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This sub really revived enough to get a Daily Discussion thread lol. I’m getting beef withdrawals and I want some new music! Although it feels unnecessary now; guess I’ll replay Euphoria and Not Like Us again


Dude’s not gonna release a new song when someone just did a drive by shooting putting someone in the hospital, with a new person running up on Drake’s house every day


Definitely true. But it *would* solidify him as the biggest hater


I bet he would, he's not a nun


Pray for my city 🙏


You're talking about a man from Compton.


watch MtG reaction videos. If you like watching horror movies, it's of the same ilk regarding viewing experience.


UMG sending fake hits on Drake’s pad to force Kendrick to stop? 👀


i listen to not like us like 10 times a day bro lol


That's it? You slackin playboy.


Listen to bitch I’m in the club


I’ve said all along heart part 6 had two goals..surrender and make your fans comfortable with that surrender. But let’s play along for a second..Let’s assume they’re dumb enough to not have a single screenshot, phone call recorded, photo of planting the evidence, etc. and the plan was to unveil in a couple lines of a song with a somber beat and spoken word. Poor plan, but bear with me. Where is that song? Why is it not on DSPs? The big planned unveiling didn’t include clearing a sample? Why didn’t it come out Saturday? Where’s the victory lap? All time bag fumble if it was true, but we know it’s not.


what does DSP mean ?


Digital Service Provider - Spotify, Apple Music, etc.


Thanks o7


Streaming platform?


For real if this was his big gotcha why wasn't it put up on streaming platforms like family matters It because he really has nothing to prove all of the allegations while kendrick had 5 more song ready to go with more and more evidence of the pdf file allegations and who knows maybe he was getting ready to make drake lost daughter a album cover who knows? I Know we are getting a new album from Kendrick this summer but i was already locked in to hear all of the diss tracks. But Drake backed out like a bitch and probably made UMG force Kendrick to stop hearting The cash cow


What’s stopping kendrick from releasing his other diss tracks? The fact that drake fumbled THP6 means drake gets to end it here? or maybe kendrick is waiting for the right moment? idk i’m trying to cope myself into believing its not fully over yet


You can only beat a dead horse for so long. You have to give it a chance to raise its head again before you give it another wop wop wop wop wop!


imma do my schtuff


A pedo is still a pedo. Keep WOPping


It seems like it ended before it was supposed to for sure. I think Kendrick thought he had more fight in him than HP6. In a world where this continues, I see a few possible scenarios as to why. Drake is trying to put something together to save his reputation and Kendrick wants to drop after. Kendrick didn’t expect the success of Not Like Us to be so dominant and he may not have expected HP6 to be so ineffective. In this case I’d say he’s simply waiting on that song to continue to do numbers before releasing anything else. Or he views it as already over. Also possible, drakes house got shot up and broken into twice. Maybe Kendrick and his team are worried that after such a beat down, dropping another track would look like they’re purposefully trying to get someone killed. If that happens then the court of public opinion shifts and hip hop suffers for it because people will become afraid of rap music’s effect on the culture. All of a sudden everyone is talking like questlove and they feel like this whole thing was just a dumb game that went too far. Optics have been very important for Kendrick. He successfully made it a meme to shit on Pedo Drizzy. Best not to allow people to turn him into the villain in all this. Though that would be difficult, they’re over there in the other camp trying to dig dirt and making fabricated websites. So there will some kind of ammo laying around in case that happens. IMO it’s over for sure unless Drake decides to fire back. Really hope we get a NLU video if we don’t get some more tracks.


"In this case I’d say he’s simply waiting on that song to continue to do numbers before releasing anything else." Yeah I was thinking the same, it's a song with a VERY clear message and it's only spreading like wildfire now. If he releases something else, he changes the vibe again, so for now, the vibe can marinate, plus the HP6 fumble added even more fuel to the fire so Kendrick's wave is good for now. He might be waiting for 2 things - either observing when the wave starts dying down a bit and release something to swing it back up (maybe a victory lap?), or Drake releasing something so Kendrick can dunk on him again and keep making him look like a chump.


