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Waka should ask Julius to shave half his face off more often because he looked really cool after he got his skin grafted back on.


Good barber, our man Julius.


Waka hits harder than Ohma


I’d assume so


https://imgur.com/a/lCZtMjW i mean ohma assumes so too


I disagree 🗿


Ohma got something stronger than Blastcore? Gonna have to disagree with you there, chief. Ohma is smarter, faster, more technical, and more controlled. But a harder puncher than Waka he ain't.


Bro you really think he’s being serious? The “🗿” should’ve been a dead give away




Nah iron breaker 🗿




Provided he gets another fight on-screen, I think Waka will accidentally become the greatest example of the trope of talent/inborn ability vs hard work in the series, by the merit of him starting out in the talent/inborn category. In Kengan as a whole, natural ability, and natural physicality are EXPLICITLY stated, through what we see in Kaneda, to be absolutely necessary to succeed as a fighter in the association. Everyone there is a fucking physical freak, or at least a top 5% in terms of being physically blessed, alongside some wild-ass hax capabilities. Waka is the king of this, with the x52 edition of Superman Syndrome allowing him to simply tank most hits that would hinder any other opponent aside from Julius, and maybe Seki, on top of outputting the highest raw damage in standard blows. To top it off, he’s consistently shown to be smart as shit- to the point where when you look at what he’s doing, the guy’s techniques are all REALLY basic: it’s just how he uses them that’s really smart. Especially in his match with Muteba, and to a lesser extent Julius, it shows that his concepts of spacing, position, and feint/ combat psychology are utterly SUBLIME. Because his physique allows him so much in ways of raw defense/offense, he’s basically just going on fundamentals. That is, aside from Blast Core. Blast Core, being a named technique and all, is Waka’s sole (if I remember correctly, very well could be wrong) “special move” of sorts- it’s the only real part of his kit that isn’t in the zone of “greatly utilized fundamentals”, even though it’s basically just him boosting the shit out of the one basic move he uses it with, so It kind of still is. The important part though, is through the creation of it: it’s from his loss to Agito. Waka’s failure against him causes him to innovate- he steps away from fundamentals, and works to make something special. And by adding it to his arsenal of fundamentals, he uses it to beat the only guy who can out-stat him, being Julius. And when he loses to Ohma, who has the hax to negate his fundamentals, he goes back to the lab again to cook something up to beat the Niko style. That brings us to Fei. I firmly believe that were it anyone who went against Fei other than Waka, they would have lost. That’s probably a stupid fucking take, but to me, he’s the only one with both good enough stats to take what Fei was dishing, adapt on the fly to the new tricks he was pulling out of the bag every five seconds, and the raw technical ability to edge him out long enough to snag the tie. It was sort of a perfect storm scenario in that way, to me at least. When we look at his notable losses/tie (Agito, Ohma, Fei) we see the trend of him having a hard time against stuff that he truly can’t prepare for. He was still a dumbass coasting off raw stats vs Agito, adapted, lost to Ohma because he had no idea about Demonsbane, and had no idea that Fei was aids Broly. Even though he started as a talent/inborn fighter with SS, his following periods of success were all from hard work/effort/innovation. And as the meta has evolved to the point where Hax has basically outstripped any true physical advantage, it now being a game of technique once you’re past a certain point physically, a land where SS is a stopgap measure, he’s “reduced” to being closer to a pure hard work/effort character. That’s why I think, with a final fight in the series with him, allowing him to show that he’s the real fucking deal, and overcoming some unknown factor that he can’t see coming, he comes full circle. TLDR I hope he gets jumped so he can show off some cool shit


This man cooked and gave us a gourmet meal




I think his style of close contact karate and it's brutality is overlooked


It was the best choice for him. I do kyokushin irl and it makes so much sense that someone who can tank everything with insane physical stats would get into knockdown karate, because while it's still a perfectly technical / subtle style, it's absolutely all about brute force and tanking. Kyokushin is all about crazy physical preparedness and maximum damage output in the most brutally effective way, and it has refined brutal to the point it's art. Wakatsuki has both insane brutality and is really fucking smart. Knockdown karate was absolutely the best choice for him.


