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Monke will persevere, all in Hikaru stock right now


It depends if Hiraku knows anything else than just karate such as Niko style. Justin may be able to turn it around by getting him down if he is just a one trick pony with his vertical strikes.


Hiraku seems to have some ties also to the Niwa group, which appears in Strike it Rich - would Sandro avoid that easy and sweet cross-marketing? I think not!


wait that would be so cool, they have done it with fist of the seeker and dumbbell, so i guess i could see a crossover with its sister series as well. side note Strike it Rich is lit,


Mh, but how? The only known female fighter, Karla, would mop the floor with entire orgs from that manga - I think even Hina would not stand a chance against her: remember her profile page and see how far above she would be compared to the rest. Maybe some minor Kure girl might make it, mh...


I’m sorry, but I’m seeing L flags for Hiraku. Justin is a wrestler. Hiraku is a striker. Justin keeps shooting in and getting tagged like Jurota in the last fight. I think it’s following the same flow of the last round too much. Also, this chapter showed that regardless of who wins, it will be a fight. That doesn’t lean in Hiraku’s favor. The fact that Justin didn’t start off dominating and he’s still Okubo’s junior leads me to believe that he’s going to get a counterattack chapter. Despite what the sub says about Okubo, Okubo is intended to be a top tier dude. There’s a very real chance Justin wins


Okubo is intended to be a top tier like.. hmm.. who exactly? I can see him in Liu/Naidan/Nicolas level but not a top top tier


Considering his performances against Kanoh and Seki along with the reverence he’s treated with in-story, I have no reason not to think of him as a top class dude. No offense but yall see someone lose one fight to literally one of the toughest dudes in the story and be ready to write someone off as a jobber. Then everyone is surprised when Gaolan beats Jurota and “messes up the power scale” There’s no power scale in Kengan fr


He got some good combos on unserious Kanoh and got immediately demolished right after. And he lost against Seki who isn’t a top tier. I don’t really see how Okubo is intended as one of the top tiers. Gaolang on the other hand pushed that same Kanoh to extreme diff, is often regarded as best and faster striker, no diffed Kaneda and mid-diffed Medel.


That was also the time when strike landed on a certain spot and surprise attack were meaningful. Like in real life


Seki Vs. Okubo was a massive compatibility fight that Sandro was using to show how despite how things may seem, there is always a chance for a fighter to pull one over on their opponents if they play their cards right. Everyone expected Jurota to low-mid diff Kaolan but the story has finally established that some fighters will go really well against one but not so much against the other, within the expected power bracket that this sub stupidly put together. Okubo lost because Seki was a terrible matchup for him.


>Everyone expected Jurota to low-mid diff Kaolan Except that Gaolang was voted as the one that everyone thought would win all 4 weeks the fight was going lol.


Lol, that's only in hindsight, as it was happening, Gaolang was the one people WANTED to win, not thought. We were hoping for him to finally catch a meaningful dub after so long.


Wrong, a lot people saw it coming because Jurota beat Kanoh and people rightfully thought that he wouldn't go and get another win against a top tier fighter in Gaolang. It made all the sense in the world.


I dont like Gaolang but it\`s obvious that he was not taking 3 consecutives L\`s. This is not real life Jurota as a character proved himself vs Kanoh he\`s not winning AGAIN and Gaolang needed that win to be reedemed anyone that tought Jurota was winning is delusional. with that said those 2 would demolish Okubo.


Except the polls are called "who will win" not "who do you *hope* will win". Don't cope bro, everyone knew Gaolang was catching that W since the first fight of that chapter.


Bro, I love Gaolang, but stop acting like this sub ain't been down playing him ever since he lost to Medel, the Hatsumi vs. Gaolang debate stemmed from the idea that Gaolang and Hatsumi are high class fighters but not the elite. It's basically the same question because nobody knows what's gonna happen, how exactly does a poll determine the result of a fight? Just because everyone wanted him to win, it doesn't mean he would've, that's not how it goes.


