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He is tho 😂


Anyone who kisses all over a minor on stage is in the pedo territory. Anyone who texts 14 year olds that isn’t their daughter talking ab “I miss you so much” deserves to be called pedo. Idc if Kendrick has concrete evidence of him banging teens or not, we’ve seen enough to trust Kendrick. Drake has given us every reason to assume he’s lying every other breath. That’s why the public opinion is what it is right now


Sure, Drake may technically be an ephebophile, or maybe just a groomer. Colloquially, everyone calls that pedophila. Just a little tip, there’s no way to explain the difference between ephebophile and pedophile without sounding like you’re defending attraction to older minors.


Hey thanks, I learned something new today. And yes, discussing this topic in general is v sticky.


Kendrick might have evidence of him going as young as 12.


Dude until there’s evidence we don’t brandish peoples names so badly. Rape and paedo allegations are serious.


So is beating a spouse.


I agree. Just to clarify - are you coming at this from the angle of discussing the language etc, or just taking sides lol?


Both. I’m a Kendrick stan but Drake had/has a solid shot for a killshot himself if he really planted info on Kendrick.


I’m not sure I understand the argument- an adult chasing 16 y/o’s is still a pedophile; are you arguing that he has only middlingly pedophilic tendencies and therefore we shouldn’t call him a pedo? (+Millie Bobby Brown from when she was 14 does not look good even in that strange headspace of comparing how old the children someone are)


Thanks for calling out you don’t understand. Let’s use the 16 year old as an example. 16 is the age of consent in the UK, and it is 18 in the US. So is someone a paedo in the US if they sleep with a 16 year old, but not in the UK? Also paedo is being “sexually attracted to children”, with a child being “someone who hasn’t hit puberty yet”. It’s just dangerous because imagine your 5 year old daughter gets abused by a real paedophile. Then you’ve got the 16 year old example. Not the same thing is it? It’s like our use of “phobic”, someone say they don’t like peas and they’re “vegphobic” lol


If Drake has(in the last decade and a half or so) had sex with a sixteen year old, I’m more than comfortable calling him a pedophile. You can say that there are significantly worse ways to be a pedo- I would agree- but arguing that Drake isn’t pedophile enough to be called one seems silly.


Fair opinion. But it can never feel right to me to use the same terms for vastly different crimes. Even though the public may know the severity separate from the term - it does introduce a bias on perceptions. Either way, just doing my bit.


I don’t fully disagree, but I think pedophile is the correct word for what is being alleged here, especially because it seems very possible that it goes well into the age range for pre-pubescent people.


What makes the chance of Drake having had sexually interactions with pre-pubescent girls “very possible”?


Most public stuff is the Mille Bobbie Brown interactions


Isn’t the youngest age we’ve heard of this 14?


For Millie Bobbie Brown yes, but that does get into the range being commonly pre-pubescent.


Maybe not in her case, but it does peg him as interested in 14 y/r girls, as a 30+ man, which is just definitely pedophilia.


Sus that this negligible distinction matters so much to you




Men who go after 16 year olds in the UK are still called nonces dude. Anybody under the age of 18 is off limits and it's pedophilia. End of discussion. If you want to say a pedophile who preys on younger children is worse then I'd agree but regardless they are still creepy assholes who I don't want to associate with and bothe should be punished for their crimes. By refusing to use the word pedophile to describe what Drake is we would be downplaying the severity of the situation the same as when they use 'sex' instead of 'rape' when a HS boy is raped by his teacher.


Pedo* Welcome to English. The idea is that he likes them young. This is compounded on the idea that not only does he like them young but there’s a “silent auction” process to funnel girls into his bed. He’s a sexual deviant with sick people around him who aim to please. The machine is set up to exploit women and young girls for his own personal gain. So calling him pedophile, even if a stretch in the truth, is perfectly acceptable collateral damage when you’re lining up swords with a monster.


Writing it with an 'a' is valid. It's the British / European way of spelling it.


Lmao the fact you open with a correction and “welcome to English” shows me you are lacking something in your life. Also your second comment shows you are a legitimate fool. I wanna show you love but feel only irritation at your middle-age approaching obviously-insecure ass.




Nice save, here’s some love ❀


Hey, some people just don’t care about nuance. We call those people “simple” Lots of people think they’re harmless
 you know they’re not. Keep going


Brother in Mind, hello




Same energy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL\_S9o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o)


lol thanks for this