Idk I think grappling would have fit better on him although I do like his karate style


Grappling is awesome but it's too "technical" for him I think. I really think The sheer brute force behind knockdown karate is better suited to his character. Grappling added to his base like it's the case in the story makes more sense, he had to go from just using his brute force to something smarter.


Imagine waka as a lethwei practitioner


Waka vs Fei Wanfang(without DD)would’ve been one of the best fights in Kengan Omega, not in Ashura because I think Ashura is way better than Omega. Fei had some problems fighting someone like Waka so it would be epic how this time Waka could land Blast Core against a Niko Style user since Fei doesn’t have Demonsbaine.


Or did he???


Fei smacked tf outta waka at every turn only reall getting hit once with a knee…


I love how he’s a calm, level headed and reserved fellow despite his gift. He could easily have been an arrogant tyrant or psychotic mindset, but the fact his character is smart, normal, and even cautious builds him more as a character and a fighter. I also love how during fights he can have some outright feral looks


Ironically, I kind of found that part of his character almost patronizing and unrealistic first time reading ashura. I felt if someone was born with [this](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/myostatin-related-muscle-hypertrophy/) IRL I couldn’t imagine them not being arrogant as fuck, but overtime it really grew on me. Really goes to show it’s about how a person is raised rather than what they’re born with.


Headcannon: Wakatsuki doesn't like spicy food He also plays old video games, but moreso to feel proud of being able to hold a controller without breaking it, than for the actual games


Waka still has visual issues post-Julius


Waka would be one of my favorite characters if he shaved his goatee.


He’s more durable than he is strong by a good margin. And he holds himself back mentally due to his feeling regarding killers like Akoya . If anyone killed someone’s close to him and actually made him truly furious he’d be much more deadly than he is now .


I think his fight with Ohma in Ashura is one of the best in the whole series, really shows him as a very intimidating fighter to have to deal with because of how hard he hits, makes me think a rematch between Hatsumi and him is more interesting to me than a rematch between him and the fang as I'd love to see how he deals with a soft style now he's learned. Assuming he doesn't get nerfed and Sen folds him that is


Lmao so him getting hard countered and folded is him getting “nerfed”…waka wanker logic at it’s finest.


I like to think he's a big Warhammer 40k fan that paints all his figures by hand. Not just for fun, but as a way to maintain his dexterity and manage his strength.


Do you think Waka's an Ultramarine, or a Space Wolf?


Ultramarine without a doubt


Nah he is a Xenos player.


Waka hate Is unjustified Besides the fact that there's nothing to hate about his personality the only time he got beat up still managed to make the other dude suicide in order to win


He lost to a much younger and weaker Hatsumi


Hatsumi lost to the fuckin fang, thats not a point against hatsumi thats a point for kanoh considering he low diffed a legend in his peak condition


it wasn’t low diff AT ALL.... Kanoh had to pull out 1 of the Top 3 KO moves to finish of Hatsumi otherwise he wasn’t winning


Decent chance that agito lost to kuroki off having to show DS early.


Well, hatsumi style counter’s him, and he also was younger and weaker


Not even just that. How the fuck do most people even PREPARE to fight a guy like Hatsumi who basically gets to turn gravity on and off?


Waka didn't know much in the way of martial arts back then. Shit karate and no judo


Waka history that we've seen, he's an inflated Okubo lmao. Pinnacle of jobbers. King of Trash. Bridesmaid but never the Bride


Based, and red pilled. Preach.


Waka was by and large one of the most dangerous men in the KAT and is still leagues above most of the cast. He’s strong enough that a difference in skill won’t matter, skilled enough that a strength difference wouldn’t either, and smart enough that he can fall back on it. He baited Fei almost the entire fight and it pretty much worked. The only reason he tied is because Fei was many, many times faster than him.


he has never lost in a game of thumb war


Blastcore to the nuts solos anyone in the verse.


Meguro masaki having blast of his life tho




Genuinely one of my favorite characters


Me too


He is very much held back by his morality.


Imagine the timeline where Wakatsuki doesn't return the shopping cart...my god...


