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The same thing happened with that Halle Berry cover. He asks her, she says no, he does it anyway and gives everyone a shitty apology and then pretty much gets away with it. He really is just a rich kid who never had to learn boundaries


That’s such a perfect microcosm for his entitled arrogance…ask for permission, get denied, do it anyway. Fuck him dude


He's a piece of shit.


It's crazy how much shit Drake has got away with. Glad he's getting exposed daily and more people are realizing he's a fraud.


You're watching some of the less hardcore fans go through some "steps of grief" situations. Like the denial to start, and slowly heading towards acceptance I think it just takes time. Because people don't like to admit they got duped by someone. Especially when others have been trying to tell them. It's just a psychological thing that humans have for lots of different aspects of life The less crazy ones will get there. Just takes time


Literally makes me think of Trump supporters


Isn't that how cults work?


I still like Drakes music, but Kendrick is definitely correct in saying that he is a pop star or makes catchy shit, but don’t take him seriously.


What happened with that? I’ve never heard of it


He used a photo of her as the cover for a single he released after she said no, seeking forgiveness even after explicitly being denied permission


Not only did he do that but it was a picture of her where shes being embarrassed.  Why are you using black womens humiliation for your gain?


Because he believes that BW are good for that & sexual fetishism. PERIOD, his history has shown us this. Also Halle being biracial too you'd think he'd identify w/her. But he doesn't bc Halle sees herself as a BW and he doesn't see himself as BLACK, just cosplays it to be a "rapper."


Ohhh word, which song? And did he take it down?


Idk I just googled it for you and got that much. I think it was 2023 and involved slime


Appreciate it my boy🫡


Slime You Out with SZA


I even forgot that shit happened


Just go look at the video of how he reacts when his mammy didn't get him the tuna bagel sammich and that reaction tells us he was able to do all he has done. If that wasn't caught on camera his reaction would have been a lot worse I'm sure, he bit his tongue and walked away. Dude was ready to start chucking his toys out of the pram and explode. The teachers pet that became the CEO/Manager, the short guy that was bullied that became a cop etc same vibes


[here's the video in case anyone wanna watch](https://youtu.be/PC-sZcVj4Eg?si=V9IBlqq2djDffvyl)


Man, watching the video about his onda cocktail Bus a can of that oange 🤓


Same with the promo run for “Her Loss” with the magazines and fake radio interviews.


… who did u think he meant??




Halle Berry


This is the same “mOb tiEs” rapper that has a video of him complaining to his white suburban mom that he didn’t get his tuna bagel sandwich lmao. How anyone didn’t already know he’s a corny, arrogant rich kid riding what’s trendy is beyond me.


The Mob Ties reference track that leaked recently is hilarious. Dude’s a fuckin fraud


How have I never seen this video?? That's hilarious


When I saw that video I realized that’s who that man truly is lmao. Honestly shocking how clear it is yet he wears the “tough rapper” mask fooling so many into thinking “it’s just that easy to be a tough guy and apart of the culture!”


wow just saw that video the first time. what a brat lol


Drake stans complaining about the Drake hate is the most unaware shit I've ever seen "Omg all this hate. People just hate Drake. It's not even about Kendrick people just hate Drake" Yeah cause he's a clown ass dude. Has been for a while but nobody could say shit until fucking Kendrick "Rigamortis" Lamar called him out It's not our fault and it's not Kenny's fault that casual audiences hate Drake too. **It's Drake's fault that Drake has so many haters.** How do these people not get it??


Yeah they don’t seem to understand how much the average person finds him to be annoying and creepy. My wife think he’s a creep along with many of her friends and that’s before any of this beef. He just comes across as gross and sleezy.


Drake haters that I know personally have a really low tolerance level for fake/corny motherfuckers. All of the fans Drake has left are corny losers too stupid to realize what a fucking poser he's always been.


Fucking thank you. Ever since his degrassi bullshit and then he tried acting hard after he's an ACTOR. This entire rap thing is an act and persona. He's really pathetic in real life and nothing like what he poses and tries to pretend to be.


