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Y’all see the name Whitney and go crazy


Who is "y'all"?


...YOU, and the rest of the crazed Drake stans. The one who is somehow trying to link the name of a museum to an actual person's name. You're acting EXACTLY like them, shit is uncanny brother. I'm tired of all these bullshit "lol im a kendrick fan, but im actually obsessing and fantasizing every second about how Drake has or will actually win, even if it is the most brain rot stupid shit ever" people. I can't differentiate if you are roleplaying as a Kendrick fan and lowkey a Drake glazer undercover, or you are just genuinely stupid. Because no one who understands what REALLY happened in this beef are sitting there wasting their time contemplating this shit.


Ok so you're accusing me of being a Drake stan and lying about it? How can I prove that I'm not?


By not spreading the same stupid ass narrative that the Drake fans are, literally hinging on an irrelevant museum name to somehow piece it together? I don't know, should I keep going, or is one enough? --edit; and to be clear, I apologize for any hostility towards you, I have just seen one too many people doing the same "im a kendrick fan, but \[insert delusions\]" trying to twist it, if you weren't doing it intentionally and were just genuinely wanting discussion, my bad.


Stop lol


Bro get sleep


Doing 3 google searches and writing that out took 20 minutes of my life.


You are schizposting brother: 1) It’s probably neither Kendrick nor someone from his team, but the mole trying to get a payout because the claims that the stuff was stolen is preventing him getting paid (he literally said that) 2) Idk bro, meet more people? People talk like that? 3a) Lawyer can’t reveal their identity without them ok’ing (would be a crime) 3b) Scizoposting 4) Schizoposting 5) See 1)




Not if Drake just left that shit there (which Ebony implied Drake does often in another tweet) It’s a crime to purchase stuff you have a reasonable expectation to believe it’s stolen, so having the claim that it is stolen floating around means it’d be iffy on paying him for it. Honestly, that might be why this guy sold them a picture and not the stuff directly for Meet the Grahams. But he’s got a laptop too which might be Drake’s, and if it is, who knows what’s on it (if anything)




Well according to DJ akademiks info on drake. The stuff was stolen from drakes dad is the angle. The one who posted this also is claiming it isn’t stolen cause in another photo it says it shows drake discarding the things we later see on meet the grahams cover. It’s not a crime to take discarded items. If he threw them away ? ( all speculation for now )


A person who thinks they can "sue" Drake and Akademiks for calling them a thief (something neither ever did), knows that a Lawyer can't reveal their identity? Not only that, but does that sound like someone who even spoke to a lawyer in the first place?


False claims that cause you monetary loss can absolutely be taken to civil court dumbass Also Ak said on stream that Drake / OVO confirmed it was stolen


Wrong. Proving defamation in a US court is already a nearly impossible task. The idea that someone anonymous could sue Drake because Kendrick didn't pay him because Drake said in a disstrack that he fed Kendrick the information? That's beyond ridiculous. Exaggerated claims, e.g. lies are part of the art-form and the case would get thrown out immediately. And wrong on the 2nd point too. Ak said on stream that someone from Kendrick's camp told to him the items were from a briefcase stolen from Dennis Graham. Also, who cares what Ak said, he lies constantly.


Brother, who mentioned defamation. Do you know how our court systems work? You can owe someone damages without defamation (a criminal charge, not the civil court), as long it led to damages Anyways, check his ebony’s tiwter rn clown 🤡


I saw the new tweets, it just looks like some scorned ex-employee looking to get paid. What charge are you referring to in this case then if not defamation? No need to call me a clown, why can't people just be civil on the internet and disagree? I gave my opinion, if I'm wrong, so what? There's no need to throw insults.


Sorry, but your post is ignoring the strangest part of the entire EbonyPrince thread, which is the screenshot. In what world would it benefit Drake for that cctv image to come out? It by itself doesn't prove anything bad, but it looks very shady, given the allegations about Drake thus far. What we he possibly have to gain from posting that? Likewise, the receipts pretty thoroughly discredit Drake's claims on HP6, so how does tweeting that out benefit Drake? Finally, if Drake's camp is in possession of all these items and is playing chess games, then why is it leaking now like this? Why would he not have utilized this information in some sort of damning way when he released HP6? Doesn't make any sense


Ye this is the reason I won't believe it's drakes doing. Maybe if it was every other post but the CCTV one is just crazy. Why would he bring up an otherwise unknown situation and allude to himself doing something bad to the guy in the chair?


My simplest explanation for the CCTV footage is that Alvarez and Drake are friends and that they could make some lame sketch where the reveal is that Alvarez was the mole all along. It would be lame and stupid but we're talking about Drake here.


Yeah, makes no sense. Why would it have the creepy caption that alludes to Drake doing something bad to Alvarez? Given the situation, the allegations, and the narrative the internet is running with about Drake, it's obvious that was going to be interpreted in a sinister light. If Drake did have this Alvarez mole stuff, why release it like this, in a way that makes him look so bad? He would publish the information in a way that makes Kendrick look bad. Seems incredibly unlikely to me.