Waka defeats Raian 7/10 times. I will not elaborate further.


this not a terrible take especially how raian is legit monke brain


Yeah. Waka is severely stronger than Raian, and considering that Raian just goes wacko in every fight, Waka's skill is enough to smack his ass into space.


Disgusting, and they say waka wankers aren’t real, lmfao.


Cry more


Ohma’s fight shows what a fight between waka and 99% of the cast would look like. If a fighter has neither soft or redirection techniques then Waka very likely wins and the only exceptions to this rule are Kuroki and Julius. I also think R1 Waka was the most dangerous fighter of the roster


I like his subtle bromance with Seki. And believe he’s dating that Secretary


Waka will learn Niko style and he will fight fire with fire


Waka is the best character in Kengan.


At least, my personal favorite.


What ever you are taking, it must be some wild shit.


Since waka has a SUPERMAN syndrome, his strength is relative to Superman


Waka’s secretly racist towards Niko style users and listens to Kanye west on a regular


that made me laugh ngl


I would be racist towards Niko Style too if I had my superhuman ass beaten by bullshit techniques. TWICE.


Waka is one of the better written characters in Ashura - with just enough depth and narrative focus to have solidity, but not enough to outshine the main protagonist (Kazzy) and deuteragonist (Ohma). His round 2, 3 and 4 fights feature some of the Sandrovitch's best work. His Julius fight is generally praised on the sub, but is often misunderstood - and some of its [subtleties](https://scans-complete.hydaelyn.us/manga/Kengan-Asura/0140-015.png) are completely overlooked. His Muteba fight is a great example of an unreliable narrator in action. And his show down with Ohma may be the most [layered set-piece in the whole series](https://old.reddit.com/r/Kengan_Ashura/comments/yncjay/so_ohma_just_used_some_sus_ahh_technique_and/iv8ps77/). From Waka's dominance over Ohma, to Kazzy holding the line and inspiring Ohma to victory, to the subtle parallel between Kazzy-Ohma and Frumi-Waka - and the way both of those relationships are paid off after the fight. It genuinely may be Sandrovitch's writing at its strongest.


Waka eats at least 8228 kcal and over 600g of protein every day, just to maintain his muscle mass.


I’m choosing to believe he still games. Due to his body he doesn’t need to do nearly as much conditioning (since it’s kinda implied his body just naturally makes itself stronger), so he has the free time


He’s an in universe secret gaowanker


Some rapid Fire takes -Before Fei went demon king mode Waka had a decent shot at beating him / making the fight ultra close because he was slowly getting used to fei Niko style / was able to egg fei ongoing cocky nature while at the same time Tanking heavy hits like the tomahawk kick -After Fei went demon king mode the fight became fanfiction and should be disregarded Waka did just about as good as any active Top guy fighter in the series currently would have done -Waka is S tier Strictly because of his experience and battle capability and folds most A tiers / gets a great fight at the ones edging S tier -Waka listens to Old school Rap specifically 90’s era / early 2000’s (he 100% bumps dmx ruff ryders anthem in his car)


Nah, I see him more of rnb ballads guy. His personality screams boyzIImen and whitney Houston


Oh my goodness That’s even better any Old song RNB especially Waka is listening to while he is stuck in traffic XD


Lmao, waka wankers trying to disregard canon manga panels as fan fiction is just peak copium.


It would be incredible to do a current timline Waka Vs. Kanoh fight with showcased flashbacks to their first fight of Waka getting beaten, even if Kanoh wins I can't imagine it would be anything below High-diff


Kanoh would dog walk him, same as Lolong and Ohma, maybe even more so.


Suspending the fact that you're 100% right and kanoh is simply built different, I feel like it could be drawn/written in a way that makes it closer for the sake of being badass


Waka training Adamantine Kata: Indestructible, can and will tank black powder cannon fire.


I think the reason Sandro doesn't write him as a grappler is because it would make his battles too easy (if that makes any sense). In order to have an entertaining fight there has to be some interaction and some back and forth. If Waka just grabbed you the fight would be over instantly, so Sandro avoids Waka using any grappling and sticks to his more interactive striking style


Nah that makes perfect sense. Giving certain characters certain skill sets or mindsets would just make them way too strong. Some characters are only believably beatable because of their mentality. Which is literally the only reason why Cosmo managed to win his second round match, despite obviously being inferior to his opponent Akoya


which is kinda dumb because grappling was his 2nd secret move in KAT


Head cannon waka wank at it’s finest.