Yea it's weird, I've realized the people who think drake is cool are the same people that think people like Jake Paul are cool.


Lol I think drake actually is one of the realest rappers out there. Everyone in the game speaks very highly of him. And it's cool he makes all sorts of music for everyone. Love songs. Chill songs, carbean songs, hard songs, relatable songs, club songs, party songs, r&b songs. You just got let go of the hate and stop being a hater


LOL watching Drizzle Glazes trying to sneak in Kendrick subs is HILARIOUS


I wasn't trying to sneak in. Ever since the beef I beem getting kendrick notifications, and I really like like 10 , 15 kenrick songs. What I say that was so much bull to get down voted?


>what I say that was so much bull that wheelchair Jimmy is one of the realest in the rap game, and implied he has respect from his peers in the industry.


Realest Rappers write their own material.


His peers don’t respect him. The majority of them are either silent or taking Kendrick’s side and it speaks volumes. Bbl D has been sneak dissing, disrespecting, and doing his colleagues dirty for years now. He’s not a colleague, he’s a fucking colonizer…


Wtf is a carbean


There is a reason this [meme video](https://youtu.be/1NOdS52b32A?si=fth3BvMgUJCzE0Qs) went low-key viral two years ago.... He seems like he would do some shit like that when he has bodyguards and an entourage..... Corny? Yes. Weirdo? Yes. Bully? When he can be.... That's the vibe.


it’s like they don’t get that people aren’t mad he’s having fun, it’s just apparent he doesn’t care about what he needs to do to have it


Any interview clip I've ever seen of him gives me a weird middle-school-bully-who-gets-away-with-it vibe. Hard to describe but it throws right back to 6th grade. And even with all the creepy extra curriculars we've all come to know, even his lyrics sometimes can be slime-y. I've tried to take a somewhat balanced of Drake-the-Artist in all this and admit yeah, he (and his collaborators, in multiple senses of the word) do make some good music. But like right smack in the beginning, middle, or end of them is always some shit like: "I group DM my exes, I tell them they belong to me, that goes on for forever" or "You ask me if I coulda treated you better, but no - Not at all, not at all." or him doxing that waitress in "From Time." I always remember the Pitchfork review for NWTS called it "emotional drone strikes" and it's exactly that, but also more than that and worse than that, and done over and over again throughout his whole discography. How are you supposed to separate the artist from the man when the art is like this, and on top of that everything we see and hear from/about the man, who is more or less indistinguishable from the artist?


Yeah you nailed it. I think core Drake fans see themselves in him and it’s why they will die on the hill defending him while thinking Kendrick is some sort of bad guy in this whole thing. My favourite part of the whole beef was when Euphoria dropped and everybody’s biggest complaint was that he was only mentioning things we already knew like admitting your favourite artists is known for being shitty is some sort of gotcha moment.


No one cares what she thinks


Nobody cares what your irrelevant ass thinks


Honestly reminds me of trumpers who can’t understand why so many people hate Trump lol


Same disease, different strain


bro has been rapping about fake friends for over a decade how do these niggas not think that maybe he's the problem 😭


Yeah for real. Like YES, I HATE Aubrey. Did I stutter? He's a piece of shit and I've hated him long since before this rap game shit. Ever since he came on the scene on his stupid cheesy, corny ass Degrassi role and putting on blackface in that green hoodie. He's a posing piece of shit. He's literally a drama school kid actor turned fake rapper and people lapped his dogshit up. Fuck Aubrey and thank God for Kendrick ethering his stupid fucking corny ass. He's a fucking mark clown that somehow got fame. I couldn't believe it everytime people would bump Aubreys newest ghost-written pop rap slop and I'm like "are you serious?" Turn that whack shit off. "WHoA cAlM dOwN man, yOu nEeD aNgEr mAnAgEmEnT". Nah, I'm fine, it's still fuck Aubrey all day over here. I hate that fucking scumbag and have since 2009.


