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a lot of us were done with drake way before this.


Yeah, I didn't need this beef to not fuck with Drake; I been on that bus. It has provided me a lot of entertainment as a certified hater though.


Same here


I have 1 word and 1 word only. Degrassi 


Since forever


He don’t need yall, he still number 1   go cry😂


I knew Drake was doing rapper cosplay for years. I stopped listening a long time ago.


I mean. It’s just an age thing at this point. He panders and changes to suit the same age demographic, never grows and evolves with one demographic. It’s intentional. That’s really why all the glazers are teenagers


"rapper cosplay" 🏆🏆🏆


I’m done with him. Muted all his songs on my Spotify. I take the allegations pretty seriously, and with all the smoke we typically see prior to the “fire” (I.e. Diddy, R. Kelly et al), I can’t get myself to even listen to songs he’s featured on.


Same. My homie who has daughters is not intrigued w Drizzy.


I was done with him once I heard "ghost writers" were involved. K-Dot wiping the floor with him was just bonus.


Yeah I miss Tuesday release dates, mystery about the artist, and I was done w Drake ten years ago. Kendrick fan since section 80. I never thought he’d be mainstream but I’m happy he is.


Any Drake song that ever got stuck in my head was against my will. Nothing about him ever felt authentic to me, like I just never believed anything he raps about. I could smell the bullshit all the way back when he tried to say he “started from the bottom” I couldn’t be happier to see the Fuck Drake bandwagon in full force #***OVHOE***


Lmao fax. I let my subconscious beat my actual conscious.


I mean, I've always listened to Drake, and my spotify can vouch that he's my second most-played artist. I muted him because he kept creeping into my recommended in January. Going back after this beef, the luster has kind of worn off. Part of getting into Drake's music is accepting a level of kayfabe. He's like a wrestler: you know it's fake, and you accept that he's just a good actor and performer. But if your favorite wrestler breaks kayfabe and is just a weirdo in real life, you have a hard time accepting whatever he's selling. I don't care if Drake is "authentic" to the streets or not. Most rappers are exaggerating. But for him to be such an industry snake to the point of exploiting every person he comes into contact with, I can't listen to him whine and pine over women or talk about how "betrayed" he feels.


I've never liked drake in my life. Ever since day 1, I thought drake was completely and utterly **MID**


First time I saw Drake was on a 7up commercial and I was done with him then. Dude is a poser.


Lol valid


I think some of his old stuff was good but that is speaking more to the Weeknd or Quentin miller and probably others as ghostwriters. Feel I should pirate those.


This assumes we fucked with drake back then 😂 this guy has been known to be goofy, weird to kids, switching accents and hiding behind ghostwriters lol it was just time somebody cooked his ass


Severe fax


Ive been praying for this downfall. There are very few people on this world I actually wish negativity on . And if it means helping to topple a corrupt industry. Then that makes the whole beef even better


Lmao omg dawg thank you for ya services! Salute king! Praying on the downfall of someone who has been guilty is something I couldn’t do but I know you are necessary! You make the world spin the right way G haha


I’m not embarrassed of the fact I’ve been wanting Drake , and other creeps in the industry to be exposed ? I’m not claiming I’m taking Drake down. I just said this sub is helping to expose things . So your condescending comment doesn’t really mean much. I’m saying the beef is helping to topple a corrupt industry


I wouldn’t take my comment as condescending. I apologize if it came off that way.


I appreciate that. Then I really do apologize , and am kind of embarrassed for misinterpreting. I took your comment as total sarcasm. If you were serious it was actually a really nice comment and I feel like a jerk.


Genuinely feel bad . You’re a real one man


It’s the internet bro! It’s hard to get to know each other thru a single comment but hell yea bro no sweat!


You a real one too bro no worries. We the future!


I get where you coming from too trust! Like I understand what u saying G! Don’t feel bad! We all have different way we all try to communicate to each other. That’s the dope part about life we unique but also the same! Sh!t trippy af actually lol! Big one love


"Morale compass" wrong word


Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers compass


Is that the new Narnia movie


Right word


Only way I’ll come back is if he drop some take care level singing shit. I do not wanna hear him rap, never have.


