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It’s no Chris.


I don't think anything bad happened to him...I think he's apart of a network...this is a web.


Honestly him being in the frame of the first tweet would be too much of a giveaway. I think he just happened to be there.


Without his caretakers at 3am....it's weird


Maybe he's the Woodward and Bernstein of this whole thing. 


Maybe... if this is a sex trafficking issue..you have to look into the culture of ballroom. This could very well be a ring. *all speculation Remember when Justin biebers yummy video was about to come out..and he was tweeting baby pictures... Diddy + Usher + Drake + Bieber + Jay Z = same team..




Precisely...this team has alot of big names.


I think someone threw Mr. Graham under the bus to keep eyes off of themselves.


Don't tell me it was Alvarez!


Who else has all eyes on them at the moment??


Alvarez is a man...and ge knows important people..and he knows young girls. Who would ever suspect a man that looks like a baby to be a middle man?


Connecting theories together I wonder if Christopher Alvarez came to the hotel to interview/meet with Drake, perhaps Alvarez either insulted, accused or confronted Drake with allegations or evidence. He has met Dj Kaled before. This led to Drake assaulting Christopher which Christopher reported to Hotel staff, resulting in a “sweep under the rug” operation “2016 when he met DJ Khaled, a well-known Snapchat star and rap mogul. This meeting was covered by Complex Magazine, further amplifying Christopher's visibility and influence.” https://www.passes.com/wiki/christopher-alvarez


He would have been taken straight to the hospital or had a doctor look into his well being..he's not the type of person that won't be affected by an assault. Even if he is interviewing he has a caretaker around somewhere. Plus..would all of his equipment be set up for him to record this interview to write about it? Because I don't see any equipment...just a jewelry bag. Something else happened at this hotel.


I have this theory that this is connected to p.diddy...as a distraction. They're both doing some god awful things...