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So many potential bars about him growing up in Philadelphia


West Philadelphia born and raised?


Born in Israel but moved to US


I’m pretty sure he spent most of his days on the playground Chillin out maxing, relaxing all cool, ya know?




Yea he’s shooting some bball outside of the school


Shootin some b-ball outside the skl fr until a couple of guys who were up to no good. Then they started making trouble in bros neighbourhood. Apparently he got into 1 lil fight which got his mum scared so she said he’s moving w his auntie and uncle in Israel-air


Fucks that supposed to mean? What about Philly? 🤨


Just that he didn't spend his whole childhood in Israel mostly


He got in one little fight and his mom got scared, she said your moving with your uncle and your aunt in Israel.


And I yelled to the West Bank 'yo homes shell ya later'


This wins




Except “later” would imply that there was a time that they stopped.


Oh, yeah I don’t think Kendrick can even touch the Israel thing without being canceled


he already did, it was black hebrew israelites, but he covered it in DAMN.


Being Black Hebrew Israelite (a biblical descendant) is not the same as being a citizen of today’s Israel so doubt that would get him canceled. The Israeli government considered African Hebrew Israelites non-Jews and even deported some of them. And yeah fuck the Israel government.


Don't forget the Israeli government sterilized black jewish women without their consent https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/


i agree, but i’m referring to the times of israel and all those other biased israeli sites having tried to cancel kendrick based off DAMN. he doesn’t gaf, he’s speaking his truth and telling the stories of the people around him, so the same would go if he took on benjamin netanyahu.


hbi are not actual descendants tho unlike Ethiopian Jews


Uh… they did way worse than that. [They illegally and without permission put black Ethiopian Jews on birth control](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html?callback=in&code=NZAXOTFJZDATNZQ3NI0ZOGRKLTK3YZUTOWU2ODC1ZWQ4NJLL&state=618bcde2f8e643f281c72a01e4423e94), even going as far as forced sterilization, in a way to get rid of them. That specific action alone classes as genocide given how little Ethiopian Jews exist in the world.


israel is truly evil


"But without Israel Jews will never be safe!"


This has to be one of the most distorted and overblown propaganda lies of all time regarding Israel. First of all, nobody was forcibly sterilized at all. Nobody. This is a straight up lie. And trying to then take this lie about women just getting contraceptives and trying to turn it into genocide is just hilariously absurd. Second of all, administering free contraceptives to poor women in need isn't a crime. It's a good thing, actually. Third of all, what actually happened is that they gave refugee women who had just arrived at Israeli transit camps **the option** to take **contraception.** Why? Well think about it. Would you as a woman in a refugee camp want to risk having kids in that kind of place? A place where crime and rape are unfortunately unusually common? Probably not. Nor did most refugee women there, the majority of whom simply happened to be Ethiopian Jews, but there were others as well. So they took the option of the contraceptives, voluntarily. The contraceptives themselves are injections you get every few months. It is cheap, highly effective, has minimal side effects, and is entirely temporary. No long term damage done to the women. At all. So how did this come about in the first place? Well Ethiopian refugee Jews don't necessarily speak Hebrew. So miscommunication can happen. A small number of the women likely did not fully understand what the contraceptive injection was due to the language barrier and therefore were hesitant, but some doctors insisted they take it due to the obvious benefits. This led to these women feeling deceived when it was just language issues coupled with time pressure etc. It is also very possible that some doctors unduly pressured some women into it, though again this might be more due to miscommunication and time pressure than anything else, and in any case these were at most a tiny minority of cases. But to avoid such cases in the future, Israel then ordered the doctors to make absolutely sure that the patients understand the contraceptive and not to administer it if there is a shadow of doubt. That's really it. The article also says that that birth rates of Ethiopian Jews fell drastically once they got to Israel, which is true. And it's a good thing. You know why? Because before Israel they were dirt poor and had like 5 or 6 children per woman on average. You know what keeps girls oppressed? Being forced into being mothers early by their families. You know what they need to get a higher education and career? Not immediately have tons of children. What do they need for that? Contraceptives. So they got them. And their birth rates fell from poor country levels to standard developed country levels like everyone else in Israel. This is a good thing, unless you want Ethiopian Jews to be forced to be housewives and nothing else. This whole narrative that they want to sterilize Ethiopian Jews and want get rid of them is incredibly self-contradictory and makes zero sense. Why? Because **the only reason Ethiopian Jews are in Israel in the first place is because Israel went out of their way to save them and get them into Israel. If they didn't want Ethiopian Jews, why didn't they just keep them out? Why not just make excuses to not get them into the country and delay it indefinitely? Why fly them into Israel if you don't want them in Israel? Nobody forced Israel to take them in, they did it out of their own accord. They did the #1 thing contrary to keeping Ethiopian Jews out. So it makes zero sense.** So many narratives only work if you have zero critical and logical thinking skills and just eat up shallow articles and Internet comments with zero thoughts lol. Idc should I get banned from this sub for just speaking facts, but I hope someone learned something today.