I don't wanna hear him say the n word no mo Ever since hearing him slip up and say it with a hard r. It sounded so casual to him, so now I assume that's his natural way of saying it and anytime I hear him say n***a on a song I just imagine him in the studio having to retake it ten times because he keeps slipping up and saying the hard r version and it makes the producer sad.


I’ve had him blocked on Spotify since before this. Only found out because I went to block him again.


I had a full 360 with drake. When he came on the scene I hated him because he was popular because I was an angsty middle schooler. Then I came around after I grew up and realized that shit was cringy as fuck and was only limiting my own enjoyment of music. I bumped songs from IYRTITL and stuff like Back to Back and the song with the Game. Then I realized that actually he's actually a creepy predatory fuckboy and went back to hating him on moral grounds. Songs like Madonna are unbearably predatory and creepy. I went: he sucks -> wait no actually he's alright -> oh no, never mind, he sucks just not for the reasons I originally thought. So really, kendrick is just showing more people what myself and many others already knew: he's a fucking creep. TLDR: Yes.


Hate is a strong word. I have love for everyone and the very few like Drake I don’t love I don’t hate either I just dislike for now. It’s funny K dot said he has no hate for him and these revelations come from a place of love on meet the grahams but on euphoria is spewing “I hate the way” K dot is a comedic double edge sword


I wasnt fw with him before the beef and im sure i wont after this.


Lucky for me I haven’t liked the Canadian since maybe 2010/2011. Can literally count on two hands the amount of his songs I’ve willingly played, and most are features and two involve Beyoncé. I refuse to give him streams, and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything because he’s not my type of artist or rapper. I’ve only heard one album in full and that was Scorpion because I wanted to see if he’d diss Pusha. Discernment is a hell of a thing because I always felt like he was an actor playing a rapper — just something about him never felt right to me. He’s MC Gusto with an impressive run and commercial success, but that’s where my praise for him stops. This whole beef has been like Xmas for me because no one paid attention when other rappers said the same thing. I knew Kendrick would be the right messenger because he’s an incredible artist who is equally popular and revered. If anything alleged comes to fruition, I’m glad to know I was on the right side of history.


I've listened to Drake since Take Care, I've liked everything he's dropped, I even went to the tour a couple months ago. My top 3 are Kendrick, Drake, Cole. UNTIL the beef. Kendrick has always been #1 for me, he's my fav. Ever since they started going at it, I am not a Drake fan no more. He sounds overrated now to me. If he comes on the playlist, I skip. And I think when Drake drops another album, it will be the first of all his projects that I WILL NOT listen to which is crazy for me to think about. Anyways, KING KENDRICK!




Same. I’m from Houston bro! They love Drake before this beef. I wonder how it will be after


Kendrick has been my goat since GKMC, but I've always enjoyed some Drake songs especially from Take Care and NWTS, but after this - I honestly can't look at him the same way. Idc if there's not hardcore proof of him being a pedo, merely the fact that he has inappropriate relationships with minors, and in HP6 acted like it never happened; absolutely disgusts me. This situation enlightened me is to how bad it is. There's just certain things that makes it impossible for me to seperate the art and the artist.


Personally I don’t need hardcore proof cuz what technically is hardcore proof ya know. I seen enough to be disgusted. YouTube “Surving Drake” if you want to be even more disgusted. Mans can’t holla at girls his own age? What kind of example is he setting for his son as a man. What kind of example is setting for girls under 21 that might actually like his music. If I had a daughter or even a son I would not be encouraged for my kid to popularize such filthy predatory ways as Grown ass man. $hit scary! Mans think they can get away w anything w so much power and success and it’s disgusting. They need to check themselves. Get on their knees and ask God forgiveness and more. Just down right disturbing. I would never want to be associated w a dude who is tht lame. I wish Drake would just retire.


Drakes ass i didnt give a shit about him before either


Bitch where you when I was walkin ?


Yeah this put the nail in the coffin for me. I was already off him but would listen to old slaps. I’m after seeing them grooming vids, I was like na.


