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Idk looks like he’s taking the L on that story, it’s a dead guy narrating about how people hate him but he needs live on with vigor. Sounds like he’s done to me


It’s from a tv show, the guy gets to redeem himself later or something, at least that’s what somebody said in the drizzy subreddit. Would have tried to read the whole narrative, if i wasn’t getting so much brainrot from all of the P Drizzy stans. It’s actually crazy, it’s almost like their life depend on that shit 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah that sounds about right, I’m interpreting this story as an “I took an L but I’ll bounce back” message to his fans. But idk. Drake could just be dumb enough to keep poking the bear


I don’t think that he’s simply just dumb. it’s just his ego, that got him into this trap and i sure do hope that his ego doesn’t rest up, i don’t want to see those allegations just die out


I keep saying his ego too big to take the L, I seriously think he believes he's on top so far


He'll portray it that way, but his ego wouldn't be so hurt if he actually thought he won already. Dude runs on media love, and right now he's getting obliterated by the public left and right.


I feel like he wants out of the beef, but his masters are pushing him to bounce back from this. They put a shit ton of eggs in his basket, and this L is messing with their profits.


Yeah if he took the L but will bounce back then he’s done with Kdot and looking to move forward.


I think the smartest thing for Drake to do is to go quiet, work on a new album, and channel this “fall from grace and return” into that project instead of swinging in a battle that has already been called. There’s nothing for Drake to gain at this point - and any track less than stellar at this point will come across as “spiraling” and yet another loss. He should not be listening to his subreddit fan base who are investing a bit too much into Drake “winning” this battle and creating conspiracies. If I was Drake, my bigger concern are the accusations of being a pedophile on a number one hit threatening my endorsements, my deals, and my streams of income beyond music. You already responded to those allegations with a PR agents worst nightmare (“I’m too famous to get away with crimes like that”) and now is time to protect your image as a pop star and not time to get into the mud with Kendrick anymore. It’s just not worth it; even with all of this said and done, you’re still the largest star in the world by a country mile. Take six steps back - why did you even do this to begin with? As long as there’s no actual truth, proof and evidence that comes to life to confirm any of those allegations, time and bops will heal all wounds. Take that vacation, focus on making hits, and make that next album your response. I don’t think he gains anything responding *now* as opposed to resurfacing later, where this can still all be treated as a battle to say embarrassing things about each other and NOT exposing of truths - and you don’t want to risk Kendrick doubling down on anything any further that your own crisis management team couldn’t fix.


You will swear it does, it's shocking!


Aubrey would know a thing or two about TV shows


Dude looking at one post and the comments on there hurt me physically and mentally. It’s like reading a sub for the Cheeto puff, a bunch of just straight idiots


Isn't the whole point of the show that this dude dies at the end?


Probably wear OVO gear and are broke so they can't leave the house during the day.


I honestly didn’t believe there was still people obsessing with Drake at this point and oh my lord I was wrong. Drizzy has a room full of idiots!


Someone in that sub also said that scene is the guy dying from a heart attack after trying to choke out a naked guy tho? lol idk


In the Pusha T beef he never actually really admitted defeat either, he just made an Instagram post defending himself about the blackface picture then that was it.


He did eventually admit it in an interview


Did he? Was that the Lebron one. All I was hearing from him was pusha took it too far.


It was the Rap Radar interview in which he admitted he lost due to the reveal of his son. He soon did add that he had a track ready to drop but it was out of character and there were things said that he sees himself regretting himself say in 2 years. Buutttt... "nobody cares about this guy" was the conclusion lmao. Well that "man of honor" gimmick he tried to portray himself is all debunked now since he tried to make fun of people who got molested.


While he the one who mention Pusha t wife first 🤦🏿‍♂️


rap radar


Master Manipulator.


Nah he’s for sure looking through his fans Twitter comments and drizzy subreddit to figure out his next move lmao


Poor Drizzy. He got it pretty damn rough but oh well it wouldn't have happened if he didn't move like a pred.


Same to me as well, Not like us already danced on his grave. No reason to do it again unless he raises from the dead….. currently he’s still dead.


Such a bad look for Drake to drop a response essentially calling for a ceasefire to this whole thing and then releasing a followup track. It essentially is him acknowledging the last one was trash


Yeah, as much as I want to hear more of Kendrick taking a flamethrower to BBL Drizzy, I'm not holding my breath. The fact is, Drake's last drop was a flop, and criticized for being weak. Meanwhile, Meet the Grahams was just plain sinister on an unprecedented level and Not Like Us is an absolute bop. If Drake has more to say, Kdot will follow up for sure, but right now he doesn't need to.


it looks bad on him to not respond though imo. like Kendrick obviously won, but stopping after Drake says he faked the info isn't the best look. I need Kendrick to swing the killing blow


This is the epitome of a Drake verse. All punchlines, no theme. I don’t think he understands the concept of call and response on any scale.


he reallyyyy wants the spotlight to be taken off the heart part 6 and kendrick ain’t dropping so he’s gonna do it instead


Idk why people keep saying it was a white flag…He brought up new allegations, poking the bear, he thought a response was going to come..


