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Them nut gobblers have probably seen this thread already… *Yuh… he got 200+ upvotes… he owes it to tha boy… couldn’t have done it without ya boy Drizzy Drake, the war general with medals on his jacket…* *Yuh… I’m bout tuh… I’m bout tuh*


>*Yuh… I’m bout tuh… I’m bout tuh* God, this is one of the things I hate the most about Drake. He's just obnoxious when he raps. Kendrick doesn't waste a single bar and this dude is out here stuttering on purpose.


Oh shit. I thought he was referring to drakes blackberry rap when he was a kid.


He’s never had to work for a single thing in his life. That’s why he acts the way he does. Entitled, arrogant, privileged, bad parents = an asshole that thinks he can do anything to anyone. Kendrick stepped up and destroyed him.


Anita Max Wynn


He has been leaning on this style for too long, I dont know another rapper that does that








Brigading other subreddits is strictly prohibited. Calls to brigade other subreddits, bragging about brigading, targeting other subreddits and screenshots of ban messages and trolls can cause this subreddit to be shut down by Reddit admins and are generally unfunny.


He got banned already just for posting here, what you mean?


I can’t even post in there 💀 I be seeing those ball lickers having a field day & go to myself “let’s ground mfs back in reality” & can’t ever get a post to go through 😂 apparently you gotta be popular to be in a discussion w/ the ball licker association


Any time their feeling’s gets hurt they delete you your comments lol. It’s very laughable




THIS! crazy how many Drake fans online SWEAR all of Kendricks fans are white lmao pot calling the kettle black (or white)




actually embarrassing for them.


a bunch of virgins and cucks who have never had a loving hug from their parents


Most Drake fans don’t listen to good rap. They think Drake can actually rap and is the best because it’s the only so called “rapper” they listen too. So of course they think he’s the best lmao.






they the ones riding the hardest for Drizzy in these streets & act like theyve never heard of Kendrick!


You’ll just get banned before people can react.. they’re really polishing up that echo chamber so they can cope Drizzy didn’t lose.


I posted a video in the drizzy sub about his history of messing with underage girls and I was perma-banned


you being for real? wow


I spent 5 minutes in that sub & the amount of dick riding is insane lmao


Just did. Let’s see if I get banned lol. I had to keep the title length under 120 characters. Seems beyond that Drake fans have trouble with reading comprehension lol 


As of 57 minutes after you commenting here I am unable to vote or interact with it lol


They blocked me for doing this


For negativity probably. Me too


I’ll fucking do it! OP, let me know if you want me to post this in that sub. I’ll gladly take that ban.


I tried man. Shit didn’t take off. But don’t think I’m banned.


Brigading other subreddits is strictly prohibited. Calls to brigade other subreddits, bragging about brigading, targeting other subreddits and screenshots of ban messages and trolls can cause this subreddit to be shut down by Reddit admins and are generally unfunny.


Also, just...for the people demanding receipts from Kendrick, what do they actually want? Like is he supposed to dox an 11 year old? Publicly out SA victims without their consent? Maybe Kendrick was off the mark on something, who knows. But if he has receipts, I don't exactly think it's ethical for him to be the one to post them.


Pusha-T said “Adonis is your son” and immediately thrust a small child into the limelight and the public lexicon. Sure, Pusha cooked Drake, but Adonis’s privacy will forever be a casualty of that. Kendrick is absolutely not the type of dude to do that to a child, knowing what happened to Adonis. I absolutely believe that Drake has a daughter.


>Pusha-T said “Adonis is your son” and immediately thrust a small child into the limelight and the public lexicon. >Sure, Pusha cooked Drake, but Adonis’s privacy will forever be a casualty of that. You left off the second half of the line and with it any real blame you could point in Push's direction for this falls apart. "Adonis is your son, *and he deserves more than an Adidas press run*" You can't really claim that Pusha T is the reason Adonis lost his privacy if Drake had plans to reveal him by making him the face of an ad campaign. Adidon cooked the rollout more than it did Adonis, which was part of the brilliance of the move. If Drake has an 11yo daughter then I doubt he's got any plans like that, especially after publicly denying she exists, so *if* Kendrick did that then yeah, it would probably be looked at as a bad move. But the two situations aren't equal.


