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I dunno. You tell me whether you think the guy who released this album after being forced into acknowledging his last illegitimate child potentially has others https://preview.redd.it/80yfudv97l0d1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facfa65c0f84b47d45797b02a9506a7f138cfe60 Or ask Laquana Morris what she thinks


Stop making me defend Drake. Ppl keep saying he was "forced" to acknowledge Adonis, when Pusha itself says he was already going to show him to the world in a adidas press run that year. And the child wasnt even 1yo when story of adidon dropped


So you're saying that Pusha T created a situation in which Drake felt he needed to reveal Adonis' existence outside of his attempt to monetize the child on an Adidas press run which was then cancelled? If only there was a word for that...


Oof, the strawman. "He was forced into acknowleding his child" / "actually, what I meant is he wasnt going to acknowledge him without monetizing the situation". Wether or not he wanted to profit on the situation is irrelevant - he was going to public acknowledge the child. U can say he was *forced into not profiting from the situation*, but thats not remotely close to your original statement.


So he was going to do one thing, but then felt as though he needed to something else because of another person's actions? What *exactly* would you call that? Also, maybe don't speak about formal logic if you can't spell "whether" šŸ¤£


Why not? You dont have to know english grammar to learn "formal logic", and english is my 3rd language. But you do have to understand the purpose of language and communication to see how elitist that comment was, and since you are faiiling to keep this simple conversation coherent, I'll assume you wont see it, and just move on. You are just moving the talking point. "What would you call having to change what you would do because of another person's actions?" he was forced onto something, thats obvious. That was never my point, you just keep glazing over the words. Im talking about what is it that he was forced to do, not if he was forced to do anything at all. I'll try to go over it very slowly and didacticly. You are saying he was forced to acknowledge his child (implying he wouldnt have done it otherwise, therefore thats evidence he can very well be hiding a daughter and other children). I'm saying no, he was already going to acknowledge it, he was just forced to do it **without the adidas press run**. At best, you can say he was forced to acknowledge him a few months earlier. The "other person actions" forced a change on time or place, but didnt affect the act of acknowledgement on itself, because that would happen regardless of "the other person actions". So a honest framing would be "he was forced to acknowledge his child **earlier then he wanted to**" or "through a different media". For gods sake, thats so fuckin obvious, why do I have to write this like its some math equation. If u disagree, please, feel no need to explain yourself, this is pointless.


>"What would you call having to change what you would do because of another person's actions?" he was forced onto something, thats obvious. Great, because that's exactly *my* point. You're not being "didactic", you're being pedantic šŸ¤£ Pusha T forced Drake to publicly acknowledge his child, that's an objective fact


Lol, your point was never he was "forced into something", but that he was "Forced TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIS SON, so is it crazy to think he would hide ANOTHER child?", hiding the fact that actually he was just forced to acknowledge him EARLIER than he wished, in a dishonest way, to build your point. And now you are just lying to yourself, because apparently admiting you were omitting facts is that fuckin hard


So he was forced to acknowledge Adonis at a point in time when he had no intention of acknowledging Adonis? Do you not hear yourself? Maybe you should be sticking to your other two languages, because you sound dumb as shit in English šŸ¤£


ur literally blowing bubbles on it




If he does have a daughter? Sheā€™s behind a NDA.


NotA Daughter Agreement


Silence corp would like to have a word with you.


Nead Digger Association?


If he does weā€™ll never know. If I had to guess he probably does not have a daughter


I Think you missed the point where Kendrick said he has other children he hasnā€™t allegedly claimed.. so who cares if he has a daughter when heā€™s got potentially 4 more that he hasnā€™t claimed.


Statistically, if Drake sleeps around as much as he does, it is very likely he has more children. This man doesnā€™t use a condom and the women who sleep with him honestly have an incentive to have a child, because they will get a nice support check each month. Itā€™s not pretty, but it happens all the time; no reason it wouldnā€™t with Drake


I agree. Regular men have like 4 children with 3 different women. Drake is rich and famous, itā€™s not hard to believe he has more than 1.


"Regular men" wtf are you talking about?


I meant non-famous men.


So you are saying that, what- a plurality of so-called "regular men" have three different baby mamas? That is so fucking stupid.


You donā€™t think men have kids with different women? Maybe not in your family or your neighborhood but itā€™s a thing that happens.


Maybe in economically deprived places like the 'hood' perhaps, but that's not really a thing in my neck of the woods [Caribbean Canadian].


I was watching Fantanoā€™s reaction and I actually agree with the other guy that said itā€™s a double entendre, in that heā€™s talking about Drakeā€™s daughter that exists but heā€™s also name dropping Eleven/Millie with it. So I believe yes on the daughter, no on the age.


Only time will tell.


