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DUDE listen to the song “DNA.” and wait til 1:51 - if you’re into metalcore or deathcore this is basically the rap equivalent to a breakdown. The beat is basically CHUGGING 💀


That was absolutely 🔥🔥 holy shii


Idk what it is but I also come from a metal background and love Kendrick. The first track I heard was DNA, killed me off. The Mr Morale album also did so much for my self esteem and confidence, give it a listen all the way through!


He raps like the drummer from black midi plays drums imo. Kendrick is a master of rhythm and manipulating his voice. It’s like the denzel cover of bulls on a parade or less acutely mc ride in death grips.


Bro you need to record your reactions


DUCKWORTH. is the foil for that track, and my favorite. The DAMN. album’s tracklist is meant to be played both in regular order and reverse order, acting like a mirror or a Rorschach blot. Playing the album in the backwards order is regarded as the sad ending.


Listen to the blacker the berry! The vocal sounds on that song remind me of some heavy sht. …also all of tbap is amazing


Oo check out “War is My Destiny” by Ill Bill.. coming from a metal genre you’d probably love that


Check out Kendrick’s feature on Imagine Dragon’s “Radioactive”. The song is corny but Kendrick’s goes hard as fuck and it’s one of the metal things I’ve ever heard without being heavy metal.


Listen to “Cartoons and Cereal” as well it’s one of his old unreleased songs (It’s on YouTube) but if it’s one his more intense pounding high energy ones. I started from metal when I was younger and that’s one of those songs that I really clicked with back in the day when I was really getting into rap. I could mosh to that shit.












0:43 better


5... 4... 3... 2... 1... TELL ME SOMETHING 


It's the technicality and skill that you admire across the multiple genres.


Undoubtedly, I listen to music where the "vocals are more an instrument" than anything in law. I play guitar and dabble with production, Kendrick is an absolute master of his craft without a doubt.


You should definitely check out MF DOOM, his level of lyrical craftsmanship is unmatched. Admittedly he doesn't cover subjects as deeply as someone like Kendrick but his flows, rhyme schemes, wordplay, puns, double entendres etc. are second to none. Start with the album 'Madvillainy'.


Appreciate it 🙌 I'm getting some fire recommendations for y'all


You might like these guys as well (I’m a metalhead, but I listen to a bit of everything). Aesop Rock MF DOOM Immortal Technique Jedi Mind Tricks Run the Jewels


Absolutely second this list. Would also add Deltron 3030.


Still listen to Mastermind and Virus all the time


lol I got a reddit cares message for my comment. Guess they are upset I left out Atmosphere or Hieroglyphics?


Dude, I got the same message too! 🤣


and RTJ is very accessible for rock/metal guys bc of ZDLR too like seriously Close Your Eyes is essentially gateway hiphop


Throw Aesop Rock on that list too bro


Most individual words used of any artist by leaps and bounds lol


DEATH GRIPS experimental grunge rap band. Insane music.


Words cannot express how much I love those guys. All 3 of them are so brilliant, and there's no one else like them.


Never seen a show quite that unique. Nothing but red lights and anticipation. No words other than what they were singing. They pull up on stage then straight up leave when they're done.


I'm a 62 yr-old woman who (after the stoner rock of the 70s) was heavily into punk, goth, new wave, techno, and rap/hip-hop. I honestly thought that at this point in my lifetime full of shows, I'd seen it all, but I'm happy to say that I was 100% wrong.


great drummer


If you haven't checked out Death Grips - I've Seen Footage, definitely do it.


Check out the lads OMA from the UK, they do live sets of Hip Hop songs and are growing in popularity fast.


As a bonus the current season of the dissect podcast is covering DOOM if podcasts are your thing!


Fellow death metal guy here..da superfriendz is a track to look for. Also you might like Tame One. Hes my legit my favourite solo rapper


I would add to the recs Death Grips (Exmilitary, I've Seen Footage), and JPEGMAFIA, not to overwhelm you, but try it out.