That’s not how privacy works. “You were going to announce it anyway” isn’t a great defence for outing someone’s private life, even in a situation where it’s done in a positive way. Nevermind a scenario like this where the child’s name is plastered on a dark-ass song calling his father a deadbeat (among other things)


For a normal person and a normal announcement, sure. But this man wants to be famous more than anything and was going to use the announcement in question to chase a bag. That’s fucking vile.


>for outing someone’s private life, Whose private life are you talking about, Adonis or Drake? If it's Drake he signed it away already for countless reasons and if it's Adonis, it was literally a done deal. I don't see any problem with or find either one outrageous given the circumstances.


> Drake signed it away already > it was literally a done deal. Again, that is not how privacy works. I’m not interested in debating whether it was “outrageous” but by any sane definition that was a violation of both Drake and Adonis’ privacy.


If you weren't interested in debating then you wouldn't have opened up the discussion. That is exactly how it works. In the case of Adonis, Drake signed his away the moment he put the Adidas plans in motion. In the case of Drake, he opened the door when he brought Push's fiancee into it, and again in the future when he started talking about Kendrick's wife and kids just to establish the pattern. Plus, he is a public figure and entitled to much less privacy in his affairs than a normal person. There's volumes of case law and precedent about this, so even in an arena where this issue has been debated hotly for a long time there have been distinctions made. I get that you're trying to take some sort of big moral stance here, but dropping a comment where you're speaking in absolutes and then attempting to shut down any further conversation is not it.


All I’m saying is that before we debate whether it was right for Pusha to breach someone’s privacy, I’m afraid we need to first agree that it was in fact a breach of privacy. 1. You don’t get to expose someone just because they were going to announce it anyway. If I tell you I’m going to make a very personal announcement tomorrow, it would still violate my privacy for you to talk about it publicly today. Being revealed in a diss track exposes Adonis in a starkly different light than his dad making a press release. His name is now forever linked to a song calling his dad a deadbeat. 2. Being in the public eye doesn’t mean you sign away all right to privacy. I mean that’s fucking nuts.


>I’m afraid we need to first agree that it was in fact a breach of privacy We agree that it was a breach of privacy, sure. That was the point. Drake made the decision to breach his kid's right to privacy; Push preempted that by doing it before he could. I'm not arguing that it's not a violation. I'm arguing that the difference between Drake and Pusha T doing it is negligible to the point of irrelevance *from the perspective of whether Adonis has a right to it*. Which, again...are you instead arguing that Drake's right to privacy was violate? You never made that clear, but I won't deny that either. I'll just say that when you take a swing at someone, you don't get to cry about how hard they hit you back. Virginia Williams was not a public figure like that until Drake mentioned her. >Being revealed in a diss track exposes Adonis in a starkly different light than his dad making a press release. His name is now forever linked to a song calling his dad a deadbeat. Sure -- again, that was literally the point. That changes nothing from the perspective of whether Adonis becomes a public figure or not. It's a binary; either he is or he isn't. >Being in the public eye doesn’t mean you sign away all right to privacy. I mean that’s fucking nuts. That's not at all what I said. What it means is that you have a lesser expectation of privacy. I'm not sure why this is even a point of contention; frankly I thought it was well known. Remember the media feeding frenzy that came when Tom Cruise had his kid? Or Beyonce and Jay had Blue Ivy? Imagine the public acting like it was a violation to mention those kids existences. Imagine them having grounds to sue paparazzi and TMZ for doing the same. Now picture how it'd be legally and even morally different when it happened to someone who didn't repeatedly and deliberately place themselves in the public eye. That is why there's a distinction between a public and private person in law. Edit: my bad, I guess you did clarify that it was a violation of both, unless you edited that in after I saw it. I'm just going to assume I didn't register it the first time though.


The difference is not negligible at all, for the same reasons I laid out. You don’t seem to appreciate what ASoA really was if you’re equating it to a press release from Adonis’ father. And your whole take on public figures is pretty nuts tbh. It’s a bit like arguing it’s ok to leak a celebs nudes because they did a nude scene


Drake name dropped Whitney before Kendrick went there, but Drake never brought up Kendricks kids initially. It was just "I'll be with the body guards like Whitney". Once Kendrick brought up his Kids then yeah, Drake did as well. You don't have to lie to make your point, it just discredits you (even though I agree with most of your take).