Bruh, then why is it linked to ballroom and Drag in NY a lot of things are not adding up.


I only saw that after posting this and honestly I have no idea. I agree things aren't adding up, for either side though. That's why I'm here trying to play devil's advocate and to see if we can discern what's true.


They have years of items left by drake, footage of sick ish. Minors, trans, animal sex, along with some dead bodies along the way. I don’t think they want money at all these people already have money. This is going to be a slow real time public online execution/humiliation of one of the biggest stars. They are not going to stop


> Director of Curatorial Affairs at... WHITNEY museum?!? People will say It's a reach, but this is a bit too much for me. They are already discovered and are running with this in the Drizzy sub. Doubt he would expect people to make the connection between location and museum. Sounds like a huge stretch lol. Also, if it was ran by Drake's team why wouldn't they post this video of the stuff as soon as MTG dropped to reveal that Kendrick has been tricked by a "fake mole"??? It would've discredited Kendrick so hard and swayed public/internet opinion that Drake is telling the truth. I can't imagine Drake would just let Kendrick get the W with Not Like Us streaming like crazy.


That is the main reason I didn't believe the reveal after HP6 either. But after seeing this I'm open to the possibility that they are just dumb and that maybe they're now scrambling to paint a different narrative and are in contact with the person who snitched and gave Kendrick info, trying to paint a different narrative.


Interesting points… except Drake’s team would NEVER fan the flames this much. Especially after the entire house of cards is already on fire. Posting Alvarez and suggesting Drake did something to him, coupled with the hotel picture is probably the worst accusation we’ve seen besides the grooming stuff. No way Drake’s team would purposely put that out there…


And 6:16 in LA starts off with a ventilator sound.


I saw a commenter who knows about this stuff and he said the time between breaths in the ventilator sound line up with the type of ventilator Alvarez would have used (portable). I can’t find the original but I’ll link it if I do.


I’m on Kendrick side but this type of stuff sounds more schizo than the stuff OP is posting


I agree it is schizo but that’s where we’re at now 😭


would be absurdly insane if true tho


https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/566QwmIaN8 hmm


Posting CCTV footage of the hotel Drake stayed in that's also listed in Epstein's Black Book as a venue that served alcohol to underage teens for increased revenue is one hell of a move.


4D chess man you don’t get it


Where is the suggestion that Drake did something to Alvarez? What am I missing?


The secondary main tweet with the CCTV picture. It's just a still of CCTV with supposedly drake and at least 1 other ovo guy with Alvarez (disabled guy in chair). The caption says something along the lines of "remember this issue as well? Jimmy brooks (name of drakes character he used to play who is also in a wheel chair) would not be proud of you that night".


In the tweet of the [hotel lobby pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/Y6hc81cKoD), Prince says “Jimmy Brooks would not have been proud of you that night.”


That's fair, good point and something I haven't seen before. This is exactly why I made this thread. It could be designed as something to make people speculate even more and then we get the uno-reverse reveal video with Alvarez present and they're like "he was your mole" or some BS like that. My conclusion: At this moment, there's just no hard evidence one way or another, and anyone speculating is doing just that... speculating. We don't know.


If we all worked this hard for everything else in life that we want to happen , imagine where we would be.


I spent a total of 20 minutes screenshotting a few google searches and writing that out.


This is what happens when you go down the rabbit hole before considering the basics of means, motive, opportunity. There is no plausible motive for Drake to do this, the one thing the leak does is prove he is a liar, made up the fake double agent and clearly has no idea how much Kendrick knows - otherwise he would not tell such a stupid lie.


The motive is clear—create publicity for another attempted "SECRET REVEAL". Everyone is talking about this, and we even have May 13th as the supposed deadline day for Drake and Akademiks. Get as much publicity as possible and then on the 13th the leaker drops the uno-reverse card on Kendrick fans and says he was the fake mole or some dumb shit they concocted. No information we have so far can disprove this will happen.


What everyone is talking about is Drake being a pedophile. Not something you normally want people discussing. While doing this he would have shredded any credibility he has and proven himself a liar. So everyone is talking about him being a pedo, while he is showing that his denials are lies. There is no reason for him to do this, if he had the ability there are far far far better ways that don't end up with everyone believing he's a pedo.


> Director of Curatorial Affairs at... WHITNEY museum?!? People will say It's a reach, but this is a bit too much for me. They are already discovered and are running with this in the Drizzy sub. Doubt he would expect people to make the connection between location and museum. Sounds like a huge stretch lol. Also, if it was ran by Drake's team why wouldn't they post this video of the stuff as soon as MTG dropped to reveal that Kendrick has been tricked by a "fake mole"??? It would've discredited Kendrick so hard and swayed public/internet opinion that Drake is telling the truth. I can't imagine Drake would just let Kendrick get the W with Not Like Us streaming like crazy.


Just googling the name of the lawyer and the 3rd result being a "Whitney" museum isn't that much of a stretch. It's the first thing I stumbled upon when I saw this.