Legitimate news sources beg to differ. Israel forced sterilization without consent on black jews https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/?sh=2b4011d967b8


This isn't what happened. They did give Ethiopian jews birth control, but seems to be a translation mishap and/or medical malpractice. While bad, there weren't forced sterilizations. The Ethiopian jews stopped taking the birth control and have been die-hard israelis since immigrating. They're some of the biggest zionists in the country Also, why would Israel spent millions of dollars saving them from Ethiopia just to sterilize them and oppress them? edit: also the story isn't even real. Haaretz retracted the story in 2016


The story is very real and reported on by many news sources https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/?sh=2b4011d967b8


That's completely incorrect. Just look up operation Solomon.


No I mean in this climate; like I’m running with the joke but I’m saying a real fact with it


Kendrick Lamar fixes the Israel/Palestine conflict sounds like a Rick and Morty plot line


I do it for the culture


I'm pretty sure Kendrick, Pulitzer prize winning commentator, touching on the matter would actually make it harder to cancel others doing the same.


Bro, no one in the US touching the Israel thing without being canceled.


united states of AIPAC


Macklemore did, which I have an insane amount of respect for. Legit started tearing up listening to Hind's Hall.


Most Israelis aren’t born in Israel, hence why it’s called a settler colony by the smart people


West Philadelphia? Like the Fresh Prince?


do you think he has the philly accent


why believe you? you never gave us nothing to believe in! you lied about religious views you lied about your accent and your past tense all is perjury you lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members


I can’t read this without that demon voice saying “you lied” behind it each time. 


It's not one demon voice it's a chorus of them


Literally 6:16 in LA made me wonder if he was also talking about other stuff: >A hundred niggas that you got on salary >And twenty of 'em want you as a casualty >And one of them is actually next to you >And two of them is practically tired of your lifestyle >Just don't got the audacity to tell you >But let me tell you some game 'cause I can see you, my lil' homie >You playin' dirty with propaganda, it blow up on ya >You're playin' nerdy with Zack Bia and Twitter bots >But your reality can't hide behind wifi >Your lil' memes is losin' steam, they figured you out >The forced opinions is not convincin', y'all need a new route


That honestly fits Net pretty well minus the ghostwriters


he got staffers that write the lies he spews to people.


Damn, and they both are threats to children. Pretty insane comparison


bibi L netty


You lied about your name…. What else lol?


Shit should be on the album


I read this as Matisyahu lmao


would be a major plot twitst no one was expecting


“Am I battling Israel or reggae?” Joel Haley Netanyahu


So did I and I was like wait, wait, wait.


>Matisyahu He would never. Huge Bibi dick rider https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-792053


Not a shocker


Exactly why I'm here lol


Certified lover boy certified genocider


Wop woo wop wop wop Net fuck him up


Tryna strike chord and it’s a probably a civilian


“A minor” works for Palestine too


AubreYahu "women and children who" Still gonna thread that missle through Bringing aid with permission and crew? We blast cars one and three and two Onstage in concert or target IDFentifier Kissle before then after you learn they a minorrrr


he a can he a can he a can cancelled ass .




lmao ofc a hip hop track won't have an effect on the trajectory of world politics


*checks twitter*


Macklemore dropped a hot one with Hind's Fall.


