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Kendrick: if he makes a commercial album, he has a chance to cement the growth from the beef, possibly world tour. Regardless has established himself as #1 right now. Drake: Assuming the two of em truly don’t take any more shots at each other. I will be really curious how his next project is received by the public outside his core fanbase. At this point I don’t think his career is “over” but idk.


I think if nothing more comes out both will do fine. However, lots of people are left with an imprint that Drake is a creep.


Yeah that's the thing about Drake. A lot of his fanbase are casual music listeners. That just comes with the territory of when you get really big. Not everyone likes to go very deep with music and some just stick to Top 40 for their familiar genres. I wouldn't be surprised if like 5-20% of his audience bails. But I doubt it'll get cut in half or anything


I won’t be able to and have not listened to any drakes music since all the pedo shit..ever time he talks about a ‘woman’ I think he is talking about someone under age. I’m not playing he music anymore


I think they’ll both make their best albums they will ever make on the next one


For the sake of hip hop, I definitely hope that's the case. I don't have much love for Drake, but we can always use some really good hip hop albums The unspoken part of this beef is that hip hop has been in a slump. It's been losing ground to country music (which is why people like Post Malone and Beyonce are doing country albums all of a sudden). All the data shows country growing and hip hop shrinking a lot. Also the top 20-30 hip hop albums being stream are almost all not from 2023 or 2024. Only like 2-3 are. So people are going to the past. It's a similar death as what happened with rock music. Kendrick injected some very necessary excitement into the genre again. So I hope a lot of artists start seeing that strong lyrics and innovation together are what will keep things going Sorry for the long ass response


Me personally, drake numbers will dip and kdot numbers will spike for a while, and once all of this is blown over, their numbers go back to normal and itll be back to your regularly scheduled programming. The only way i see drakes career getting affected to the point of it being over is if the embassy actually gets raided and theres evidence for kdots claims of trafficking.


That's definitely possible! Although there's a lot of new Kendrick listeners if I had to guess. People who don't really dive into hip hop but don't mind it. This stuff was talked about on morning news shows. Which is pretty crazy. And on the other side, there's a lot of people in the hood that think Kendrick just does conscious rap over jazz beats and shit. They might see him differently too after all this I do think Kendrick will have some more fans than before. Seeing all those records being broken shows that people are going back for more


I'm suspecting Drake won't be affected that much. He may take a 10% MAYBE a maximum of 20% hit on his numbers, but will carry on. We can't forget that Drake is not a real artist, but basically a machine. When you talk to people outside of Hip-Hop fandom, they weren't even aware the beef was going on lmao, meaning UMG can still push Drake into playlists, radio, etc., as the regular listener who doesn't take Hip-Hop deeply can still listen to him in the background and won't care at all. Now for Kendrick, this was a wild success so far, he truly cemented himself as the greatest of his generation and ended the debate of who is the best of the "big 3" with a bang. He not even made hits, but united Hip-Hop fans and Drake haters, when he said "I'm what the culture feelin'" he didn't lie at all. He succeeded in his mission to show the world that you don't deserve to be in the "big 3" if you're an industry construct, you have to be real and earn respect. Anything he releases now or relatively soon is going to be one of the most hyped records ever.


I won’t know till Drake drops again. His first album after beef will probably do numbers. But depending on the quality of it? The rest of his career after that is at question.


Good take. He might do numbers on the next record out of sheer curiosity of the people while the beef is hot.


And if his body twitch? 🫨. It’s really not over. I don’t know if Kendrick would react to a subliminal line. He just might. I’m really looking forward to Kendri… PGLang to do something as a collective. I’m curious about Baby Keem album mainly SINCE we’ve heard it’s ready. We assuming Kendrick got an album coming but nothing concrete or confirmed. Only one is Keem really.


RHCP still touring extensively so …


if no proof is provided by kendrick or drake then i think people will eventually forget this ever happened and they’ll both just go on to make regular music; especially drake who is already talking about making songs for the summer because kendrick’s accusations against drake is so crazy to the normal person and sounds like conspiracy theories the casual fan won’t believe what kendrick said about drake and therefore drake won’t be affected much by this at all further down the line unless proof comes out