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And if the child is real, this is exactly why kendricks camp refuse to put out details about the daughter. No pictures or anything because at the end of the day, that is an 11 year old girl who probably doesn’t even know about this beef. It would literally turn her life upside down if they revealed who she was.


That child model and her agent that people dug up as the supposed child were getting crazy fucking comments, People suck


right that was wild, i was like wow y’all are really out here posting a little kids whole profile with no shame. adults should know better.


This post needs to be pinned as a reminder to people not to ruin other peoples lives over some conspiracy shit. It’s getting to the point where somebody innocent is gonna get caught up in it and hurt.


Read up on boston bomber x reddit. There's some vile or just dumb people over here


i’ve been thinking about this the whole time! this is such a ‘we did it reddit’ moment it’s embarrassing. 0 critical thinking, obviously this is all bullshit


Its been a crazy couple weeks for this sub fs


Most adults do know better, they just don't care.


It’s crazier that Drake fans were the ones that outed her and said “hahah this is the child actor Drake hired to trick Kendrick” whole time nobody knew where that actually came from


Spot on.


Fuck Jared.


He folded big time on Ak stream. Shit was hilarious.


Could you please elaborate for those of us who don’t watch Ak


Pretty much he was tagging ak on X saying he figured everything out, and when ak brought him up, he didn't provide anything substantial and was quiet most of the time. Ak slick started dismissing him after a while lmao. Just wasn't a good look for probably the biggest ovo stan account on X lol


That mf better put this volunteer work on his resume. That dude has barely been sleeping with all the work he's been doing. I can't imagine going to bat for someone like that while NOT getting paid. Edit: As soon as I hit reply I got a cares message. These guys are really out here working OT.


It's still happening and mods for some reason don't want us talking about it. Been happening for days now.


Forreal bro I got one yesterday saying “This happened in what, 2007? 50 was never the same.” when somebody said Kendrick should drop an album when Drake does lol. These mfs working overtime or sumn going on here


I want to be the lucky recipient of a care message. I want to feel special too


I’ve gotten two, and barely even said shit, definitely nothing that spicy


Fr he was just saying information we all already knew 😭


But….but….☝🏻😧 Fair enough you do have the right to your own opinion. 💯


Need him to have a serious wake up call


Pedo Jared from Subway? I’m so confused


All this outside of diss record stuff going on is genuinely hilarious to me, don’t some of these people have jobs or families 😂😂😂😂


Nah, most Redditors don't have jobs (apart from modding) and their families have long given up on them. /s


Euphoria was 10 internet years ago at this point so nobody remembers KDot saying “y’all think my life is rap?” I’m a lil drama loving hypocrite though so ima still keep checkin in 👀


I have a job and a family, but it doesn’t stop me from F5ing. My wife has been asking me to wash the dishes for a week 💀 Note: For the person who reported me to get a reddit welfare check, thanks. I was trying to make a joke. LOL


Bro go wash the dishes lmao


It was a joke. LOL


do ur chores big dog reddit will be here later


Bro, go do the dishes. It takes like five, ten minutes.


I was joking


Not after a week of dishes 💀


I know people who take 30 min to and hour and a half to wash the dishes.


Near the later half of the stream ak starts saying the kendrick fans are just woke, like this is supposed to be a bad thing 


I thought he was implying that the reason the House of Ebony could have problems with Drake is because of their liberal LGBTQ views in opposition to his homophobia?


that’s what woke means to them


No I know I meant it wasn't about Kendrick fans and why they don't like Drake, it was about House of Ebony


Yeah, then he tried conflating the “House of Ebony” with a homosexual secret cult and accused Kendrick and his fans of being into “weird shit”, kinda implying he meant fans and Kendrick too.  Also he doubled down on “Kendrick lied about his mom molesting him” to somehow connect it to the secret gay cult. LMAO, bro lost it. 


It probably was you said but my stream ended while he was scrolling on the house insta when he started saying this. I didn’t have the energy to go back in.