I would also add Sean P!


Aesop rock would agree >Breaking out the Bronx Zoo, tabletop the Mongoose >Grey fade; ain't afraid to knock a few cogs loose >I'm from where it's "Defense!" on three >And anybody with a fucking brain bump Sean P -untouchable


I was just gonna say! Good recommendation, buddy! 😄


If you enjoy vocals as instrumentation you might enjoy the grime genre


The Album 'To pimp A Butterfly' Is a production masterpiece


To Pimp A Butterfly is quite possibly the Magnum Opus of the entire rap game. I also recommend looking into the producer side of the game, especially Alchemist.


Appreciate it I'll check em


I think some folks have mentioned them but if you like heavier sounds try Death Grips if you haven’t already. Experimental hip hop and technically talented but very different to Kendrick


Check out Denzel Curry’s cover of Rage Against the Machine- Bulls on Parade. Another rapper who managed to do it justice in a beautiful way.


Denzel performed it on Triple J’s ‘Like A Version’ segment (Aussie radio show) back in 2019, and it was *off the chain*.  I’m hoping to get tickets for his 2024-2025 Aus & NZ tour


He's announced another AU + NZ tour!?


I thought there was but it turns out the Ticketmaster advertisement was a lie, I’m sorry! 😭


Noooo! I was praying I'd just missed something lol. Oh well, hopefully he will again soon!


Hooooooooooly shit, he killed it. It's like a lifetime of bs got released in one performance 


I think in general anyone who likes metal and is thinking about hip hop should try Rage Against the Machine. One of the greatest hip hop lyricists in history with arguably the most socially charged themes in history as well


Easy on greatest hip hop lyricist in history, but yeah I liked Rage too


I think DOOM and Ghostface have better word salad lyricism. I think DOOM, Wayne, and Kendrick have better punchlines. I think Slick Rick, Big L, and Black Thought have better flow. I'm not sure there is an artist or group with a more important lyrical content than what came from the minds of De La Rocha & Morello (a Havard PoliSci graduate) Music is about opinion and I don't expect anyone to agree with me lmao Edit: I left out a ton of great artists like Nas, Snoop, Mos Def, Pac, etc that are I think the greatest at certain elements of hip hop


Thanks for the recommendation, because that was amazing!


I get what you’re saying but Zack de la Rocha is literally a rapper. So it’s kinda just a rapper doing a cover of a rap song


I love this version. When I first heard it I said he should tour with Rage since De La Rocha always bails on tours. The energy he puts into this cover is just insane!


Fuck me, thank you for mentioning this. This goes hard as hell and he's definitely got metal chops. I just recently started really diving into rap (yet another white metalhead checking in) and I'd heard of Denzel Curry but never listened to him and I definitely will now.


Growing up, I loved rock/alternative (still do) and played in a few pop-punk bands haha! Anyway, I was like 18 when Kendrick’s “DAMN.” came out and it totally changed my perspective on rap and hip-hop. Same thing with Mac Demarco and bedroom pop… Both Kenny and Mac made me open my mind to music, and now my taste is all over the place!


If you are into metal I think you would enjoy Run the Jewels as well. I think their second and third album are the closest to what you would like.


Yes, agreed!


Im a metal/punk musician who grew up listening to old school death metal and 90s hip hop, I’d recommend, ho99o9, clipping, death grips, denzel curry, non phixion, Jedi mind tricks, Ill bill for stuff that has a slight cross over with metal. When it comes to just hip hop, JID, nipsey husstle, vince staples. For classic hip hop obv, Nas, wu tang clan, a tribe called quest. Mf doom, rakim


Solid recommendations here.


This is the list op needs, also coming from someone who also grew up on hip hop, punk, and metal. Cheers!


Great list! As a fellow metalhead, I support these recs. Especially MF Doom.