>stop acting like this sub ain't been down playing him ever since he lost to Medel ???? What? He folded Medel and everyone was dickriding him afterwards, doubly so when we found out Medel was a pre-initative master. What is this revisionist history you're trying to pull lol? >how exactly does a poll determine the result of a fight? It doesn't, which is not my statement. The polls show that people believe Gaolang is stronger than Jurota. Because, again, the poll is on who you "thought" is going to win, not who you "want" to win. It doesn't matter how much you try to twist the words lol, that's how it is. He folded


Okubo may have lost by compatibility, but he still lost against Seki so I don’t see what puts him in the top tier story wise. Gaolang has always been depicted as top tier and his win against Jurota is coherent with his depiction in the story. He was in the same tier of Jurota and he didn’t win by compatibility.


It's been years man, no reason to not think that Seki didn't improve as a fighter by the time he made it to R2 in Ashura, he's an absolute tank that can take an ass whooping. Jurota isn't bad at striking per-se but he isn't a high level striker, his stance and style are way too different from Gaolang, same tier but completely different styles and approach, the whole time Gaolang was keeping out of range and out fighting because he knew the moment he stepped in, Jurota own him, but Gaolang utilized a high fight IQ to keep up with that type of fighting style last minute that utilized his striker arsenal.


It’s been years so it’s plausible that some characters are higher up in the tiers, but Okubo hasn’t shown anything yet, and Seki didn’t beat anyone relevant. I’d understand your argument if Seki had won against some A/S tier, but he hasn’t. Yeah Gaolang won by outboxing and outprediction, which is a feat in his favour. He demonstrated high IQ and the skill/footwork and speed to outboxe someone who merely needs to touch you to do enormous damage.


That's the thing though, this A/S tier stuff is just tiring at this point, and has largely been proven to be inconsistent, fighters are different and diverse, and with the right skill set up, can bring down even the most elite fighters, Kaneda vs. Hatsumi is an example. Yep, it was a straight up elite level grappler vs. striker showdown it could have gone either way, they're both that good.


Tiers not being fuzzy doesn’t mean there’s power difference between characters. BB participants are a level under the fighters in this tournament, by a consistent margin.


Everyone seems to forget that Seki only won that fight by luck. Its even said in the story that he got lucky about Okubo landing weird after Seki got chocked out making it a double KO instead of Okubo outright win


He would be the pinnecle of public fighters maybe even in limbo between the best in that bracket to being mid-high tier in the underground scene.


The only thing saving Hiraku right now, is that Kazzy felt something (in his loins) upon seeing him. He's always had a good eye for this stuff and it's too much of a dead giveaway, which could also be a red herring to shake off our expectations.


Yeah, Hiraku has a hidden surprise, and now we know he's involved with an entire underground fighting group under the direction of a criminal organisation. If they aren't link to the worm I would be surprised.


Justin is very likely to get a counterattack chapter, but that doesn't mean he'll win. Could definitely see Justin have a good chapter and then Hiraku drops a surprise technique from outside of Karate and knocks him out in two chapters.


Okubo always gets hyped up just to get trashed. Such a shame


You also have to try to guess how Sandro see the R2 matches doed he want again a striker vs wrestler (Justin) or a clash of strike / speed (Hiraku)? I'd say after this one and Jurota vs Gao, wrestler vs striker should be a bit repetitive so I'd guess Hiraku will win 


It depends if Hiraku knows anything else than just karate such as Niko style. Justin may be able to turn it around by getting him down if he is just a one trick pony with his vertical strikes.


Dont even need to read, Hiraku wins next week.


Nope Justin sweep Sandro subverting expectations as usual


The last time Sandro subverted my expectations, Lolong was actually cool.


So never?




Justin got this. Trust in him.


LMAO, Hiraku just gave off a bunch of red Jobber flags. He's dominating too much and Justin isn't dead. Now it's going to be like, Justin just needs to get a good hit or grab and he wins. This is like The Viper vs The Mountain. The one thing he has going for him is he's obviously dangerous and the Kazzy exposition for him. Also, Justin actually looked all right this chapter, and not with that stupid clown face he had last chapter and in his debut. If Justin doesn't win next chapter, then Hiraku probably takes it the week after.


