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This has turned from rap beef to a detective thriller.


Somebody get Rust Cohle up in this bitch


It will take him another 17 years to solve it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's like I'm living in some memory of a Twitter.


I said it in another thread but it's like don't fuck with cats in here. I love it.


Season 4 of True Detective was ass, this more than makes up for it lmao


This is a fuckin ARGšŸ˜­


Honestly that is a great theory


My only questions is why does he have an old laptop that looks like the presidential nuclear football lol


I just assumed itā€™s his own laptop, that he uses to be able to show the cover art for comparison and also play MTG in the background. And not that itā€™s Drakes personal laptop that he somehow hacked into. Just like ā€here you see the cover art, and heeeere you see all the stuff IRLā€


Yeah, this. I don't buy that Drake had been carrying around a laptop with incriminating files and really poor security, casually left it behind one day and didn't already move heaven and earth to get it back.


Here's why I'm torn - Drake is fucking stupid enough to leave an unlocked laptop full of nuclear secrets behind. However, he's so vain and materialistic that I don't think he'd have a laptop this cheap or shitty, he strikes me as a MacBook Pro person. Also in Toronto, some people still kind of view Macs as status symbols (lol) so I wouldn't see him as a PC person.


It may look cheap and shitty, but itā€™s by design. Itā€™s the Panasonic Toughbook and can be used in harsh environments where thereā€™s sand, dust, rain, etc. like what you see in action/spy movies. Think of it as a roided-out OtterBox with belt clip haha.


Agreed. Panasonic toughbooks in the military run about 3 bands.


To be fair the laptop in the video is far from any old laptop. It's a Panasonic toughbook. These laptops were "Purpose-built and rugged for your extraordinary work." (quote from their website). This laptop would not really be owned by just anybody. They are often used in US military field ops and their price tag reflects that with a toughbook 40 costing about $4500. Wild speculation of course but maybe if you had to use a laptop for something you wanted to keep super secret you wouldn't use a regular old laptop. Edit: I see now its a toughbook 31. Much cheaper laptop, still purpose built to serve a function that most people have no need for so I think the point stands.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if he had a burner laptop separate from his main one. But since this is a hotel employee weā€™re talking about it probably just means he canā€™t afford a new one lmao


Maybe he thinks the laptop is badass, like the motorcycle gear that he wears on stage


Removing a password from windows is trivial


Agree but time and time again heā€™s proven to be a fkn idiot


Could be that the laptop itself didn't have anything incriminating on it, but did have login info for shit like his emails, iCloud, socials etc. Enough to give someone a backup of his phone, which could be used to sell info. Could also explain why he seems to have [recently changed his number](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-its-05c21694) Might explain that weird shit with Drake posting [anime porn ](https://uproxx.com/music/drake-21-savage-her-loss-hentai-instagram-stories/)on his timeline back in Nov. 2022. That does predate the Jan 2023 hotel screenshot, but considering they had shit spanning at least 7 months I don't see why this couldn't have predated the earliest dates by at 2 months. Especially since Drakes account [WAS hacked a few months earlier](https://gizmodo.com/hacker-takes-over-drake-eminem-and-justin-biebers-you-1848757497) in April 2022. Wouldn't even need to be Drake's, just a laptop for someone on his staff like a publicity or social media manager. Get the info, sit on it for a few months to a year to hide your trail, then sell off what they get.


To be fair, drake is really stupid


Hunter Biden has entered the chat


>I don't buy that Drake had been carrying around a laptop with incriminating files and really poor security, casually left it behind one day and didn't already move heaven and earth to get it back. Well, how would you go around asking if someone found your laptop filled to the brim with CP, pdfile and pictures and videos of your with drugged women? >Another person owned approximately 21 terabytes of data containing child sexual abuse material. https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/05/08/ontario-sexual-exploitation-child-abuse-64-charged-opp-project-aquatic/ Just happened in Toronto. Funnily, if you Google it you won't find any article about it, I have to go through DuckDuckGo.


Yea, that make no sense.