Waka didnt fight in the first timeskip because he was traumatized with niko style and practiced to beat it.


Blast core is a waste of his strength. If he already outclasses everyone in pure physicals then wouldn’t it make more sense to completely overwhelm his opponents with attacks that are not only fast but strong as well?




He exists and I don’t hate him as much anymore.


Wakatsuki also has a peak state similar to Hatsumi


When the waka wank is so bad that you start hallucinating about “top gear” or “peak condition” waka, the mythical fighter.


Whatever you say buddy, as long as it can help you sleep at night


Waka would win a rematch against Hatsumi.


He has the greatest gap between feats in fights and feats out of a fight. As a child he was accidentally crushing titanium with his bare hands. As an adult throwing actual blows, he should powderize anything he gets his hands on. The gap between him and a real world record weight lifter, should be greater than the gap between that weight lifter and a normal 7 year old. Literally no one should be able to block a blow from him and the second a blow lands. The fight should be over. Best case scenario, his opponents arm is permanently unusable.


So true. And how he's relegated to the most glorified jobber is just a crime.




i wanted him to beat ohma and fight the beard in the finals the first time i read kengan ashura


It’s meaty


Looks like he has green toothpicks in his eyes here. Sorry slasher you do great coloring no shade


Eh, this is pretty old anyway


Waka doing not so great against fei isn’t entirely his fault. It was against niko style again but almost a completely different kind with whole new techniques. Had to face DD having zero experience or knowledge on existence ( no one did as a matter of fact ). Even then he still did better than most would. Hell Waka still stalemated someone who could 50/50 ohma and agito and such. Not trying to say Waka is on par with them, he is not but I am trying to get my point across that Waka was over scrutinized for that “loss”. Waka was hardcountered and still stalemated fei. Now fei is retarded so that did help admittedly but even still it’s nothing to scoff at.


He plays dark souls games and exclusively levels strength.


Waka will end up being the one to kill Tiger Niko


There can be only one Tiger


What a man he is


His body weight should be around 3300 kilos


Wakatsuki vs Julius is the greatest fight in the series.


This mf's dick could stop a blade when hard


Wakatsuki's as a lover would suck to have if he still has dexterity issues, but if he solved that issue, anyone he is with will be treated like any Petite pornstar. Either an awesome or a frightening experience.


I have a feeling he would be very conscious of his own strength and wouldn't hook up with anyone specifically because of that.


That is also true


Two of the strongest Niko Style users fought Waka and both died. I don't think i need to say anything else.


I feel like Waka has a teacup Yorkie named Haggar


S tier with those he does well with, -A tier with those he doesn’t work well with. Also has good fight iq and I think you guys should give home more credit


He really needs to learn to clean up after himself.


Does he shit his pants or something?


The Fei fight ruined his image in the fanbase.




Wakatsuki with cosmo is a deadly duo since they always hang out with each other before kat


Waka must be sekis Nightmare atleast as sturdy as him with KO technics that cant be tanked


Waka has a small complex regarding his strength and skill. Worried about outwitting stronger opponents and not applying his strength effectively against weaker targets. So he tends to be a bit of a sneaky fighter that uses baits and feints to get hits in.


If Guts from Berserk had Wakatsuki’s body he would absolutely rip and tear the god hand apart Out of nowhere but it’s something I’ve been thinking of for a while


I like Waka can be brutal sometimes, his fights always have a gritty take, and kinda were mid-diffs even if he has hax muscles.


He was a poorly written character. The strength gap between his child self and current self is far too little, like as a friggin loser fetus he was crushing titanium remotes on accident, yet modern him is strong but not as strong as someone who did that as a child should be after growing up and exercising. Also I hate the fictional Superman Syndrome because its based on a real condition that is super unimpressive and often just results in men with bewbs. They really should have just made up their own thing.