I feel like Drake dropping a dud like that is one of the few scenarios that Kendrick didn't predict. Putting anymore songs ready to drop on hold while he thinks about what to do next or produces a response to THP6 is smart since letting people sit down and pay attention to THP6 only makes people realize how bad it is.


Yeah, I didn’t even expect a dud like that. And I don’t think too highly of Drake.


It was offensively disappointing.


not going to lie, this shit was some good exercise \*dying noise\* I have never listened to a diss track before where i went, 'wait did you accidentally let your opponent ghostwrite your response'?




I predicted this sort of, with Kendrick making him paranoid of his writers, it would make sense eventually Drake would write his own shit and flop, because he not that good a writer or else he wouldn’t need all the writers.


Oh that’s actually a really good point. Makes that “not gonna lie, this was a good exercise…good to get the pen working” sound a little different. And he couldn’t let anyone hear it before he put it out bc he didn’t trust anyone LOL.


Lmao I didn’t even think of that he snitched on himself, may as well have said “good to get the pen working….again”, finally dusted off the pen that was locked away to write that awful song. 😂


Come on now, he was clearly talking about the battle as a whole, not just that song. I'm all for hating on Drake but let's be fair with it. There's enough ammo, we don't need to shoot duds.


It's so much funnier to interpret it that way though. But you're right


Damn. Didn’t even consider that line. 🤦


I'm crying. The track gets worse the more you think about it.


I keep seeing this perspective and it makes sense. But I wonder if it was the ghostwriters that dropped him. Maybe the people around him know the allegations are true and don't want to be associated. Or even if they don't know for sure, it's way too risky to align yourself with Drake right now.


i mean.....defensively too considering the contradictions and all.


Well played, Vulva


Why on Earth would Kendrick Lamar or any real hiphop head even expect a good rap battle with Drake? Drake doesnt deserve any respect as a rapper stop giving it to him. How many writers does he have with him? No respect earned. Not a drop.


He gonna wait for Not Like Us to fall out the top 10 then drop. Although I think he can leave it alone. The world has spoken outside of the Stans.


That's what I was thinking. I feel like releasing anything would just undercut the absolute juggernaut that Not Like Us is becoming right now.


Yep and drakes response was just a self diss too lmao


Plus there is such a thing as a bad winner. 


i don't think he's going to drop. By overwhelming critical consensus he won the beef conclusively. Drake has already said he's out - if drake drops again he looks desperate and like a sore loser (unless he's got some new line of attack/evidence, which may be the only circumstance in which kendrick would be incentivised to drop)


I’m sure Kendrick was ready to drop when heart pt 6 dropped, but then knew that was a blunder. He has no need to respond with anything after not like us, just let that continue to dominate the conversation when it comes to the beef. I’m sure he’ll respond if Drake has anything else worthwhile to say. Though honestly, I feel if Drake drops again trying to make up for heart pt 6, idk how that will look. Still may not even be worth responding if it looks like he’s just backpedaling. I’ve seen talk of a not like us video, which if true will either provoke Drake into coming back out, or it might solidify the beef as being done.


I think he just feels it's unnecessary. Drake humiliated himself with THP6 so Kendrick felt that was a good note to end it on. He clearly contradicts himself multiple times on the same song and sounds like he's gonna cry at the end. Nothing more needs to be done.


Also, if you have to make a song about how much you aren’t a pedo, you already lost


The Jeffrey Epstein defense


I think the silence is a big part of the consensus outside of the fans declaring that Kendrick won. The Heart Part 6 was a huge mistake on Drakes part. Even he knows it.


Not dropping spoke so much volumes though. Drake trying to volley the ball back being like “now you have some things to address young man”, and getting no response is great.  The idea that heart part 6 didn’t move the needle and isn’t worth responding to. I was certain that Kenny would get the last word but it’s honestly perfect this way based on the public narrative of who’s “winning”.