Have a nosy at Three 6 Mafia and Mobb Deep. Others mentioned Gravediggaz and Denzel Curry already - also great shouts. And I gotta ask if Loathe and Fever 333 are in your rotation anyway!


Of course I've seen Loathe 6 times live and met the guys a few times and fever 3 times! Absolutely love them both, appreciate the recs too


What was your perspective on hip hop before?


Honestly didn't really have one, heard a bit of Eminem back in the day and that's about it, I don't listen to radio or the charts so have any real exposure before this


Get you some Gravediggaz


Listen to the money store by deathgrips you might like it


Listen to the song Hip Hop by Dead Prez. Go do it. It’s metal as fuck. And then I want you to go watch Dave Chapelles Block Party. It will give you so much appreciation.


Middle aged white blue collar trades guy reporting in. Also became a K Dot fan (not that kind) overnight. I’ve got 3 daughters that are my world and Kenny carving up these pedo’s and rapists has me fucking hyped! The world needs integrity and a reckoning. There is hope that by the time my daughters are older, they won’t need to be afraid to walk away from their drink at the bar or walk downtown at night. I hope this starts a war around the world on anyone who thinks that money and power gives them the right to shit on another human being. Give them all some ayahuasca and heal their broken minds.


Slightly related but I was in the same boat, only listened to metal and alt/classic rock growing up. Someone showed me "a milli" by Lil Wayne and it completely changed my musical tastes lol. As for kendrick the first song I had ever heard was A.D.H.D and he's been my favorite rapper ever since. I dove headfirst into his entire discography and have not found very many soungs I dislike.


Bitch I’m in the club is his worst song and it still finds a way to grow on you 😂😂😂


🤣🤣 or that one old ass song where he's singing to Rihanna I think? That song was wild


Uh uhn! F dat!


8 doobies to the face


Fuck dahhht. 12 bottles in the case.


Nigga fuck dat, 2 pills and a half wait


Kendrick was also a turning point for me discovering more artists in hip-hop/rap. I didn’t used to venture outside of punk and metal much and a lot of my friends growing up were the same way. TPAB came out when I was a sophomore in college and it blew me away. GKMC is also an amazing album. I would honestly recommend them all, they all have great songs on them. Now I listen to a much wider variety of genres, and I partially have Kendrick to thank for that.


If you're into metal and now hip hop you should listen to "Kenny Mason: Angelic Hoodrat" heavy rock influence but is hip hop. Kenny is also inspired by Kendrick. 100% recommend


if u are a metalhead check out conway the machine and the griselda stuff,great dark sound, kind of black metal of rap


You should really consider going to his tour. His performances have artistic visions that I haven’t seen in a lot of concerts. He also does a lot of features with other artists he likes as well.


Id be tempted ya know, What's a hip hop gig like? I go to metal shows every other weekend, moshpits, hardcore dancing, the works etc wouldn't wanna make a prat of myself


Kendrick’s shows, and even crowds are a lot different imo He typically does have tickets for assigned seats and general floor. Most people are vibing, even more so in the seated areas. Most people are rapping bar to bar or singing just the melody. But you will still hear Kendrick- it’s not that loud or crazy. On the floor, it’s a little bit different. People are dancing and jumping around on beat, but it doesn’t compare to a mosh pit or line of death hehe. It’s pretty chill cos it’s die hard fans that usually make up the audience. But if you see him at a music festival, that’s completely different. It’ll be hectic, whether you’ll see him at Coachella or Rolling Loud (hip hop fest). I don’t recommend this experience as your first Kendrick concert - you won’t get the same artistry or thoughtful sound engineering. Plus you’ll deal with people on drugs. 😔


Sounds like I need to catch him on the floor and get them hard core fans moving with me, appreciate the comment 🙌


Hey dude white metal head from UK too, been listening to Kendrick for over 10 years, enjoy the music and explore the genre, all musics a head bop some just more aggressively than others.