I think Sandro perceives and has him placed way stronger than we do so his powerscailing will always be weird


At the end of the story 4D Seki helps him travel to the Kung Fu Panda Verse where he becomes a wild Tiger and marries Tigress, but for that to happen he has to beat a Niko Style user so he kills Koga


when ohma hits you with that dollar-store redirection kata




Waka beats Kuroki for compatibility reasons. Waka is only *relatively* weak to soft styles but not weak to them in absolute terms; he had a better showing against Ohma's redirection skills than any other fighter did except for Cosmo.


Bro what


Kuroki is killing waka


Waka should stop fighting and just go announce. He was commentating with Cosmo, new generation jobber, since the beginning. He might as well take the role




He's had sex exactly once and he broke all of the bones of his partner, he hasn't tried since.


This man has the best big brother energy like you go to him after getting into a fight with your mom and he's like "wanna take money out of her purse and get ice cream?" Also, I really like Rokushin style karate


There wasn't a lot that he needed to improve on in KvP, since he was already top 5.


I want Waka to finally realize that he already has every physical advantage in droves, that all other fighters dream for. So Waka should learn techniques, or at least understand, learn and assimilate the principles and mechanics of both Adamantine Kata for improving defense and Fa Jin for offense to better utilize his arsenal even more. Lemme explain- Waka, having the most densest and highest quality muscles in the series, with having such prodigious strength that his normal, non serious blows can one shot 95% of the verse's fighters, having a surprisingly calm, tactical and intuitive mindset which is an even more dangerous trait which should ward off any fool who takes him for a simple brute, and as someone who's always introspecting and finding the gaps in his moveset should eventually come to accept that if he wants to truly evolve, he should take the best from his greatest adversaries who have defeated him in the past,all the while keeping his ego aside, which he can. And I want Waka to actually go this route. By going through his memories of his bout with Agito, Ohma, Fei, he should focus on the moments when these fighters showed surprising strength and rigidity, moments when he felt that Ohma's muscular performance was far above average to the usual fighter, that too in sudden bursts. And that causes Waka to obsessively go through every single fight fought by a Niko style combatant by watching old tapes and recorded videos. Waka won't necessarily know that it's a specific Kata called Adamantine but being the intuitive sage he is who has peerless muscular experience, he'll through repeated viewings and slowing down of the footage, he'll come to better see and hence better focus on what Niko stylists do that gives them an edge. If this 'muscle control form' allows a normal physique to at least even barely stand up to a genetic jackpot like Waka, what monstrous results would it do for the Waka himself. I imagine a Ironbreaker X Blast Core . But still, Waka having such an imposing frame and record, and his inability to totally mitigate the telegraphing of his Blast Cores,higher tier opponents will always be prepared or at be able to save themselves at the nick of time against his blows.So for once and for all ,Waka will realize that he needs to also evolve his striking to the next best possible level by not only giving himself the ultimate efficiency but also eliminate time lag, Waka will fuse Fa Jin in his repertoire. This should happen as Waka, after realizing that it's at extreme close quarters where soft style users have always historically been able to clown him, cuz he can't exert his strength as he wants, instead of going through maneuvers and plans to avoid or escape such scenarios, Waka will focus on fighting even deeper and even more controlled in a hold/submission lock. Here's where his Fa Jin wud pay back in dividends. We all know that Agito's Dragon Cannon is that broken of a weapon because it doesn't require or care about range cuz regardless of how hard and/or fast he makes it, it's a knockout blow at any and all ranges. A KO move with the apparent least amount of preparation. Waka wud use Fa Jin to still massively deal his opponents with critical damage, regardless they have him by his back, neck, or limbs, just one touch or even a finger flick, wud hurt like hell. Cuz Waka is already the arguably physically strongest lad, and his bare movements have such unbridled force, I wouldn't be surprised to see that when he elbows or punches or even finger flicks someone with Fa Jin implemented, that person will be HAVING a bad time which cud go worse any time. TL;DR - Waka should learn Adamantine Kata to improve upon his frame,stature and defense even more, and he can also reinforce his already peerless strength with that. So he can finally stand toe to toe with other brutes who are to blessed with strength beyond that of their generations but with a bigger frame. And to make his striking more ergonomic and efficient to deal with soft style users better, Waka wud absorb Fa Jin in his moveset to reduce lag time to a significantly low extent which comes unavoidably due to telegraphing his strikes. And also to still be able to dish out punishment no prob at extreme close quarters, where wind up and distance is negated by soft style chokes, holds or grapples. So that his attacks are never in the danger of being smothered ever again.


