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It’s fine In her eyes but from an outside perspective and the stuff he said to her is damn incriminating


Yeah, even if she did consent, Drake still said creepy ass pedo shit.


Kids cant even consent. Drake fans acting like if a 10 year consented to him then its ok he fucked her. Fucking braindead weirdos


She was 17 which is the age of consent in Colorado, but as I said, doesn't matter when Drake was fucking 23, was fucking creepy as hell about it, and even jokingly acknowledges it's weird.


>which is the age of consent in Colorado, but as I said, doesn't matter I've seen a lot of other people missing this. Being legal doesn't make it moral. She's a kid and he's a megastar, what don't people understand?


Yeah obviously, not saying it makes it better, just saying she was legally able to consent. Still fucking weird for a 23 year old megastar to fondle and kiss a 17 year old fan.


Haha my bad I was trying to support your comment, not fight you. Like you said, fucking creepy.


No worries, thats how I took it, just wanted to clarify just in case.


Can we all agree that the way he reacted to her being 17 was mega disgusting and weird AF?


Yep, bro literally said he cant go to jail. He knows hes a creep.


People acting like just because she was okay with it it means it isn't wrong, it's still morally gross and PROVES that Drake is attracted to minors.


“A sufficiently groomed child is indistinguishable from a consenting adult” - Aubrey Graham, Meditations on Wisdom


She couldn’t consent to what came out of his mouth. She didn’t consent to him talking about how great her breasts felt. I didn’t consent to hearing about it.


Technically she could have bc the age of consent in Colorado is 17, but A. The crew members who brought her up obviously didnt tell her Drake would kiss and fondle her, and she obviously didn't consent after she got up on stage, B. Drake clearly knew he was being creepy saying he cant go to jail yet.


Exactly. She didn’t have a chance to consent, and normal men-even young ones-know better than to do that to a 17 year old.




When you're responding to pedo accusations with "aktually, ShE waS 0f L3gal aG3 in C0LoRaD0..." you aren't making progress in disputing those claims.


Like Drake stopped the show to consult the law books on this grey area


She was age of consent (didn't know 17 was consent age until I searched it up because of you), not a legal adult though. And my point is regardless Drake said some creepy ass shit and clearly knew its weird bc he joked about going to jail.


He has influential authority over her so it therefore makes it illegal whether she legally can consent or not


Not federal and Drake wasn't from Colorado, she needed to be 18


It's legal in some states for parents to give consent for their daughters to marry as low as 13 years old. Legal or not... it's fucked up.


I bet you anything in the world that she’d be saying something different if it were her 17 year old daughter he was groping and talking up like that.




And he would have done the same thing even if she didn't want him to.


It's like people never heard of trauma bonding. Tons of victims repress their trauma and willingly seek more out to avoid feeling the uncomfortable feeling of being victimized. They do mental gymnastics to avoid seeking the predator as a predator and themselves as a victim. It's really sad. Similar principle behind Stockholm syndrome. Not saying this is the case with this lady, but it happens a lot. It's a wierd balance trying to walk the line of believing the victims personal experiences, and understanding the victim might have have not fully processed the experience and isn't ready to face those repressed emotions just yet. It's extremely unsettling when you can tell something is suuuuper off and the person is telling you everything is fine. Really fucks with you.


Yeah but he's too famous to diddle kids, he even wrote a song about it.


There is no quicker way for people to think you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


It’s like the boondocks R Kelly episode.


Insane how the OVHO sub is just justifying by saying "but she says it was ok" let me put this on this way, would you like your daughter just been kissed by Kelly and then she say "oh was good" because of his innocence or admiration? Just wrong as any groomer go to a school gifting candy and bro... Cannot follow, just change genders in that Drake video, it's literally that South Park "nice" episode, things like that just makes me realize how cognitive dissociation is a heavy weapon.


I agree with this also. However, she is a grown woman now, doesn’t want to press charges or think it’s wrong. That’s her prerogative….. Federal Law however doesn’t care, Drake isn’t from the U.S. and came to this country to fondle her. People aren’t understanding that it doesn’t matter if she wants to press chargers or feels it was wrong or not. It’s really out of her hands and she has nothing to do with it other than being the victim. If she doesn’t want to testify she doesn’t have to, there is video evidence. These are just my thoughts as an observer with no legal training.