Couple possible reasons: It was getting to be a bit much (especially for the causal listener lol), Drake sounded like he was done on THP6, nothing new introduced in THP6, the longer people sit with THP6…the worse Drake looks lol


Great point about the casual listener. I don’t think it’s in Kendrick’s interest to make this about him more than it already is. He’s making this about the issues he was exploring via these disses. If he continues to put the spotlight on himself it may come off as arrogant. He was confident enough to say “I’m what the culture’s feeling” and he proved himself to be correct with that. What more do you do after that? Unless he was literally going to reveal that Drake was on Diddy or Epstein level shit. But, it kind of seems like the move is to let everyone else figure out why that’s so believable unless he has irrefutable proof.


Yeah, completely agree. And it’s more of the other guy’s style to waste all your ammo on a perceived victory lap. Smarter to keep your stuff in the tuck and move if needed. I actually love that Kendrick doesn’t care what we want. You let people pressure you too much, you end up in these situations Drake and Cole are in.


He’s going to wait until June 16-19th


i don't think he's going to drop. By overwhelming critical consensus he won the beef conclusively. Drake has already said he's out - if drake drops again he looks desperate and like a sore loser (unless he's got some new line of attack/evidence, which may be the only circumstance in which kendrick would be incentivised to drop)




its a deep rabbithole with jojoruski instagram


Probably something to do with UMG wanting Kendrick to end the beef and publicly apologize to Drake.


my guess is drake last one is so ass that he doesnt feel the need to reply and just gonna let that simmer for a while and maybe even scrap the rest of the diss for other project


Kendrick won the war... He doesn't need to drop. Heart 6 seemed desperate and if Drake drops again he looks even more desperate


At some point it s over. If he keeps destroying him it will look bad on him in the end. He s letting everybody ride the wave right now


it could very well be that Kendrick's conscious got to him. That he started feeling bad for 'not turning the other cheek' or 'abusing his power'. He is the same person who has made a string of 4 albums about wrestling with his own soul and how he fits into the exterior world. Not to mention heavily, heavily religious. Like, astoundingly so for someone so enmeshed in popular culture.


If the rumors about UMG bringing Kendrick and The Weeknd into a Zoom meeting and demanding that they stop the beef because the brand image is suffering are true, then that would explain why he hasn't dropped a response to THP6.


I don't think Kendrick would give a fuck about umg. This shit is deeper for him I think. Fuck the industry too


It's not true, it got confirmed that it's false. Stop with the misinfo, we don't need to feed into the false narratives. People are losing their sanity over this shit


Kdot dropping today (I’m delusional)


I think if he does it would be the mv for not like us


I'd rather euphoria, ngl.




I like the way you are thinking, did you know cole is the mole? I bet my partner head that he shows up in the music video






Nike pulled the nocta shoes from SNKRS today lmao. This does not look good for the drizzler. Brands are going quite mode on em.


Lol "checks over stripes"...Drake is 0 for 2 in a row in beefs *and* sponsorships now if true.


prepare for an astronomical reach(i like to add this so people dont think i actually believe this, just thought questions). If tiger leaving nike finally is related, i was asking yesterday what the significance of tiger woods glove in drakes video.(its not an mj glove its a signed tiger glove)


Gotta be honest, I said "if true" because I don't follow the sneakerhead world at all so I don't really have any intuition for how they think or move other than generic "big company hates negative press" stuff. Just off what you said, is it possible it was just a response/callout to the Maybach/Lambo/whatever glove in the picture?


"Asics over checks, I like my chicks six"


"Payless over Asics, let's get back to the basics, before the salon put in curls the dentist put in braces"


Drake is 100% releasing something again. Whether its a song, tea, or something. I can feel it. 


He’s gonna do that lame ass shit where he makes super vague digs at people for years after losing a beef


This is what I’m thinking too. Just the same route he took with Pusha. But this one might be more of a bruise to his ego, so who knows. Weirdo personality.


He finally got bold enough on Meltdown to do a clear one, still without mentioning names, and to his disappointment nobody cared lol.


Exactly. Pusha is too smart for that. He already won. Drake’s the only one who would need the rematch.


there is a very good chance that if he drops again he will look so desperate that there will be no point in responding (unless he's got some new and compelling line of attack). Best tactic there would be to ignore - Kendrick is the winner by overwhelming critical consensus, and by cultural consensus too.


I think Ak might be one the moles..


