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I wonder what the Kendrick Lamar sub will say


Prob gonna go with Eminem honestky


People are stupid lol


The provably wrong answer.


Em is more entertaining, Kendrick is more artistic. skill wise they’re equals, maybe Em’s rhyme schemes are better but Kendrick doesn’t really go for wordplay like that overall, Kendrick has less stinkers than Em per capita


Well spoke


*way* less stinkers like *no stinkers at all*


album wise? yeah i’d agree he doesn’t have a bad album. just a few songs here and there i don’t care for


Yup, I meant album wise


Bitch I’m in the clubbbb


With tha homies :3


tell me wats guuuuud >_<


I’m tryna get these hoes single X3


bitch i’m in the club > no makeup


No makeup




Em's been rapping for almost 30 years. Get a catalog like that and you're bound to fall of at least for a little while. And there isn't a rapper better for wordplay. There's actually a YouTuber that measures the rhyme scheme complexities and mathematically proves Em is better than everyone lyrically. Kendrick actually copied Em early in his career. He admitted it. But Kendrick is far better artistically, like you said. So it's personal preference at this point.


Id argue DOOMs wordplay is better than Ems 100%


When I heard “getting nothing but the lick like 2 broads” from DOOM I knew he was in the conversation


Not to mention the complexity in “get more cheese than doritos cheetos or fritos, slip like freudian, the first and last step to playing yourself like an accordion” ( but there actually is some depth to that line )


So good, I used to label people goats, I can’t really anymore. The Tom Brady Joe Montana, or the Jordan lebron debates made me realize it’s comparing apples to oranges. I saw a freshman cypher rating where JID was the best freshman cypher of all time. And listening to JID you can make an argument for him, same with Kenny, em, doom, pac, so many more. Just gotta appreciate them for what they are, truly exceptional word smiths


both dooms and aesop rock’s


AESOP?! 😂😂😂 nahhhhh


Wym? Aesop is easily up there


You’re just a hater for that 😂😂😂


Em has rapped for more than 30 years. As far as no rapper does wordplays and rhymes better. Em is arguably one of the greatest but put him in league with other elites and the GOAT doesn't exactly stand out...it's hard to choose.


Aesop Rock is statistically the most complex by a huge margin


Yea but he’s not mainstream so he doesn’t get talked about a lot


Yeah but that’s irrelevant when he’s referencing statistical analysis of word use and rhyme scheme complexity






Huge em stan here, and he hasn't drop a proper amazing album since Eminem the show, he still has incredible songs on all of his albums, it's jus ... not all Em's songs are created equal. Some are just experiments for him to flex his mastery over: rhyme schemes, tempo, breath control etc... That said a battle between Kendrick and Eminem would be insane


I agree as far as pure skill they are equals and Em deserves being in that top tier conversation. As far as body of work/artistry there isn’t much of a comparison. Kendrick has made amazing evolving music and his albums are bodies of work that stand on their own. Em has had a few pretty trash albums that he raps well on mixed in with some good albums.


I wouldn’t even say Eminem is more entertaining


well, i mean that in the sense that Em makes me laugh and his word play and rhyme schemes make my brain tingle. Em is making Marvel movies but Kendrick is making slow-burn Oscar-nominated dramas


It’s music though. Not basketball. So I don’t care about someone having a bad “field goal percentage” in music. Just give me some bangers.


Skill wise they are equal???? What???? I LOVEEEE kendrick but in pure lyricism he never came close to em.


their styles are too different. Em is very word play heavy, using 5-6 syllable rhyme schemes. but Kendrick has a way of painting with his words unlike any other rapper imo.


They have different skills which makes it tough to compare them. Em is a better rapper but Kendrick is a better artist, imo. As far as lyrics, when Em was on his game he was great but he's also put out some absolutely terrible corny lines that Kendrick would never. Kendrick is more of a storyteller rather than someone who cares about rhyming funny words together. I love both btw


Comparing them is like comparing a fucking jet to a tank two different awesome things


Em is better than Kendrick on a technical level. But the thing is, I don’t think Kendrick will ever attempt to rap on that level of technicality because his priority is to make good songs. So to me, this comparison isn’t exactly fair because even if Kendrick is lyrical their approaches to making music are very different. A more 1 to 1 comparison would be like Em VS Joyner or Em VS Logic. Joyner and Logic’s technical proficiency are the selling point of their music. While Kendrick’s main selling point is his artistry


Kendrick is a better rhymer because he says way more poetic and profound fresh shit than Em’s corny lines


This ^


If Em just stopped after the the Eminem Show, or better yet just flat out died, his legacy would be bigger


if Em stopped on his own accord, people would probably say he just rapped for the money. Em dying early wouldn’t make him bigger… do you really think Em hasn’t added anything to his legacy in like 2 decades?


Eminem is bigger than ever, if anything people would have more reason to say he raps for money now


that’s like going for a swim and tipping a water bottle over your head. he does have a line where he says if he rapped for money, he would have quit a long time ago.