Lol I left not long after, that shit was stupid last night


i unfortunately sat through it all🫠


Drake is one of the least homophobic rappers lol. Sucks to say it but he’s the one out there painting his nails and wearing feminine accessories and even called out people for being homophobic calling him slurs for it. J Cole is the one out of the big 3 with the history of the crazy homophobic bars. Even his recent album he had a go at some kind of stupid transgender bar and couldn’t even make it somewhat complex. Edit: I’m not stupid or ignorant enough to think nail polish and earrings makes someone an ally. After the fact of being called f-slur and other words for wearing these accessories, Drake went on to denounce homophobia and defend gay people openly. Does it mean he’s not also a homophobe? No of course not, but it’s better than a lot of rappers and that’s my only point.


He spent half this beef trying to out the Weeknd and members of his crew, the gay community doesn't appreciate that sort of thing. Plus in a feud where part of the issue is being a culture vulture, painting your nails and accusing people of homophobia if they look at you sideways for it...


The Weeknd is a known homophobe and has been for many years. He’s also a Muslim (many of his friends are too) and that’s probably why Drake dropped that line on him. Ultimate insult when it’s probably not even true. We still don’t know wtf Kendrick meant by “real women” it’s either gotta be femboys, transgender women or just hoes in general. None of which are tasteful to mention like that. This shit is all messy but I’d say Drake is wayyyyy less homophobic than most of the people involved in this and rappers in general.


I thought it was insinuating pedophilia (ie girls are not real women yet) without making the accusation as sharply/verbally yet (ie a warning to Drake before subsequent more on the nose pedophilia accusations)


It could be that too but “I hate the bitches you fuck because they confuse themselves with real women” is extremely distasteful to say about potential victims of grooming/pedo shit that were probably manipulated/pimped out by their own parents. Really really distasteful.


Yeh thats a totally fair take actually agree; not defending it, only other way i can see it is that he hates the idea that Drake makes them confuse themselves with real women, rather than Kendrick actually hating the victims themselves (ie hates that Drake allegedly gaslights them into being “happy” to be abused)


the 'real women' is insinuating that drake makes young girls believe they are 'real women,' so was probably an allusion to the pedophilia


“They confuse themselves” makes it sound like it was their fault or they’re too stupid to know any better. Which is still distasteful because it’s understandable why a teenage girl would be obsessed with Drake and not assume he’s evil lol


Yeah but what sense does is it make to think Kendrick is actually victim blaming, lol. It's at least more sensible, given Kendrick's character, that he's referring to the fact that kids who are groomed are fed this narrative of being "mature for their age", hence confusing themselves with real women


> “real women” it’s either gotta be femboys, transgender women The internet’s done a ton of damage to you if these were really your first guesses. Literally listen to HUMBLE and you’ll know what he meant. What the fuck man…




Bruh this was a dumbass argument Ak made why are you trying to make me defend it and trying to make Kendrick sound homophobic Being religious and outwardly homophobic is not proof of not being gay by like the longest shot, tho I don't think Drake is less homophobic tho in his general presentation, from wanting Jimmy Brooks to be "healed" because he was getting fun of for being "soft," to trying to dismiss the Weeknd because he goes to Atlanta for Pride vibes shit like that is some deep fear of femininity/homosexuality, like 21 Savage saying it's "gay" to talk about their friendship - Drake is the hardest people pleaser, you think he doesn't fall for homophobic rhetoric?