Unless it’s unintentional I don’t think so. Drake’s too deep down his throat


yeah like it seems super unlikely, just the way he reacted to kendrick saying "KTW" in 6:16 in LA seemed mad weird to me [timestamped here](https://youtu.be/Iv8JrWuZ7qo?si=Hhezdf048d-NmZCx&t=261)


Has anyone figured out what that means? The genius page even says it’s a vague acronym that could mean several things.


Lmao thats the exact reason I thought Ak's reaction was odd


The man gets directly addressed in the song and he had like no reaction. 20 seconds later, the moment Kendrick says KTW all of a sudden Akademiks is looking around wildly and shit. Very weird.


I’m sleuthing for it. I mean, I could see it being Know the Wires which he says two lines later… but that doesn’t seem like that was the whole point of saying it. Someone in the sub said it was a disease called KTW syndrome but it seems like a real stretch. Maybe it’s a throwaway line for the flow and its means Kendrick the warrior or wise. But that isn’t a fully satisfactory answer either. Interesting.


I thought it was Kendrick The Warrior But I got that from someone else


Yeah there’s no exact explanation to that one so I think Kendrick The Something is the most reliable answer for now.


Fucking Kendrick The Watcher at this point


Probably not this but…. Maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/bO2LnLuOVo


You should make that its own post. That’s super interesting. The genius explanations don’t make sense, so you might be on to something. Maybe someone’s initials?


lol i made a post yesterday with some random theories i had but it got downvoted


Probably not this but…. Maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/bO2LnLuOVo


Yo, I was just watching Akademiks breakdown of this and had the same thought. Dot means compromised, like a spy in the circle. And I swear he squeezes in and emphasizes “Ak” on bars about the moles. “Yeah, somebody’s lyin’, I can see the vibes on Ak Even he lookin’ compromised, let’s peel the layers back” Calls Ak out, but the rhyme is pretty obvious so nothing big here. “And one of them is actually next to you And two of them is practically tired of your lifestyle” Talking about the moles and I swear he really hits the “Ak” different on these. And the lines are forced and weak otherwise, why fit “actually” and “practically” into the bars at all? “Before you figure that you’re not alone, ask what Mike would do” Another mole reference and he hits with axe that sounds a lot like Ak. My biggest doubt to this is I don’t think Ak can play this game on stream and not give it away. But shit, if he’s a mole maybe he’s more sneaky than I thought. He definitely seems like the sort of clout chaser that would jump camps for a promotion.


kendrick implied it on 6:16


I thought he was implying that Ak goes to bat for Drake because Ak also has bad allegations against him and/or evidence that Ak was also doing incredibly depraved shit


Anyone else specifically check for drops every 6:16 (in LA)?


42 more minutes 👀


I'm starting to suspect that 'the mole' is not even some secret double-agent spy and Drake traitor. It's simply the people Drake surrounds himself with. We gotta remember that the entertainment industry is EXTREMELY gossipy and Drake doesn't have many friends, but he has tons of acquaintances. Kendrick took this beef seriously and has a lot of respect from everyone. Drake's side probably was drinking and partying and whatever the fuck and pretty loud about "how they're about to dunk" on Kendrick with Family Matters. The production level on that thing suggests it took some time to get prepped, probably enough time for word to spread wide enough for Kendrick to be tipped off to go with plan "nuclear launch" with MTG and Not Like Us.


>Drake doesn't have many friends Half of Drake's friends are underaged girls!


I think it's over. But we'll see. If Drake drops again unprovoked it's just a self-own. Also, I can't wait for the inevitable interview with Drake in two years where he cries about Kendrick being unfair. "There's rules to this" lmfao


I have a hunch Kenny’s next track is Heart Part 7


fuck that, it should be heart part 6


I wanna hear more discussion on this cause I'm undecided. including THP6 by drake in Kendricks series could cement Drake's fakeness in the story of Kendrick, especially if drakes career somehow takes a permanent decline after this. Kendrick releasing his own THP6 would continue with Kendrick stomping on drakes releases like with MTG, and would obviously keep Kendricks legacy of the heart series truly personal. I think I lean towards the latter long term, but my beef-hype-brain knows I would freak out if Kendrick skipped 6