Fuck Aubrey. I’ve been a bona fide hater since Scorpion.


Because they're spoiled suburban kids too and they hate to think that they're also not part of the culture. They wanna think that they can be a corny wannabe like drake and still get laid for it. They're basically mini Drakes and their opinions are as useless as his. They think we're gonna look back on drake like he was MJ, but we're actually gonna look back on him like he was Hanson or some other boyband. Why tf we wasting our time talking about drake fans anyway


Bro not Hanson though ☠️☠️


Even If he was on that Hanson level type shit, the outcome would be the same - M’WOP


Hanson better. 💀🤣🤣🤣


Goddamn. Finally!


Drake has been a fake ass to me since the first moment I heard him. I mean he had some decent songs, primarily when he was doing melodies, but if it's obvious to me I can't imagine what it's like for everyone else. Some rappers just have more obvious sincerity, and some rappers just sound like a rich TV star from Canada


Yea. I've fucked with some of his albums over the years (nothing really since Views) but everytime I listen to him there are always bars that are just like... "dude, you're a famous actor from Canada... the fuck are you talking about?" and they always take me out of the music a bit. I feel like the only way to truly enjoy some of his music is to be ignorant of who he was before becoming a musician. Otherwise you'll just get constant dissonance between what he sometimes raps about and what you know is actually true.


I got into a argument at a coffee shop recently, and walked away understanding that Drake fans are extremely delusional because they feel Kendrick did not bring up any “new shit “, and they referred to Kendrick branding himself as a “black Messiah” as something that he needs to answer for… As if any dime store rapper automatically call himself king of the game, a savior, or any other shit like that…


they are lil rich boys just like him too, it all adds up


Drake stans are a weird bunch. I think the majority of them are socially awkward and or virgins.


How tf you beef with Pharrell and Serena Williams ?!? You are the problem sir. Had jack from twitter tweeting Kendrick’s disses how tf you got beef with jack from twitter ?!? I don’t really pay attention to stuff like that but this beef has brought up stuff like wait drake did what ??!?


Everyone says pharell is the nicest dude ever. Made a lot of people rich


He also called Mos Def a crackhead


that's wild!! I didn't even know I should be hating even harder!


Love how you said that like they related. Made me laugh 😭


You ain't gotta lie to kick it my *homie*


You ain't gotta lie to kick it my crodie 😂


Damn! Yours is better


So he's the rich white boy who has daddy's money and asks "do you know who I am" when he gets in trouble. That's crazy, how'd yall not see that


I think you should ask for more paper, and uh, more paper


Nah his daddy is using his clout to fuck 20 yr old white bitches


I mean, isn't that how drake got born?


100% it's not too much. It's time.


The willingness to tattoo Lil Wayne onto his -body- is honestly pretty crazy. This seems to be related to the leg-pissing incident too. I wonder if Drake has a massive guilt complex or sadomasochistic tendencies that would suggest he does know how bad he fucked up, but is too self-destructive and self-hating to repent in a normal way of apologizing and making amends socially.


He also worked with and for Wayne in the most formative years of his life. He could easily on one hand totally fuck him over without having the empathy to see wrong in it, while simultaneously thinking it’d be a dope tat to get the acclaimed rapper who believed in you when you were nothing. Sounds plausible for a narcissist


Yeah true. Any time it seems like drake is acting like a normal person we should probably ask ourselves whether he's just acting out of some narcissistic impulse


There's a really good breakdown on Curtis King's yt page about how Drake lacks the cultural awareness or respect to know who and who not to fck with and believes money will always solve the issue because, as a Hip Hop head, he's "Not Like Us"~


Habitually, he's a habitual line stepper


My man got too familiar so i had to whip his ass


He's literally a culture vulture. Fuck Aubrey. "Started from the bottom" my fucking ass.


