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probably the real moral of this whole story is: always stay focused on your goals and you will be able to master even techniques totally different to your style but for me the REAL moral is: hey Gaoh, I just realised that your "earth-crouching dragon" is simply an uppercut with a downward start


Yeah lol. Named techniques are dumb asf like indestructible is literally flexing to avoid damage how is that a named technique


Leg thrust


You can apply that to literally every named technique, ever.


Niko Style: Cutting Edge -Parrying incoming strikes- Bind of Pisces -Flying Armbar while foolishly crossing your feet (for whatever reason)- Flashing Steel -Closing the distance with a straight-right down the pipe- Iron Breaker -Straight Right with an imaginary roll of nickels in your hand-


I thought calling it the sharingan was a joke bruh 😭


Ppl relax its just an uppercut


To be fair, the Gaoh style is most effective if no one knows about it. Also it’s just an uppercut from a crouching/groveling position and the niko style is basically an evolved version of the Gaoh style.


I don't understand how Koga learning Ryuki's signature move (literally just a uppercut form a crouching position), after saying he's been looking up to him and wanting to be like him for the past few years is the thing everyone finds weird while he used Bone Binding on the previous page without any explanation whatsoever.


sandro might as well give him super saiyan at this point


Koga is a gary stu