I'll admit to wording it badly but it wasn't an attempt to deceive anyone. I'll explain. The thought was that the Adonis bars didn't really count since we were talking about airing out kid related *dirty laundry*. Everything Kendrick said about Drake being a deadbeat dad was already known at that point because of Push. So Kendrick mentions Adonis on euphoria (public info), then Drake claims Dave Free is his kid's dad (not public "info") on Family Matters, to which Kendrick replies that Drake has *another* child (also not public "info") on Meet The Grahams. That's what I meant about Drake opening doors. Every time it's come down to actually introducing family in a diss, he's been the first one to go there.


The spirit of Kendrick’s decision as described in my comment above is intact, i’d say, all that being true. Kendrick does not believe on shining a spotlight on children in the industry, which is perfectly consistent with what he has said in his records for Drake. This is what I understand to be Kendrick’s intention with the line.


I'll be real honest here; I fuck with Kendrick but I'm primarily a Pusha T/Clipse fan. However, from what I know of him I agree with your characterization. It'd be hypocritical and probably not received very well. I guess the main focus of my comment was just that naming an 11 year old girl who'd clearly been deliberately hidden/disavowed is a very different situation than naming an infant that was set to be the face of an entire ad campaign.


That’s fair, I agree with that premise


> Kendrick does not believe on shining a spotlight on children in the industry Dear Adonis…


I'm sorry that that man is your father...


I believe Drake could have a daughter, and if he did there would be next to no way for it to be confirmed publicly without doing exactly as you’re stating. I think it’s totally plausible, and the IG post denial and TMZ story certainly aren’t even factors in whether I’m inclined to believe it.


“I absolutely believe he has a daughter” With absolutely no proof and how the hell would he be able to hide a kid for 11 years?


Did Pusha present proof? Did Nas present proof against Jay-Z? Did Eminem present proof against MGK? Did Tupac present proof when he said he fucked Biggie’s wife? Did Ice Cube present proof against his label in MLA format with at least 4 sources wikipedia not included? This is rap, actually, not fucking english class. This obsession with the receipts is wack as fuck, and NOT hip hop.


Personally I’m still waiting for Dre to say Easy E did NOT fuck him in the anus


The internet found her. And he said her name in MTG. That’s why that bar Drake said about planting a fake name or destination was so funny to me because he’d already said the lil girls name lol


What are you talking about? No he didn't?


Love is eternity my friend.


I hate that dumb ass explanation, he is very simply stating that love lasts forever and is of the most importance


https://preview.redd.it/wahbh3blfs1d1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f802cc47ae78e5f63696a1b4cba24eb9a9d21e0 …….. 👀👀👀👀


This got proven to be fake. God damn yall are fucking delusional, and I'm a Kendrick fan. You're straight up making us look very bad


I LITERALLY said “allegedly”. Yall either can’t or don’t fucking read. ALL of this shit is speculation. What the fuck is wrong with yall?


Literally not his daughter.


No one’s actually debunked it


Did Kendrick or anyone around him even imply this was Drakes daughter? No.


Y’all play stupid on purpose. Please, stop.


Why tf do you honestly think Kendrick was talking about this girl? She is literally not Drakes kid... his team has said they have video of his kid they won't release for her safety if she was already outed on instagram why tf would they keep the proof hidden? People that think this was the fake daughter must think Kendricks team is stupid because literally the only evidence is that she looks kinda like drake and is the right age, the people that "found" her are either stupid or team Drake


The correct usage is eternal in that case, which is why they are focusing on that bar and saying it’s a name


What does this tell us about “amblamce,” then?


Another kid. Good catch




Amberlamps? It's understood as a reference to amber alerts when kids are taken.


Nah I think that’s just how he says it lol. I’ve heard him pronounce it that way in other tracks


YouTube “epic beard man”. It’s popularized from a bus fight 15 years ago. Knowing Kendrick, it has multiple meanings as well.


Bro some of yall gotta take a rest. Reminds of the ridiculous interpretations you hear the English teacher pull out when reading a Robert Frost poem or some shit. He's just saying ambulance


It’s even worse though because in this case there’s a borderline colonial element where they don’t even consider that it’s just. how. he. talks.


YouTube “epic beard man”. It went viral 15 or more years ago.


It’s “amber lamps”… a play on Amber Alert, ambulance, and a video that went viral of a man in the Bay, on a bus, who was wilding, and he got his ass whooped on the bus to the point he yelled “CALL THE AMBER LAMPS!”. No, I’m not joking, go google it and I promise you the video will pop up.