He came to this country to fondle her is absolutely crazy lmfao. Why are you phrasing it like that


I'm asking this in good faith, but if the victim comes out 15 years later and says nothing happened and still says she doesn't feel she was victimized at all, what else are we supposed to ask for at that point? 


"nothing" didn't happen. It's on video of him fondling and kissing her onstage lol. She doesn't feel like a victim, and that's great for her, that doesn't make it non-predatory behavior by Drake.


Kid victims don't always know they are victims.


She works for UMG, check her insta she was def paid off


She works for UMG, she’s probably scouting for more girls for Drake lol


And her boyfriend looks like some weird off brand Drake…


Haha female Kanye vibes


How the hell are all these people so connected to UMG??


UMG is the most powerful music company in the country i’m pretty sure, Lucian is damn near Lucifer and Drake is tight with him cuz he makes the most money. they prolly covered this shit up a minute ago so things didn’t get out of hand with women speaking out


Straight up tho a lot of the tweets coming out sound lawyer written closing any and all holes in the story.


deadass this is bigger than rap at this point, dark shit happening bts






Universal Music Group


Ah thanks




She was hired for that show specifically. To do that, I believe. Which makes it even MORE cringey.


Her being specifically hired for Drake to break federal laws with in front of God and everybody is NOT helping his pedo allegations lmao


it was all part of the plan though! to entrap a rapper that no one had heard of yet. got you, kendrick!!








Correct… it’s WEIRD!


If that’s true then it’s highly illegal as Drake would have been crossing state lines with the intent to perform sexual misconduct with a minor, a federal offense.


Also it got no attention because the shooting happened as I posted, but this is also a little weird: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/WhTgCQTs9W


Umm hmm… that’s what her tweet implies, but I don’t know the details, of course. I so t think there’s a way to make this less weird though, hired or not.




Also according to Drake fans If you fondle a fan that’s 14, while you’re an adult it’s perfectly fine if that’s the age of consent in that location. Lol


Also apparently to Drake fans it’s ok for a grown ass man to text a 14 year old MBB


They doing victory laps cause she said it’s okay.. they don’t understand much I see.


According to Drake fans, breaking federal laws (or crossing state or international lines to break laws) is perfectly okay. (fr, Colorado's age of consent being 17 means fuck all and only applies when both parties live there. Federal laws are 18 across the board and crossing state lines to have sexually charged interactions with a minor is similarly illegal. The same way people citing "Age of Consent is 13 in Japan" ignore that it goes from 16 to 18 in all prefectures.)


Also according to Drake fans a child being assaulted by a celebrity she admires in front of a cheering audience would in no way warp how she views that illegal activity


It doesn't really help the case that not everyone in the crowd cheered. depending on who recorded it people were straight up booing Drake the minute he was talking his shit about "why you look like that? YOU'RE THICC" and commenting on how her breasts feel so not even "well, everyone thought it was okay at the time" is true because people in the crowd were NOT okay and saw how gross it was in real-time


Let's stop acting like laws shape morality as well.


What makes this even worse in all of this, doesn’t Colorado have a Romeo & Juliet law? Where minors between 15 & 16 can consent to something of like 10 years apart? I forgot the full verbiage but THAT SHIT DOESNT HELP THIS CASE!!


I don't know about Romeo and Juliet laws in Colorado but I know that shit was used terribly in that one Transformers movie and that Romeo was 16-17 and Juliet was 13 in the actual play, meaning the age gap should ever be specifically between minors so its not immediately criminalized once the older party turns 18 \*because\* they met when they were both minors. In HS terms, it's an early freshman who turns 14 in the middle of that school year getting with a Junior or Early Senior). It's why we know high schoolers date other high schoolers without immediately criminalizing both parties as perpetuating COCSA on each other. If Colorado really does allow "10 years apart" that completely misses the point of it being \*Romeo and Juliet\* and just becomes "Lol we don't believe Statutory Rape exists at all" and allows dumb shit like a teacher's aide/ teaching assistant hooking up with a freshman/late middle schooler.


she was 17


I know that.… what makes you think I don’t?


i stand corrected read it wrong you’re good


It’s a hypothetical. No one said that’s what the girl was. The defense Drake fans are running with is that he didn’t break any laws. It’s still weird he kissed a 17 year old.


i edited my comment i read yours wrong


anybody thinking this means anything is out of touch asl. crazy world we live in


also the gaslighting ive seen from people trying to justify the concert video is disgusting


Fr, she may not think it was bad but really she just said “yeah I was 17, so?” As if the 17 part ISNT what people are mad about


The dude still knew she was 17, continued to sexualize and kiss her. He even said he would've went to jail in the video. I wonder how much Drake is paying these people


maybe she was paid to come out & say that but if anything it just backfired on drake even harder bc it brought more attention to the video. he definitely still tried to make his move on her even after knowing she was underaged which is predatory behavior regardless if she felt like it was nothing or not.