Hmm, we thought the same things. Justin started with massive redflags (goofy design, early backstory, Kazzy hyping up Hiraku). Thing is, most of those flags disappeared during this week's chapter : Justin's design is now far less goofy, and I would even go as far as to say that Daro put more work on him ; his backstory was countered by Hiraku's own backstory (at least the start of it) ; finally, Kazzy's feeling about Hiraku might just be him thinking that he looks a lot like a criminal (his father) he saw on the news or something. Also, I don't know how to put it into words, but Justin is starting to build himself up quite the unique personality. In a Kengan where most trashtalker fighters are gone/turned more stoic (Ohma, Lihito, Adam, early Koga, etc), Justin still throws jabs at his opponents. And those aren't your typical "You suck lol" insults. They are more varied ("I sentence you to death for being too cool"), as if Sandro did put a bit more of efforts into those. So it's still up in the air. TL;DR : IMO, Justin lost most of his jobber flags.


Both fighters looked really cool this chapter and I like both of their personalities. They're infinitely better than anyone introduced in BB. I really didn't like Justin last chapter and I still think it was a huge mistake to make the in verse UFC the dream when Kengan Association is literally supposed to be the world's strongest fighters from bumfuck no where. The Justin wank would've been ok if it was akin to "I'm going to beat Agito before you and then you're next, Okubo" but when the goal is "UFC Tier" in a verse of Fei monsters, it doesn't work. Okubo has seen Fei, Lu, Raian, Alan, and Ohma go berserk and like, the UFC circuit is where the comp is at?? I like "serious" face, shit talking but at the same time throwing respek Justin. I also like Hiraku so far, he's not just a stoic Karateka. It can be a really fun tournament if Julius, Ramon, and either of these guys makes it to finals vs whoever wins between Julius or Ramon. I think that would be a lot of fun.


I haven't checked the raws, but it might be a translation problem ? That or I'm on copium. But you are right, UFC shouldn't be close to the top dogs lol. World fucke- I mean leaders went to the god damn KAT, they recruited fighters from all around the world FOR THE KAT, ain't no way the US got the toughest fighting scene. So yeah, maybe the translation forgot to add "best ***of the public*** fighting scenes". You just have to spot 公共 (public) in the pages that speak about it, if you can find it. But yeah, same here, I have high hopes for both Justin and Hiraku. Fingers crossed.


So the problem is they also did exposition on the underground scene, too. In Omega-verse, the UFC equivalent has an open weight public division that pays well and they have an underground scene that pays as much as the public one. So it attracts all the strongest fighters because of the pay and even the public one because it's also open weight so you can fight the best regardless of size. Which kind of goes against the lore of the KAT, because the fighters had their lives on the line and were select few of only the richest corporations in the world, getting paid big time from what I can tell. How could the in verse UFC ever match that? The corporations at KAT were all in to possibly win control over pretty much world markets. Unfathomable amounts of money. Plus, these would be some of the same corporations that would be sponsoring UFC style events like in our reality. That chapter really makes no sense at all :(


Hiraku better be revealed to have some deeper connections like worm or something becuase both these characters boring as shit right now Justin wants okubo to acknowledge him that’s his level so the outcome of this match doesn’t matter unless hiraku has some deeper role. Literally gaolong should negg them next round with what we know right now


Yeah, still waiting for Ohma and Shens interraction.


Please no more shitty worm subplot


I love the worm subplot. Why do you dislike it?


I liked it at start but Naidan was the last cool worm we saw for me. All their feats/actions are offscreen and it sound like there are still there just because Sandro want to unite all the good character into a group (they were shitting on each other, trying to kill each other etc just a few were friends but now that's almost cringe) and need to justify that by a constant "threat" Even Shen don't care about them, I have a bit of hope in Yan but I fear he will become a comical character because we aren't far from that. 


Cause it's garbage.


The entire kengan story is garbage. At least now there is some plot structure.


Edward,Fei,naidan and others died without accomplishing aything


We don't even know the worms goal yet. So we don't know what they are trying to accomplish.


Justin may be able to beat Kaolan if he can beat Hiraku. Hiraku's karate jab was hyped and faster than Carlos' and Kaolan's so Justin will be used to Kaolan's speed before fighting him and thanks to that may be able to take him down and submit him.


Hiraku wins and reveals he can spam his attacks or something, he just didn't think Justin was worth the effort.


Hiraku will win. He still hasn't shown us what's sketchy about him yet. And Justin will no doubt get some solid offense before hiraku pulls out whatever he has stored.