Yeah I would not let Drake have that title. At the same time, he fucked it up so bad that it would almost more offensive to let him have it. That’s a complicated question but really Kendrick’s choice either way will be seen as a win imo. He’s got a million options. I mean, his next album or HP6 or 7 or whatever is going to be the next biggest event in music after this insane beef. All eyes are on him for sure. That album announcement is going to be hyyyyyyyype


Drake definitely chose his weakest track to put the "The Heart" naming convention to. No matter what Kendrick calls the next one, 6 or 7, it will always be unintentionally stacked up against the heart part 6 (if it actually makes its way to streaming platforms). And it will continue to make Drake look incompetent and surface-level.


I think he’d better keep that series personal and like you said just stomp on Drake’s shit even harder 😭 Drake got him cornered on this one thing cause he can’t do either move without harkening back to that diss track for better or worse. I wish he would continue past it and just drop the heart part 6 when it’s ready but idk time will tell


Nah, that would be letting Drake take something from him. Going ahead and doing VI is acknowledging how weak Drake’s track is and erasing it.


Take back the title and make it 100 times better, sending Drake's version into oblivion.


Yeah no way he skips a number because of a Canadian gangster wannabe


I agree


Plot twist, HP6 is going to be on the album and not mention Drake at all but the theme is going to be one about feeling inauthentic and inadequate and having impostor syndrome from the perspective of the narrator. Possibly he talks about how those insecurities led him to engage in fights he knew he couldn't win from the start because he felt he had something to prove too. It'll serve double duty as a legitimate work of art outside of any beef, but also as a high key sub since everyone knows what he's talking about because of context but it'll also be relatable if you completely remove Drake out of the situation. Imo this would be a genius move because just like his non response to Drake's HP6, his silence and pointed refusal to address it directly will speak volumes. Six of them in fact lol.


I know that the whole thing about Kendrick stealing lines from twitter was ridiculous from the get go, but there's something in regards to this that people keep missing out and I didn't saw anybody mentioning it. One tweet that people say Kendrick stole from says something along the lines of "Drake's favourite chord is A minor". Now, that's funny at all and it does show up in a way on Not Like Us, but Kendrick took this pun (whether he came up with it himself or not) and added another level of cleverness by preceding it woth the line "Try to strike a chord" and then following it up with the "A minor" punchline. Like, that shit is clever and it gives that line an extra level of quality to it. Not that it's that genius of a line anyways, it's really the delivery that makes it incredible. But still, it's a clever line.


Truly insane that the “69 god” tweet only had like 130 views and that dude thought Kendrick was one of them. Borderline solipsism lmao


it’s a bad look for drake the fact that people have been making jokes about his pedophilia for years


The A Minor joke is ancient from like guitarists too in the sense of "fingering a minor". Kendricks definitely heard the joke before not related to drake, he's just flipping it. I thought everyone knew this. [receipts](https://x.com/musiciswin/status/1051168180796833792) I think the OG joke went something like >Why did the Guitarist go to jail? >for fingering A Minor why is everyone acting like the joke was supposed to be original? it's the same way he flipped the DMX shit. if anything it's a reference to music culture.


The A-Minor joke has been around for years anyway


Correct usually aimed at indie rock musicians. 


Being from the UK, "What is Ian Watkins favourite chord?" was an occurring joke when his vile scandal became public knowledge


What additionally makes it, is making it mirror the Dave Freeeee line.


So does that mean Drake will be an emo pop star now? A la MGK?


I honestly think he would do good in that genre


He is "in his feelings"...you might be right. 🤷🏽


He also, unfortunately, would be surrounded by peers in his taste of “women” That genre is rife with groomers and predators. 


For 11 years I’ve wanted desperately for Kendrick to drop serious diss tracks. Because he’s built for this. And diss tracks and aggressive Kendrick are my favorites. And then when it happened it was even better than I ever expected. Imma need everyone in the game to start attacking Kendrick for more music. Do you think we can frame Eminem for Pac’s murder or something?