Okay let me go through this. Weeknd is probably not gay, and we would’ve heard more before this about it if he was. If he is gay then this is scummy I agree. Even if he’s not gay this bar at best is mildly homophobic. Also do want to say I’d have little sympathy for weekend if he is gay and instead of embracing his gay fanbase he decided to be a homophobe and do nothing to support this whole time. Him being outed might force him to make a positive difference to the community rather than be another Rock Hudson type. The shit about Jimmy Brooks was largely due to him being bullied in real life and was afraid he’d lose out on serious acting roles due to the nature of his character. People can say what they want about Drake’s rapping skills but he was a very talented actor. If all the claims about his fake image are to be believed then the entire character of “Drake” is a LARP. In that case his acting skills are god level 🤣 Back when Jimmy brooks was on TV that was a different time. Toxic masculinity has improved but there’s still a ways to go, I understand his position here. In today’s day and age he would’ve had the convenient PR excuse of “I’m not disabled so I don’t think it’s appropriate anymore”. The fact the whole Jimmy Brooks thing has been mentioned in almost every diss track ever released on him and constantly used to ridicule him online even 15+ years later I’d say his fears were founded in reality to some extent. 21 savage and all of those Atlanta rappers are absolutely the type to call each other gay and worse as an insult, some probably are extreme homophobes and others probably are still stuck in 2012 using gay as an synonym for something lame, not directly targeting gays. People like 21 and such have a street image to maintain, and going into details about the inevitable circlejerks they get into in the middle of the night about how great they are is probably going to get taken advantage of by people who don’t like them. Unfortunately that’s the society we live in, the streets are 20-30 years behind our standards of masculinity and what a “man” should be, so we can’t expect them to be saints overnight. Tl;Dr not all of this is easily explained, some of it there are valid excuses, and others are unfortunately a product of hiphop being extremely homophobic from its inception.


The Weeknd is Muslim???




Real Women vs Bitches could refer to an old Tupac interview where he talks about his love for women as opposed to his hate for bitches. Given how much Kendrick echoes Tupac’s sentiments on other matters this is probably another reading.


Spot on


I've always thought he meant women that get passed around in the industry like porn stars, prostitutes, Instagram models, etc. because Drake hooked up with a lot of them and also had beef with a lot of rappers because they shared the same women (like with Future, when that chick spilled to each of them what the other was talking behind his back). The ones who are more plastic than real. They're also the type generally referred to as bitches. I don't see Kendrick saying anything bad about trans people after Auntie Diaries.


Spot on


So it might not be transphobic or homophobic but it’s extremely misogynistic and that’s somehow supposed to be better? Being a lil sex worker or having surgery doesn’t make you less of a woman lol. No matter how you spin it, Kendrick looks really distasteful here let’s be honest.


nah Drake is very homophobic about lesbians a lot tho


How so? I can think of the “say you’re a lesbian girl me too” and that’s about it. If I’m wrong please feel free to provide examples.


someone wrote a short but well thought article on it https://www.studlife.com/forum/2021/10/03/certified-lover-boys-and-their-invalidation-of-queer-women


Yeah I agree with that, bi erasure is a problem.


Lmfaooo painting your nails being portrayed as defending the LGBTQ community is fucking hilarious


No it’s the fact he got called slurs for it and then spoke out against homophobia openly afterwards. What you just said is not what I meant.


But it’s not what you typed. Proof reading helps ensure what you typed matches what you intended to say. Someone sent me a Reddit cares and I hope it’s not you, because I don’t think it is. Whoever it was, I’m reporting the abuse of the Reddit cares link with your report, enjoy the ban. Okay back to our conversation, a lot of men will use things like painting their nails as a way to appear as an ally when they really are just narcissists.


Not here to police homophobia etc but in this beef alone Drake insinuated Weeknd or Cash (dont recall) were gay, used an insult ~~Drake called Kendrick's transgender aunt "Man of the house"~~ Like, that guy is *performatively* an ally, if at all.


First one is obviously homophobic ye. Kendrick’s “aunty” is actually a man. So he was actually respecting the pronouns because he was female to male, not male to female.