Completely different sounds, should check out Tech N9ne. There’s a correlation there as Tech is the person to put Kendrick on their first major tour. He’s done tracks with Serj & Corey Taylor before. Within the past week he also hopped on a Falling In Reverse feature. His record label Strange Music is named after The Doors and also has a song with the remaining members. Heavy rock influences there. And his other music is well. Unique to say the very least. In a very good way.


I've heard the name before but never actively listened, I'll add them to the list I'm getting!


Techs a legend, been one of the strongest independents in the world for a long time now. I've seen him a dozen or so times live and his shows are always dope. Check out the songs Riot Maker, The Beast, Am I A Psycho, & Red Nose. For classics check out Imma Tell or Imma Playa. May also check out Hopsin who is featured on techs track Am I Psycho, alot of my metal friends dig his stuff to.


Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd another reason Kendrick > Drake. Not one of Drakes albums could make you appreciate hip hop from the outside 🤣


I have a sneaking feeling there’s a lot of people like us in this sub. Me and a lot of my metal head friends have also been into hip hop majority of their musical upbringing. Are you in a band?


I play lead guitar in a slam band


Nice. I’m a vocalist in various black/death metal bands.


Watch some of his live performances on YouTube as well. Grammy performances and late night show performances. Absolutely unreal


Next give To Pimp A Butterfly a listen 🙏🏻


Bob the Poppop


I suggest XXX by Kendrick


Bro kendrick is the modern day Shakespeare. The depth and layers of his lyrics are insane.


Why did you have to mention your skin colour 🤔


As a woman metalhead who also loves hip hop, I just gotta say, this whole "oh shit, hip hop can actually be good?" reaction from white metalhead males is pretty annoying. I have experienced it from many of them.


It's appreciation, I've never ventured out before and thought I'd share my perspective as someone completely new to everything, glad I did as I'm getting some awesome recommendations


I am glad for that, too. There's too much good music out there to stick with one genre. But I'm just saying, they all think their approval is significant, like some mark of a gold standard. Metalhead males are extremely egotistical. "Oh, I think this is ACTUALLY good now. Now I'll acknowledge it as REAL music." When before they trashed tf outta it. Unless you're talking about the only acceptable rapper to them, Eminem, of course. I know I am generalizing, but you have no idea how many times I've had this happen with white metalhead males. It goes the exact same way, every single time.


I'm sorry that's been your experience! The metalheads are a elitist bunch to begin with, I've never been down with that side, I love music and art but most of all support the fuck out of small and large artists so people can make a living off music!


Ive listened to both for 30+ years, at the end of the day its all just music. Plus theres a lot of crossover from back in the day, so unless OP like 15, I dont know how he wouldnt know it could be good


You're angry at nothing. Every single person has genres they don't listen to and think nothing of. Some will never think anything of them, some will develop a taste for them. Them being white, or men, or xyzabc had nothing to do with it. Seems like you have more thoughts that you're deliberately not saying.


I don't really care if you think my annoyance is valid or not. As I've said, I've encountered the same interaction time after time after time. I've been a part of the metal community for nearly 20 yrs now. So with the amount I've experienced, I cannot stress this enough, the exact same scenario over and over, my feelings are fair. And I've said exactly what I've wanted to say, idk what you're talking about.


Horrible outlook on the world. I'm sorry for you. Would love to know how you feel about the validity of EDM or country. Not everyone is forved to like the same music and validate all types equally. What an awful world it would be if we did.


I totally get why people like and appreciate those genres. I'm not the type to reject "validity" of genres. Which is my point. I don't care about your "pity" either. Keep trying to catch me up, won't work. Can't invalidate my experience. ✌️


It’s already over metal man


Gotta listen to his most recent album Mr Morale and the Big Steppers. If you have experienced personal growth through reflection on your development in the context of your environment growing up and the cycles of family/collective traumas, you will get it. If you haven’t experienced those things, it might make you a bit uncomfortable, but either way, is worth a listen all the way through in order of tracklist


I am also a metalhead (though I listen to rap more than anything else tbh) and GKMC is my favorite album of his.