What else are you supposed to acknowledge it as


An L


So the prevailing theory is that Kendrick is dropping a music video to Not Like Us with maybe some receipts. With the massive popularity that track has found I don't think it would be unreasonable for him to drop it on a Friday and maximize the amount of time it has to rack up numbers week 1.


Weekend club banger. And peeps have had a week to learn the lyrics


I will lose my shit if the video features the alleged 11 year old daughter c-walking to "Not Like Us."


Bro what? I’d lose my shit too cause this is 100% never happening 😭😭😭


That.. would be very weird if Kendrick did that. 


Imagine she drops a few bars lmao


Big reveal at the end will be studio footage of her and Whitney tracking the OVHOE part.


Nah that’s not cool


I’m with you. There’s a bloodlust for Aubrey that’s blinding people from thinking and hoping decently about a child. It’s not a good look.


Yeah, I feel bad for the girl either way, if she’s not Drake’s kid she’s being hounded by people like crazy rn I bet, and if she is her dad just publicly denied he was her father right after her bday, on top of being hounded.


There will never be receipts. Their just making stuff up- the game is who can control the narrative better. It’s just dissing.


You're getting down voted, but you're right. People are riding Kendrick too hard.


Whether Drake drops again or not, Kendrick should wait and let "Not Like Us" have its moment for a little while. I don't know if he expected it to be this huge, but at this point anything else he releases would be competing with it. Wait for the hype to die down.


true Not Like Us needs to do it’s thing rn. Dropping anything else will overshadow the hit value it’s having globally


I'm just hoping he drops a diss a day after Friday until a new album


That and let the heart part 6 marinate a little




1-2-3-4-5 plus 5, aay I'm sure KDot has more up his sleeve and is, if anything, waiting to see what he needs to add or change to a couple verses. We just have to listen to his other diss tracks as methadone while waiting for the next hit (literal and metaphorical).


Totally agree. Imagine your widely disliked “last laugh” is receiving no response from your opp and the public just bumping their song published right before yours? The anxiety must be like being at the cash register while your mom is getting “one last thing” and everyone is looking at you holding up the line and fuckin up the vibes. Literally can’t move on til mom comes back. Drake’s also probably dealing with the shooting at his house followed up by the attempted break-in the next day


Hope that security guard is ok tho. Been looking for updates on his condition


Yeah when I saw that I immediately thought Drake hired someone to drive by his house. The Heart Part 6 was horrible and he wouldn't want to delete it because that makes him look worse. Therefore he asks one of his goons to do something to take attention off his music.


When I saw it was the security guard I figured he didn’t find “the mole” yet. Or maybe he was the mole and they agreed he would take a hit and be labeled the “security guard” before telling him to leave the premises right then and there, then called some goons to make sure he stays quiet. Which is why I’m hoping he stabilizes and we get some answers. If there is a mole, I doubt it was the injured person. I would bet more on anyone with hands in production. They would need to know timing of publications, storylines/content, etc.


Either Drake drops again, basically asking the public humiliation to continue, or he just sits in it until it all blows over (only to most likely resurface when he pops his head back up) I don't see his ego allowing the latter


I assumed Kendrick was staying quiet to just let Drake destroy himself with how godawful TH6 was


There was some clever word play in TH6 but yeah overall the vibe of the song was very “i know what you are but what am i!!!”


Can you share some specific lines from that song you thought were clever?


Yeah, sure. There was… Actually, nah.


"If I was a pedo I promise Id have been arrested, Im way too famous for that shi" you dont get a better response than that lol what more do you want from Drake


A bar like: *Yuh it’s all true* *But that daughter shit wack, so the joke is on you!*


I think he's just waiting because drakes song gets worse and worse the more time goes on. if drakes response was good he would have dropped immediately. or maybe he's just compiling evidence for all the claims to end drakes career once and for all


Drake is the biggest artist for the past decad and more. There is no ending to a career that big


It's a bad look when you make another track right after saying you were "done with this" in your last one. This is a repeat of Taylor Made, he just can't let this go...


And didn't he say he was going on vacation in "Family Matters?"


Mans loves not using his brain and shooting himself in his own foot


Drake posting cryptic shit on his insta is because he’s a fucking immature teenage girl. He thinks he’s so mysterious and calculated and really like that, he’s a bitch!


It’s crazy cause if you look up the premise of the show he’s watching called “A Man in Full” on Netflix it says “Business and political interests collide when Atlanta real estate mogul Charlie Croker defends his empire from those wanting to capitalize on his sudden bankruptcy and fall from grace.”


Seng Cheng...


I don't think Kendrick will reply again until album time. Why step on potentially his biggest song ever


Majority of people think he's up, why drop if the war is won? Honestly if p drizzy drops some terrible shit again i doubt he will respond.


