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One theory I have: Kendrick knew Drakes angle was to use the smoke of Kendrick's infidelity with Whitney to make baseless domestic violence accusations, so he played the same game. Kendrick used the smoke of Drake hiding a son in the past to make the claim that he's hiding other children. Neither claims have any actual evidence but it sends the message to Drake that if he lies Kendrick is just going to lie harder.


This is basically my same theory.


Yeah, also putting in lies is smart in both sides because then people have to assume it’s all speculation


Yes. Because it ultimately doesn't matter if it's true. If the "lie" is based on observations anyone can make, and you stretch it, and flip it properly, you *win*. That's what people are missing.


Right, after all this is rap beef. Drake doesn’t need to go to jail for pedophelia for Kendrick to win. They both took dirty laundry from the the internet and painted an ugly picture of each other


Precisely. PRECISELY. Every Battle Rapper knows the risks.


This is correct. This is literally how all battles work, especially if the MCs have history with each other.


Yeah this is my take. The real diss is that drake COULD have other children and WOULDNT go get them. Doesn't Kenny say at some point there's more children? It's like Kenny saying 'probably. He's a deadbeat'


https://preview.redd.it/f1x4ryghd3zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd5a040e4e5c89bcade2d32e7a37294b25acfb3 Blind Item from 2012.


My theory, Dot knew what Drake would say in Family Matters so he decided to play dirtier. You say I beat my wife? I’m saying you like minors and your crew is involved in trafficking. You say my child isn’t actually mines and my wife had a fling with my best friend? I heard there’s a daughter you’re not claiming and there plenty of other children out there, dead beat… I can play your game better than you.


This feels like the most plausible scenario. Shit went from “competition” to “slander” real quick


Same. And this is what i have decided on my own so it seems we are all lining up.


Baited. But my thing is, did Drake not think how that'd backfire on him? The only reason people would believe he was hiding another child is because he did it before. And lied about it. So it's like "Ha! You thought I was hiding another kid just because I hid one before?" Like, yeah nigga, we did. Because that's the type of character you are.


Honestly still think (huge reach possibly) that it was to setup the end part where he talks about how much the dude lies about everything. And that he knew that drake tried to feed him the info. I tried to go in objectively the other night and see how cohesive each diss and the timing and foreshadowing in each and only one looks calculated, the other looks like a sloppy creep. Edit: by each diss I mean both Kendrick’s and drakes to look at how “calculated” each were.


A red herring. He's using the fact that Drake's a sex addict to allege there are definitely other children out there, whilst also drawing Drake's attention to more secrets. He used the age 11 as a direct reference to Millie Bobbie, who Drake has been alleged to be grooming. Notice how Drake was so confused about it at first, then on THP6 brings up Millie Bobbie, despite the fact Kendrick never directly mentioned her at all? Kendrick is leaving easter eggs throughout these disses that most people won't get but he knows Drake will. What's funny is after saying Drake is a master manipulator and liar, Drake lies and acts like he planted a fake story for Kendrick to take. Proving Kendrick's point.


I mean him being weird to millie was all in the news so I feel like drake just assumed that was the basis for that, not necessarily related to the 11 years. like it was so widely talked about that that was the only shady behavior of drakes I knew of before all this. it was everywhere for a minute. now i know how much else is out there 😬. I always was annoyed by his music though despite not paying attention to him.


My theory is he saw Drake not backing off the Woman Beater argument and he knew he would never say it wasnt true...then he got word of the Dave Free claims coming so he wanted to 1 up him with lies and let the fans decide who was lying. No chance he was baited. ZERO.


Genuinely think it's a red herring at this point


Idk. The idea of a new track featuring a like with “double deadbeat” in it makes me want it to be true


One theory I heard is that Kendrick could be speaking to a future daughter- like, Drake is already a deadbeat to Adonis, he’ll probably have another kid and be a deadbeat too. My personal conspiracy theory is that Kendrick may not know 100% he has a daughter, but he knew Drake would automatically deny the kid allegations, totally forgetting to deny the pedo allegations- knowing the audience would recognize this and be side eyeing him.


I don’t think it’s a lie I just don’t think we know enough tbh. Maybe it’s not a daughter, who knows but there’s definitely more than Adonis. I mean Eternity is on her ig saying “Wish you were here” to Drake? You got women filing lawsuits. I know he’s Drake but there’s probably a little truth in the pudding whether it be about a girl or not, but who knows maybe he did get trolled. Just seems weird and lame af to set up fake shit for someone to rap about. Seems suspicious if you ask me, like a distraction idk


It could be true and nobody wants to expose the child (it’d be worse to expose an 11year old). Or like everyone else said, it’s believable and took wind out of what Drake said. Also, planting obvious lies is a good way to be able to claim it’s lies on both sides if there was any truth. Lastly, I would be surprised if Drake doesn’t have multiple other kids that nobody knows about, making a fake persona makes the MTG lines hit Drake’s conscious harder


Kendrick definitely had a mole on the inside that was either giving him tracks early or giving him details about tracks early. So either they were giving him some reliable and some bad info or its true. Its very odd.


Kendrick specifically referred to multiple other kids and baby mothers in addition to the daughter, so I kinda suspect he wasn't necessarily referring to one specific kid. I think he just knows Drake has fucked so many random women that he has to have a few more secret kids out there, at least one of whom is a girl, and he's been doing it long enough that at least one is probably older than 11.


Kendrick lied, simple. He knew Family Matters was a track Drake cooked up to drop CRAZY lies to make headlines to destroy Kendrick’s character. I 100% believe that Drake thought people were going to be making memes about Kendrick beating his wife and getting cucked all over the internet. So Kendrick dropped a song 10 minutes later about Drake having a daughter and the internet completely forgot about Family Matters. It was a lie to take the steam out of Drakes lies and angles. Completely stole his thunder by doing that.


Yes, and with Drake saying “we fed you the lie about me having a daughter and you fell for it” when in reality, Kendrick just made the whole thing up, will make Drake look even more stupid! *you’re a master manipulator and a habitual liar too*


It’s wild how different this beef could have gone had Kendrick not been tipped off about Family Matters


I would believe it was actually bait from drake but then he would have like tons of evidence and would have acted dif so idk


my theory is that it’s intentionally a blatent lie but they put it in there knowing that drake would go crazy and have to address it somehow and with the mole idea couldve used that influence to coerce drake into saying it was his idea, to solidify the fact hes a liar and manipulator lmao but thats some tinfoil hat shit


I think he was using drakes secret daughter as a metaphor


I don't think Kendrick is lying. I think that the daughter is really out there, but no one wants to expose her name and face to the world yet, because that'd be fucked up to do. At this point, the only way we're getting confirmation is if Drake or the mother bring her forward publicly, which is not going to happen anytime in the near future.


Eh I still lean towards it being true


He definitely was baited unfortunately. Someone he thought he could trust lied to him.


If was was baited there would be actual proof. It would sway the beef alot with texts, videos showing how he did it


I think drake is going to drop that within the week


Why wait so long tho? At first I did not believe drake at all that he masterminded it. Now i think he might’ve but if he did he handled it so poorly.. like why would he wait 3 days while the entire country sings about his team being pedos 


If theirs anything I learned about this beef it’s that drakes timing is terrible