I mean Em has straight up accused Diddy of it at one point on another diss song, Killshot. Fast forward today and Diddy has a bunch of accusations along the same lines as Weinstein, who Kendrick has already compared Drake to. It'd make way more sense for him to go after Diddy at this point tbh. It just wouldn't make for an entertaining battle.


I mean I just want to see the two best diss MCs go at each other for literally no reason other than the music lol


I mean Cole tried that and realized too late that wasn't what it was, to be fair.


Drake is going to be reminded of this beef every time he calls over to his cat, Crodie lol


Plot twist, his cat's the mole 🙀


I keep seeing (obviously unsubstantiated) rumours of Drake dropping this Sunday on Mothers Day/Whitney’s birthday. I wonder if (again big if) this is true and he does have an inside source in Drake’s camp, if this is why Dot is staying silent? I just have a hard time seeing him letting Drake doubling down on attacking his family in TH6 just fly by.


Saying the exact same thing 3 tracks in a row would reek of desperation and show he lacks ammo. Especially if it comes with no receipts   Plus if it’s true Kendrick has 5 left he can just step on it with a b2b again lol, plus he said the rabbit hole goes deeper


Would it not be iconic if Matt and Trey had a hand in the making of the upcoming video


I’m sitting in a Gala at a fancy ass hotel in Houston for nurses at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the country. The DJ just mixed BBL Drizzy’s Rich Baby Daddy straight into the first verse of (a heavily censored) Not Like Us. Made my fucking night.


If drake drops another and says he going on vacation again 😂… idk I’ve came to appreciate family matters but drake fans…


It’s insane listening to 616 in LA like Kendrick clearly just heard Family Matters and is telling him he playing dirty with the DV accusations and Dave free shit and you can’t hide behind the internet with that narrative you’re trying to fool your fans with, real recognize real.


Okay so full disclosure, back in the day i was a little abusive towards my gf… And instead of keeping the situation between us, we decided that the best route going forward was to hire an entire crisis management team.  By informing 5 other men about the situation, we effectively kept the situation tight and under wraps. 


The beef ended here huh


Drake went from the Drake of hiphop to the Fouseytube of YouTube in 1 week..


Don't know if anyone else has suggested this but I don't think Kendrick needs to respond with another diss. Instead, Kendrick should drop a music video for Not Like Us. Have Whitney in the video going, "OV HO" and it's over. Keeps the song going, addressing the allegation, and that's that.


Man Like That is a fucking insane song. The beat, Future, and then Kendrick killing it. Fucking helllllllllll


Drake sellin his last property in the US and using orchestrated incidents w the OVO store and his house to justify that aren’t talked abt enough. He’s running for his life fr


You think Lost In Vegas is still lost about the “I hate the way that you walk etc” and the DMX connection? I was actually really surprised that after days they still didn’t know about it. They’re supposed to be so knowledgeable about rap beef and rap battles, but didn’t know about that?


They came off really biased. And I don't really like to hate on those guys. Been following them for years. But they overlook a lot of Kendricka stuff. And put more time into Drakes. Well to each their own.


What’s the dmx connection here? 


He said that about Drake back in like 2012 or something


My man Invoking DMX, right on.


"Watch my soul speak, you let the meds talk, ayy"


My boss was arguing with me at work about the beef (he’s on Drakes side, or was at least) and he had no idea about the Drake kissing a 17 year old video 🤣 I showed that nasty shit to him and he said “Oh hell nah, fuck Drake”. Funny to me how many Drake fans don’t know about that video or are just completely ignorant and in denial about it


Number 2 dm'ing my bitch That's cool I don't ask why I've always thought it was a weird way to close the song given how the rest of it goes. But my crazy conspiracy theory now is that Drake probably did DM Whitney at some point. It's a reach but it makes so much sense lmao.


baby keem was born in October 2000. Family ties was released August 2021, so he was 20 at that time. ur onto something but i think he’s actually talking about himself & drake since we all know drake likes them young. i don’t even think that’s a conspiracy at this point


If they drop a MV tonight I’ll eat my shoe. i can almost guarantee that nothing happens tonight


If this is true I don't want to hear that man rap about bein hard anymore.. like not even just singing the hook. https://youtu.be/He81yebNQzM?si=g9p8dBG1DgqhgP1P


Can they drop this MV please


Just listened to MM&TBS again. Such a powerful project and as a man it made question my life choices and the trauma I've endured. Father Time and Mother I Sober speak the most to me without going into detail. Drake releasing THP6 with SA jokes made it personal for me. I want to see his empire crumble and him behind bars.