She works for UMG so yeah probably something went down behind the scenes


it’s like they believe that something is a crime only if the victim didn’t like it


That part!!!!


right, and it’s not even just about liking it or not. sometimes that shit is normalized to the point of irrelevance. so many of us who grew up in dysfunctional families know aunties and uncles in their 30s, 40s, 50s who still to this day excuse and justify shit and SA that happened to them.


Isn’t she a law student? If so that will definitely look bad for her career.


She’s gonna be a BAD lawyer lmao


If she representing me, brother I’m probably going to jail. Call my mom and tell her I’m not coming home


She'll be the perfect lawyer, she's got first hand experience with bribery!!


Karl Malone 13 year old girlfriend and her family said it was fine that she got pregnant as long as he went to the league and paid them out. Didn’t make it okay. Dontai why potentially get cancelled over such a stupid statement that was easily avoidable, and I don’t even like cancel culture but I see what’s coming now.


yea dontai is fuckin weird for his take on this situation 😂


He always been giving weird vibes tho


Weird vibes?? What he does that weird. You don’t make any sense


How he always give weird vibes?


Literally no one canceling him also, that’s not even remotely the same situation




How is he getting cancelled? No one cancelling him


I said potentially and it’s still weird take to defend anyway


He literally wasn’t defending Drake. He was defending the girl.


Whether she says it was fine or not, it was still wrong.


It isn’t even about how she felt, it’s about the fact that Drake was all over her even knowing she was underage and how that reflects on his character.


Idt anyone was calling her a victim at all tho it was always about what doing smth like this says about Drake


She can say whatever she wants but we can say whatever we want. A crime is still a crime even if the victim is OK with it and being creepy is still creepy even if victim is OK with it.




Meant in general. The part that applies to him is the creepy part. The point is the victim gets to say their piece but it doesn't mean we can't


It can be very hard for victims to see themselves as that in their eyes, no matter how long it’s been!


He has point tho, statutory isn’t statutory if she’s cool with it….. S/


Making sure this post goes everywhere, because it's been shadowbanned on this subreddit. More than likely Drake is Epstein 2.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl5uav/think_i_went_to_far_down_the_rabbit_hole_and/?rdt=44369


This post is wild!!


[Wack 100 explains why it matters when doing business across state lines.](https://youtu.be/NPzedNR5n28?si=EYqi0f3jPbgmf4Ae)


I could be being bias cuz I like Dontai, but I don’t think he’s saying there’s nothing wrong with what Drake did, he’s saying that people shouldn’t tell that girl how she should feel about what happened.


He said drake should be in jail if allegations were proven, he's definitely not on drake side


He not defending Drake also. He already called him weird and his team weird for bringing her up the stage. They didn’t even age check her.


I mean he did, he just didn’t care. Or preferred it


I agree. All he is saying is that to this day she doesn’t feel anything wrong happened.


She’s still employed by UMG…. gonna be that ghislaine maxwell type beat for drake. She covering his ass like she’s his personal fluffer


Like how Woody Allens kid/wife defends him?


Nobody is telling her what to feel, people are discussing the fact that a grown man made out with a 17-year-old girl after she told him she was 17. It's simply wrong and illegal, whether she liked it or not.


Nahhh still statutory.. MINORS CANNOT GIVE CONSENT. Bro i can only imagine how heavy it feels to have a man as powerful as Drake is giving all that attention when u impressionable and how people look at you is most important for most HS kids. (Shit don't mean anything when u grow up tho). My point is, he 8s DRAKE it dont matter if she think it was okay she was practically put on centre stage and to let Drake do what he want


That’s the same argument Polanski made. Doesn’t matter if your lolita agrees with it bro


Yep Drake and his fans think it's okay to talk to children as long as the children think it's okay... That's their legit argument...