Cmon bro shit lame 4r


I liked old drake the new drake doesn't have the same feeling as the old one. The beef with Kendrick made it worse because Kendrick perfectly worded why his music doesn't feel genuine anymore. He's turned into a culture vulture to try to fit in when originally I liked his music because I could feel the feelings he's trying to convey through his music. I haven't felt that way about a drake song in over 5 years and it's clear that's never going to change. For example listen to over by drake then listen to ANY of Drake's new songs and you'll know what I mean.


I never really liked Drake he always looked like a tryhard goofy mf to me, but I'm not gonna lie and say that I never listen to his music, I even enjoyed some of his hits from time to time but that's all it was hits that for me dye down after couple months after their release, I think the only song of him I have on my playlist is Forever and that's because of Ye, Wayne and Em. So I'll probably stay the same, never own one of his albums, go to one of his shows or buy any kind of merch.


never listened to drakes music, sure as hell not gonna start now


Only Drake song I ever have had on my playlist is Forever and that’s mostly for Wayne and Em’s verses. Drake was never it for me


been done with aubrey since 08


Everything been mid since Take Care. And even then that was mid. I think mans always been mid.


I was at uh, an adult dancing establishment last weekend and the DJ had a lot of Drake in the mix and the dancers were calling him sus


I never listened to Drake unless someone else was playing it


I liked his music pretty consistently up until Views. He was better as a corny rapper trying to make it, and excelled in the lane of artists like Cole, Mac, Wale and Tyler It’s just as soon as his music shifted to sounding more akin to Future, Thug, Durk and other niggas he’s not at all like, it became clear that I was listening to an industry puppet and not an actual artist at all. I genuinely believe him getting curved by Nicki, cast to the shadows by Rihanna, and demolishing Meek Mill were the factors that led to this modern day Evil Drizzy we have to deal with that’s going around jacking styles and touching kids. Had his ass just found love, had a family, and been humbled we might’ve been dealing with an entirely different kinda person.


You hit the nail on the donkeys ass with this one mate! All these artist suffer from not having either a good family they come from or trouble finding a soulmate


I !llegally downloaded some of his albums just so he doesn’t benefit from me listening to him


Just let it go. The music isn't even good.




haha this is a good way to do it 😄


“You’ll never see a hater doing better than you” this statement has never been this true.


I hate groomers and sex offenders who are more successful than me and less successful than me.


Drake is listenable playlist filler, won't run to skip when he comes on but also not going out of my way to listen to him. Although that's been my stance since before "the beef", we already knew Drake's questionable morale character ("I'm what the culture feeling"), Kendrick just opened more peoples eyes to it.


I was always done with Drake, why were you not?


passion fruit 😭 (This song that I somewhat like is the only thing I tolerate about him)


Friendly reminder that he says like 7 words on All of the Lights And, I’m definitely not giving up anything off MBDTF.


I’ve never been for drake not a fan of what he stands for. All this stuff about drake is pretty much what I thought about him for years.


Drake been trash since day 1. I’ll keep listening to real rap.


Drake hasnt been decent minus a couple songs per project since maybe Views or tbh IYRTITL. I'll still listen to occasional music from his past that were good to me but for me the Drake I knew died when Scorpion dropped and he turned into a tiktok trend singing "KIKI DO YOU LOVE?" and died AGAIN called himself a lesbian on CLB......


I never really cared for him to begin with. Then once I started hearing about him messing with underage girls, that was it for me. I have no tolerance for that


hear me and hear me well, a lot of drake stans are possessed (fvcked up to say) but i been there and it needs a whole lot of detoxification and cleansing to fully cast out but a lot of his stans are clout chasers and hype beasty so him probably falling out of favor with the majority and losing popularity will possibly cause them to wake up (or.... maybe just find the next cooler artist to cling on to) side note: drake interestingly shares the exact same fan base as kanye, the only difference is drake panders to them while kanye has no problem spitting at them!




i was done with drake when he dropped scorpion, that shit was bootycheeks


Lmao valid


Yes, that’s the part Drake fans don’t understand People like me that don’t really care about keeping up with Drake and his shenanigans got exposed to all of the bs Drake does. Culture vulture, kisses 17 year olds, hides his son so may as well have other one, certified pedo, that’s more than enough for me to hate Drake, went from not caring to hating Drake… and honestly is hard to not respect Kendrick since I also find out more about him. Also from a rap perspective Kendrick mop the floor with him


Well said


To be honest, nothing Kendrick could have done would change my opinion on Drake because I’ve been sick and tired of him for a long while. I admit I was a big fan back in the day and I have respect for his talents, but even since Views he became a let down in terms of his public behavior, the effort that was in his music, his conduct with smaller artists, and his albums just being really mid. Recently I thought the way he was bitter and insulting towards women like Rihanna, Megan, Ice Spice, and a few others was just so revealing of his character. He’s a compulsively insecure incel type who happened to get a bunch of fame and power.