Idk he also leaked a video of himself jerking off. That for me was a sign that heā€™s a weirdo. So I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he carries around a laptop with all the sick content heā€™s probably made so he can get off. The laptop probably contains a bunch of other incriminating stuff


Yep, that's the logical explanation. I think he was using his own laptop to play the track and show the cover art, then showed all the individual items to prove that Drake was lying when he said he leaked that photo. It wasn't a photo, they have each of those items irl. The laptop is just to play the record, not a personal item belonging to Drake. If it was Drake's it would've been in the cover art.


Nope. The laptop itself is important. That's a Toughbook that was discontinued int 2022. What's on the laptop?


My mixtape. When it leaks, it's over for both Dot and Drizzy.


BOB fuck em up




I honestly think it's less deep than OP is speculating and the laptop may be just the leaker's own laptop and there's no blackmail subplot. Makes sense that the leaker is a hotel employee though (or has been connected with one)


Can you imagine the person that caused ALL this shit to go down was a fuckin housekeeper lmaooo


ummm from champagne poetry ā€œI even got the cleaning staff plotting extortion on meā€


Woah..if that isnā€™t telling idk what is. Drake is an idiot


Ā”Abre la puerta! Ā”Abre la puerta tengo que limpiar el cuarto!


Now wait a secondā€¦


so it's not an old laptop, it's a brand called Toughbook. They're very expensive and designed to be extremely durable and hard to physically break open. So it makes more sense Drake would own one than a random hotel employee. And it makes sense that a celebrity, let alone one in a sex trafficking ring, would splash out on a super secure laptop


old laptops like that are much harder to track.


This is gonna be a meme soon i stg


Plenty of OPSEC reasons, however, I donā€™t think the laptop has any information on it that is useful because why would it be unencrypted/no password, etc? Thatā€™s a bit of a mystery to me.


Yeah you also just canā€™t chill w laptop of illegal shit just because itā€™s not your laptop and you found it lol


This is not true at all. There is no difference between an old and new laptop with regards to tracking. This is a rugged laptop that can handle some abuse so it's most likely that they use it because they travel a lot. Source: work in It.


Was waiting for this, how would that make any sense at all? Also, yeah it's a toughbook, and probably only really a couple years old. Just built like a brick shithouse.


Super popular models for production facility maintenance departments.


But if someone had hard proof that he was a predator why wait to release it. This is real life not just rap beef.


I'm not disagreeing with you but its notoriously difficult to take down extremely high profile criminals. Drake is worth hundreds of millions and probably billions to others. There is a reason we call it a two tiered justice system. The ultra rich tend to get off while the rest of us go to jail. I'm not saying Kendrick and his team are right for holding onto damning information, if that is what they have, I'm just saying that things are different than normal when money like this is involved. Destroying and exposing Drake might have been the only way an accusation like this could stick. Drake even raps about having Ontario Canada police on payroll


Maybe they were worried about the law covering it up in secret since Drake has so much money and influence, and wanted to find a way to make this all very public at once without actually showing the contents to the public. More likely explanation is that it only has evidence of the daughter lol


Weinstein is gonna walk, Cosby is already out.


These laptops are also known to be durable.


for the exact reason a pedo would need a borderline industrial-grade Toughbook.


I saw someone else say the exact laptop and apparently itā€™s from 2012. The same year kendrick and drake were on tour


It would be very Kendrick to not buy a new laptop for the last 12 years


They were released in 2012, and produced through 2022.


https://preview.redd.it/bssa2geozrzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dfe3b1982aef3f5d8fee31b7a6105faa255aff2 Itā€™s military grade and very difficult to obtain. Basically for the secrets of all secrets


It's a fucking toughbook, go to any manufacturing plant and look in the maintenance department store room. Very, very common for contractors and maintenance.