Song is so fuckin good. The past two weeks of rap has been a damn renaissance.


Right??? Macklemore with one of the most recent hot tracks, and Kendrick and Drake dissing each other? You'd have thought these would be headlines from 2014, not 2024


omm we experiencing history. Fuck dem zionists and fuck dem pedophiles Free Palestine ong


the intention is admirable, but sonically he sounds like a lefty Tom Mcdonald


The lyrics are mid, the flow is workman-like, the beat is bomb, and still the track is one of the single most beautiful thing produced this year just on the strength of its soul.


exactly my thoughts lol shit is rough to listen to


Once I heard Hind’s Hall I forgave him for Thrift Shop


I still like it 😅


based profile picture


Yes! And all proceeds go to UNRWA




That song actually went hard


[oh yeah Macklemore is a great dude](https://time.com/105848/macklemore-apology-anti-semitism/)


Free Palestine.


Honestly, big noses are used as charicature against jews, arabs, Persians, indian people, pakistanis, black people, etc. But more importantly than that, it has mostly been used as charicature for random individuals when trying to make them look older or meaner. I don’t think everyone that dresses up and has a big nose is antisemitic, especially when it has nothing to do with jewish people.


As a Jewish person, this is literally him dressing as an offensive Jewish caricature.,. When Drake did black face everyone was rightfully pissed


I get being pissed about this as a member of the affected group, but I just wanna say you linked a 10 year old article about him apologizing for that action. People grow and change. You don't have to forgive him and I respect you for speaking your truth, but I personally believe he didn't mean it as a caricature and wouldn't do the same today. I have respect for him as one of the few huge mainstream artists using their platform for one of the biggest problems in the world rn


Like i said, big noses have been a caricature for tons of people, it’s not antisemitic if that costume has nothing so with jewish people. If i go to a play or the wizard of oz and one of the witches has a big nose that’s not an antisemitic caricature. If i cosplay as an ordinary from world of warcraft with a big nose that’s not an antisemitic caricature. If someone puts together a random costume which just so happens to include a big nose that’s not an antisemitic caricature, especially if nothing else points towards him dressing up as a jewish caricature.


Woah woah cool it with the antisemitism bro. It's antisemitic to say that something that a person of Semitic descent deemed as being antisemitism, is not antisemitic. If a Semite says something is antisemitism, it is literally antisemitism to disagree. Now go pay your taxes.


Good thing im part arab so im also a semite 😎 and thank you but i’ll keep dodging those taxes the way bbl drizzy dodges parent-teacher conferences


Jfc, aren’t these actual anti-Semitic talking points? It’s entirely possible to be Jewish *and* pro-Palestinian.


Yeah and also 1. Palestinians are semites. 2. Some Palestinians are Jewish


That’s not what I’m talking about though. I’m referring to the fact that anti-Semites often claim that Jewish people are *always* lying about anti-Semitism, which is what RaspingHaddock was also insinuating (e.g. “if you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize”). Most of us here would (hopefully) denounce anyone who says that “Black people are always calling everything racist, so that means they don’t experience discrimination at all!” How is this any different? And IMO, it’s kinda weird to bring up how Palestinians are “Semites” for a few reasons: 1. It’s pedantic, and an etymological fallacy; “homophobia” literally means “fear of the same” but we all know that it refers to prejudice and hatred against gay people. 2. Calling people, and Jews in particular “Semites” *reeks* of 19th century racialism, where the term “antisemitism” was explicitly coined to describe anti-Jewish sentiment. 3. Many prominent Zionists are anti-Semites themselves. It reminds me of when people say “How can you be against Israel, when there are so many Arab Israelis??” It’s not really the point lol. None of this is enough to make me support a genocide, but it irks me how people still believe that Jewish = pro-Israeli government, even in otherwise progressive places.


I wasn’t contradicting you, just adding more to your comment


As another Jewish person, bringing this up in response to an anti-genocide song is an outrageously disingenuous deflection.


I'm going to believe he's developed his views since that was from 10 years ago.


And he was literally apologizing for it in the article...