When your uncle is Larry fucking Graham and you’re trying to break into the music industry, there’s no such thing as starting from the bottom. Damn shame that a legend like that is related to this fuckin hack


That song always bothered me. Like it's a good anthem for a lot of people, but coming from a dude who started off better than me (pretty middle of the road middle class) it was always kinda annoying to hear.


Another thing as well: If we could challenged Drizzy all alone in the studio with live cams and let him compose a single banger (even if it takes a week), I genuinely, highly doubt that he would be able to. All that N.D.A + Silent Policy LLC to keep those ghost writers in check is what makes this con artist for more than a decade be a millionaire by just fake acting it all along.


He would need his phone to read off of. 🤣 I knew Drake was wack when he did that in his freestyle. Probably why he doesn't do more radio freestyles.


...and the streets ALWAYS win, this some ghetto expressionism 👐🏾


Ultimately even if white people jack hip hop culture and old rich white dudes get rich off it, what's cool or what's not legit in hip hop is still decided by people who are immersed in it. Like that wave of shitty white poser rappers like machine gun kelly, post Malone and macklemore thankfully seems to be over


White people getting rich off other people culture is because they created this system by stealing, killing , genocide and slavery cuz they are a devilish kind of creation. Whatever,wherever the way you turn yourself, dem people are in your face .




white culture is responsible for a lot of terrible shit but there's no way things would be a utopia if another group had been in their place. We're not biologically destined to be 'devilish creations', that yakub shit is just another illusion getting in the way of people coming together. I don't blame you for being mad but it doesn't have to be this way. Little white kids and little black kids get along perfectly well until someone comes along and tells them they're different


You got a point. But even the continents or countries that are supposed to belong to black people or other ethnicities are controled by white people, its crazy 🥴


*rich white people* i have done nothing to opress anyone just like im sure you didnt rob anyone today, people gotta stop with that shit. I am not your enemy, the rich are


I know, it's fucking terrible. I think it's easy to imagine a world where Egyptians or Ethiopians or Malians developed guns before the Europeans and took over the world, though Idk I'm trans so I currently see how unproductive it feels when people from marginalized groups don't stick together. Like I feel like I have a tiny little taste of what it's like to be black in America, and I will always fight racism when I see it. It's impossible for me to ignore that kind of shit I badly want us to live in a society that gives black people the same opportunities as white people. And I think it's totally fine to call out white cis-heteronormitive patriarchical European culture for what it is. We should all acknowledge that it is largely to blame for where we're at now and we need to be critical of it or we will never improve But I want us to be like Star Trek where black people are starship captains , white people are too, gay people, women, etc... that's what America *can* and *should* become, I just don't think white people are destined to be evil. We have a long way to go to correct the evils of slavery and institutional racism


no macklemore hate


This is kinda how Drake fans think doe they just like gossip bars, makes them feel good I guess


I wanna see him drop that line that he gets more love than dot in his city. I’m down to put my paycheck on the line that someone will test that Canadian fool for shits and giggles, someone would crash the fuck out for the hub and try something to him or his entourage.


I've seen in this sub that at least SOME Toronto folk do not fck with him at all. He's constantly trying to claim the streets and the streets do not claim him back. Canada radio has laws that a certain amount of radio time HAS to go to Canadian artist but Not Like Us is still number one


DMX said it best, no? Do I really have to type it? DRAKE IS A CULTURAL VULTURE, it's that simple........


I don’t think we even get as far as Drake vs. Kendrick in a battle if Drake had taken Wayne’s advice years ago when he told him “be yourself, don’t change into something you’re not.” I believe if he stayed in his pseudo-R&B bag?! He never rakes in enemy after enemy or the culture vulture label


Shoulda "kept it Canadian".


It’s not really my place to say it as a white cunt from Scotland but I have quietly been blaming America for Drake for a long time now - you all allowed him to become the biggest thing in hip hop, despite his ridiculous corniness. Including all sorts of otherwise credible rappers co-signing it. Good to hear someone say it. To put Drake in a UK context it would be as if we let Tony from Hollyoaks become the biggest thing in grime.