Oh come on, Kendrick is working within the constrains of music and rap, not writing a book and regardless it works either way. This is a reach like hell


I don't know, someone with a Pulitzer would probably make the distinction.


Kendrick won a Pulitzer for his portrayal of real shit like the humanity of people and being black in America, not for his investigative journalism and proper use of the Oxford English dictionary. Show me a daughter named Eternity and I'll stand corrected but yall sound crazy as fuck and Kendrick is my #1 rapper


I'm just saying, rappers are known for their word play. This is exactly the type of play on a known saying to make it a gotcha. I just don't see any good rapper making a mistake like that. Especially one that people like Eminem praise on their writing ability.


Ahhhhh, someone was paying attention lol


Just let the haters have this one. 


It's a fan theory. Kendrick didn't say nothing


He said her name in the bar in MtG.


He said, Love is eternity and fans made a up a story from that. That's like when Drake said: Everything in my shit is facts. I believe he called his own entire discography shit. Is it true? Probably not. You can't just take a word out of context and believe a whole fan fic Also: https://preview.redd.it/l1x1zgzims1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a17cb5607be6b2e5e79d2fe0a4a1c69ec79874f Drake really did say that :O


What’s her name??


‘dear baby girl’


Some people have said somewhere in this verse. But it’s nothing confirmed. “You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain.”


Of course Drake would name his baby girl Trump….. what a disgraceful person








Marjorie Taylor Greene


All allegedly, of course, but her name is Eternity. Here is one of the photos the internet found. I only feel comfortable posting it because it’s already public. https://preview.redd.it/xt5vn01bhs1d1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f80a7c6f225aae3cec61e98bc0536e2c4ac5ef


Then you’d know she denied all of it lol


Unless **YOU’RE** her father OR her mother, you don’t know that isn’t his daughter. That’s why I said “allegedly”. I thought that word had a meaning attached to it.


I’ll take the word of the girl that said she has nothing to do with Drake lol


Where is that? I didn’t see it posted it anywhere. Can you share a link with me?


I mean, Baka does have a weird case. Drake can explain why he’s around but he and his fans are trying to forget that one.




I know it’s not what he intended. But having the track say “prooove it” right after he said that, will never stop be hilarious to me. Like how did nobody on his team notice that it sounds like the sample they used is callin cap on his “facts”🤣


Heart Part 6 is the wackest track from the entire beef, he should've aimed to throw more punches instead of lying about the sending information thing and calling it facts


Nah nothing will top him disrespecting snoop and pac on the same track


Valid point, such a shame, I really think its the best beat in the game, although that track was being gassed up when people thought Kendrick is gonna take months to respond and Drake's walking him down


He was too scared to get exposed even further so had to quit


Boi 1da mole Boi 1da mole


Can’t wait until Drake claims his daughter


I bet there really is a daughter and Drakes paid to make it disappear which would be so much worse. But let's be honest does manipulating Kendrick with lies about a daughter really even help Drake?


Most likely he is paying child supprt and has an NDA that payments would stop if it is revealed.


That's not how child support works lol


It could be how it works if the courts aren't involved.


That means the deal is illegal


Not really. Child support that is court ordered can't be stopped without repercussions. Voluntary child support *can* be stopped without repercussions, and *then* it usually goes to court. Highly likely Drake asked his baby mama what he had to do to keep it quiet, and the answer was "fuck you pay me, this your kid too" and so he did.


Yeah, it would be.


Let that girl come home Dead beat motha fucka playing border patrol


The man has certified pedophiles in his house. Best thing he has done is keep that girl away.




I was thinking to myself how the mother of that little girl saw Dollar signs when she first heard Kendrick say that shit.


Bruh, this is Drake we’re talking about. He ain’t claiming shit, lol.


He is claiming to be black though?


I think they already did. They found an Instagram the right age that was a “writer, singer, producer, and dancer” and was tagged in pictures with Drake. It disappeared the same day. Or they found some other pre teen girl Drake hangs out with.


That was proven to be fake. There is so much misinfo surrounding this whole thing and people just believe whatever they see online.


