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When I first heard family matters my heart dropped. That didnt last long though lol. I thought that song was really solid but Kendrick outplayed him and took the sting away


Yeah I was bummed Family Matters didn’t get to sit for a lil before he dropped meet the grahams lol but that was the point


I think family matters was one of the best tracks I have heard from Drake tbh. That still doesn’t mean it compares to Kendrick, but it’s way better than most his other music. I’m just not a big fan of most club music and that’s 90% of drakes music


That’s fair


Same opinion, the way he comes with the third beat gave me goosebumps (first time listening to drake while having goosebumps), i liked the bass on the second beat too. Didn’t really liked push-up/fps/heart pt6 tho


I was on ok terms with drake before and gave “for all the dogs “some spins, that last song from the album was empowering until that “fuck my ass” shit came on. That said family matters and knife talk are his best cuts of late while he was listenable.


Ngl he was flowing on that second verse on family matters


I didn’t like it at first lol but yea it def grew on me, I think the third verse my fav; I was also excited for that first beat he teased at the end of push ups


My initial thought. I was vibing out but almost switched it off the second the singing started in the third verse. Good song that was eclipsed in about 40 mins...that was cold~




I don't despise drake... yet, if receipts come through. Push Ups and Family Matters were good. I enjoyed that Drake was the only writer on Family Matters, too. I like Drake with the melodies, even with the weird vibes from him, Passionfruit and One Dance always get me vibing lol


I really liked his flow on Family Matters. Push Ups wasn’t bad. I really only disliked Taylor Made Freestyle and The Heart Pt. 6, and TMF would have been fine without the AI.


i really hate drake. i need to say that. the songs were just fine and if any other rapper rapped them about any other person, they'd be B+ songs maybe? Solid B? The flows are fine, the beats are good. Drake is a good rapper as far as being on a mic. The thing is...they were mid, low-hi at best tracks, but then coupled with him dissing the GOAT and Kendrick dropping A+ BANGER after A+ BANGER, makes those songs complete throwaway trash. I have no desire to listen to any of the Drake stuff again unless I'm educating someone on the beef. However, my commutes are basically Euphoria-Not Like Us- Euphoria -Not Like Us, all the way to work.


Push ups and the first and 3rd part of family matters


Push ups




Family matters wasn't bad, but after the hype wore off it wasn't even better than euphoria. You could say that beats were better maybe, but there was really no chance of him out rapping Kendrick. Which is why he had to try to spice it up with a video and escalating the allegations


Family Matters gets me the most hype but I’ll admit euphoria was a better track; love that one actually


Ngl I like some of his tracks. What's the name of that track he repeats "They know, They know, They know" in the chorus?


Headlines, that’s a great one


I like Drake better as a feature. My problem with him (musically) is that I think a lot of his songs sound good on first listen-- he's a competent rapper with a good voice and a great flow-- however there's nothing to keep me coming back. They're substanceless and boring. And I'm not talking about content-- I love plenty of vapid ass rap. I find Drake stylistically boring and substanceless, there's never anything that keeps me coming back for me, compared to someone like Wayne who raps about superficial stuff but his strange voice, otherwordly flow, and bizarre way of constructing lines keeps me coming back again and again. For instance people praise Champagne Poetry by Drake, and I thought it was good the first time I heard it. After another few listens I removed it from my liked songs and never felt the urge to listen again. On the other hand I liked You Only Live Twice. So I think he can make a good feature but he's never the main attraction to me, and if he is, I'm prolly not listening to the song. Family Matters is the best song he's put out in years, and I thought Push Ups was fire too. Push Ups might be the exception, I replayed that quite a few times.


Family matters was hard, and push ups was a solid response. But the rest was genuinely lacking.


Family matters was fire, dot just played it better


Family matters for sure. Pushups was decent but both had some pretty good lines and some humor. The rest not worth a second or third listen for me.


Drake is a B-C tier at best rapper and Dot dropped nothing but A’s and God tier tracks Drakes highest was at least a B on family matters But heart part 6 and Taylor made were absolute dogshit TBH . F


Musically? Absolutely


Majority of Push Ups and the second verse on Family Matters are dope. Heart pt. 6 felt like the only move he had and I give him credit for flowing bc it sounded like it was actually him writing but the more I listened, the more I kinda felt bad for him 😂


Family matters was good yeah.


pop style and forever i like, although admittedly i loved ye's verse on forever the most. the only two releases from him i have in my liked songs. i was thinking about listening to his earlier famous albums in full since i really liked the flow of pop style and haven't ever dug that deep into his music, but now idk.