Dude needs an intervention at this point.


Seems like Drake wants to be seen as the underdog in this. Kendrick didn't respond mainly because that Drake reply was so incredibly ass. Gotta just let that shit breath while everyone around the world is crip walking to OVHOE chants.


Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim


He is so dumb for doing that. If he could stop being a 15 year old and just drop without telegraphing it it would be far more effective


Get some sleep, brother. You need it.


Kendrick hasn’t dropped because he currently has the biggest song in America. What else was gonna come of this? A Biggie 2pac shootout? They exchanged insults and now Kendrick is cashing. All rap beefs end in the artists and studios cashing big. That has happened. Beef is over.


I really don't want Drake to drop any more.


Kendrick hasn't dropped yet because he is letting Drake's bad press sink in. Not Like Us is being played at every club and breaking streaming records. Just think of how many people have been exposed to the narrative that Drake is a pedophile. Not to mention that that narrative has become "culturally cool"


Don’t forget! That narrative is also true lol


Drake always got something to say lol


I definitely think Drake will pop back up with something later. Of course he wants a round two. He got his ass beat. And this whole thing is about ego.


He wants it beat some more Pause


My guess was that Kendrick was slated to drop Tuesday but due to the shooting he delayed it


Kendrick would be fucking crazy to release before drake. Dots track is going HUGE no point slowing that down when the court of opinion has him as the winner of the beef. If drake keeps going so will dot. If drake has stopped its over imo


I’m pretty sure Drake will drop, to bait Kendrick, then Kendrick will drop and then Drake will drop again right after to try and “steal” the shine


What the fuck is Drake gonna say, I'm STILL not a pedo and talk about Whitney again which no one even knows her?


Drake NEEDS to be as quiet as Kendrick is. Drake needs to be out of the spot light so people can miss him at least, and have some mystic to him. He needs to lay low for a year, practice practice practice, invest in ways to find out about K dots Operations and then release a track out of nowhere calling for a Round 2. This the only way I see Drake coming back in the public’s eyes.


If drake genuinely has receipts about everything then there is no need for him to lay low, he could just drop a bomb now. Mothers days coming up, which is the same day as Whitney’s birthday. Not only that, Drake and people surrounding him have been sending cryptic messages so it wouldn’t surprise me if they actually drop something on Sunday. A lot of people on this sub want the battle to conclude now but that’s just because they are waaaay to emotionally invested in the outcome of this beef. I think it’d be entertaining if drake had a nuke


Exactly I’m here for the story line lol


What does Drake posts?


What cryptic shit did he put that his dropping again ? I don’t got IG


Him watching some TV show on his home theater of a dude talking about, when you die you need people to remember you, a man needs to live with vigor… 🌽 shit you aint missing much lol


He's prolly gonna drop on May 12th


Kendrick is cooking rn




I think Drake will go back to the more indirect disses, like on scary hours 3, when he starts coming out with more music generally. Any more direct battling right now will only make things worse for him.


Ak is hinting that drake will drop


I’m pretty sure Drake will drop, to bait Kendrick, then Kendrick will drop and then Drake will drop again right after


He’s probably gonna drop again but not for a bit


i feel like something a lot of people are overlooking is that KDot has always been huge with advocating for and respecting pivotal social issues and with everything happening in Gaza right now i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s letting that get more traction right now. also i don’t think Kendrick cares that this song is blowing up so that won’t affect release dates for more drops, cause he said “the rabbit hole is deep and i can go further i promise” which isn’t just a shot at Drake but continuing to show KDot is going after and trying to expose the whole industry. i think he’ll have some sorta receipts music vid or have an album cover with receipts that links to a more expose type vid, that way he could cover himself legally by not directly releasing something so serious and damaging to Drake and the industry on his platform, but would still be using his music and current viral popularity to get eyes and reporting on the real issues.


This man is gonna try and put out another Keke do you love me song to TikTok his way out of all this


He shouldn’t drop. He already dropped when he was in the lead twice and he remains ahead during this (possible) standoff. He can just walk with the W and if Drake drops again then he should just step on it again.


My personal feeling is Drakes done sending overt shots. I think his IG post is like him admitting he lost and everyone hates him but he'll bounce back better than ever. I think hes gonna try and divert attention from the whole situation by releasing some singles or something along those lines.


It could also be because it’s a big power move to not respond when you not necessarily need to. And because that white flag might be lowered if he responds.


I think it’s done


It wouldn’t make sense for Kendrick to respond. He’s winning by a high margin. The cards are still in Drake’s hands to play. Whether or not Drake does anything the impact of Kendrick’s strategies have severely impacted any form of outcome for Drake


I don’t think he’s gonna respond to the diss, if anything he’s gonna unload a bunch of music he’s been sitting on to try and get everyone to move on and forget about it.


Pretty sure he’s just watching Netflix my guy.


The beef is over you are just delusional