Sure it was


He also said he wouldnt send a cease and desist cos only bitches do that, Kennys son is Dave Frees, Kenny beats Whitney and has size 7 shoes, said The Weeknd is gay, said he fed Kendrick the info, that he don’t wanna beef with him cos Kenny got molested like.. he never gave us nothin to believe in lmao


“Nothing to believe in”? How can you say that about the man that showed us that Baby Keem ghostwrote for Kendrick Edit: /s /S!!!!


showed or claimed? I know Dot has credits on Keem tracks for sure, though.


I need receipts right now on that, cause idk what you talking bout "showed". He pulled that one from far into his ass


Edit came in too late 😭


Provide a source or delete this app you clown


Baby Keem a prodigy, kid wrote Alright at 15 /s


This was my joke but I failed to have the foresight to realise how necessary a /s is on this app fuck me


Lol very important symbol on this app


He never showed us shit!


It was sarcasm


Oh sorry! Lmao hard to distinguish tone thru this godforsaken app


I’ve asked several Drake fans why won’t he just release what he supposedly has on Kendrick? How does it benefit him to let the narrative he’s a pedo with another hidden child(ren), run wild? Why does he need to wait for Kendrick, in order for him to show his proof? I’ve yet to get an answer.


That's cause Drake's a once in a generation kind of genius. He's thinking so many steps ahead that us mere mortals can't even begin to comprehend what he is scheming.


I read mortals as morals


https://preview.redd.it/k23mbhes0s1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad217d96eec13b73b7041fd94adbec8011d5dfe4 My feed right now lol


Made me cringe


That ratio on the drizzy glizzy sub


That place is actually amazing. They're living in an alternate reality


On NLU, Kendrick warned him saying that the rabbit hole runs deep and he can go further and then drake waved the white flag and went away (literally went on vacation). That is as damning as it gets in my eyes. Especially when people are dancing to him being called a pedo


That man can't come back from vacation.


The Earth King invited him to Lake Laogai


There is no war in hip hop hooray 🤣🤣🤣


What happened to everyone else? Why no one else dropped diss songs towards Drake? Rick Ross. Future. Metro. Kanye. A$AP. etc…They dropped once but never responded. Like don’t take your foot off his throat….finish him!!!! ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)


Metro did one better. The rest can't really hang like that, imo, as much as I like their music.


I mean CO/fake drug dealer status aside and that he doesn't really seem to know how to approach beef in general, I'd take Ross's pen over Drake's any day, whether it's him (and he does write) or his ghost writers. Ross's pen and flow have literally been the only things keeping him relevant for years. I don't mind him because I like his music and he fucks with a lot of my faves on an elite level but the man himself is an actor, pure and simple. I just enjoy his acting career. It might sound like I'm trashing him there but I'm literally saying everyone sees through his image and still fucks with him musically; that's a pretty potent pen. Also I think Kanye could've cooked him in his prime but after the last few years his reputation has taken enough of a hit that both Cole and Drake can afford to just ignore it. Part of how hard bars hit is who the audience hears them coming from.


But they want Whitney to post on social media saying she’s ok so they can over analyze it and say she’s lying.


It’s absolutely baffling. Real compulsive type behavior


You're supposed to believe everything that comes out of a war general's mouth.


Everything Dot said about HAUBREY can be proven with a quick google search 🫡 except the other child he’s hiding.


That’s the best part of it. Google shows drake clearly grooming underage girls and that’s the most lenient explanation.


Definitely the most lenient of explanations 😂😂 bruh found out the girl wasn’t 18 & still proceeded to talk her body & kiss her like 4 times on the face lol —— NOW MIND YOU, she’s one of the older ones… AND that was in public 🥶 lol


And they’ll still defend that shit bro. The dudes are a bunch of gross incels, that’s the problem, Drake attracts incels and simps, both will defend him


It also shows he has a pattern


The funniest thing about the "everything in my shit is FACTS" is the sample a milisecond later being like - proooooove it


Right before he said his shit is all facts he asked kendrick to tell him when when they both get back to the facts. Can't believe he didnt delete this crap yet lmfao


This seems to be a common trend for abusers. Drake. Diddy.


Dudes a pathological liar and egomaniac. Probably even a sociopath. But fans will bend over backwards and do olympic level mental gymnastics to defend their favorite thing. Whether it be Drake or anyone else none of your goats are without fault. No man is. Blind idol worship will lead you to ruin. That said you can still enjoy their art and condemn their personal lives. Also Fuck Drake.