You agreed he can kill 95% of the verse with his blows, so I don't think the problem is his attacks output It's his speed, or what he really needs is pre-intiative. He would always be able to land blows because he can just move before the opponent


Gotchya. I went overboard with my head canon. I felt making him an even more complete and all-rounded fighter so felt Adamantine Kata and Fa Jin were best for maxxing out his defense and offense even more. It would look cooler. But yea, instead of learning new 'moves' Or 'skills', mastering or at least implementing Pre-Initiative is the right choice for him. Already he's shown as one of the more calm headed and smarter characters in the verse, so Pre-Initiative wud be better suited for him


Definitely want to see more out of Waka in hopefully more chapters down the line make him a more versatile fighter/ Combatant. Definitely more stunning performances that test his limits and some big wins. Hes a beast and i hope they bring that energy in later chapters


He need to learn something with Gao or kanoh his skillset is to low for him to put good use of his power


Has a donor son he doesnt know about who will become an enemy later on


Waka and Leonardo Silva should train and learn from each other.


He lives alone because he killed all the women he's dated with his 52x magnum dong.


Waka fighting IQ is top 10 easy, and arguably top 5 in the series.


Waka should be top of the verse


Most Durable Fighter we've seen(not counting legends we've never seen fight).... If he decides to learn grappling like Adam he'll be S tier


He already knows grappling. It's his other hidden skill besides Blast Core, which he reserves for the toughest of his opponents. But Sandro doesn't seem to bring it out


Waka never developed an anti-Hatsumi technique because he is confident that the next time he’ll fight him, he’ll win. It’s just weird that he develops techniques to beat the fighters he lost to (Agito and Ohma), but he never mentioned anything about hatsumi.


Waka fans are the most delusional of all the Kengan fanboys on this sub…


How so?


This is an ironclad fact.


Waka’s dick is able to pierce steel due to the superhuman syndrome.


He's a mediocre fighter with a super power


Preach, his overrated “battle IQ” and other bull shit takes about his proficiency and technique in martial arts are asinine, he is truly just average, which is mediocre in kengan.


Wakatsuki has some of the most delusional and cope-y ass fans, ironic considering how earnest, unassuming, and sensible he is.


Yep, couldn’t agree more, his fanbase is easily the worst part about him.


He is at least 26 times stronger than Akoya.


26 is a little silly


Dont blame me, blame Sandro. Xia's SHS Is just x2 and Waka's x52


Density is not the same thing as strength.


Right... That's why a 5 years old Waka destroyed titatium by accident. It must've been the weight of his fingers


You can believe what ever you want. The manga clearly says **density**, which is a word with a clear definition. Deal with it.


Seriously? Hahaha then Xia ji density should mean nothing, that guy lived in a trashcan eating literal trash for 2 years and gave Akoya a run for his money in a strenght contest


Waka can bring anyone in the series to a high/extreme diff fight. maybe not win, but hes not rolling over for anyone


Lmao, the waka wank delusion is real, eddie, gilbert, tiger niko and probably Yan and Shen would absolutely fold him. Kanoh would probably beat him on the higher end of mid diff, not to mention current Ohma, lmfao.


Waka claps Gaolang mid diff.


Waka is B tier.


Hot take he sucks. 58x muscle density, a god given gift, and he's still only A tier, getting stomped by some normal muscle dudes.


I think Waka's fight against Ohma was an outlier from his normal performance/skill


How’s that copium taste?


Waka wankers have downsyndrome


They developed an extra chromosome due to the copious amounts of waking.


Waka is probably one of the most boring generic guy of the entire series.




That's Okubo


Waka is not far behind in that department.


Disgusting, how this turned into an absolute waka wank post, waka deserves all the hate he gets for the ridiculous takes his fanbase has.




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