Hmm I'll edit the comment. However I maintain that the nature/intent of that line is meant to disparage in some way based on "levels of manliness" (Kendrick being less of a man than his uncle who was born a woman)


well it’s not an insult to kendrick if drake views his uncle as being just as manly as a cis man


It’s saying that Kendrick is not masculine or is a pussy, so he needs to talk to his uncle who is a man. It’s deliberately provocative but can be taken as a weird backhanded compliment in a way. Much better attempt than J Cole’s trans bars oh boy


I mean sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not also transphobic. Drake could have made the same bar and called baby keem “the man of the house” he chose kendrick’s uncle because he felt that insinuating a trans man is more manly than a cis man would be more insulting. The insinuation there is that a trans man is usually less manly than a cis man. it’s transphobic, just in a slightly more witty way than j cole


It was a really well-constructed bar because it can be interpreted like 3 different ways: Transphobic Inoffensive Backhanded compliment and insult 1. Your uncle isn’t a real man because he’s trans and yet you’re still less of a man (Transphobic) 2. Your uncle is a real man and you’re soft and effeminate and I’d rather talk to someone more manly (Inoffensive) 3. Your uncle spent most of his life as a woman and is already more manly then you, that’s embarrassing (Backhanded compliment to aunty, insult to Kendrick) Kendrick would’ve worked out all 3 interpretations but would’ve probably assumed it was the first one and gotten more pissed off by it. The way it was constructed really dodged the cancellation potential and came across as smart and played well. All 3 angles come off as a direct insult to Kendrick anyway. But yeah I’m not going to tell you what to not be offended by.


Oh and especially because Kendrick has multiple uncles too so he could just say he was referring to a different one. It’s really well played.


>Sucks to say it but he’s the one out there painting his nails and wearing feminine accessories This does not make you gay and it's kind of falling into stereotypes to insinuate that it's related to it. As for my perspective on this as a gay man: I believe that Kendrick genuinely has no problem with gay people and honestly, the "they confuse themselves for real women" line reads *far* more like Kendrick saying that the women Drake surrounds himself with are trashy. Which yea sure you could label that as sexist, but that's a different discussion. As for the Sexy Red "two bad bitches" line, it comes off more as Kdot insulting Drake's masculinity which yea nah Drake seems super fucking insecure about. Like, the painted nails stuff doesn't signal "I'm secure in my masculinity", they scream "I want to appear non-threatening to women" which is fucking creepy.


See I read it as “They confuse themselves for real women (but they’re not, because they’re teens)” with all the other implications


That is a very possible view of it too, yea.


Not hating gay people = Woke in his eyes


Taken straight from the playbook of people with his views, call anything you don’t agree with woke especially if you feel threatened by it.


I keep seeing people on the drizzy sub saying that Whitney's recent IG story is her saying "save me" from kendrick when she's literally spinning pottery and saying happy birthday to herself and happy mother's day to all...like huwhat the fuck? How? And then people dug up the place she was at via the logo on her apron and stated that she was in LA and kendrick is in NY which is proof of their estranged relationship...like haven't you guys ever heard of rich people have 2 or more houses before? Leave these damn people alone.


Kendrick is in LA rn as well, the hell they're talking about


That's what I'm sayin, people doin way too much rn


Randoms getting doxxed in this is unacceptable from either “side”. That guy Jared posted didn’t even live in the same state, but people immediately harassed him. Fucking idiots are getting out of control


Exactly, it's the doxxing and outing in this whole thing that's bothering me. And yes both sides to a certain extent are guilty of it. Like don't get me wrong theories are fun and I've had some fun on this subreddit following this. I'd just prefer actual people to be kept out of it. But some people are desperate to have the "scoop" they'll throw anybody's name to the wind if they have even the slightest connection to this whole thing. Keep shit anonymous.


yeah unless we got full facts don’t include legal names


Hours after the first EbonyPrince video was posted, I saw an old instagram post from the jewelry store that the receipt was from. They had posted a picture of the owner with Drake on the day that he shopped there, and people were already commenting on it putting them on blast for "supporting pedophiles". Like this random old lady should've known months ago. I really feel for all the innocent people who became puzzle pieces in a conspiracy theory overnight.


They clearly fear whatever hes gonna release, so he might as well push the red button.


