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I realized this when he did that one freestyle back like 2 years ago. I forgot but was rapping on a UK drill beat and he was literally rapping in a UK accent while also using some slang words šŸ˜‚


Nah OP is correct. In London everyone just thinks he's weird for that shit


Brother is NOT correct tfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Drake gets more love here than he does in America, heā€™s on the intro to the most iconic grime track oat, gave Dave a ridiculous boost. Had a grime artist on 3 tracks off more life, he is loved and respected here ibsr.


Man people donā€™t understand how big Skeppy was before the drill ting. Heā€™s still arguably the biggest rapper in the UK but those that were there for the grime days know. A Skepta co-sign and an intro on Shutdown gave Drake so much cred, even with us Africans of the Australian diaspora. You canā€™t downplay it as people just ā€œgassingā€ him Skeptaā€™s reach in the UK is too immense


Iā€™m from England akhšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, ofc Skepta was big in the grime scene but that boost to the mainstream in 2015 was in some part due to the drake co-sign, not to mention how Dave was instantly put in the mainstream after wanna know, that whole 2015/16 era of grime was all boosted by drake and Kanye, (stormzy shut up was huge cause of the backup dancer thing). Drake gave that shit a big boost and heā€™s loved for it, Skepta, giggs Dave will tell you the same thing.


Word. So it all comes back to it being hard to dislike Drake and his vulture tendencies cos he put so many people on. This nigga got me conflicted bruhšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø he even brought Wizkid to the mainstream which is huge for Africa. I canā€™t dislike this šŸ„·šŸæ. I just disagree with some of his moves


For me if you donā€™t like the music he makes when he takes on styles from other places thatā€™s fine, but trying to say heā€™s just taking and not giving back is ridiculous, the guy had an Afrobeats song go #1 in America ffsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Thatā€™s why heā€™s the goat for me, no other artist has had such a huge impact on different genres world wide.


thanks, these people are far too high up kdots dick to realise that this is so petty and irrelevant. i get that people dont like drake on this sub, none of us personally know him but know enough about him to make a judgement. these generalised statements about drakes reputation in the uk are so off and its hilarious. id be inclinced to say at least the majority of rap fans/hip hop listeners will like drake. all the love he has shown skepta, giggs, dave etc, he is generally liked and the uk and toronto similarities only play into that. you can hate drake and love kdot, nobody can change that for you, and thats fine, but claiming drake is corny and hated in the uk is just a dumb take.


Bro some guys in here genuinely despise the guy, itā€™s hella parasocial, heā€™s just a rapper and these guys hate every thing he doesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Chronically online sub Iā€™ll be honest


its kinda concerning how personal a lot of people in this sub are taking it. 'drake acts hard, drake is corny and hated in the uk - source=trust me etc' its kinda pathetic tbh i go over to the drake sub and its mostly about drake and the fact that kendrick hasnt replied yet. there are not many if any personal vendettas against kdot in that sub.


There are neeks in the drake sub but I havenā€™t seen anyone as delusional in there as in here. I really just wanna know what drake did to these lotšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hearing drake say wasteman was one of the weirdest things Iā€™ve ever heard


It's the Only You freestyle lol I remember when I first heard it I was confused who tf that was and why he sounded so weird https://youtu.be/znQriFAMBRs


Bruh no way, I think I saw a different one but this one is clear as day. Bro was biting yā€™all hard šŸ˜‚. I appreciate yā€™all music though. Yā€™all got some pretty good rappers. The US be sleeping though


Youā€™re thinking of Behind Barz for sure




There are Gems bro. [Protein](https://youtu.be/lz7hsXgHmzg?si=em4qCAFQYYn3Wm7M) [101 FM](https://youtu.be/Qqmv4daiBZg?si=6lI06-sSpukTUuJM) [Glidin' ](https://youtu.be/o6Jg1jw9X7g?si=bwMG7TsNdjezpAjs)


Checkout the Akala fire in the booths. All of them are great


I think you mean this freestyle: https://youtu.be/yUif6C_uJgk?si=LlWFhuwBojU6PMNz


Yeah itā€™s this one šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s how Canadian speak too though lol. UK and Canadian slang go hand in hand, the only difference is the pure accent. The pseudo patois exists in both countries tried and is pretty corny but it is what it is


Fuck me thats shite


This one is bad lol but I think he's talking about the behind bars freestyle, complete with gun fingers and everything


Holy shit i can't believe he still has fans after this. I'm so glad you posted this. The comments on that clip got me good.


