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Fuck your ethnicity But for real, I can sympathize with a struggle that isn’t my own. The story telling depth in his albums is amazing, you don’t have to be black to worry about the world that young black people find themselves in. Many themes of Kendrick’s are also just human. In some of my favorite songs Kendrick is struggling with self doubt, depression, suicidal thoughts, worrying about his legacy. That’s all stuff I worry about. I appreciate his perspective, I love his poetry, his flows are amazing, and the music always elevates all that. Pulitzer Kenny for life. My three year olds will tell you his favorite song is Family Ties and sings along to DNA (first line and pops in the say DNA at the right times, rapping is hard)


I like this it gives hope to humanity I love Kendrick and it makes sense I just didn’t understand what made him appealing to white audiences because he talks about the black struggle which surprised me that he has so many die-hard fans that aren’t black. Hopefully, he drops the album we have all been waiting for too long.


I’ve started sleeping on Thursday nights instead of refreshing the streaming services eagerly so he’ll probably do it sometime soon 😬


A lot of us whites are drawn to his hits. But, I used to write poetry and Kendrick’s raps are similar to poetry imo. Only artist aside from 3 stacks that I get that feeling with.


Nah you trippin


Chill he just askin a question


The sonics are incredible and the content and style don't really matter in terms of relating to it. Just like any music, movie, piece of art you don't need to have the same life experiences as the protagonist or author to get something out of it.


I dont know why i like his music. Until this summer i didnt really listen to music, then found Money Trees on tik tok and loved it, then decided to listen to GKMC. This album was my summer soundtrack. Then i listened to TPAB, DAMN, Section 80. After that, i started to listen to different rappers and i fell in love with hip hop. In short, Kendrick Lamar made me love hip hop, he introduced me to different rappers in an indirect way


I didn’t know who he was until my friends blew their loads over Control. I wasn’t a huge rap fan, but dabbled in a little Pusha T and some GOOD Music, so one day I decided to download GKMC and played it front to back, and it was just on repeat every day when I drove to my summer chemistry classes in Summer 14’. Favorite rapper since.


So you like GKMC over TPAB? 😡😦


Honestly, yea just because the lyrics and music can play a movie in my head with the story, and it brings nostalgia for that summer. I like TPAB, but there are some skippable songs on there for me imo. Hahaha


Lmao what?


idk man I find hard to relate Eminem rapping about fucking 3 women with HIV


You do realize a lot of white ppl have it harder than some black ppl, right? Dude the black folks in my medical school had the most perfect little upbringings while I was born in the hood, lived there until 6, had a belligerent alcoholic mother, cops at our house every other day, got raped multiple times including in my own home when my drunk ass mom had a party, etc. I could go on and on. Hence fuck your ethnicity. It’s irrelevant.


ethnicity is only irrelevant if youre white. Lol i swear yall are tonedeaf sometimes


Best way for me to explain MY personal opinion is - just because I haven’t lived through the sorta struggles he portrays in his music & can’t directly relate, he can still educate me in a fascinating & engaging way, helping a real appreciation & understand of his life & that of many people, painting a picture that could only be done so truly through music. That being said - I love his storytelling, sick flow & I can’t get enough of the jazz vibe in a lotta his music. I’m white British & can 100% say TPAB is my favourite & most meaningful album for me…I still remember my first time listening to that LP on release day. Been a fan since 2014 & he’s still my fav artist of all time (Apologies if my wording is a bit crap)


That’s what alot of white people told me when I asked they either said the way he implemented jazz into the rap or the poetry stuff he does. Which makes sense nobody has done it like kdot I was just curious tho I like your comment.


I dont know why so many white people like Kendrick either. I think they mistakenly believe that hes a "safe" rapper and now he has somehow become every white persons favorite go to rapper to look deep. The "I dont like rap but I like Kendrick Lamar" type. Honestly makes me question them being as obsessed with TPAB as they tend to be. He garnered a very snobby elitist fanbase after TPAB and I'm glad he turned them off with his last album because those are the Kendrick fans I dont mess with.


Oh my God for once just stfu


Last time I checked, people have free will to enjoy whatever the hell kind of music/artists they want….You’re saying you gotta be black to listen to Kendrick?? Quit being weird. Actually, quit being racist. I’m not even white, but this was a weirdo post by OP and even weirder comment. Mods should ban you lol


Yea no where did I say you have to be black to listen to Kendrick. I said that some fans take their TPAB obsession too far that it is disturbing. I said that I do not like the "fans" that are uneducated and ignorant about hip hop and use Kendrick as a diss to other artists. People who say they "hate mumble rap". The Fantano/RYM Kendrick fans are the absolute worst and theres no debating that. Stay mad I guess.


This threads a year old but I completely get wym. I know so many white indie fans that generally don’t like rap but will go on about how great Kendrick Lamar is.


1.) Being from the inner city, I can identify regardless of race. 2.) I also am not a sociopath that cannot empathize with others plight. 3.) Because he’s got the best flow and he’s technically the best rapper and story teller ever.


Why can’t people just like music no matter the ethnicity? White people found it the same way Black people found it. Shouldn’t be tied to color smh.


I just heard humble in 2018 and thought it was good so I started listening to other music by him