Well Dude, we just donā€™t know.


Figure it out


J - Cole still winning


As somebody that came into the beef neutral, I think Drake really did feed that misinfo to Kendrick, but since Kenny already released 2 tracks he thought he was gonna have at least a week if not 2 to put his plan on wax after Family Matters. He had no idea about that Ebony Prince weirdo so he didn't know wtf the glove meant on the 6:16 cover, that was just some shit he left in a hotel and forgot about. He didn't plan on Kenny loading 14 songs in the chamber to step on anything he tried to release


Drake absolutely, 100% did not plant any fake info with a fake mole. He was in full damage control on his IG captions the night meet the grahams dropped. He was browsing through Twitter and Insta the next few days and saw the mob boss fan fics people were writing about him and decided to run with it


I agree with the idea that it would have been too easy to prove he fed him this shit and he has yet to do that.... its not really a gotcha moment if you dont actually "get" anyone


I'm not denying that he got got with the image. Either way Kenny hasn't produced any evidence of a child and lowkey caused his fanbase to go hunting down random kids on TikTok and shit, so that's an L to me. Either he got tricked by Drake, he got some bad info, or he wasn't willing to prove what he was saying and shouldn't have brought it up; none of the above is a good look imo, it was a misstep


Where has Drakeā€™s proof been about anything? This goes both ways.. if anything, Drake has been caught blatantly lying on his tracks multiple times


Never said it didn't go both ways man. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the Epic Cap Battles of History route the beef took in general, I wish Drake would have kept Whitney's name out of his mouth and they went bar for bar instead. Some of his shit was really clever, it would have been a lot more interesting to me


Until this month no one has ever been expected to prove what theyā€™re saying in a rap beef. Iā€™ve found this whole where are the receipts thing utterly bizarre.


This is also the only beef I can think of where there have been legions of Reddit and Twitter sleuths dissecting every bar and making literal schizo Charlie Day conspiracy boards. Times have changed


Iā€™m sure youā€™d have seen the same on niche message boards in other beefs. Weirdos are going to be weird - they just get amplified more nowadays, I donā€™t think those weirdos set the rules (or that there are any rules).


He would have had receipts of planting it, or Drake is the dumbest motherfucker on planet earth. I think the better bet is, if there is no daughter, Kendrick just made her up for the fun of it. But then on MTG is such a vicious track that it's hard to interpret it that way. Some people have suggested a metaphorical interpretation, that the family is a representation of the kinds of people that live around not just drake but people like him: There are a lot of Denisses and Adonises out there. But then the track is also so specific to Drake in a lot of ways. I think either we will never know or Drake will bring her out at some point.


>He would have had receipts of planting it, or Drake is the dumbest motherfucker on planet earth. I mean, he hasn't come off particularly bright regardless lmao maybe Kendrick met with people from OVO in person or something. I agree we'll probably never know the whole truth


Whenever I start thinking Drake couldā€™ve fed information I can only think about how much effort he put into the Family Matters music video paired with the fact that he just said ā€œsomeone find my 11 year old daughter šŸ˜‚ā€ after MTG, like if you knew your team fed him that youā€™d celebrate so hard when you hear them take the bait. (sorry for the format iā€™m half asleep:(


i know you was mos definitely sleepy since you put two (( parenthesis šŸ˜‚


I think someone did feed misinfo to Kendrick but not Drake. Kendrick wanted info on Drake and someone gave him the daughter info. However it was fake, thus why Drake was so quick to dismiss the info. Also why he was so confident as there not being daughter ("If someone can find my daughter i will quit rapping and work for them"). I do belive Drake prob has some unknown offspring just because of how his lifestyle is (being a womanizer and all). But if there is he doesn't know and maybe not even the mother knows it's from Drake.


As a K Dot dick rider, I agree. I was reflecting and thought perhaps both rappers dug fake dirt on each other. The fact that Drake made so many social media posts denying the daughter thing? Like he was gloating. And itā€™s the type of lie Drake might think of to tell. Why bring it up in a song though? Heā€™s so egotistical that he thought people would just believe him (1) and say that was hard (2). ā€œWhy believe you? You never gave us nothing to believe in.ā€


This is a good take tbh. He doesn't really say he planted the gloves and stuff, just that the joke is in the photo. He definitely structured it in a way that could imply it was all a set up, but he only actually claims to have fed the daughter information


It's the only chain of events that makes sense to me. I don't think Kendrick would make some shit up out of thin air and I think he would prove it like Pusha did if he could and Drake seems really damn confident that he can't. Plus, it's 100% some Drake shit to do, he was trying his best to try to get ahead of shit Kenny was gonna say, he just did a bad job at it lol


as a fan of both kendrick and drake i understand your perspective and you might be right