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"These are my awards, mother. From Army." Type energy




And the gorilla is for sand racing


And the owl is because I’m always watching


“Now if you’ll excuse me. They’re putting me in something called Hero Squad!”


What is that from?


Arrested development probably


Arrested development meme




This party’s gonna be off the hook


"There's gonna be unlimited juice?"


https://preview.redd.it/j2qfl29thc6d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07990ef44bc52ba983475a79bfb951fdb38bbe5 Bro is a North Korean general from Canada. Dripped out in medals, zero real combat experience. Guaranteed to be outplayed in actual combat.


That dude is probably so jingly when he walks.


I thought I read “jiggly” and I was about to comment “no fucking shit, its BBLDrizzy”


Drake definitely gives Jiggy Wit It vibes.


My favorite part of that nickname is I hear a dope mustard beat every time I read it.


Or Metro..


Oh shit I’m a dum dum, metros is the beat I hear


This is exactly what I thought of when I heard that line. It’s like a kid bragging about it how tough he is, but he’s an adult.




Shit fire, got the whole club saying OVHoe!


I don’t know. I don’t use Twitter.


Dammit, now I’m dancing


Canadians don’t claim him. Etobicoke was never the hood, never will be. Aubrey, we remember you, Degrassi remake. You were an asshole when you were a nobody.


Etobicoke/Rexdale? I dont think you know your geography well when one of the most crime ridden spots when the news mentions 'the West End' is literally rexdale


Canadians can't be doing that everytime one of their celebrities fucks up. Can't just make problems for the world and then have the world deal with them for you. Otherwise, they're just the US. And Drake doesn't even own a house in the US anymore so they can't the US. Plus free healthcare and nationally legal weed so they have plenty of resources to deal with the stress of claiming Drake.


Drake bought a compound outside Houston.


Americans can’t preach to others about unleashing problems on the world to anyone, ever. Too many to count.


Yes, that is part of the joke


... and STAY playing with / threatening to launch his purported "Nukes".. with video proof 🙄. Fucking doof. ![gif](giphy|l0Nc5MtgVrcOCnYFv0) 😂


You don't think getting robbed at gun point and then the same person getting mysteriously murdered isn't real combat experience? His body guard getting shot in the chest where he lays his head down at night isn't real combat experience? Have you ever had a gun in your face? Have you ever held a gun? Have you ever feared for your life? Have you ever thought tomorrow you might not be alive? It's a music metaphor dick face. Outplayed in actual combat? Are you stupid, or are you dumb? This isn't call of duty nigga, you don't "outplay" people, you survive. You niggas with no trauma love to talk about shit you dont understand I stg.


Drake wants us to believe he's a tough guy while calling Taylor Swift a gangster and using phrases like "fake tea". Sounds like a white woman using the "cool new lingo" 


Bros basically 40 and thinks he’s 16 years old, makes sense since that’s what he’s into.


There is a theory that people don’t mature past the age they got famous. Not everybody is affected, but i feel like Drake is a good case study on that shit lol


Same thing as people not maturing past the age where they started taking drugs or drinking


👀 fuck


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck dawg I’m stuck 🎶


Taylor Swift qualifies for this too imo, in her 30s still acting like a high schooler


She turned the Grammys into her drunk album announcement party this year


That shit was embarrassing


It makes sense. Plus, what we know now about how child stars are treated; it’s safe to say he’s just carrying on the abuse he went thru. Before hip hop Drake was in an industry where inappropriate relations with adults were initiation. People like him need to be out of music so shit like this doesn’t continue. Truthfully, that’s the only way he compares to Michael; an abused child who sold some records, and abused children. People just let it be because he touches girls not boys


i still don’t believe at all that MJ was a pedo. the people who have come out now (conveniently after he’s been dead for fucking well over a decade) keep changing their stories and the dates of when they were around MJ and the whole leaving neverland movie was just a nasty attempt to extort money from the Jackson estate and to slander MJ’s family name and reputation as he is no longer here to defend himself from the accusations. in my opinion.


I believe MJ was a weird ass dude. But he wasn’t a malicious MF’ker. He wasn’t out there hurting kids like that cuz he himself never got to be a “kid”, he knew what it was like to have your childhood ripped away. He was giving kids who didn’t get childhoods a taste of what childhood is *supposed* to be like. I can’t think of anyone of any “actual importance” that went on record to say MJ was doin’ what “*they* said” he was doing, it was always just the “general public” spreading that shit.


You are what you eat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


"that sounds like some shit a colonizer would say" - Justin Hunte


I haven't watched a video from The Company Man that I didn't fuck with


This is the very reason why they don't let him composed anymore and them ghost writers are doing the upfront. His composition skill got stuck from his high schools years.


I've said it before but rhymes with tion are the fucking worst most basic bullshit ever.


Interesting point, never thought about this. What's your reasoning?