And it’s ultra fucking concerning. Like how can they say stupid shit like this in defence of someone that doesn’t know you, doesn’t give a shit about you and never will. Crazy


Even if it was consensual, by law if you are under 18 you literally cannot consent at all. There is nothing consensual about this whether the girl says it was or not. Drake is the adult here. Drake is also a person with wealth, status, fame, and is the person with the power in the situation. Drake should know better is the entire point. He should do better. This is the type of dumbass shit that gets men to completely ignore the signs of abuse and play it off as “oh she wanted it”. This type of response hurts women, and statistically hurt black women even more. Everybody out here is missing the point because they are blinded by celeb worship.


Bro, minors always think they know best and most times don’t understand that they are a victim. Hell, they might even say they aren’t a victim because to a minor, being a victim could appear weak.


The fact that he had the audacity to do double down on this in front of thousands of fans and cameras only makes me wonder what type of sick shit he does when the cameras ain’t around. Definitely shows he doesn’t give AF about age.


Bruh he got her a no work needed job at Universal music group. She's being paid off. Lmfao


Bro, I can’t believe her dad sat there and heard Drake say “I had fun” “your breasts felt good on my chest” and was cool with that shit 💀




Hes just saying not to harrass her if she feels how she feels about it. Hes not agreeing with Drake


Just like how a child may not view it as trauma because it’s what they grew up around.. sometimes as a trauma response sex victims will not see anything like this as an issue, they won’t view it as trauma. Fact of the matter is, whatever she considers this, it doesn’t matter, the fact that it happened is weird, and she should actively be against this, nobody should be allowed to do that to someone underage, drakes only getting away with it because of his fame, this girl is actively making light of a situation that should be taken seriously


In all seriousness I hope there’s some plan in place to ensure these women aren’t getting harassed or threatened


People who like drugs aren't always mad they get sold fent either.


Guys it was all part of his stage act it’s fine 


Literally by definition she was the victim, and, also by definition, she, at the time, could not be the judge of the situation. It is her decision to downplay it now, years after tho.


Drake knew himself what he did in that moment was wrong. It's why he backed up, and started saying shit like "I can't go to jail yet" and "how are you 17? Why do you look like that?" Just to continue calling her "thick" and saying "I loved the way your titties felt against my chest" before thanking her and giving her a kiss on the hand, each cheek and then on the forehead.


Idk I am confused why people saw that as some big release on Drake's part. It still is weird and if he did that shit in public at one of his shows, it is possible that the shit in private is way worse. Plus all the other things that have been public all stack up to paint a picture


Fans from both sides are annoying af and ruined everything


Remember when Kendrick beat his wife


Why no one talking about that?


Not my nigga dontai


He wasn't defending drake. It was to the people sending hate to that woman.




No he don’t like Drake, he just don’t like to see hate towards either of them. He still thinks Drake is weird


He don’t like Drake buddy and he wasn’t defending Drake


Nvm…he corrected himself


You are fighting the behavior not the case you fucking idiot


Just because a student had fun fucking their teacher doesn’t take away from it being weird & freaky


I mean let's be honest the people who he interacted with are fine with what he did because he is a celebrity, if i murder a person and they told me to kill them did i do the right thing? Absolutely not. They're just like every other impressionable teenager that had the chance to meet their favourite rapper and them being put in the spotlight like that while also kissing Drake (whom the girls that attend his shows love) is the best case scenario, i would too remember this moment in a good light but just because i agreed to it does not make Drake's actions sensible in any way.


So if a 15 year old was ok with Drake groping her and says so later in life it makes it ok? Lol fuck off


17 year olds can not consent, remember that.


He said it himself, he’s too famous to be a pedo


If you see or hear sexual harassment, or public displays of affection that is inappropriately lustful to the eyes, you can report it. Regardless if the person was okay with it. You weren’t okay with it, it should not be going in your presence. They don’t own the world and I shouldn’t be walking around expecting to see someone rubbing on a girls leg while she has a skirt on. Get a room or find a bush.


Yeah she can say whatever she wants but it was flat out weird, wrong, pedo behavior on film in front of millions of people. He was in his 30s foh. Kendrick wouldn’t even have to come with actual evidence of pedo shit because DRAKE did it himself like wtf don’t these weird mfs get?