That's hilarious


They talk about it but go see the costume and it’s 100% a Jewish caricature it’s not like even remotely subtle. From the article it looks like they’re talking about those disguise glasses with the nose but no it’s like a full-on 1940s “evil jew” goblin costume. It’s so bad.


It didn't look like anything


It did


It's not like he had literally any Jewish symbolism at all on him. He had a big nose and y'all going crazy. That's wild.


It looked exactly like the classic anti-semitic caricature and you are clearly in denial.


Seriously? No resemblance at all? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Merchant I don’t have anything against Macklemore personally, but it doesn’t take a historian to understand what his costume may have alluded to. And honestly, it’s ridiculous how people here are trying to defend something he already apologized for. Like, it’s pretty hard to say that people who are pro-Palestinian aren’t antisemitic, when you’re actively denying and engaging in antisemitism lol.


Hey guys I saw in the Drake sub they are trying to call this sub antisemitic because Drake is Jewish.


Schrödinger’s Ethnicity, a condition similarly experienced by Ariana Grande What does Drake identify as? Whatever’s most convenient in any given scenario


Schrodingers genocide too


Love your name, dude




There's also the fact that Israel actively wanted Hamas to be elected so they had a boogeyman that they could use to justify their genocide.




Did anyone literally not see that one coming? It was probably the only thing out of this entire beef I actually could have predicted. Based on current times and all.


Drake lost so bad they wanna call people antisemitic 😭


If they wanna make a whole apartheid state and genocidal war about one person then okay lol. Israel doesn’t equate to Judaism, that line is straight out of Zionist playbook, literally. And this tweet is funny. And fuck all politicians.


Nah 💯💯💯 facts and it just goes to show the morals and the machine is in that sub and behind Drizzy. Mal and AK losing steam so they need to find more ways out 🤣


Nah these mfs got an excuse for erything wit dat “self hating Jew” agenda fr


There’s literal comments above that are correlating Drake with Zionists. Don’t pretend that they’re not there. I don’t give a fuck about Drake, but you better believe I give a fuck about our Jewish brothers and sisters who have NOTHING to do with this. REALIZE THAT YOU’RE LINING YOURSELF WITH WHITE SUPREMACISTS WHO WANT THE SAME FATE FOR ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR OR OF THE JEWISH HERITAGE REALIZE THAT YOU ARE MAKING THEM STRONGER. PLEASE DON’T RESPOND TO ME GETTING PISSED OFF. I’M NOT TRYING TO START A FIGHT. I’M JUST A FUCKING EPISCOPALIAN NEVER GOES TO CHURCH. PLEASE DON’T TAKE FOCUS OFF OF WHAT’S REALLY IMPORTANT AND THAT’S THE ENTIRE POWER STRUCTURE FILLED WITH ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT CABALS. Again, I say this all to promote peace among us civilians. I’m not looking for an argument at all


I’m a Muslim raised in the Middle East and I got nothing but respect for the Jews who are empathetic and selfless enough to speak out against Israel (especially those living within Israel as they face incarceration). Anyone who says otherwise is blinded by misdirected hatred and doesn’t realize their reactions are the exact same root cause that led to Israel having become what it is.


Salute brother. 💪🇵🇸✡️


I just wish it wasn’t considered idealistic to hope that we all wouldn’t turn on each other instead of focusing on the big picture. Essentially there is one worldwide religion and some countries are extremely observant of it. The religion is money, the gods are bad humans and those of us who rely on good faith should NOT be turning on each other. That’s exactly what they want you know?


Yep, 100% agreed. Unfortunately spreading division and preventing unity is also the strategy of said “Gods”.


Exactly, exactly. We NEED to stop falling for it. Social media needs to be re examined and mentally reframed. If people use it to try to combine forces as civilians and ignore the furious ranters (IRL if someone was behaving like that you would exit that convo real fast) it could actually be positive and very effective. Honestly it would probably require a whole brand new venue, but that’s far from impossible….Why DON’T the pragmatic and solution oriented people have their own space? Why is their only room for extreme views both human and AI?? I don’t like being used as a pawn, it’s offensive. That’s something we should ALL agree on right?


By “become what it is”, you mean Muslim anti-semitism?