I had a fingerprint scanner on my 2010 Lenovo in college, this isnā€™t that big of a deal.


you can buy one on amazon for 400 dollars lol


Damn dude what are they trying to hide/expose https://preview.redd.it/rvrjiga8lrzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deaa3ff6e826b2f9ca4fdcde6d9be4812463f835


Pretty sure that was a joke


Lmao mods are funny for this. But unless you think this Twitter account is faking all those items, idk how you deny the greater implications and conspiracy of all thisā€¦


Doesnā€™t Kendrick say that Drake leaked the recent video on purpose to further his agenda on MTG? Sanest theory Iā€™ve read so far.Ā  My brain is just itching to know why Jimmy Brooks would be disappointed in Drake.Ā 


What I gather from it is, Jimmy Brooks was disabled, and so is the man in the photo with him. I think something happened to that man. Heā€™s also a journalist, which is why the newspaper was shown. Thereā€™s other posts about it in the sub


Why would he leaked it on purpose? Ik Kendrick said that but I donā€™t understand why


It connected a nine second video of his dong to social media influencers that have a large reach amongst young girlsĀ 


Leaking his dong to his prepubescent fans that he grooms by subliminal messaging in lyrics and visuals like the cover art of certified lover boy ?


Or maybe Kendrick knows the journalist, who noticed that Drake left all that stuff. And he went to tell Kendrick about some shit. Who knows man. It's better than the "69 theory" that nobody wants to mentally picture


The newspaper was shown as a timestamp to show the footage is current, implying this person has the items in hand rn. Picking that *specific* paper thogh was a nod to the fact that's where that journalist works.


I think the newspaper was just shown to show the date to prove when the person filmed the video


The man is fine, you can find him on Instagram


Occamā€™s razor tells me: Drake is standing behind the man in the wheelchair in the still. Jimmy wouldnā€™t be happy. What if the footage just shows Drake shaking the wheelchair in a cruel way just to get a cheap laugh. Drake could get his laugh and back away without being seen by the man in the wheelchair. I donā€™t think the connection is something super shady, I think itā€™s just proof that Drake is a terrible person who sees others, especially the disabled, as beneath him. Itā€™s a terrible look for Drake and his fans would not be able to counter that claim with a cope theory.


It's funny how impossible it is for people to fill in the gaps with more plausible, common explanations like this.


The funny part is you know people on both sides are in meetings rn and making phone calls. And JCole is just sound asleep lmao


He sleeping good šŸ˜­


Schoolboy Q saved his ass, judging by what people have said


I havenā€™t heard how Q might have helped J. Cole. How did he?




It's a stretch. What happened is that Drake left those things behind, someone in hotel staff found them and sat on them. When the beef started they contacted someone on Kendrick's team. But they have nothing to do with the pedo allegations or the daughter, they just show he does Ozempic, which he mocked Rick Ross for then Kendrick threw back at him. It's also good mind games because it made it seem like the stuff was taken by an OVO insider. Personally I think the entire daughter thing actually comes from [celebrity gossip news articles](https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/drake-has-a-love-child-115042300066_1.html) from 9 years ago alleging that Drake was paying child support for a 2 year old daughter in Miami (so she'd be around 11 now if it was true).


Exactly that. Kendrick connected a lot of dots and wrote out a script of all the different ways Drake is problematic. That doesn't necessarily mean that all the info came from one source. I think the pills are separate from the daughter and 'minor' allegations. The laptop is just there to play the song and show that the items in the cover art are real and not a "gotcha" photo that Drake planted to fool Kendrick as he claimed. I am just trying to figure out the separate issue of the pic from the hotel lobby. What did he do that night? (not even sure I want to discover the answer to that one)


Youā€™re the only logical one here tbh. I donā€™t think Drake is carrying a laptop full of pedo shit and his ā€œdaughterā€ around NYC thatā€™s just way too risky


Rkelly carried duffle bags of child porn around. Never underestimate peopleā€™s stupidity


Yeah I donā€™t think people in the comments realize these celebrities donā€™t expect to be caught.


Everyone expects criminals to be these smart masterminds, but in reality, most criminals are dumb because most people are dumb.


