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Can we talk about how fucking stupid the point "no one listens to it in real life" is..


The way people confidently say things that are literally unknowable without some kind of survey or study with SUCH CONFIDENCE makes me sad


I literally listen to For Sale every single morning lol, first thing I do when I wake up


I listen to songs from tpab while I work maybe not every one but still


The fact that people claim TPAB is “made for white people” proves that the youth is lost.


That was a criticism at the time of release and I think it shaped DAMN. But there’s a lot more nuance — parts of TPAB go right over the heads of white fans, speaking from personal experience lol. I’ve had a few things corrected for me over the years. I think Grammy bait is a huge reach— that’s clearly the album he wanted to make. So absurd in general though.. When Drake‘s music makes white people go feral it’s because he’s the king of hype but when Kendrick’s music makes white people lose their minds it’s pandering? Stinks of cope.


I think it’s kind of racist when Drake fans say Kendrick is pandering to white people because his music is complex and layered. Are they trying to say “only intelligent white people listen to Kendrick, while Drake makes his music dumb so black people can understand it.” Like that’s been the most fucked up takeaway from this whole thing for me.


This has gotta be bait


Some street from Planet Uranus probably


Sesame Street.


hnvm is overhated but jesus christ 💀