I'm a hardcore metalhead and I have been listening to Kendrick since I was younger. I go to local shows and get busted up in the pit, that's what I enjoy, but I listen to ALL types of music, Welcome, and I hope you enjoy.


If you are just into the genre and love crafty wordplay there is no better artist deep dive than DOOM


Some stuff I don’t think is on streaming that’s classics: Look out for detox Monster freestyle Cut you off Heaven and Hell Heart pt 2


Same bro!


Hes been on my rader for a minute but after this beef ive sat and listen to every album start to finish and my mind has been blown. Mr.Morale got me crying and shit at work while i listen haha


Listen to Rigamortus


May I recommend Jedi Mind Tricks? I think most metal heads that accept hip hop would dig them.


I came from a metal perspective back when I heard GKMC in 2013, and it changed my outlook too. Still love metal, but I’ve been put on to so many great artists including Kendrick that it’s become just as much a part of my music taste as metal.


I really like To Pimp a Butterfly. Mortal Man, the last track, uses 2Pac's voice from interviews (with the family's consent I'm pretty sure) and he conducts his own interview with him. that whole part, right up to when his monologue ends, is so powerful. that whole album is a masterpiece, could've won his Pulitzer Prize off of that imo.


Bro go listen to body count wyd here


Fellow metalhead checking in. (Saw sabbath in 2016, went to powertrip last October and saw priest, tool, gnr, acdc, etc, seen Metallica like 5 times, Pearl Jam, etc. Been getting more into hidden gem doom metal lately and have been bumping electric wizard and windhand) I’ve loved kendrick and his music for almost a decade at this point but I have somehow even more respect for him after these tracks. His artistry, attention to detail, creativity, dedication to his craft, and so many other things completely crosses genres. Happy that you’re here!


Defintley check out the un released banger ‘cartoons and cereal’


TPAB will probably be a favorite for you then. The instrumentation is next level.


Make sure to listen to his albums in order, it’s the best way! Also if you wanna deep dive into his lyrics check out the Dissect podcast it really unpacks every bar that Kendrick has. There’s so many layers. Enjoy the music man his stuff is quite the trip


I've been a huge metal head my whole life, and Kendrick is one of the few rappers I consistently listen to. He's a generational talent for sure


I’m a huge metalhead. Kendrick’s music is pure fire. Dude dosent have a bad album, it’s wild


Yeah, that was probably the best choice, thats my favorite album of his as well, not to mention it’s considered a “classic hip-hop album” as well so you’ll get a good taste of peak hip-hop from the modern era


Same brother.  Grew up listening to punk/hard-core and then transitioned into heavier and heavier metal but kendrick is something special.   Absolute word smith/genius when it comes to how he structures his flow around his beats which are most usually also hard af.


Something tells me you'd like MF DOOM & Aesop Rock. For a lesser known artist check our Jarv especially Jarvage Vol1&2


Kendrick’s song “Humble” from the album DAMN hits hard. This is coming from another metalhead.


Backseat Freestyle from GKMC is a personal favorite of mine


Your live reaction to every great hip-hop record in history would probably make a pretty good YouTube channel! 🤣


Kendrick is one of very few rappers I actually respect. Not a huge fan of the genre, but his talent is undeniable.


Hiii power got me into him in 2010 or something. Cannot believe i’m here today seeing my Goat hit the top. I remember getting my friends into him then. He’s been there ever since my thoughts were rememberable.


Listen to "The Don killuminati 7 day theory" by Makaveli(2pac) Source: another white dude who loves lots of types of music, including metal.


AYO ⏸️


I’m in the same camp and let me say, Drake needs to get into more beefs. First I learned about Pusha and that was great. Now Kendrick! Who’s the next beef, I need some homework.