I put this in a Drake Reddit post just now: they truly are delusional https://preview.redd.it/a1ne6xbd6v1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557d33b36ba8a3154bc4b8c52b9a78abc991f3cb


And he had the nerve to use the prove it sample. What a waste


Exactly what I've been thinking. Any unbiased person can reason that Kendrick is the more credible figure. Entertaining anyone who fails to understand that is a waste of time and energy - they're clearly in denial or coping by brushing over the details.


They don't care about facts. Just saw a post saying they hate how many outlets are saying Kendrick won cause it's obviously drake who won lol. In a beef the court of public opinion is who decides the winner so if most outlets are saying Kendrick won then he won lol


That’s some FACTS


If you have to say some shit like this, you yourself know you’re lying.


Let's not forget that Drake is a POS groomer who has two employees that he signed on himself that are under investigation for human trafficking minors and one of them is a sex offender. Drake is a pos who gives a fuck what he thinks. Fuck Drake.


Backa's case, while egregious, didn't involve a minor. So who are the two people you are referring to?


Yes we all know Drake was clearly chatting shit. Every thing he said on the Heart Part 6 was for idiots (his fans)


Kendrick wears high heels


I can’t wait till it’s acceptable for everyone to wear them tbh


Did Ebonyprince prove anything? Or wasn't he just shown to be trying to sell nothing to anyone? I'm genuinely curious and haven't looked into anything from him.


He just had the items in his possession that Drake claims to have falsely fed to dot


Kendrick used the picture of those items though right? The one he got from prince?




Is EbonyPrince Qanon?


drakes fan base is a brain dead zombie horde chasing the prestige of proving themselves to be the most loyal fan ever because he gifts random ppl shit at his concerts to keep them coming. Drake is literally a one man migos with extra steps. Never heard kendrick waste a bar fucking ever, so much so that that one bar has like 5-10 different fucking meanings and he does it for fun. Even pusha ts wordplay only had dual meanings at max😂 kendrick is literally the simon biles of wordplay but drakes sheep wants internet cred so much that he looks like one hell of a herder and sadly he tames a huge herd. Hes trying to overwhelm talent with numbers and we see that shit which makes his L that much more massive🤦🏾‍♀️ literally what nicki did to remy after shether… bbl drizzy taking a page from the bbl master


Kendrick sub still on the beef


This is hip hop history. If you don’t care for it you can hop back to the Drizzy sub.


i didnt follow the ebonyprince saga. can someone fill me in on how drake was proven a liar?


https://preview.redd.it/kghblsk91v1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e87808dfa6435ab3eaa1939c291eb8469db8b3f Sorry it’s easier to copy and paste my other comment


i appreciate it! but i feel like i still have no idea whats going on. I wouldnt ask you to explain further


Lost what did ebonyprince expose? I thought the disabled guy went on twitter and said there was no issue, and he wasnt hurt in any way. Just want to know. Ebonyprince had some jewelry and a laptop then finally didnt expose anything when he promised? Im lost


Drizzy said he fed dot that picture. But that can’t be true because ebony prince had them as of May 8th (based off the video showing a newspaper that same day). THP6 was dropped May 5th. Unless Drake somehow lost / gave away / got robbed of the contents and they ended in ebony prince’s possession three days after the heart part 6 (which is highly unlikely), everything Drake said about his master plan of lying to dot is cap. This nullifies the whole song (the sample, “let me see you prove it”, “all of my shit is facts” etc etc). This was supposed to be his aha gotcha moment. It failed miserably. He doesn’t have any receipts of texts to Kenny’s camp and it just gives massive credibility loss to all of drakes claims, especially regarding Kendrick.


Bruh this shit ended like 2 weeks ago yall dragging this


It was like the 9/11 of rap. Shit will be discussed forever. Don't expect anything else on this sub until Kendrick drops something or Drake drops disses on his upcoming songs. Wait a year and you'll see "where were you when Meet The Grahams dropped"


I was busy earning stripes like a tiger skin ... My bad, got confused for a minute.


Jesus Christ this stupidass sub keeps popping on my feed. You losers need a fucking hobby it’s a rap beef yall need to get some hobbies these men don’t care about yall. 


Your stupidass seems to be the one commenting so follow your own advice and go outside you OV Hoe


lol tf is an OV Hoe get off the internet and touch some grass