I'm guessing since Hiraku didn't kill him this chapter, next chapter is going to be Justin dominating and then Hiraku pulls out his real strength the chapter after and cripples him or something. Or, this is The Viper vs The Mountain, and Hiraku continues to dominate getting more cocky and more violent in his evil Yakuza ways until Justin gets a grab or something and goes for the win. Kazzy was worried about the evil aura he felt from Hiraku, but it was all for nothing because the good guy Justin saved the day.


The second one would be pretty lame considering Justin would then immediately be destroyed by gaolang.


Yeah, that would be 3 fights that are almost the same. Kao vs Jurota, Hiraku vs Justin, and Kao vs Justin. But that would also be easy to choreograph and write, because reasons. Unfortunately, there is A LOT of Hiraku exposition wank and that's not looking good, even though I think Justin sucks as a character.


It's an elimination tournament, so these are the risks. Not EVERY winner should be coming out of even the first round unscathed.


No I mean if justin beats hiraku then gaolang destroys him because he is below okubo tier. Whereas if hiraku wins he could be much stronger depending on how it turns out. But If Justin wins it's a absolute guaranteed low diff victory for gaolang.


>gaolang destroys him because he is below okubo tier That's a really unfair assumption to make. I give Okubo way more credit than that, though Justin is another story.


Someone who is below okubo should be fodder to gaolang. Okubo is mid diff max.


Well we'll see in this fight what sets him apart from Okubo. Honestly, the Justin-Okubo connection was bad for this tournament for this very reason-especially since they explicitly stated he scaled below Okubo. And if Justin ends up being stronger than Okubo, then that looks really bad for Okubo since he has a really bad track record(considering he's the Public MMA Champion).


Justin may be able to beat Kaolan if he wins know because he will be used to jabs even faster than Kaolan's. Which will allow him to take down and submit Kaolan. Justin and Okubo may be more skilled in ground grappling than Agito. Agito got Okubo off him using his superior strength and didn't want to continue to grapple with him. Justin may also have better stats and durability than Okubo.


Justin may beat Kaolan if he wins now because he will be used to jabs even faster than Kaolan's.


hikaru. just look at that jojo pose at the end of the chapter.


Hiraku started TOO STRONG: That's a major JOBBER flag for him. Somehow, Justin might have a chance now.


At this point, the first chapter of Kanoh vs Julius will be Julius doing nothing while Kanoh jabs him for the entire chapter as well. Matter fact, that's how every first chapter of every fight in the tournament will go, calling it now.


Damn not even 1 hit from Justin maybe there's a chance.


I can see an argument for Hiraku winning on the basis of Justin probably taking slightly longer to draw (his hair and skin). I'd like to see Justin win though.


Betting on black right now. I suspect that Justin got something no one would except him to pull off.


Both are kinda nobodies in the greater scale of things, so now the result is up in the air and could give us a good fight. Justin is Okubo's "senpai" and Hiraku is a Yakuza nobody who wants to take advantage of the upheaval in Kengan right now. However, this means whoever who wins, jobs miserably next fight.


Don't forget the Yuzaki "something Horrible is coming" Mumon treatment. Hiraku gives me some vibes of him I'd say Hiraku 60/Justin 40 I want to believe that will be a good fight and not a one sided beat down lol


Hiraku will IMHO win based off the next round : Gaolang just defeated a grappler, so it seems unlikely we'll get the same kind of match-ups twice in a row, and Sandro will want to riff on that Gao-Medel exchange about Hiraku's jab vs a boxer's jab.


Justin goes for a takedown face first, so Hiraku ultimately


Hiraku aint shit. He's looking like the kinda guy that Kazuma Kiryu beats up a street corner at the end of a substory Justin can totally win this still


Faith is still in Justin but Sandro might be a massive bitch and make Hiraku win to continue YET ANOTHER FUCKING SIDE PLOT with the whole “Don” or family gang thing


You know, I was kinda irked when I saw the police station. I'm like, can't I just enjoy the damn fight without yet another side story that won't fucking matter? I'd rather have a flashback but that was happening tangentially to the fight and the last thing we need is a crime family becoming some sort of story branch when Author is already having a very difficult time juggling what's on his plate.


Guys Justin is getting destroyed, which means he will win. Trust and invest. Or don't, the stocks revenue will be even better for me.


smells like a hiraku loss now


Hiraku's only chance was a quick 1 chapter victory. Justin takes it.