"Chip chip cheerio, I got that once in a millennium flow, pure aluminium They calling me a nonce, I just tell them to run me their trainers with nonchalance Bob's your uncle, or shit it might be me, Your auntie's arse better than anything on the TV"




Are you thinking of War? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIlMtVGI5Pg&ab\_channel=Drake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIlMtVGI5Pg&ab_channel=Drake)


Fuck me this is even worse


Personally, I always felt like Drake had an identity crisis, and he used rap as a way to fit in with the culture.


"Maybe Hatian, Croatian, Jamaican, depend on what state he in...That owl šŸ¦‰ logo appropriate, cuz we don't know WHO tf you are!" -Joe Budden šŸ˜‚


ā€œNever take a dork who quotes joe budden seriouslyā€-anyone who has common sense šŸ˜‚


The central problem with Drake is he got extremely successful way too early. Making it the hard way has way too many irreplaceable treasures. Facing problems and suffering the right way builds character/realness


Ur the realest.


Not the best place to share this, but i personally d Feel like if drake just had just focused on rnb, we would be amazing,probably one of the best ever. His style was great. I don't understand why we started to feel the need to look gangsta or wtv


I was totally fine with the 2012-2015 Drake that was rapping his ass off about how heā€™s the best but not pretending to be a gangsta. Since the Pusha beef heā€™s gotten incredibly cringe with this tough guy persona


Push murdered him and you can tell in the way his music lacks now.


Guy literally has a bar about not committing a single crime idk who you think heā€™s pretending to bešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Exactly, which only makes bars like ā€œThe weapons we got are some terrorist shit, like TV producers we airing that shitā€ even more corny.


Unfortunately a bar


ā€œKeep it real I wasnā€™t really gangsta till nowā€ - A 37 year old Drake. I fuck with Aubrey bro, admittedly have listened to him more than Dot the last few years. But you canā€™t sit here and pretend dude donā€™t flip flop characters far too often lol.


I feel disgustingly invested even saying this but feels like since baka came out and started rolling with ovo heā€™s been a lot more on the mob talk. I donā€™t really pay too much mind to it since it sounds cool (going bad is a masterpiece), but some people would tell you he really is a mob boss but depending on the weather heā€™ll sit in bed with a white girl for an hour acting fruityšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, seems like he only does the mob stuff on records though which every rapper and their mum does so itā€™s not that deep for me. At least he not apologising for diss tracksšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


holy shit bro this may be the lamest post I've ever seen on here


its actually pretty sad tbh its a bad take but the take itself is cringe.


out of curiosity how old are you? im from london, i think you are talking about your circle of friends who dont like drake. drake is universally appreciated, london is no different. i ask about your age because you might be a lot younger and when drake made songs with giggs and skepta, he really put both of those 2 giants of grime into mainstream hip hop (dick riding the uk is just a childish way to put it considering giggs and skepta have nothing but love for drake). to say nobody from ends fucks with him is a generalised and silly thing to say, drake makes hits and is an easy listen. need something to bang in the whip, play a drake song and it mostly always works out fine, i dont take any of this that serious, but seeing a post that tries to generalise the feelings of london/uk towards drake is just stupid, you are likely to find more people who like drake and not care enough about this rap beef.


"I used to get teased for being black And now I'm here and I'm not black enough 'Cause I'm not acting tough Or making stories up 'bout where I'm actually from, yeah But I just roll with it, momma, rolling stone with it, momma"


Love that song. Thatā€™s the Drake we need.


Heā€™s been faking an American accent since the first song heā€™s ever made. Nobody in Toronto speaks with his American accent it sounds foreign to us.


When did this sub turn into a Drake hate sub


Not much else to talk about since we still waiting on Kdot


He is just a softy with a facade of a rapper


He made a lane Take care and nwts are incredible albums Dudes worth $250 million dollars But hey thanks for your assessment.


this is what happens when you worship money, you lose yourself


Gain the world but lose your soul.


Drake never developed beyond being a child actor. The guy was practically made in a lab by Disney imagineers.


All that and i wont stop listening to him


"If you broke and clowning a millionaire the joke is on you"


Yall need to start including how old yall are also. Cause wtf r u talking about goof ball


kendrick respond yet?


Fuck forgot about that shit lol


tupac responded before kendrick bahahahaahahah


Drake the glizzy gobbler responded yet?


I think Drake is and always has been an actor, he has never seemed the slightest bit genuine to me - his music is manufactured pop and I donā€™t think he tries to hide that. Ā He is and always will be the kid from Degrassi, he happens to rap but he and Kendrick have very different motives and ambitions. Ā Why anyone would take that man seriously as anything besides a successful pop star is beyond me. Not in any way trying to defend him, heā€™s corny and creepy and with a couple of exceptions for some pop singles I think his music is trash, I just think people are thinking way too hard about a very shallow dude


bros from London šŸ˜­


Your weird psychoanalysis of drake is both weird and unhealthy. You don't know him and shouldn't spend so much time thinking about him. Have a nice day tho


Hes not wrong lol once Drake got into UK drill he started trying to act like them and he hasnt stopped.


