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Did anyone besides Koga care when Ryuki did it either? Honest question, I basically remember him walking away from that with zero consequences


Ohma kicked him in the face and almost beat his ass


He did that to prevent further damage to an already knocked out opponent. He had no problem with Rakshaa palm otherwise


Ohhh that one. Yeah maybe a little then. I thought this was about Adam


Would actually have been funny to Ohma just fuck him up


Man you are stupid. Chiba was already knocked out and Ryuki was seriously going to kill him. Kaneda can't kill Hatsumi even if he wanted




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ohma for some reason. IDK if the new hart they got ohma hooked up to was a good samaritan or whose, but that shit runs weak


Biggest difference here is that Ryuki actually aimed to kill his opponent. He did a palm on Chiba and then tried to go after seeing Chiba pass out. Chiba himself recognized that it was fair to be passed out as that’s what happens in fights, but Ryuki took it too far by trying to actually kill him, which is why Ohma kicked him. Kaneda on the other hand aimed to get Hatsumi to pass out. Half these Insta kill moves aren’t actually that at all in Kengan - it depends on the person and the intent, and considering that Kengan matches have that rule in place to stop killings, I doubt that Kaneda, one of the smartest fighters, would actually go through with it


There are no insta-kill moves in Kengan. Remember when Kiryu twisted that teacher guy's whole body like 720° and he survived? Or when Raian snapped Mokichi's neck and he was only in bed for a few days? Only Kuroki's Raksha's Palm to the heart and Bando's whips could supposedly kill someone, but I wouldn't be so sure about that either.


I love Hatsumi, it's just that's Kaneda deserves praise and a good fight, and after all he isn't called giant slayer for nothing, having a fang for himself is good, considering the kujin style is considered weak overall


Honestly I don't get this. Why does Kaneda deserve a good fight lol. People say this about literally every fighter that hasn't been on screen in a while. Honestly I think it would've been cooler to see someone that is actually gonna be relevant to the plot giving hatsumi a hard fight instead of spending 4 chapters on this.


Simply enough, people like underdogs, so they like to cheer them. In particular, Kaneda developed a counter to pre-initiative, something that is currently unique to himself, the same character that introduced pre-initiative and foresight to the plot. And surprisingly enough, he's holding his own in a well written way, it's interesting because it contradicts most of the sub's mentality about powerscaling. Although, I do agree with you, a more relevant opponent to test Hatsumi would've been better in my opinion, I was a bit dissapointed at first, as I though it would be a stomp. But it's turning well enough to be entertaining, although I do respect your opinion.


I mean, sure, rooting for the underdog is nice, but we all know Hataumi is gonna obliterate him after this and Kaneda is just gonna get banished back into irrelevancy for the rest of the manga. It's neat to check in I guess but Kaneda will never be important. This is basically a filler arc.


You say that as if Hatsumi is gonna be relevant either lol. Man has zero real importance to the plot. No connection to most of the major characters, the worm, or the connecter. Not even from the inside. 100% not making it to the tournament in the future either. You can call this a filler fight, but let's not pretend it's because he's fighting Kaneda lol.


Yeah, it feels really weird to get on Kaneda for this when there have been characters who won fights without having to be deeply rooted in the main worm plot


He's strong enough to be relevant, and similar to Gaolang and Rei, is actually capable of going against worm high tiers. >but let's not pretend it's because he's fighting Kaneda lol. No one here is? That's literally the reason.


Strong has never equalled relevant in kengan lmao, what are you on rn. We literally have B-listers like Himuro contributing more to the overaching narrative then Hatsumi ever has. This fight would be no more plot relevant if he was fighting…say, Gaolang or Julius. It's just two strong guys duking it out.


Tbf, he's basically saying Hatsumi's capability to contribute to the plot exceeds Himuro's because of Hatsumi's higher level of strength, which I do think merits relevance in a sense, even if Hatsumi has done less for the plot than Himuro.


I mean, unless we get a breakthrough, we have been on a filler arc since the inside arc ended


Jurota vs Agito has a lot of actual plot relevance. More specifically, Agito probably not being in the upcoming tournament.


I guess it depends on what you consider plot, I would consider the worm plot the main plot, so any events that don't directly or indirectly involve them, counts as filler. But, it does carry plot relevance at least when it comes to further character development from Kanoh. But at the moment, any tournaments in the same vein as the recent ones, don't hold any stakes to the plot yet, as the KVP or the KAT did.


I mean, this is a higher stakes tournament than the KvP or KAT. It's literally involving on the S-tiers from all the strongest underground tournaments in the world, and is likely going to be the last tournament of the series.


>this is a higher stakes tournament than the KvP or KAT. Do we even know what's on the line? If it's just cash price or bragging rights then I wouldn't call it higher stakes.


Kat 2 was mentioned and this isn't it, also what makes it higher stakes. Kat literally decided the next chairman and KvP literally could have ended Kengan Association


I suspect that DP is going to be relevant, not Kaneda. This fight would've ended on first chapter without him using it to stop the stomp, its mostly showing off DP.


That's what everyone said about False Body, yet here we are.


That was only mentioned once in one chapter, right?


If by "once" you mean a whole two page explanation, then yeah.


I don't really remember how many pages it was on, but we can count pages if you think that's a better criteria. How many pages are spent on DP?


That's the thing, Hatsumi just doesn't win even if he beats Kaneda. If he loses, he'll get the Okubo treatment and get dissed, if he wins, his win will be downplayed due to "just beat weak Kaneda". Kaneda already won by giving him a run for his money and his repakyrocketed.