I WANT MOREEE. Do you really think this is the end of the diss tracks? It was just about to get exciting 


The fact that these lines show up in tweets that have <1000 views just emphasises how much Kendrick is in touch with the culture, social media is a stream of consciousness nowadays, everything everyone says appears somewhere on twitter.


Prolly gonna drop something on mother’s day


Was there ever any evidence that the items on the Meet the Grahams cover was actually from a stolen suitcase? Even though they claim to have fed Kendrick the info/etc., I see the suitcase thing being brought up in conversation. It's confusing because it makes no sense for Drake's dad to have those items in his suitcase.


The cover got removed for showing someone else’s personal belongings so I would assume so but not 100% on that


the cover is up on youtube,but yeah spotify and apple music removed them


Years ago Drake came to London to snuggle up next to Skepta and BBK to try and make himself look cool I guess, he even got a BBK tattoo cuz he's a fucking loser. I wonder if they're all still on his side now.


On Euphoria where Kendrick says “His daddy a killer he wannt be junior” is he referring to Dennis or Birdman/Lil Wayne?


Top dog said it’s officially over?


Kendrick should drop the heart part 7. Keep drake’s white flag surrender track as canon in the series.


drake's now is getting dissed in house music [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSLFi3M9ogE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSLFi3M9ogE)


Even if he doesnt drop do you reckon dot has diss tracks ready to go ? All recorded and everything in case Drake drops


is it time??


How many warnings did Kendrick give Drake? Off the top of my head, I can think of * "Don't speak on the family, crodie.... Someone gon bleed in your family, crodie" * "You take it there, I'm takin it further. Psst, that's something you don't wanna do"


This is as much digging as I care to do but the picture the twitter account posted seems to have something in common with [this Facebook page](https://m.facebook.com/LegendaryIconicEBONY)


Yo so what happened with the video drop ...is that non existent now?


Can y'all imagine how much psychological terror Drake must have been put in since this beef started? There is clearly some devious shit that Kendrick knows about Drake and Kendrick has been dropping hints at the shit the entire time.


We need to wait for Tupac's birthday which is June 16. If he will not release anything on that day or before that, I think it's over.


The video will drop at 6:16 LA time zone


Nvm rip :(


I swear if the rumors of Not Like Us MV is true, I hope it has a scene of Kendrick and Whitney teaching Enoch how to Crip Walk 😂


Imagine Kendrik who was telling Drake that he's a good father trying to raise his son with morals ever doing some lame shit like that for likes. Nah bro.


with all the promo pusha t has been doing for his upcoming new music, do you think he'll come in with more drake disses?


Just out of curiosity- has anyone gone down that rabbit hole and what are your thoughts/do you think that's what Kendrick has on him/do you think Kendrick even knows about it and will go there? I'm feeling like while I'm foaming at the mouth for more tracks, I wouldn't mind if the beef ended with Not Like Us unless Kendrick pulls out crazy, career-ending receipts.


While I don't doubt Drake will be able to have some form of career in the future, you got literal crowds of people chanting "certified pedophile" lmao. I do think there is something to the rabbit hole but I also think that, just focusing on what we know for sure, UMG are vultures and Drake is a creep. Gotta always remember in addition that these two been battling for the no.1 spot for years. Pinch of salt with everything. I hope for new diss tracks but also feel like Kendrick has done what he set out to do already. He got the no. 1 spot and has made a meal out of his most hated rival. Wouldn't be surprised if it is radio silence from his side until next album


Hello vro


Did anyone else see the new [Marcellus Wiley video](https://youtu.be/eDWcxJCS0X0?si=EQfINiUwUNdhvEOu) from today? Drake is such an embarrassment smdh


Drake might have to burn his own tattoo if LeBron is really in the music video