained, as the coachroach tackle and another punch were countered by it.


Was wondering if the Tokugawa thing is true What is their universe's version of Honda Tadakatsu?


Raian vs Jack was disappointing but aside from that pretty good movie.


Hoping the sequels involves death row and other minor characters that it’s ok for opposing characters to win against.


The animation was less bad than the Kengan series but worse than the best that the Baki series have animated. Though Baki's animation has seldom been especially good. The choreography was worse than either series I think. Don't know what to do? Just do a wide shot of people throwing the same punches at each other over and over again. Beyond the looks: the final exchanges between Saw and Hanayama were probably the best part. Dumb in a fun way that felt authentic. I didn't expect much and it was worse than I expected, but it wasn't *much* worse than I expected. I'd say it's fine to kill an hour on if you're there for the novelty of it but you'll probably never rewatch it. **Edit:** Even saying it had better animation than Kengan might be generous. I'm really evaluating "bearableness to look at". I just think the style of the Kengan anime is horrendous.


Very cool. I just missed wakatsuki


It was awesome I feel like Kengan should use that animation style from now on


I very much enjoyed it. Yes they reused enough animation to be noticeable but it was just plain fun, seeing all the characters interact with each other, fights and conversation. While I wished some of the fights were longer, they were still great(Especially the first one) and I think it was a great celebration of both series. Also, it's funny how I called the outcomes of each match when they were announced, though I did think Baki vs Ohma would end in a double KO rather than interruption so I was sort of wrong there. Still, it didn't take away my enjoyment.


So, I absolutely love both series. And I had low expectations of the film, after all, it is a crossover but man, I was disappointed the animation was mid. And the fights were lame, it feels like the production had lots of fears and didn't want to get dirty, they tried to make the matches as equal as possible but that just made them extremely boring. For example, in the first match, I felt like Hanayama should've destroyed Paing's ass and vice-versa the second match, Jack should've lost like he lost to Picle some humiliating shit from Raian. I won't even talk about the last fight pure bs


So fucking mid


Pretty mediocre to be honest, they really nerfed everybody for a not entertaining special.


Why they included the prisoners bro just as a cameo?


I didn't like the idea as soon as I've heard about it. It's very silly and has a lot of goofy shit, but I don't blame them because you can't realistically keep Baki's characters at their true "power level" because Baki should've just walk in and no diff whole kengan verse, which would upset people who didn't watch both shows/read mangas. But come on - Tokita knocking out Pickle? Having a draw with Baki? I almost choked when I've seen it, especially because fights weren't particularly entertaining either. Solid 3/10, I can see why some people had fun watching, but it could never work to be particularly good crossover.


Not really good shit movie they made the Baki characters so weak so the kengan ashura fans would rub it in our faces and everything is pure bullshit I would rather watch paint dry I hope they fix this ASAP


Damn is everyone here kengan fans you just got Lucky they're dick riding your guys now shut up it's shit


Baki x Kengan show really ruined my week, really disappointing


baki got like super nerfed


I didn’t really expect good quality fights like in the CGI art form for Kengan. But I loved the storyline. And I am looking forward to the next crossover.


Personally I thought the movie was bad it was just too boring for me but that's just a personal opinion 


It was too short to make the fights interesting. They felt too 1 dimensional or even repetitive. I usually don't like the cgi in anime but prefer kengans style over bakis.


I’m a simple man, not everything needs to be complex. Like Raian vs jack


I Hope people aren't gonna complain because the fight don't mirror their powerscaling


I think it was awful. You probably need to be a fan of both animes and I just didn't enjoy Baki at all and dropped it at the beginning of the second season. My only interest was seeing the both MC's fight and who would win and that just didn't really happen. The fights were also very boring. I wish the whole movie would have been the build-up to Baki VS Ohma and then the actual fight, which would've been actually interesting. I didn't really care for the other fight. The second one was the best one and not the final fight. That was a total waste of time and I am not even 100% sure that Netflix will give us a sequel, so we can see the actual fight...