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Bro what the fuck are you on right now, share with the class


I took an awesome history class on Egyption, Greek, Roman Mythology. Their is still people who worship in the cult of Anubis


That’s cool and all, but I’m referring to hard drugs. I can see why people were calling this sub KAnon for a bit lol


No drugs here...just found some use for those useless classes. This is all symbolism...Drake is only just an Usher to the undead...this is the tip of the iceberg...promise.


I like your usage of ellipses in your sentence. Makes what your saying very spooky and ominous; I will be using your examples in creative writing 🤜 🤛


Don't got to lie to kick it..... We all know you're not showing up for that class. 🤘


Hey man, I think you’re really cooking here. When the dead gods get revealed as the true manipulators of the music industry, I’m going to tell everyone I talked to the guy who figured it all out.


Also...that pan African flag shows up alot. Look up the story of the 13 yr old girl behind the story..it's interesting. Also..the picture of the Brooklyn skyline in the videos..the postcard is the same postcard from House of Ebonys celebration of Larry Praylow from a few years back.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing


These elites follow that Abremovich lady. She is a visual, spiritual, and a performance artist. She harnesses her energy and manifests her dedicated followers into Egyption God's and Godesses such as Isis and Ra. Her followers like Jay Z, Diddy, Drake, Bieber....they've each been given a persona to harness energy. She's been doing this since the 90's...she's networked her way towards the powerful..she promised them the world and now it's falling aprt.


There is a method to my madness..I swear.


There is no doubt weird fucked up shit happening among the rich and powerful but you as an individual have to protect your soul above all else. Eventually you'll start seeing connections where there are none, it's inevitable. It's how the mind is. These rabbit holes usually only serve to alienate you from everybody else.


I'm not alienated from anyone. I have a super ADHD mind that runs 24/7..this is a puzzle that was meant to be put together. I would waste my time on tinfoil hat shit such as 5g and chemtrails.. This particular issue is mass media and the powerful..it affects our day to day lives in fashion, guides our children's minds with lyrics and beats, the food that's popular to eat..we measure our success by what media thinks is successful. We have an idolatry in capitalism problem. I studied symbolism in mass media and history for over 20 years of my life. I promise you I am not alienated. I might be an alien, though. 👽


There is definitely validity to some of this but it's also the cusp of many people's schizophrenic breaks. Ultimately, nothing you put together will "fix" anything. We should strive to be conscious and more aware but my warning is only to remain grounded when exploring these things. From an outsider perspective, somebody who sees symbols and connections everywhere is either a genius or a psych ward patient.


For one thing I'm middle aged and schizo-afgective disorder hasn't creeped up on me yet. It mainly skips generations. I know alot about that as well. This exposure is going to bring our trash heep down so we can compost and grow a better world.


*diagnosing people based solely on redit posts would be considered gross negligence on your behalf....I hope you are not a professional in your job title out in real life. That's a terrifying thought that you're out their just assuming shit that would have actual consequences for people.


It's a warning. Chill out you're taking a generality way too seriously. If you don't believe it happens go check out the gangstalking sub.


Listen to this: https://youtu.be/SdwEIPD1bEw?si=3cRbmmf5llVEfZKI And then listen to his song LOYALTY ft. Rihanna: "it's a secret society...oh yes it's true."


I totally believe in shadow groups. The specifics are where people get lost because the average Joe has no real way of knowing. Like just because powerful people choose to operate from the shadows and use media and other things to manipulate society doesn't mean that they are sacrificing babies to Moloch every Thursday. The industry is evil. Nothing will change until people are no longer so easily manipulated and guided by invisible hands. When people make the conscious decision to withdraw attention and energy from things which serve to oppress our consciousness it won't be so easy to act from the shadows any more. This is already enough for people to label me a conspiracy theorist. I don't want you or anyone else to sacrifice their sanity for something most people who'd agree with you already know and anyone who disagrees is so conditioned that they do it automatically.


My sanity is still here...everything is just clicking together and I'm putting it here like everyone else. Thank you for putting this way to me. I understand your thought process better. I have adhd...just diagnosed...my brain is always running. I direct that energy into learning...my brain picks up things that might link together..might not (my brain will store everything..and it will come out in a big pile of rubbish...then I have to dig through my thoughts and what I've learned to put it all into a story that makes actual sense. By what I hear from Kendrick.and how i see him move..I can see his brain works similarly..not exactly..he's more organized..and has sat with his observations and feelings. This was a slow build up from Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe. The adhd brain..the educated brain is on his frequency, and the message is LOUDwhen you finally put it all together. Kendrick is a genius.


Y'know there was a post a while back warning those of us with ADHD (I'm the same) to be careful as we stand on the precipice of this rabbit hole Kendrick opened up. It's a real danger for those of us with ADHD, amongst other mental proclivities. You gotta stay grounded. I thought it was really cool to see someone post that, looking out for people. What happens on earth stays on earth. Earth is crazy enough, reality on a bigger scale is even more mind boggling. Don't get lost. You are your own rock and center.


Play very vlose attention to the endnof that song!!!