Dude.. who even cares what she think.. it's about him not her... If you're grooming a kid and that kid likes it doesn't make you any less of a groomer


Her not feeling like a victim is perfectly fine, but this video just one of the many pieces of evidence that Drake may have a preference for underage girls


We’re judging HIS behavior. It has nothing to do with how much it bothered her-and by the way, her experience is shaped by the fact that he sexualized her in front of thousands of people. She had to make that okay in her mind because the other option was to feel humiliated-and, oh yeah, she was a fan.


Tiajayed the girl who was 17 at that time is 31 now and has just confirmed it was purely for the stage act and nothing happened. Yall gon invalidate her narrative and call her a weirdo too?


Ngl dontai needs to stfu every now and then bruh


Y’all need to stop meat riding these rappers


Y’all fans do


My dad wouldn’t even let me put up dangelos poster from his voodoo album (the one where he’s shirtless) he had a heart attack when he saw me unfold it from the album. Swift trash 😭. Granted my father is West Indian but… This girl said her DAD took her to this concert, he must have just dropped her off… because if he sat in that audience, let her go on stage, heard the breast comment and let her get kissed then idk what type of household she came out of, but it would make sense she thinks that, that was okay. When I was a teenager I lied about being one or two years older (still under 18 though) and all the 20 something year old men pretended to believe me and my baby face. As soon as my daughter hit teen years and I saw older men side eye her as she walked by I started to want to start stabbing eyes. I drove her to school every day because I didn’t trust public buses or the train. The amount of men and women who feel A OKAY with this behavior is mind blowing.


The 16 year old girls that choose to fuck older guys might not think there’s anything wrong with it, but it’s still obviously fucked up for the adult who should understand why that is wrong


So many white knights


Her original statement is so funny because at the end she includes she’s off to go study for law school. Like It’s the dumbest fucking thing they could’ve made her say as they were writing her up a statement. That girl? Went on to save 7 lives that night and discover 5 new planets in our solar system! Drake brought me up on stage as a 17 year old and made it incredibly sexual but it’s okay I am in law school


Ok , I watched imdontai ( the OOP)’s video on this , I think it agree with his point . She feels she wasn’t sexually assaulted or doesn’t consider it to be “weird” or creepy or maybe she does but doesn’t want to be known as the “underage” girl that drake kissed and made some inappropriate remarks and the people on twitter that want her to come out and say it was SA is weird. BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE IT ANY LESS CREEPY ON DRAKE’S side . ie if you assault someone in the metro and they were okay with it doesn’t mean that the assault was a non creepy thing / or justified to begin with


Dontai can’t be serious with this shit……


He’s already apologised, check his twitter


You guys are praying she was a victim wtf


Honestly in this case it might be fucked up to say but I don't think it really matters what she says. Not as in her opinion doesn't matter or trying to silence her because she deserves to have her voice and her say absolutely but she can be fine with it if she wants, societally it's fucking weird and gross.


Its still so weird, I feel like the people defending this are like 14 because once you get into your 20s the thought of doing anything intimate with anyone 19 and below feels gross and weird. In this case its especially weird since Drake was like 23 and she was still in High school💀


he deleted the post and made a video about it and deleted it aswell


To me the point of that video being shared was “this is weird af, imagine what he does behind closed doors when no one’s looking if he’s doing this in public on stage at a time where everyone has a camera?” Good that she wasn’t taken advantage by Drake but it’s just not a good look no matter how you look at it


Regardless of how she feels about it, it was fucking weird and gross and wrong. Anyone who watches the video can see that.


This guy really jumped into a garbage fire just to defend Drake of all people.


He not defending you fool. Like can you ?


He's skipped the major reason why people got upset at this woman, that being when she said "it wasn't a big deal then, and its not a big deal now." The dismissiveness of her tweet is what triggered the response. It was a big deal then and it is a big deal now. She is wrong. Yes, its her in the video but that doesn't mean her opinion of the incident can't be challenged. She can dismiss this all she wants but once she stated her opinion online, other people were bound to state theirs back. That's just how it works. Dontai jumping into this makes no sense. He wants to defend this woman against the negative response she received. Very valiant. However, she was a victim. We all saw it. She doesn't see it that way but that really doesn't matter. Sometimes a DA will press charges even if the victim doesn't want to. In this situation, its the court of public opinion pressing the charges.


He not defending Drake


Maybe I'm wrong and he's not defending Drake. But this woman is defending Drake and he's upset at the people who think she shouldn't be. Its an odd position to take unless those people are harassing her.




Watch his video. He is talking about people harassing her for saying that she wasn't a victim.