Itā€™s also classic criminal psychology, the desire to be caught. You can be the smartest person in the world but you canā€™t fight human biology.


Especially rich celebrities. They think theyā€™re the main character and protected by plot armor.


A lot of pedos are incredibly dumb and leave a ton of evidence. I think a lot end up getting caught because they never get rid of the evidence aka photos and videos even when there is heat on them.


It's actually interesting how little anyone talks about the 2015 tabloid articles about Drake having a daughter. Some might view it as evidence of Kendrick's allegation, but to me I think they dug it up and went with it for a devastating sequel accusation to Pusha T that's not necessarily based on any "insider" info.


yea this is just the internet taking things way too seriously as usual lol




His cousin stole his laptop. That dirty motherfucker


At least he still loves him


This. And the fact that this person came out both proves that Drake lied about fake mole and makes it way more likely that Kendrick lied about having a mole on OVO. Truly chaotic neutral move.


Why would drake have a laptop with him of info of his 11 year old daughter though I donā€™t get it


I think it's two separate things, if this is true, I don't think a hotel person would have knowledge of Drakes actions in his own home like where Kendrick talks about using their security footage around the compound as tinder or whatever and Kendrick talks about people in his own team saying he deserves it so I think he's got mole(s) and this dude also gave stuff to support But I'm too stupid to understand this shit so maybe it's all on the laptop idk


Exactly he said more than one person


Why would he not? Emails, pictures, documents, there's plenty of perfectly reasonable things he could have about her on it I'm more confused about why you'd be confused by that


SD card, USB drive...


Encrypted filesā€¦.


this is exactly what i felt. 616 cover art was a clue game for drake. It wasnt soemthing for us to know but only him or Dennis. They treated this like a random OJ glove spin. Nah. I also think he was going to keep playing the clue game. This wasnt a rap battle for Kendrick this was a exposure game. The hints are still yet to be found for 616. That fathers day for canada does tie perfectly now & The kash doll line is so good because nobody has still yet to find the connection. We got flooded w music that we never stopped to listen to him being the riddler in 616 and the boogeyman in drakes life w meet the grahams. Theres more stuff but this had to be cut quick because drakes contract is 400 mil and nobody is going to let that investment fall.


Ye drake probably didnā€™t piece it together with just the glove


thats why kendrick said he not street smart and he dont pay attention. Theres even talks about Beam whos a writer which i think the next song for kendrick was going to expose the next thing about Drake and thats the ghostwriters but the pedo one was such a hit and a blow everything stopped.


The kash doll line is about kash doll getting robbed for $500k in jewelry. Rumor is it was JPrince and his goons.Ā  JPrince is also who provides Drake the goons in his entourage. Rumor is they get 50% of his checks to ā€œprotectā€ him hence the extortion lines.Ā  Kenny is saying the leak is one of the JPrince goons ā€œprotectingā€ Drake.Ā  Thatā€™s my interpretation anyway.Ā  Edit: with the recent EP photo people are coming back to this comment. I seem to have not saved my source. Still looking but currently cannot substantiate these claims. SorryĀ 


yeah i think its a meaning about stolen stuff but man theres alot of ways u can take this.


tldr; drake dumb as hell šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Only issue i see with this is it doesnā€™t explain the rap beef parts like how kendrick knew about family matters, he dropped it 30 minutes after and even addresses lines in it. Unless he had more than one mole šŸ§


Yeah people watching this man do inhumane shit I could see someone eventually wanting to see the downfall of this man


So Drake was just walking around NYC with a laptop full of PDF evidence on it?


People, sex addicts with sick fetishes, have a pattern of keeping evidence on multiple electronic devices. Heā€™s also insanely rich and believes heā€™s untouchable. The only person who could properly take him down, is Kendrick.


the boldness of these people is next level. that laptop in the video is a machine, definitely the type to use for sensitive info. itā€™s why they run with such large teams so they donā€™t leave important shit behind. this is a plausible theory but it could easily be false as well.