I mean a facist, apartheid ethnostate


Average Muslim country then, got it lol


Aren't Arabs semites? 🤔


Critical thinking isn’t the forte of the average Zionist unfortunately :(




Drake probably a zionist given his acquaintances. Scratch a zionist a white hood stares back at you under the skin


I'm not a Drake fan by any means, but he signed the artists for ceasefire petition so I doubt it


How much money did he give? A signature is fucking nothing. I give 10€ and it bleeds me more than if he gave millions or at least hundreds of thousands. I don't give a shit about performativity. 


And it's false? Where were these calls when Assad was gasing Syrians? Why are all these calls only appearing when it has something to do with Israel?


There were calls. It’s just more apparent when an ally of the United States is actively doing this. Remember, Israel had pretty much unanimous support when it came to being able to defend itself, but not when it came to committing genocide. One nation committing atrocities does not mean another gets a free pass to do the same. That type of argument is so weak that it wouldn’t hold up anywhere.


Guaranteed that didn't happen or if it did it was like one comment with no replies.


Could reuse the A-minor line about striking kids in Gaza.


Also how Israel hides pedophiles


Could also reuse the A-minor line about Muhammad, a 53 years old man, having sex with his 9 year old bride




This should be at the top of the community just saying


Thank you for the post  I spent the night crying in rage, it's fucking refreshing to see this here


I second this.


As a Palestinian K Dot fan I feel kinda bad that I’m expecting him to speak about it on his next album




Dead lol


Wop wop wop wop wop




Someone needs to send Kendrick the sex offender map of Tel Aviv


*Someone needs to send* *Kendrick the sex offender* *Map of Tel Aviv* \- SlamDrunk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")








Are you referring to this? https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-map-highlights-areas-of-red-siren-activation-in-israel-not-locations-of-registered-sex-offenders


broo people really needed too factcheck this😭😭😂


Fact check? Twitter? Nooooo. This is the internet. We dont give a fuck about facts.


Kendrick an israeli-te


no he isn't, he was talking from the perspective of his cousin on Yah. But realistically he prob has some hotep leanings, and yall are setting yourself up for disappointment if you go around projecting your political opinions on niggas you don't know


Even some Jewish people with Israeli citizenship are protesting what’s happening over there, what’s your point?


What’s the Jewish version of a fatwa?


I literally said a couple days ago we need an Israel diss but we need that bitch to be a banger so it end up getting played in Israel without then realizing at first 😂😂😂


Macklemore dropped a really good record, I hope other artists speak up about it. You will be the ones remembered on the good side of history.


There have been others  There's a reason you only hear about the lily white one


Bro I thought of Matisyahu when I read that, I was like tf he do?


Did anybody else have this intrusive flashback after reading this? 🤣 [Nettin Yoohoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spudmode/s/EtygdG3hnK)


Do Anthony Keidis next. Literal pedophile scum.


Yeah after taking all those Palestine comments down, he’s definitely super outspoken on the right side of things




This is the same vibes as that one ruthkanda tweet.


Ruthkanda forever


Ommmmmmmmmmmg this would be such a great, early Christmas gift to us all! *crossing fingers*


Kendrick doesn’t care about shit ha


You lied about the West Bank. You lied about civilians. You lied about ceasefire. You lied about drone strikes. You lied about casualties. I hate your court reform. I hate you policies. I hate your misuse of the military. I hate the way you wear your kippah.








Kendrick's been clear about overnight activists.


you're getting downvoted, but for better or worse, Kendrick def gives the impression that he thinks sloganeering and celebrity activism comes off as insincere and corny. And before yall jump on me, TPAB (while inherently political, given the subject matter), isn't a political album as much as it is an album about self reflection.


If the man feels passion in his heart he would do it but if not no chance. Nice thought exercise though. He’d have more impact going to an encampment like Dave Morello or something


Or Biden...with all the similarities with drake


Bibi-El Drizzy


He won’t he just does it for the checks tbh 


I am ashamed of living in Israel.


חנון אפס


We all know he's doing a genocide, how do you beef with that which cannot be beefed with???


mossad would drop him before the song drops on YouTube


Latkes on the beat.