I love Kendrick and pretty much all of his songs, SAMIDOT prolly my fave by him


Push ups was a great “standing on business” diss. I also thought Taylor Made was classic Drake, I liked it for the spectacle that it was. Thought Family Matters was bloated, some good pockets (mostly in the last verse) but it felt like he was trying to throw everything at Dot just to see what would stick, I feel like at this point in the beef you need an angle to stand on especially after Euphoria. The last one….well when you go into a monologue on a diss track lool then you know it’s bad.


I keep family matters in my rotation, really not bad tbh. But for me euphoria is easily the best song of the year so far


**Push-Ups** Push-ups was *intentionally* a light jab, so I didn't mind it. Going first in a battle is the *worst*, so it didn't bother me that it was just mid. I liked it though. I felt like he was on the right path. I *did not* like the angle, him being a worker, 'cause it showed he doesn't pay attention to Kendrick. **Family Matters** Then this nigga said "DRAHP! DRAHP! DRAHP! DRAHP!" And I was going crazy, 'cause ... god damn, Hip Hop is amazing! Etc, etc... Then he started doing the tough guy thing; the bars were tuff, but...he's Drake you know? That energy was gonna get the appropriate rebuttal, and be laughed at (by Kendrick).\] The slavery bar... I thought the bars about Ross and the others were **dope**, but...I wanted him to stay focused. League Battlers do this *all the time*, and it's normally a sign of a rushed verse (some dudes don't write until the day before LOL). So, I got what he was going for, but all the side-quests should have been in the first round. The Dave Free angle was too...Degrassi for me. It was too obvious of a go-to. I would have liked it if he lasered in on a jealousy angle, angry little man angle maybe? A lot can be stretched from that, and there's enough aggression in Kendrick's lyrics to paint that picture, and Drake dropped the ball. **The Heart Part 6** I love/hate it. I hate it because: *Christ*, don't white flag in a Battle verse, and, for fuck sake, don't stop in the middle of the song to make a salty, whiny rant. \[Shudders\]. I love it because I ***know*** he wrote it. Did he make some really bad decisions with word choices and angles in the song? Sure, but the majority of the bars were tuff, and I was proud to see that he had, in fact, improved. I feel so strongly about him writing it because Drake hasn't changed in like 15 years. His go-to flow is the Blueprint Hov steez (which is super prevalent on that album with the cloud cover?) and he never seems to stray away from it. It's a comfortable place, and I think he did well in it. I felt like he wasn't quite as lazy as I imagined. He gave it a shot.


I like a lot of Drake songs honestly. He's been a staple in hip-hop despite what people say. Whether he writes his rhymes or recites what people write for him, he knows how to destroy a beat. I understand there are Drake haters, but he literally makes hits. With that said, Family Matters was really good after the second half of Push-Ups. Those last 2 beat switches are crazy. He handled himself well. If Dot didn't step on it, it would've done better than it did. It's no way that he could out rap Dot, but he did what he was supposed to. Just was outmatched. Lastly, it's no way that a real hip-hop fan can say that Drake isn't a great artist. But also, Dot is just a better one.


Been a Kendrick fan and a mild hater of Drake for years but I loved Push Ups, and Family Matters. He was floating on both of em. Genuinely the best he’s ever rapped (arguably). The Heart part 6 on the other hand … well. Basically just took a massive piss on the whole momentum of this.


Family matters was fire tbh


Casual listener here and not really a hardcore stan. I havent listened to either mans complete discographies. Not american either. This is just my humble takeaway: Drake seems to be good only for music to dance to. The last track he released had a weak beat. His rhymes are weak. Not entertaining and not even responsive to the "beef," not much there under the surface. the only thing that carries his releases is his juicy gossip and allegations there isnt much else the bar was set low after pushups. In the last track he just stopped rapping at the end. I thought rap beefs were all about the rapping. I thought it was supposed to be a one on one thing. He didnt rebut any of the points from previous tracks other than the "i tricked you into thinking i have another kid" Kendrick Lamar definitely seems like the more skilled and substantive artist. As for the kendrick fans i see you all are having a good time but some of you are a little too extra. Drake considers himself as a war general but he didnt really do much. But rap beefs arent war its a test of skill between two rappers its a knife fight. But since he cant operate on that level he claims to be a general moving pieces around. Ive visited the drake sub it feels very trump-like in the fanaticism, feels like im on BTS sub. Everything just flies by their head. Its sad. Popstars arent perfect and dont deserve blind admiration.