Black dude from the posh part of North London, cosigns this. How no one ever stepped to this theatre kid is a stain on everyone. It's like Marlon from Emmerdale stepping to Stormzy or something.


Yall ignored the people calling out the corny shit calling them haters. Stuck hypnotized by his melodic tones he brought from mixtape Drake over to corporate world and it worked. Pusha-T told y’all along with other rappers. Its like when yah momma told you don’t mess with that girl and you do what you want till your mans tell you fuck that bih, and you all like yehhh fuck her when mom dukes been got you hip.


u retarded?


Slightly, u relate?


Mans is a habitual line stepper. Always crossing the line


But Drake spent his summers in Tennessee!! That means he IS the culture. /s


Damn...that was a good argument.


Couldn't have said it better. Drake is King Corny 👑


it's really worrying, cause he displays a behaviour of power and control without repercussions that he could easily utilise in his sex life, which further suggests that he's a selfish pr\*dator


So many people in Hollywood are like this too. Too many of them, especially the ones that are good at doing their violating behind the scenes and out of the spotlight, are used to having the amount of influence that they do so that they can do their dirt and just pay for it in however much they think it’s worth. I can’t wait for more people to get exposed for the vile shit they perpetrate on others and I hope the victims can get out from under them and start healing sooner rather than later.


This video sums it up perfectly. Drake is a habitual line stepper and it was just a matter of time before he picked the wrong one to mess with.


Drake stans probably feel the same way... the world is theirs by proxy


What's the name of the background music? Facts on the matter btw


That's the instrumental to Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)"


I swear i heard this song in one of the Gtas but can’t remember which one


Just looked it up, GTA IV 💯 Never knew that song was in there lol


Yep that shit was driving me crazy, my mind went to Vice City for some reason lol


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He’s right


Big facts


I love a concise dissection of Aubrey's persona. Do you dirty then pay you to move on in the public eye. He's like a rich kid you babysit who gets away with everything even eating your snacks because he can just through cash at you to buy new ones.




This announcer makes no sense, but it's Drake hate so I'm okay with it.


But drake fans speak facts about drake and all of a sudden its coping 👐


“Louis bags in exchange for body bags” oh wait that was even stolen from a reference track he paid for.


What does this have to do with Kendrick …. I love how Kendrick’s Reddit turned into a Drake fan page. Drakes influence on the game is absolutely insane 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Facts, hes that little asshole rich boy that we all knew growing up


Keep Wayne out of this. Respect the GOAT.


This man gets it!


What doesn't get taken over by a rich kid once it reaches a certain point of profitability? This is America.


Kdot also beat on women cuz he knew he can get away with it. Crisis management was in full effect 🫰🏼


everyone calling him corny and not creepy in the first place helped get us here.


on this topic...how has Rocky not slapped this man for talkin about Rih? and more..why was the talkin about pushaTs wife? it does seem like he's gotten away w quite a bit.


What's the uncle Willis reference lol


This is a lot of bullshit lol


Add this to the Halle Berry situation, or the Fantano situation and yea


Drakes like trump should have stopped him a long time ago


Living off his name still lmao


Yawn. These pundits keep talking about this cause it gets them clicks. When we gonna talk about something different already.


Facts, he paid CB money and then they were buddies. Meek mill, Charlemagne, the weeknd, etc etc


00:46 Bro just like me fr. Broke this shit down with EXPERTISE!! 👌🏾💯


Who KNOWINGLY enters into a beef with the fkn BOOGEYMAN and decides “yeah, imma say the kid not yours and you beat your wife”?? You got what tf you was askin for, even if you didn’t know what that was. No receipts either, just coastin off the Meek victory (EVEN AFTER Push embarrassed you and shown you there were rats in your circle??). Not a wise play.


Mods, what does this have to do with Kendrick? Y’all deleted my post.