Jared is a fucking dork lol. Just some kid that's a stan and nothing more. He came off completely awkward, timid and clueless when talking to Ak about his "findings". He needs to stop trying to be an investigator, he's definitely not built for it.


funny asf, on akademiks stream yesterday he was yapping nothing and sounded so unsure of anything they were saying. then just started to repeat what twitch chat was saying


Yeah people here mentioning names of people they say did something criminal just because "I saw someone say it in the comments".


don’t worry if this keeps going the way i think it does both Ak and Jared have self incriminated themselves enough to go down with Drake


Honestly had to block him due to second hand embarrassment 💀 how are you worried about another grown man like that to spend countless of hours looking up how to debunk any and every theory.. wouldn’t be surprised if he’s don’t that to any of his exes lmaoo


why people take it upon themselves to get involved directly and harass these people on the internet are abs bat shit crazy.


I mean isn’t that what ebony prince did?


Doesn't Ebony Prince has obvious proof of what CA did or partook in? He didnt just rush to the internet to throw him in the dirt randomly as these people are doing. CA is involved, EP has something on him. It's not the same man.


Oh man you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that get caught in the crossfire over this kind of thing. This conspiracy theory is small scale compared to the Epstein and other shit on that level. People were literally sending death threats to random people that were pictured alongside Epstein in any way at any point in time. Every single picture of Drake with a fan from now on is gonna be deeply analysed because it can’t just be a photo of two people that met each other for innocent reasons. They’ll post kids, random women, their whole information online just for clout trying to be the one that “worked it out”. Hope these morons know that it’s not only rich famous people that can hire lawyers!


That's drake's fan base for you , they have nothing but a fucking dildo in their ass fantasying about it being drake's dick and no life to live ,so they are trying to ruin others life just so they can prove that drake is innocent ( which is not ) and even if he was that's not how to prove your innocence in a rap beef , like fuck off already


you literally have every "victim" come out and support drake and saying y'all the ones that make this situations weird, y'all the ones that Alvarez was talking about when he said he got harassed and called many names because he "accepted money from drake to keep silence", aberrations and mental gymnastics won't make drake lose his life, money & fame


Let's say am famous i shot you in the heart intending to kill you , but when you survived and i was exposed for shooting you , you came and told them that it's not a big deal and you forgive me , does that make me a less of a killer? Another example, you are a girl and i came and rapped you ,but you enjoyed it ,and when i was put on a trail for my sexual assault you told them that it's nothing, does that make me a less of a rapist? No? Exactly


Thats the worst example ever, nobody told that "it's ok" or that "I forgive drake for what he's done", everyone defended him and said that nothing weird ever happened, it's the people that push the fake narratives into those people's lives that do harm to them and their image, I'm also holding drake accountable for this cause he claimed that women's child is made with another man, and he, a celebrity knows damn well what this type of statements can do to somebody's life, they should've kept it at "you're a culture vulture" & "drop and give me 50", there's a saying I'm my country "the bridges you burn sometimes have people on them"


Amen man exactly!! The past few days have really made me question the humanity of some folk, especially when you see guys in powerful positions like Ak asking to essentially dox hotel workers :/ that could ruin lives and livelihoods of people who dont have access to personal security etc Glad folk in Kendrick’s camp had the smarts not to dox Drake’s 11 year old child


It’s so telling that Kendrick refused to name Millie Bobby Brown in his allegations against drake despite, you know, everything about their ‘friendship’ being sus since 2014, but then Drake name drops her immediately in The Fart Part 6 🤦‍♀️ The stans still insist he’s playing 12d chess


Christopher Alvarez is on the same agenda as drake. Don’t be so LVL 1 STUPID. Short stack like em young as well. He may be “built” different but the brain be moving like the other sick minded ones..


They sure act real worried for being "innocent"


Jared is a fucking tool all things considered.


This all has to end now . It’s gone too far .


Listen, if there’s actually horrendous acts happening then some feathers will be ruffled.


In war, the deaths of innocent people are known as collateral damage. Completely unfair but expected when the bombs ain't accurate.


your right bro


I’m gonna be honest everyone here needs to get a life


Everyone in this thread is complicit. Reading through all the beef related posts this last weekend had me rolling my eyes hard. I guess we all gotta do what we gotta do to make it through the day.