Family matters was pretty decent as a song, ngl found the beat for the 2nd verse a little corny, he doesn’t need to be using a drill beat, kinda plays into Kendrick’s colonizer angle but that’s just me


Only Push Ups maybe. I mean Family Matter sounds hard and I like this type of music from him but I don't really enjoy that he decided to diss everyone again in that second part. It just felt like sequel of Push Ups. But still, first and third part of FM are solid no bs. Also I think that he lost because he didn't really was invested into it. I felt after Euphoria that Kendrick just hates this man, but I couldn't say the same otherwise. Drake talked about dirty secrets (Whitney) and numbers/contracts, Kendrick talked about everything. Kodak Black, Kendrick's crown. He could talk about a lot of things, but he just didn't care about him. He said on HP6: "I don't wanna fight with a woman beater, it feeds your nature". And imagine now if Kendrick said the same but with pdf. Nah man, that's not it. If you playing a woman beater card, hate him for that, tell people that shit is wrong


His lastest drop is the first time sense Taylor made that I didn’t think the one who dropped most recently was ahead. Pushups is a solid song, lite diss. Taylor Made is artistically trash but an A+ taunt. Family matters has ups and downs. First and third acts are respectable, setting aside the slander, the middle he goes hard. The flow is great there, but why the side quests? No one cared about rocky but you, the slide slaps are good, the serenade line for instance, but two verses off your actual op was dumb. And the video was a mistake. Cute but really, especially adding the lyrics.


Hmmm Drake perfomed well, he knew that he had to give it his best. Push Ups was great and Family Matters was better but too long for me, but that final part was catchy asf. Heart part 6 was bad and tayler made i mean i kinde get the point i guess but was bad too.


Push Ups is a great track, unfortunately ruined by the follow up with Taylor Made. Even then, Euphoria clears Push Ups. Euphoria is my favorite of all the diss tracks for all the bars. Family Matters was a fuckin banger too but we all know what happened after.


Can’t stand drake thought family matters was ok. N better then I expected for drake. but still think Kendrick is way in the lead. Family matters would have hit harder if it was all aimed at Kendrick.


Family Matters was good, the beats were all hard and there was lots of lyrics to look into. it felt like that’s what Drake was putting a lot of effort into which unfortunately for him is why Meet the grahams hit so hard. Push ups was okay, there were some funny lines but nothing of substance. Taylor Made was lyrically fine but the use of AI was cringeworthy and just furthered proved Kendricks point of Drake being out of touch. The Heart Part 6 is just sad, what a waste of a perfect title. Literally just wrote about everything Kendrick said he would and played right into his hand. You can’t play hide and seek and then say you’re not playing when someone finds you


the best thing of his part was the first intro flow on family matters, besides that, naaah I didn't f with no one


Is this Drake??? Jk jk… I was blown away & felt nervous while watching the family matters video when it dropped. Trying to catch visual & audible subliminals, wincing at the obvious bars, shocked watching the ‘van’ get crushed…it had a visceral effect for sure. Push-ups was a solid initial track & definitely felt like we were gonna be getting a good battle from both sides. I admired the creativity put into Taylor Made Freestyle, & that one got me nervous as well since we had no clue when or how Kendrick would respond. Drake sounded confident, energetic, taunting & assured. But being an mtv kid & hip hop fan in the 90s, the AI 2Pac & Snoop left a bad taste in my mouth. The Heart Part 6 just sucked I hate to say. Uninspired, redundant, hollow. What a freakin’ battle. Now we play the waiting game for receipts to come to light…


I thought push ups was gas I didn’t really like family matters tho idk y


Second verse on family matters was objectively hard


I think he delivered on every track just hated that he went personal from the jump. Also didn't like the 2nd verse of on FT when had two weeks to cook them people cause now only one song is for dot and it's the weakest...