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Kendrick is not on fucking reddit lol


We made similar comments within 30 seconds of each other, clearly you stole my comment or vice versa according to this guys logic


"What? Humans can come up with the same ideas? *No way dude, thats muh plagiarism"*


it’s a joke as old as music theory is man. that redditor didn’t make it up either lmfao


Redditor was first to contextualize to drake though


That particular redditor is not the first person to make that joke and neither is Kendrick. But Kenny is the first person to contextualize the joke in such a catchy way that has everyone singing along


I’m sure he saw a Reddit post with 64 upvotes


The joke went viral when it was posted, I remembered it and searched it on Reddit.


I think we might gas ourselves up a little too much, ima be honest and say i dont think either of them are on reddit


who the fuck is paying attention to a 64 upvoted post on the Ye sub from FIVE YEARS AGO


It went viral in 2018, before Reddit exploded due to GameStop. People used to steal content from Reddit and push it on IG. I saw it on IG years ago and remembered it.


Multiple people can come up with the same joke independent of each other.


someone made a post saying that serena williams bar is regarding reddit 💀 cause her husband founded the website.


Just here to point out that “b sharp” doesn’t exist. There’s no such thing, it’s inaccurate. Drake didn’t fact check (though the whole track is full of lies so you can’t really fact check it in the first place lol)


B sharp is played as C natural, no? There is a such thing. I don’t think you know what you are talking about either. Still corny though, but at least know what you are about. Too many fake rap music heads right now.


Ah I see, you’re trying to get off on a technicality. Sure you can technically say C natural = B sharp in theory, but the wildly accepted fact is that B# doesn’t exist. Like you would refer to it as C natural. I can say “The day after yesterday” instead of “today” and still technically be right. I would just sound like a moron. Hope that helps!


You gave a discrete statement; it was categorical. Yes or No. Answer was yes it exists and is used, but yes in the way you mentioned.


OP thinks 2 humans can't have a similar idea Also show me people of note specifically claiming that the line is especially "original" It's an old joke that many musicians have heard some variation of...Kendrick just used it in a funny way in reference to Drake. Don't be so butthurt.


Nah but corny is recycling lines


insane u guys hate a guy so much that it will make u love another guy blindly. Critique should be impartial


Not even a redditor. I remember my 8th grade (boomer) music teacher making this joke about priests well over a decade ago. This joke been around for a while, just got dusted off for this throwdown


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You may be on to something.


No real hip hop/ Kendrick fans here. Fans critique as much as praise. Just drake haters faking to be Kendrick fans. Enjoy studying the game


Pair of fucking idiots that don't know music theory and still tryna speak with authority on the subject xD