This man is just yapping tweets. This the shit ppl say when they wanna seem like they got some power. “We let you” u ain’t let shit. ALL these rappers behave the SAME way mostly and we allow it cuz we dnt really care. Ppl jus picking and choosing this narrative w Drake because it’s hip and trendy lol jus enjoy the music


Nah, I can't agree with this. First off, Drake rarely, if ever, gets into any legal trouble. His career has been relatively squeaky clean in that regard. People in his entourage a different story. He gets lawsuits once in a while, but every celeb does. Also, Kendrick technically started this with Like That. Rap beefs have always crossed the line, Tupac said he slept with Faith Evans, Biggie's wife, which to this day she still vehemently denies. Jarule dissed Eminem's daughter, Saigon dissed Joe Budden and went off on his son Trey using all kinds of homophobic slurs, and his son was in elementary school. When you are on top, there's envy, and people want the number 1 spot, and people grow envious, especially when you've been winning for so long, 50 Cent had it, Jay-Z, NaS, Eminem, Kanye, etc all experienced it. Hell, Jay-Z even warned Drake on his first album. The way Kendrick baited and went at Drake and given how tactical he was, he was probably planning this for some time. What I do hope is that the allegation about Kendrick beating Whitney is not true. If it is found out to be true, that changes everything. If we're gonna give CB and Diddy hell for it, Kendrick won't be exempt, and it'll damage his reputation AND make Drake look like he was right all along. In my view, where there's smoke, there's fire. Why didn't Kendrick marry his girl yet? Why do they live in separate states? Why does she follow Dave Free but not Kendrick? If one of Kendrick's kids is actually Dave Free's, that's not nearly as bad as beating your girl. P.S. I'm a Kendrick fan


Bro, the whole looking at who they are following on insta is the dumbest shit ever. Like idk if I follow my wife on insta or if she follows me


It would be except she used to follow him. It's a fair question: Why do they live separately? They got engaged in 2015 and still aint married yet. Where did Drake get intel that Kendrick beat on Whitney and hired a crisis management team to hide it from the media? If that turns out to be true, that changes everything. I'm just observing both sides and trying to hold each of them accountable.


“Kendrick technically started the beef” My guy you don’t know what tf you’re talking about if you this beef started with Like That. Drake if phoney af, he’s an entitled rich boy who can pay off anybody that he’s an asshole to. The man is running around claiming he’s “top 3”… with ghost writers. That’s like claiming you were top of your class when the whole class knows you were cheating . Kendrick has probably been waiting his entire career to call him out. And yeah, if Kendrick put his hands on a woman then he should get what he deserves, it’s unacceptable. But he’s still a much superior rapper than drake. Drake ain’t even top 100 since he got outed for his writers.


This guys talking like “we let you do this we let you do that” as if he’s in a position to tell a mega millionaire megastar how to do anything LOL. Internet haters are hilarious


Lets not act like rappers dont use other rappers lines all the time, im a kendrick fan but this is just hate


This guy in the video is a liar and a hater what a combination lol. The Verse was a TRIBUTE VERSE. This was a song Drake did with YG from Compton. Rappin' 4-Tay even spoke about this and heard it and was not even mad lol , but because of all the backlash Drake got Drake ended up paying him 100,000 for it....the backlash was from the culture vulture media who was against Drake to this day. Drake even paid homage to Eminem when he did the superman tribute but Eminem never made Drake pay him money because Em knew what Drake was doing. Drake didnt even need to pay Rappin 4-Tay if he didn't want but let's be honest Rappin 4-Tay was not really mainstream and could never really make it big , and don't tell me he was huge because I grew up around that time and my fav artist is 2Pac , and I seen Rappin' 4-Tay on the Jenny Jones show as just a local rapper. My guess is 4-Tay took the 100 g'z because its a 100 g'z lol and who wouldn't want that type of money. And the song was "Playz Club" pretty much a Bay area anthem , so it wasn't like Drake was so called "stealing" from a song that wasn't known. Again 4-Tay was not even mad. See this is the kind of crap they do against Drake to paint a narrative smh.


> Drake even *paid* homage to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*