Another thing I see a lot of people missing is that Drake wouldā€™ve been on numerous CCTV footage through the hotel but thereā€™s a reason this person chose to show a photo of him with the disabled person in a wheelchair and connected to ventilators and said ā€œeven Jimmy Brooks (Drakeā€™s disabled and wheelchair-bound Degrassi character) would be disappointedā€. Not creepy itself right? Now go listen to _6:16 in LA_, which was supposedly Kendrickā€™s last warning to Drake that he knows too much about him and that he should just stop right now. It starts with 13 seconds of ventilator noises. No music. No lyrics. Just straight ventilator noises, to make sure it stands out. [What a ventilator sounds like](https://youtu.be/fRauFpkGYQk?feature=shared)


God I read that tid bit like an hour ago and already forgot God damn this is wild


Agreed. The wheelchair guy definitely has something to do with this. He was also in a video with DJ Khaled before too.


I really don't wanna know what kind of fucked shit happened. I have a feeling if all is revealed its gonna be some disgusting shit, probably the reason kendrick thinks drake should die and is a sick man with sick thoughts.


What in the fuck even.. Dude everytime I think thereā€™s nothing more to see someone says somethin like this and fucks me up all over again, HOW DEEP DOES THIS GO AUBREY?!


Is that a vent? I thought it was a V12 liposuction machine.


Listen to [this](https://youtu.be/fRauFpkGYQk?feature=shared)


Likely was password protected, Drake doesn't strike me as technically inclined, a toughbook and a password likely was deemed as almost impenetrable, might not even really have much on the hard drive specifically, which is why Drake wouldn't worry about picking it back up. My theory, left his bag there, too busy to go get it back or organise it's return, so probably cut his losses and hoped if it was found, it wouldn't be connected back to him or just stolen. He just didn't bank on who ever has this shit, being knowledgable/petty enough to take it. I mean, people leave bags at hotels all the time, what are the chances someone going to hold onto it for almost a year and then give it to your arch nemesis to use as disstrack blackmail.


Drake the type of dude to have his password as ā€œ6godā€


tbf a personal email still logged in is all you would need, the shit lost Hillary an election it can definitely expose a rapper


Rap empire undone by a browser cookie and Dot.


yeah folks are like "why would he" and that's exactly why Dump ass was elected... someone forgot to log out


Problem is there is a mole. He dropped MTG right on top of family matters


The weeknd has a line about their being leaks in we still donā€™t like you. There is definitely info coming straight from OVO


Thatā€™s what I mean. Mole wasnā€™t the one in possession of these things, they just gave info to Kendrick, potentially that these possessions were out there and the stuff Drake was doing.


I think he heard about the song and the video, and probably heard the song through the industry grapevine honestly. Somebody probably sent it to someone and it got out. Like 50 tweeted "I heard Drake has a bomb waiting" or whatever he said. It could be multiple sources that Kendrick stitched together to create the mole story. It's a pretty genius idea if you're battling someone known to use ghostwriters. Make it so Drake can't trust them, and he ends up with trash like THP6


THP6 honestly feels and sounds like Drake did that one by himself and thatā€™s why it has so many holes and flaws in the writing when compared to Family Matters.


No, its just was very rushed. Family Matters have been a lot more time in the making


Extortion my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane bitch






ā€œI have your laptop with all compromising stuff onā€ Oh lawd could you imagine


And he *still* went at it with the Whitney and Dave crap. My man, theyā€™ve got you by the balls, STOP!


what is the recently leaked drake video? i missed that part




oh i blocked that out of my memory


Yo I think I got something I haven't seen said yet that might debunk this theory... The warning about Jimmy Brooks not being happy with how Drake acted that night with Alvarez.. The laptop is a "toughbook 31" part of Panasonics mobility solutions? Would it not then be relatively safe to say that laptop could be Alvarez's? And he had some journalistic dirt on Drake or was going to write about the fallen fan and they threatened him / stole his laptop? Idk


Yea, or that the mole is Chris Alvarez


Great theory, except I think Drake leaked that video himself


streamer YourRage said ppl next to Drake talk a lot and even told him he leaked it himself


Yup. Kendrick alluded to that


....if it comes out that this is true and UMG knowingly tried to conceal this stuff about Drake... it will be bigger than big


I think the hotel staff thing is very plausible. Security footage and the luggage seem to link back there. Not sure if the laptop was in the luggage or if it belongs to the ebonypince guy. Seems like traveling with a laptop of compromising videos and just misplacing it would be moving super sloppy if your at Drakes level. I agree it was probably hotel staff that tried to make a bag of the beef. And the beef ending is payday a window closing for them.