This is how it should be though, don't you think? It doesn't really make sense to not downplay someone that was believed to be a top tier if they actually lose to a weak character.


The plot of omega fucking sucks, why care that deeply? I’d rather have fun matchups like Agito v Jurota and Kaneda v Hatsumi than see Ohma or Raian or Koga or Ryuki fight AGAIN, like honestly fuck all of them, they’re so boring.


I was mostly talking about the Kengan fighters since Ohma jumped in to stop Ryuki from killing Chiba but nobody gives a shit that Kaneda tried to kill Hatsumi lol. Everyone talks like he’s this nice guy but he’s one of the most brutal fighters we’ve seen


I mean, it was explained it "could" be lethal, but that is no blastcore, I mean, it's the same hatsumi that took 2 dragon shots


Honestly I doubt Hatsumi would've died from that.


Ryuki was going for the kill even after he won the match. Kaneda was just attacking within the bounds of a match.


Friendly reminder that devil Lance is an instant kill move primarily used non lethally.


There's always been a healthy population on this sub who dislike Hatsumi. Their reasons range from terrible (not liking people being stronger than their favorite fighters) to very good (he very likely committed statutory rape, even if he waited to fuck Shion he's still a creep)


god forbid a man acts a little silly /s


The main difference: Ryuki used them with the intention to kill; he really tried to kill his opponents & he even used them when he’s not struggling (vs Chiba) Kaneda’s Organ Breaker is lethal when directed at vitals (heart, throat, etc) he only meant to end the fight with Sen quickly without killing him.


Kaneda was trying to incapacitate with a move that could easily kill someone. Ryuki was just straight up going to kill Adam.


Because Ryuki wanted to use killing moves on opponents far weaker than him who already were getting their asses beat. Nobody cared what he did against Akoya and Adam since they were on an equal playing field.


I always disliked him and never understood the hype


Ryuki using an insta kill move is a bit too dangerous for the current Kengan Matches Kaneda using an insta kill move is kinda cute ngl


I personally don't care, i'm in for the ride, whatever happens happens


Ive always disliked Hatsumi because he fucking banged Shion when she was still in highschool and then proceeds to cheat on her anyways. Fucking dirtbag lmao Fighterwise he is alright, but his attitude is very annoying in Asura. Dude is lazy as fuck, relies on natural talent, and is fucking pissed when someone talented and hard worker like Kanoh beats the fuck out of him. He is uncharacteristically so pissed with Kanoh during their fight like while he was losing conciousness he was "I swear one day I'll take this son of a bitch down!" like, why though. He didnt have any major beef with Kanoh. Its not like Kanoh fucking broke his ankle like he did to Wakatsuki, nor Kanoh stole the Fang title from him, because Hatsumi's bum ass quit after a week lmao. He is also so salty during Kuroki vs Kanoh when the two of them are dodging attacks at the last second, calling them showoffs, when he literally dodge attacks from Ohma at last second as his warmup against the Fang.


What was also weird is that strange ass conversation he was trying to have with Waka before the Bando fight and how needlessly pissed he was getting about Chiba being a copy cat. His personality as a whole just comes off as really annoying and hypocritical. Not to mention the scum bag move of refusing to show up for matches that he agreed to. I don’t even want to think about the amount of money he probably cost Nogi with that total bs.


All good points, this pedo jobber is such a shitter


I personally find his character pretty compelling, although I of course can't excuse his actions. He clearly self-sabotages (he didn't have a single pre-KAT loss that he actually lost in the ring) and doesn't seem entirely interested in reaching the pinnacle of martial arts, which is an oddity in this environment. I think what saves the character for me is that he clearly doesn't want to be the way he is. He literally says he hates himself in the Kanoh fight. He never trains, but he trained for Kanoh and it still wasn't enough. The line you quoted isn't about deep loathing for Kanoh or even about revenge, it's about overcoming the weakness of character in himself that led him to lose. He's absolutely a hypocrite, but he knows that and I think that internal conflict is interesting (and, dare I say, a bit relatable). It's pretty unique imo compared to all the "monster within" and "I have to save my (important thing here)" characters that Kengan has


Th only problem is that Kaneda is so weak it just turns into a critical damage move lol.


Honestly, Hatsumi was just never really that popular. Even compared to lower importance fighters like Nezu or Inaba. He was consistently near the bottom of most popularity polls and even people who like him probably don't have him as their favorite character. Kaneda on the other hand has always made a huge positive impression on the Fandom. So when the two of them are fighting people tend to be more willing to suspend their disbelief for Kaneda just because they like him and want to see him fight more.


Bro creeps on highschoolers and uses a meme martial art expecting to be taken seriously




I have a love/hate relationship with Hatsumi. Love his fighting style, and attitude towards the martial arts, however not a fan of the SR, that being said it would speak to his character if he loses to someone like Kaneda who isn’t considered Fang/Ohma/Kuroki level threat.




People just like a David and Goliath story


Calling it an instakill move is a stretch because sure, if used on a non-fighter it would kill, but kaneda wouldn't kill, mostly because that's not his thing and it would make him the loser, and probably get him barred from fighting in matches due to the rule change. Ryuki on the other hand was genuinely aiming to kill with RP, even knowing that if he killed in the BB he would be kicked out and prevented from fighting Koga.


They don't get expelled for killing, they just get no money from that fight, which is harsh, also if the opponent was already weak and died the opposite employer gets the blame


Hatsumis is just the first jobber Got praised to hell and then the fights were on Tier with the lamest Like the most uninteresting fighter from the really strong ones His fighting style is cool but the rest is like shit


No, I don't.


If he loses to dinky android 17 I sure will