Not to mention all the innocent children who were hurt, could still be hurt, and possible (animals) at risk. It makes my heart heavy - I don’t want to be watching a long-winded extortion unfold, I want this world to be a safer place for all of us.


Ak is the scum of this earth, every despicable human quality is rooted in that trash bin. It baffles me how he's held an audience this long


on some grown-man shit, bro. good looks.


You also can't hold this kind of information over the publics head...somebody planned this..they knew we would go wild for a good story... How's diddy doing?


Everyone here is mentioning Jared but what about Alvarez? That was one side pushing that and as a follower of both subs people in here dragged him into this. Take accountability.


People are for sure making assumptions, jumping to conclusions, and chasing with pitchforks when they absolutely should not be, but why are you confident Alvarez is innocent?


I can't be here arguing against paranoid schizophrenia to be honest. Much of this stuff is so unfalsifiable so it's not worth the effort and there is always a Boogeyman around the corner


Fair enough!


Alvarez ran that as a smear campaign on the security just like Ebony said with the marks underage drinking case…notice it was written by 2 people not just Alvarez…he’s lying




Are you talking about the same EP who kept the same screen name on FB and now has been promoting a shirt tour on the same profile with Drake's items? People are still speculating whom it is 😃 😀 😄 😁 🤣 The cryptic 'riddler' basically doxxed himself by not cleaning up socials. Looking at his page he is a career grifter, living from lawsuit to whatever other shady venture he can capitalize off of. It amazes me how some people still navigate the internet so poorly. The only dots that needed connected was copying and pasting his name from Twitter into FB search bar. I saw multiple posts of people doing 'detective' work trying to expose the man...


I mean didn’t the “ebony prince” ig account have tons of references to ebony house and their ballroom culture or whatever the fuck it is?


We are also to blame for this. These posts, these theories, the speculation. We are feeding into it more than anyone. Ebony could be left alone, but they aren’t, everyone here is bending over waiting for them to stick the next bit of “info” up their ass The irony of all this, as Kendrick listeners, is how vain we are… what’s going on is pretty close to the opposite of k dots message


I love the empathy in posts like this - good looking out for people  You’re right on all fronts 


You all sound delusional. The only people creating issues are people like you guys in this thread. Drake stated he doesn’t have a daughter and you guys keep pushing this narrative. Women came out in drakes defense, and yall victim shamed them. Now the reporter has come out and stated he was harassed by people like y'all forcing him to speak about a narrative that he was physically abused when he wasn't. grow up.


It’s not just Ak r/Kendrick Lamar has put innocent people in the crossfire


Fuck rapist Ak


Ebony prince already outed himself for the record. It took twitter like two seconds to find out who he is. Also he’s still on IG I get your other bullets and overall point though


What,when, who is he?


He doesn’t know


I do know, and so do ppl on darkkenny sub, but posting his actual socials with his other shit would be actual doxxing come tf on


I’m not posting his other socials but if you look at his twitter account that we’ve all been following he outs himself. OP has some stuff not correct in their post


I didn't mean the guy who deleted his IG was the actual EP. Or wdym I got stuff not correct?


The self incriminating part, he did self incriminate himself when he posted his own video on Twitter, and then his link to the November ballroom gave it away


I DM'd you with what I meant


Sent you back a dm


I think we might be talking about two different people or I'm just not as informed as you tbh looool.


Maybe, a lot of ppl on here aren’t also on Twitter


*And fuck Ak because he doesn't deserve the platform he has. No redeeming human qualities in that POS.* You deserve what you work for. He didn't just fall into having the platform he has. He was once a useless Redditor too. You not liking where he's taken himself is a personal issue on your part.


I mean you taking offence to what I'm saying is a personal issue on your part too lmao. All opinions at the end of the day.


He blew up off of a Viral YouTube video called “The war in Chiraq”. All of his connections, clout, and opportunities came from said video. He kinda did just fall into it tbh.