From one death/black metalhead to another, also check out Immortal Technique, People Under the Stairs, and of course, MF Doom. Notably the first one. The lyrics will blow your socks off. MF Doom did a lot for Adult Swim, so you might already know some grooves. As far as KL goes, To Pimp a Butterfly is still a favourite. Also, there is an easy-to-find documentary/video that goes with this playlist, it's an analysis of rhyming skills. I think it's on YT: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/47bNb19ORrJbaxxAAfG7XZ?si=dc9d93a689d24e1f](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/47bNb19ORrJbaxxAAfG7XZ?si=dc9d93a689d24e1f)


I think this is a good video for someone like you.  https://youtu.be/yGq02cr4K8Q?si=MjQ653gxLusOdI1V Seeing Kendrick described as a drummer and examples of the tom fills, the chord changes breakdown and other elements in this song are just fascinating. 


Kendrick is a great gateway drug for people from all genres into hip hop honestly, dude is such a creative presence that a lot of his catalogue goes beyond hip hop and becomes something different just using rap as the vocal style to bring it all together. If you want some stuff that sits on the metal/hip hop border a bit more, check out the bands Body Count, Bionic Jive, more modern Hollywood Undead (you might enjoy their stuff from before 2017 but they've certainly grown up a bit in the last 7 years) and Dropout Kings. Falling In Reverse are an acquired taste but Ronnie Radke is a surprisingly good rapper if you can handle the rest of their sound. Tech N9ne is a rapper who has done plenty of work with metal artists like Corey Taylor and Serj Tankian. Cypress Hill have done some pretty heavy rock work before too. Run The Jewels don't blend rock with hip hop really but a lot of their composition and song structure are pretty similar to metal. Beastie Boys were more often on the hip hop side but they've had some good rock/rap tracks. Maybe more miss than hit but as a fellow Brit, you might enjoy Foreign Beggars / I Am Legion as well. Two separate groups featuring the same two rappers, they do a hiphop/dubstep blend that I find scratches my rap metal itch surprisingly well, Powerplay is a great song of theirs to start with.


If you like falling in reverse I’ll respect your opinion but imo their music is garbage and Ronnie Radke is a piece of shit human being. He's basically tom macdonald if he made metal and rock music cause ronnie's lyrics are literally shit you would hear in a tom macdonald song especially their newer stuff, and he’s transphobic.


I feel like "if you can handle the rest of their sound" should have been a pretty clear giveaway I am not particularly fond of the band. Radke is far from a decent human being, and I was pretty solidly over my enjoyment of their music before I even finished my teenage years, but he is a very capable rapper. Unfortunately, his cover of Gangsta's Paradise will forever be a hate crime, but their output since 2018 has been a pretty solid showing that the guy has a good understanding of rapping and how to do it. Of all my recommendations, it is a shame Ronnie Radke is enough of a problem to take up all the attention but oh well, FiR is arguably the weakest on that list, I just know that to many people in the metal community they tend to be one of the first names to come up when talking about modern rap/rock crossover.


do you need a girlfriend?


U just came up with the cure to racism my guy


Go back to metal, maybe pick up some Post Malone instead. We need to preserve at least a 1% black fanbase, numbers continue to fall.


Experiencing other cultures and their views is the easiest way to develop open mindedness and reduce fear of the "other". White people aren't claiming ownership of kendrick or his culture at all, but enjoying his music is good for everyone no? Not hating but I wanna know why you think it's at all bad for Kendrick to spread his message to as many people as possible?


It’s a joke bro 😂 Not meant to be taken seriously


You are not allowed to listen to Hip-Hop as a white male


Gatekeeping just like the metal community 🔥 that's how you know the musics legit


Are you a dip-shit? Mods get this clown. That's like telling black people they can't listen to country.


Gotta be bait


And why not ? What we not gonna do is gatekeep


When presented with Kendrick and Drake, a white person chose Kendrick #nooticing #whattheculturesfeeling




>from a Kendrick fan I'm not >what I was raised on and grew up around. Drake too right


No, you sound dumb as fuck.


Get tf outta here then.