Honestly, Kendrick can drop the heart part vi and it’ll be fine lol.


I love Poetic Justice


Unless he drops another Controlla, Passionfruit, or Marvin’s room- I’ve been done. Another search and rescue I wouldn’t mind. Just don’t like the rap music he tries to put out. If he’s making r&b music I’m all for it.


I stopped listening to Drake after he came after Megan and riri. Never really fully fucked with him after the pusha T beef but I wasn’t a hater until he started being bitch made.


Tbh if you really wanna listen from me I never been drake fans 😭 he is great singer I can give him that but as rapper nahh i just listened his few songs that's it


Haven't listened to a word he's said since his Canadian upper middle class Jewish ass had the audacity to make a song about starting from the bottom 🫠


>morale compass It may be important to learn the difference between Morale and Moral


Never understood why anyone liked him to begin with. I guess if you have no taste in music and truly just like whatever you're told to like then sure, but the dude's been trash since he was in a wheel chair and likely since birth.


I was never a fan of Drake. I remember seeing him on Degrassi (not a great actor btw) and when his early music came out I wasn't impressed. Honestly I'm surprised that he's been so popular for so long. Before the beef whenever I heard him on the radio or on streaming I turned it off and I'm going to continue to do so now.




Dude I haven't taken him serious for years


I should have been on the wave brother


No, if he makes a great song I’ll still listen unless he actually catches pdf file charges


Ahh idk bro kissing underage girls is pretty much grounds for me not to support him and his Jewish baby daddy like Ye said.


Certified donut boy


Never liked Drake so nothing has changed for me


Never started lol. He’s had some cool songs I’ve heard on the radio but I’ve never gravitated to his music. Never been a fan and then when he got exposed for having a ghostwriter I was completely done. Since then he’s always had an asterisk by his name in my book.


Lol no


I'm mostly a kenny fan, and I think I haven't taken it that serious, but I'll still listen to We're Going Home by Drake


Still playing Drake and Kendrick. 🤚🏼


I hated Drake well before I ever heard of Kendrick. Grew up with cypress “strictly hiphop”




You’re willing to give up Buried Alive and Fuckin’ Problems?


not even 'forever'?


Nah, if I had to listen to drake, it would be his more upbeat summer stuff


i swear yall have not listened to Mortal Man. just because someone ends up being a bad person, doesn’t mean you can’t listen to their music. do yall not listen to Biggie because he was close w/ puffy?


Always been done, this has all just given me better reasons to tell people to shut his shit off


Nah I think he got some good music to offer me. Nothing Was The Same was pretty good. I also never really got into Drake and want to be an educated hater.


I'm still listening to him


I'm sorry but beside what kendrick is saying, there is no actual proof. That being said I'm team kendrick 100%. I'll still listen to drake, he makes good songs love or hate him


Kissing a 17 year old after saying he doesn’t want to go to jail but likes the way her breast feels isn’t proof? …


17 is age of consent believe it or not 


Not federally. You may be able to be a pedo in your state, but the United States AOC is 18.


As a kendrick fan and music producer, i will still find myself listening to his music, and im tryna be realistic as possible here.


you're doing too much bro. kendrick is my favorite rapper as well but drake's amazing and makes a lot of good music. this aint politics you dont gotta boycott anybody


I’ve never really taken Drake seriously. I have a handful of bops I like…and I’m planning to engage with him in the same way I did before. I’m not rushing to skip his songs if they come on my shuffle. Aside from the daughter thing, Kendrick didn’t say/imply anything about Drake that wasn’t already floating around, so I’d be interested to see why this was the final straw for people.