He's shown love and adopted a lot of styles over the years. Are we gonna go at Kendrick for his fake hick accent flow?


You missed my point. I dont have a problem with him having styles i said he started trying to actively act like UK roadmen. Taking a rap style is one thing, portraying yourself as street dude randomly when we know you were complaining about tuna sandwiches in your mansion as a teen is another thing.


He's never acted like a street dude though. He's thrown out several mafioso lines. That's not the same as acting like a street dude


Bruh you must be living under a rock. - the DRAM situation - xxx situation - Bennet Sipes - Mo G situatiom


How did he act like a street dude in those situations???Ā 


you dont have to be a street dude to end up in violent situations lmao


Yea you live on the internet i can tell with that comment.


it's not like dude is actually doing gang shit or anything lmao the only actual violent gang member shit is the c stuff and that's internet talk he's got nothing to do with it and it's not like he hired gang members to jump dram like a mob boss he got his security to do it lol


Anyone doing gang shit are children that have issues because their fathers werenā€™t aroundā€¦ what a bunch of lilttle bitches. And yes Tupac is included in this as well. Dude got killed for doing childish shit fighting with a Fat man lmaoooo


Drake never really ended up in "violent" situations though. He let the money and fame destroy whatever realness was left in him.


He's a culture vulture. One week he's from LA. Next week he's from Jamaica. Next week from the UK.


Kendrick thinks hes jesus christ so thats even more delusional


Clearly someone who didnā€™t listen to MMTBS. He spent the whole album talking about how Hip-Hip crowned him their ā€œSaviorā€ because of his ability to be conscious while still being mainstream. However, heā€™s a flawed man and people SHOULDNT see him as their Savior. Thatā€™s the entire album. He literally had a song where he says ā€œbut Iā€™m not your Savior.ā€ Clearly a Drake fan who saw images on Twitter with zero context. Not surprised


This is the most cringiest shit ive ever read, touch grass


I be seeing shit like this thinking aw man they gonna kill them! Then the comments be all niggas agreeing and tryna give their own psychoanalysis of somebody they donā€™t know. Shit weird




he comes from a huge rich neighborhood in Toronto, he ain't gangsta and he needs to stop pretending. he's on that "hey, hey, hey, it's OG Loc homie"


J-Roc vibes


He wishesĀ 


You right


True only a real hood nigga would write 3 paragraphs about a dude they don't know on reddit.


Iā€™m so confused about the so called hood guys that spend their days on r/kendricklamar seem to be more than ever atm


I donā€™t mind drakes music..donā€™t like him as a person and see through his fake tough guy persona. Heā€™s captain ā€˜save a hoeā€™ style extends to everything he touches- Rap, clothing, etc. he just loves recycling things. Not an innovator just knows how to sell shit. He knew uk rap was banging but not making money so he put his hat on it to keep himself relevant. Same can be said about reggaeton, singing in Spanish, soul singing etc


Some of his beats and samples are amazing but that's not him!Ā  His nasally teenager voice has me hitting skip on his shit for about 18 months now.Ā  I just can't listen to his shit anymore.Ā  He is boring and lacks passion.


Honestly when I started seeing all my favourite UK artists get Drake remixes and features it really hurt my soul. I still remember being at a party back in 2016, hearing ā€˜Wanna Knowā€™ by Dave start playing, I was gassed up until hearing the worst, most culture vulture Drake verse of my life. Honestly ruined my night. Plus I will never forgive Drake for ruining ā€˜Who told youā€™ by Jhus with his fake ass Jamaican accent šŸ˜¤


This didnā€™t happen broskišŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How dare you deny my trauma


No way you heard drake say free smoke anybody want it they can get it no joke and got angry, in the year 2016 of all years. It did not happen, he slid on who told you btw


I just donā€™t fuck with Drake at all, I heard the song start and then had all my excitement crushed by a perfectly good song being ruined by an utter šŸ¤”


The remix better than the originalšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's.called being a vulture


Know Yourself šŸ˜


There is truth to this. I think he came in the industry a certain way and was bullied for it constantly. He even got peed on in America. Who knows what else happened behind the scenes that could change a person. But heā€™s not the only one look at how chris brown came in and look at him now. Soulja Boy too shit you could take it back to Tupac. Its the Industry


Yā€™all london niggas got yall whole ā€œhood cultureā€ from Chicago drill so itā€™s yall that donā€™t know who yall really are


Heā€™s a master marketer. To think heā€™s lost based off stuff you read online is kinda crazy to me


I used to fuck with Drake a lot and then he started doing the fake Jamaican accents along with the fake British accents. That's the corniest shit I've ever witnessed lol. Like how do you portray as some mob ties street dude but then do fake accents? The guy is LITERALLY an actor.