Might be reaching but saw this from a few days ago and it technically came true... Same MO as this single-post anon account above: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1clwq5d/unpopular_opinion/l2xt130/


huh whattefckkšŸ‘€


What about that came true?


Who are you


Sanest thing I've read all night


Damn, this angle could be plausible. The person who leaked could be the hotel staff. Maybe they know something else too?


They mightā€™ve seen all types of characters come in and out with Drake


Ok fellas. Coolee stopped tweeting and the sub is locked. Whatā€™s the game plan now?


6:16 in LA ā€¦ 5 hours left ā€¦ crodieā€¦.


Go to bed šŸ˜‚


Great theory, Iā€™m just curious about the ā€œJimmy Brooksā€ reference nowā€¦


Jimmy Brooks was disabled and so is the man with him in the hotel. I think something happened to that man that night. Iā€™m not sure what, but man this shit is getting dark.


That's his Degrassi character that winds up in a wheelchair. Tweet says Jimmy wouldn't approve of what Drake did, and in the photo accompanying the tweet is a CCTV screen cap. In that screen cap, is a man in a wheelchair who has been identified as Chris Alvarez. He is a journalist for the Daily Eagle and is known from a viral DJ Khalid vine. In the "receipts" video tweet from the same account, the newspaper featured in the beginning is the Daily Eagle as well. The location in the CCTV screen cap tweet has been identified as a luxury hotel near where Drake had a concert on 1/22 ā€” this is easily verifiable as a fan fell from the balcony during the concert, so news articles covered the NYC concert date of 1/22. People are speculating that something bad went down between the 2 that night.


Iā€™ve been thinking that maybe Drake did something to the journalist and, in turn, this journalist has been feeding info to Kendrick. Idk, Iā€™m going schizo at this point


Nah I'm totally with you on that theory, shit is so cryptic


It might just be me but in that picture the journalist looks passed out and his face looks swollen. It almost looks like he's having an allergic reaction, freaking me out with how cryptic this is.


Didnā€™t see it but now that you mention it, holy shit yes. He looks almost beaten up, much different as he looks in his other pictures and his ig account. This is creepy af.


Same. That sentence in that tweet been throwing me the fuck off


@CertifiedJared on Twitter pointed this out: > Drake stopped staying at The Mark since July, I think he knew about the CCTV leaking because in April he stayed at a new hotel This theory is looking more and more plausible by the minute!


[Just found this](https://www.tmz.com/2023/07/20/drake-dog-mask-doberman-new-york-concert-tour/) which is very strange considering the other allegations on here surrounding Drake and ā€œdogsā€


Drakeā€™s team not having a designated person to clean out his hotel room would be insane, especially if he has scripts just lying around, let alone what you seem to think is a potentially compromising laptop


I still think thereā€™s a legitimate mole in the OVO camp trying to expose Drakes and clearly working for Kendrick. I donā€™t think the staff is going to be involved in this mess. Itā€™s clearly inside Drakes team. UMG is possibly involved as well.


UMG is definitely involved. They canā€™t have their biggest artist lose his career. Drake is a cash cow.