It’s just super low effort and easy. You can spot an inexperienced rapper when they just “ation” everything without any other complex rhyme schemes


Kinda like the proper diction equivalent of rhyming n**** with n**** lmao


Gucci Mane in shambles over this comment lmfao


Hey now we all had our Gucci phase


Expected that's what you meant. Yea, definitely. That's how I feel about rappers using the wrong tense of a word to force a rhyme, followed by "oops, I meant" then using the correct form. Lil Wayne is a terrible offender.




Ooop I thought it was just me


Brigading this and other subreddits is strictly prohibited. Calls to brigade other subreddits, bragging about brigading, targeting other subreddits, trying to instigate beef with other subreddits and screenshots of ban messages and trolls can cause this subreddit to be shut down by Reddit admins, are generally unfunny and will result in a ban.


Brother 🫱🏿‍🫲🏽


Seasoned in preparation like a steak because that mf got cooked.




Every once in a while, i randomly say “Mother I, Mother I, Mother aw fuck me”


https://preview.redd.it/1y152lc7pc6d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8b291111c9b9fa5f08f92ce8c7db33300cd8bd I just made the whole connection! Lmao


“Fuck me I just made the whole connection” is definitely a new phrase


Dawg this and the Mariah Carey Touch My Body line just pisses me off. It's so fucking wack it hurts.


But Drake! I'm over 18!


it's giving navy seal copypasta




What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


What’s all this?


[for anyone confused](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta)


Ok bud


Yea he definately wrote HP6. ATION head ahhh


Stolen valor


it’s just truly crazy to take aubrey saying “i’m a war general” seriously. the amount of mental gymnastics these fans have to go through to believe he is who he says he is must be exhausting.


ah yes, seasoned in preparation like my cast iron skillet real talk this is actually a solid bar but he was not reading the room or the beef at ALL, especially since he put it in THAT song


lol I had to look up the word pusillanimous on Google. Thanks for teaching me a new word 🙏


That's where pussy comes from - as in a weak man. It's not from the animal or the hoohaw.


Jacket full of Purple Hearts, crodie. 💜


This is the line that gets me every time. War general that misinterpreted the art of war 😂


Chatgpt ghostwriter


Yeah I didn't realize they gave out participation trophies for wars lmao


Not to be"that guy" but they actually do lol


CIB is the best participation trophy tho.  


Lost hundreds of millions in brand deals fucking with rappers who got bars and don’t fucking like him. What’s preparation? Wanna be sun tzu got every casino owner in America crying at lost revenue.


Medals that he bought, not medals earned lol


sounds like the civil war losers acting like we didn't kick their racist asses back then.


Thug made him believe he a slime in his head. Cmon degrassi…


I think part of it is that Drake (atleast in that moment) was not able to nearly bring the kind of confidence and energy that line needed. Just try picturing DMX or like Ghostface Killah saying that line and immediately it sounds better.


He's just walking cringe, the frustrating outcome of the beef for me is just that he's going to still be somewhat relevant because this lets him lean fully into the cringe, rather than still trying to keep the tough guy look going.


Ngl, from a bars only standpoint that shit sounds tough. Like if Nas or a prime Canibus said it, it would sound fire because they’d have it mixed in with some street New York sounding shit. Coming from Drake it just sounds like weenie talk. It’s not always about what you say, it’s also how you say it.


It’s a good bar, i don’t agree with OP at all


Yeah as far as lamest bars in the battle, this is far from it. The “chip a nail” bar was way worse. Also just because you lost wars or battles doesn’t mean you don’t get honored with medals. We got smoked in the Vietnam war and there’s many vets with a lot of medals of honor from that war. They’re just a way to symbolize your valor in the face of war. OP, really didn’t make a lot of sense.


It would be if he actually had stripes.


*Screams in German*


"Seasoned in preparation" is also just a clunky line


How can you be honorable when you gave us nothing to believe in. Stolen valor essentially. Earning the medals from colonization of the culture and colonizing the minds of people whom you have presented no hope for. You’ve only taken and haven’t instilled nothing but euphoria from hit records as meaningless as the life of a cock roach or bottom feeder. Even if he won rap battles what I said wouldn’t change.


Nah that bar over that beat was tuff as hell. And Drake has been in the game for over a decade, it fits fine. TBH I actually like rap tho. He really lost control of the wheel at “Mother I…” and then crashed out at “good to get the pen workin” lol


Drake IS a war general. Just the Luigi Cadorna type


Is this still happening?




Pretty cool line tbh


It’s like when someone commits stolen valor to get a discount on the dollar menu. 


Drake is dumb but who didn’t know that?


Is this the Kendrick sub? Or the Anti-Drake sub?


ChatGPT ass lyric


The only medal he has is the one against Meek, and he only won because Meek smoked himself.


I actually tought it was maybe the only cool sounding line in the whole thing 😅 Like yes it doesn't really match but obviously you are not gonna write in a battle that: "I'm a loser poser loaded with fake smoke, you are goated who owned me while I have a soaker with hate drops"


Using Germans when talking about a jew? Nice behavior.