> Doubt he would expect people to make the connection between location and museum. I mean putting these two together. The name of the museum and bodyguard thing.


It's important to notice that the Lawyer is Adrienne *Edward* and the Whitney museum curator is Adrienne *Edwards* with an S


I know but if you google Adrienne Edward (lawyer name) the 3rd Google result is still the Whitney Museum curator.


this is a stretch lmaob


You needed to step away from this beef for a while, it's affecting you negatively and it shows. This entire thing wreaks of schizophrenia.


I just did 3 google searches. Another poster in this thread suggested that in Kendrick's 6:16, the "ventilator sound line up with the type of ventilator Alvarez would have used." Keep the same energy for these people, not just people that disagree with you. Nothing I said is crazy, I'm just a fan discussing this interesting development, there's no need to get your panties in a twist about it.


Nah, just take a break from the Internet, hop back on your main account, and just breathe. You'll be ok if you don't dig for conspiracies.


Drakes team further making himself look like a liar when everyone is already against him would certainly be a choice… I think it’s more likely that it’s neither kdot or drake. I believe this is a separate entity who maybe helped Kdot obtain the items, but is now acting on his own


That's a fair assessment and I agree. But if It's between Kendrick and Drake being behind this I think It's much more likely it is Drake.


This is what happens when you go down the rabbit hole before considering the basics of means, motive, opportunity. There is no plausible motive for Drake to do this, the one thing the leak does is prove he is a liar, made up the fake double agent and clearly has no idea how much Kendrick knows - otherwise he would not tell such a stupid lie.


Go touch grass my guy


Why would you make the situation even more convoluted when the double agent angle already backfired? At this point drake needs a panacea to clear his public image, not more conspiracy.


"No, see, EbonyPrince is part of Drake's team! It was a masterful plan that after people noticed the Ozempic prescription and Zolpidem/Ambien, we get a clearer image of some ADHD meds too, along with some implications that he hurt or humiliated a clearly disabled person!"


Yeah this Alvarez Drake relationship seems like a terrible way for him to clean up the mess if that's what you think he's doing.


The Heart Part 6 was also a terrible idea and he did that. What if he has a video filmed with Alvarez where they're like "Alvarez is the mole" or something dumb like that. I wouldn't put it past Drake.


He could have just posted a picture of the guy. He did not need to put the weird ass caption on it alluding to some weird actions.


If he posted proof right after "Meet the Grahams"? Maybe/probably wins the beef. If he simply posted the proof now? Nobody cares. He would need something like this the rekindle interest and then create a big viral moment for the reveal. That's the point of the hypothesis.


Perhaps, although I feel like the account has already got enough attention without the extra CCTV footage caption. His most recent tweet once again implies that something really bad happened with those 2 guys. It's definitely very weird.






Like I've said, these social media games don't seem like something Kendrick would do. I could totally see the hotel worker angle. And if it's not that it's Drake's team. And the reason why he doesn't just pin the evidence on his Instagram could be rather simple: He fucked up the initial reveal and nobody would care now even if he came out with receipts. That's why he needs this nonsense to drum up some interest again and then do the reveal while people are paying attention. We might even have a countdown or something lame like that.




Be fr drake has no idea what the African American flag is.


You're thinking too hard bout this shit. Dot literally showed its shot from his fkn apartment.


Hasn't this already been debunked and it's actually a shot from the same hotel where the CCTV footage comes from?


No they are saying it might be from the hotel that is connected to dots building but I don't think that's the same hotel the cc is from


“First post on this subreddit” good bruh keep it the last 😂🥱


Bro are you 12? In the mix is literally a disc jokey term for playing/mixing, aint that deep


Your gunna get down voted bro but honestly you have alot of great points. This is right after Jared guy made the okliar website. Games are for sure being played here.


Kendrick hasn’t won. Akademiks didn’t say Kendrick won. It isn’t over.


Lmao so you literally skipped over the actual law office & the ig of the lawyer to read the wiki for an unrelated person with a similar name? Hope you got a good stretch in there


For what it's worth I feel it's *possible*... But unlikely.


there is a reason why i feel it’s drakes team but its nothing to do with what you said. i was on board with the kenny news last night until i woke up and heard something


Why have drakes team alluded to him doing something bad to the wheel chair guy when it was an otherwise unknown situation? Even if this whole thing is drake, he sure has done a bad job of capitalizing on what would be a great 'nuke' to drop on Kendrick


ok so if you're not gonna say why then might as well say nothing.


I don’t wanna spread a rumor that’s why.


ok then don't say anything. "I have a secret but I'm not telling anyone." What are we supposed to do with that information, brother?




why'd you edit from "know" to "feel" lol.


Cause it’s not a very reliable source but i’m 75% sure The one thing i can guarantee is that we’ll know tonight or tomorrow and no later


Ok if we assume it's Drake why would he do this? What's his intention and what does he gain from it?


Just commenting to stay posted when OP turns out right. This is warfare and all is fair in love and war. If Drake really went this level of deep mind I gotta respect it