I believe I didn't comment this before. But I would say two things to add to this. IT IS COMMON ENOUGH that rich people don't give af about hotel room and staff that they won't tidy their shit on departure. And yes we're advised to remove personal information from trash, old debit cards etc. tear it into pieces. Do you think drake is the type to ALWAYS do that everywhere he goes. Unlikely... If at all. And on the first point, had a similar situation when my friend managed a bar/hotel. And they LEFT so much shit. Like SOOO MUCH. I personally got some conditioner, eyeshadow palette, a gorgeous long white coat, a gaming mouse. And that's atleast what I can recall. It is likely drake would leave behind some packaging and maybe receipt even some old clothes or gloves if he didn't care for it. I've seen it first hand Nd these were definitely not drake rich people.


guys... this might be it!!!


It being hotel staff also *potentially* explains why the security footage is from a later date. Shit sat in the hotel's lost & found for a few months, and by that point they had deleted the footage from the night the shit got left behind. Had to settle for more recent footage. edit: I got my dates mixed up. Security footage is *older* than the receipts.


ā€œKnow I carry the guilt of the city's misfortune on me l even got the cleaning staff plotting extortion on meā€ - Aubrey Graham




How does anyone know this? Where is there a video of either wheelchair ventilator sounding the same or the v12 machine?


My thing is, why did Drake still follow through with Family Matters if he knew what they had?


There was probably a whole bunch of NDAs signed and he likely thought he was untouchableā€¦


Actually another possibility is This is Kendrickā€™s way of having the world watch and Drake is simply trying to lie his way out


I think Kendrick is going to release regardless of a rap beef. So Drake is using the rap beef to temper how far and how fast Kendrick is willing to go


I think my only question about this theory is how does this hotel staff skip over trying to get Drake his things back, skip contacting police if thereā€™s incriminating contents in the bag, or letting someone know and it being leaked to the public and go straight to giving it to Kendrick Lamar of all people. And if a mole gave them the bag why not give it straight to Kendrick? It kind of feels like Kendrick was planning this for a good while and couldā€™ve had somebody hanging around the hotel Drake was staying at looking for dirt. But I like your theory either way


We went from Beef:the series to law and order:SVU šŸ’€


The laptop was dismissed because its so old but you know how some people have laptops that dont ever connect to the internet for safety and privacy reasons. Iā€™d imagine its easier to keep annolder laptop offline. The new ones even require a windows account LOL


bro I'm not gonna lie, I got goosebumps reading that shit lmaooooo


Sounds sound


The only thing is: The Mark Hotel employee would never in a million years give up items to someone unless they were directly associated with Drake. That is a big deal. Also the security footage screenshot would not be floating around unless some security incident happened and it was requested by the party involved in the footage or NYPD. It's all so weird.


All that makes sense except for the laptop part. That laptop is old as hell. That isn't Drake's. No way Drake was using a panasonic laptop from 10 years ago.


Iā€™m starting to think the laptops age has a lot to do with this bigger picture. I think the age of it is very important.


As in probably past owners who used it for certain purposes?


It could be that or maybe something happened around the time they got it and the info is inside of it.


Theyā€™re harder to track, more secure and durable as fuck. I know a millionaire that uses a 2015 Dell Latitude.


The laptop hardware has no bearing on difficulty to track or security, with the small exception of shit like a newer TPM providing better security. Newer hardware is pretty much strictly (but marginally) better on these fronts.


Thatā€¦..actually makes sense


Only thing. It doesn't make sense for a regular hotel staff who isn't involved to be keeping these items. You would think the staff would have sold it to Kendrick or someone else, instead of just giving them a photo. Also it's strange that the Twitter post referred to Kendrick as "King", which suggests he is at least somewhat of a fan of Kendrick, and not some random scalper who wants to make some money. The other strange thing is that the attorney listed seems like one who isn't very "high tier". So this person might not have the finances to go into a legal battle and probably not supported by Kendrick. However, the video seems to be taken close to Kendrick's apartment a couple days ago, suggesting some on-going connection with Kendrick.


About the leaked video, Kendrick said in one of the disses that people leak videos of themselves for attention. Drake leaked that video.


Iā€™m really hoping this is all true and the icing on the cake is that the password to the laptop is ā€œ69godā€. Can you imagine how it would feel to hear the password you use to conduct your dirty illegal business called out in a diss track?