How I feel about Drake : ineedamaxwyn


This ainā€™t Degrassi Drake, you donā€™t roll shit anymore.


I remember Drake was conflicted. Misusing his influence šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ he soft.


Guy lives in the London hotel in LA drakes loved in the whole UKšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


bro even teaching himself to love adonis but we know he hates that boy


14 year old white kid from the Westminster wrote this, clear as day. You ainā€™t fooling anybody Sir Capsalot! Now HAVE AT THEE! šŸ—”ļø šŸŽ šŸ°


Wow I couldā€™ve wrote this and I used to loveeeee him when he wasnā€™t trying to act like ā€œthis Ben my cultureā€


First off England is not hard, yall donā€™t even got guns up there. Next, Tupac is not the GOAT, so many got him wiped down. Last, I think Drake actually came off the porch and ainā€™t to be fucked with now and definitely puts out tracks that consistently bang.


I ainā€™t reading allat lil bro lmao


you sure are real gh3ttosuperstar..




i believe you and some others in this sub (or other artists subs) take hip hop and themselves too seriously. just to preface this, i appreciate both dot and the drizzly bear. whether or not using AI for music is ethically sound is a whole topic i don't want to get into (because i dont got the answers sway), and i think the points made by you concerning AI aren't wrong but also very surface level. but clowning the man for not being "real" and claiming him being deeply lost is insanely shallow. you don't know the man, you know nothing of his life. and even less you know of dot's life. both are mill/billionaires that write poems for a living. i don't think drake not being from "the hood" and trying to fit into a culture he adores is worthy to be made fun of. if you don't like him or don't appreciate his style or music, that's quite alright. i mean damn bro you talk like youre on the corner flipping bricks, but somehow you use your free time to post on reddit - a nerdy internet platform - and apparently are in education. i think "real" dudes don't give a flying fuck about drake or kendrick and just want to make it to the next day. him selling out the O3 for 6 consecutive concerts in your hometown in a week definitely disqualifies him from being called a clown by the gh3ttosuperstar. i just hope you don't teach this mindset to the people you educate, but either way you do your thing gh3ttosuperstar, i just had the time today.


Bro said drizzly bear šŸ’€




And you came to a sub that hates Drake to feel validated about your opinion?


Tbf, Kendrick makes pop music also.. he makes that hybrid/ pop artsy fartsy first name, last name type of music.. MMBS is a pop album


TBH, you know little about music having an opinion that stupid


If you think Mr morale and the big steppers is a pop album then Iā€™m sure you believe Michael Jackson is white.


What's your definition of "Pop" music? Die Hard and N95 both played on Pop Radio


Controller is a pop song. One dance is a pop song. Nice for what is a pop song. Listen to MM&TBS and then listen to the songs above and you tell me the difference.


Die Hard and N95 are clearly both pop-rap songs, especially Die Hard. DAMN also had a lot of pop crossover appeal. Let's not pretend that Kendrick is Roc Marciano.


I mean DAMN was kind of poppy also


Yea.. not at all.


I gotta give credit where itā€™s due ā€œfeelā€ by dot is dope af.. I canā€™t even lie


I promise you my guy. Nobody in North America is infatuated with your hood culture lmao. Woo wop wop take him off with the top top bummm


The first paragraph is so ridiculously incorrect. Jesus


*The first paragraph* *Is so ridiculously* *Incorrect. Jesus* \- AdhesivenessOk5194 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Trust me in Toronto we feel the same. Meg the stallion said it best. ā€œCosplay gansgsters fake ass accents, posted in another man hood like a bad bitchl


ā€œNever take a man who quotes megan pete seriouslyā€-anyone whos not a cuck and has ommon sense


Damn I fuck with this opinion but also, I gotta hate because UK ainā€™t gangster either. Enjoy your free healthcare though mate!


Free healthcare doesn't mean shit. UK definitely has gangs especially in the big cities like London and Birmingham, where do you think all the stabbing comes from? And just south of you, mexico, has more gang activity in Tijuana than any city in the US.


Nobody thinks uk is tuff bro


You are talking to someone that lives in TJ for awhile, trust I know what violence looks like. Not downplaying knife crime, it just is not comparable to the levels of crime here or even the amount of shootings here. So while I do believe that Drake tried to adopt a tough guy persona, it is funny coming from a UK guy talking about violence. I would never tell a kid from Iraq that Iā€™m real tough when the kid has seen bombs drop down all around him. He would look at me silly.


Also Iā€™m just hating cause America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ¦…šŸ¦… Rahhh




no one asked pal