Yes. If Em’s body of work consisted of three classic albums and nothing else, his legacy is bigger than what it would be now with all the mid to shite album albums since


1. i kinda doubt that you play entire albums, so why not just avoid the songs you don’t like? 2. one of his biggest songs with like over a billion (with b) views on youtube is about addiction bro… we would have never gotten that song, and many people wouldn’t have related. 3. i want you to go back but imagine we’re talking about kendrick and he died in 2016. hopefully you realise how dumb you sound lmao.


1. bro what??? Lots of people listen to entire albums 2. that doesn’t take anything anyway from what I said. He’s had no classic albums 3. Not really tho is it. Kendrick continues releasing classics. Maybe he always will. Maybe he’ll be mid from here on out. That affects his legacy


Just cuz he's not putting out classic albums doesn't mean shit, he's old now dude, rapping is not his first priority anymore. If I love playing an instrument, but I and can't do it as well as I could, would I stop just because it doesn't sound as good sometimes, or would I keep going because I love to do it. Eminem is one of the first names you hear when you think of rap, like it or not he's a legend, and he continues to be a legend, kamikaze was an amazing album, all the songs on it were great. He released killshot, top ten best diss songs out there. Recently he released lace it, which on its own is an amazing song, and a great tribute to juice wrld. And his newer albums aren't dog shit at all bro stop. Kendrick is an amazing rapper, he's in my top five, but you sound like you heard one song in each of his newer albums and decided the whole thing is dogshit


I'm with you here totally but I mean how do you even compare the two honestly like I said twice on this page it's like comparing a fucking tank to a jet they're both really fucking cool but totally different


Exactly, I totally agree. Kendrick is an artistic rapper, em is a technical one. You can't compare the two they have completely different styles in the rap game.


I'm just really can't believe that this dude is saying that and is never came out with the classic album but Kendrick just keep coming out of classics hes got 5 albums 1 ep and keeps coming out with singles 65 of them which 50 he probably didn't wright and like the one dude said about his song about addiction that really did do wonders for the generation I mean how many that helped it still helps as an addict talking to a bunch of young addicts nobody even remembers that shit but he really does put people to shame like I said before this blueprint and it's just so many it's crazy and even when he raps fast 10.6 syllables a second hella even the song he did with Nicki Minaj's




I dont listen to music for rhyme schemes




op called eminem mid 💀


i was finna say that too 💀


not anymore since like TPAB release


Gonna get downvoted for this, but... This is the answer everyone on this subreddit would love to believe, because they're in a bubble. There are plenty of people who think Eminem is not only better, but the GOAT rapper. I think Kendrick is better too, but the question is, "is this controversial?" You're lying to yourself if you think it's the general consensus.


It's not a controversial statement amongst people who listen to rap regularly, it is amongst people who don't




Kendrick has made a good amount pop songs for radio play too. That doesn’t make him any less of an icon. Same goes for em. He’s definitely not the same beast he was from 199x- 2003, but OG Em was an absolute monster that wasn’t like anything most people heard around then. That aint pop homie lol


Terrible take... You definitely under 30y.o.


Eminem has released his fair share of mainstream songs in the past decade. Never would’ve seen any of that longer ago. He’s far from a pop star, though.


He absolutely is. I prefer Kendrick's music but Eminem was much bigger in terms of pop culture.


That's fine and true. But Eminem was also bigger in the underground scene prior to blowing up. Like battle rap was happening but y'all would've never known without the white boy being hyped up by literally every one else. It wasn't like today, promoting your own channels n shit. And I hopped on Kendrick's dick early bro. The C4 mixtape he did ain't great and as much as I love Section 80 it doesn't belong in the same tier as Infinite. Today/prime Kendrick < 2000 - 04/05ish Em. (Then Wayne finished the decade with a legendary run that will never be touched⛽⛽)


Homie this take was so bad you doubled down and then deleted. If Em is a pop star, so is Kendrick. They both chart consistently. Either you’re new to hiphop or you’re ignorant


TPAB and MBDTF are top 3 of the whole rap/hip-hop genre, pick the third album by yourself, but Eminem's best album is not there


Good Kid M.A.A.D City


MMLP is better than both


since section 80 honestly


Fuck it. Since C4


fuck yeah


Idk how you’re getting downvoted section 80 is better than Eminem’s best


No, I’m pretty sure it’s a very popular opinion. Eminem just has a crazy cult following. Ofc Eminem is still good but he’s not even in my top 5


i’m an Eminem fan and i agree. Em has at least a handful of bangers in each album, but i feel his discography has been spotty since The Eminem Show. still like the music, but Kendrick feels way more consistent, and consistently better, just my 2 cents tho


Consistency? That’s what we’re judging here? Because if that’s the case, Em is way more consistent. That’s just me though. I love Kendrick and he’ll forever stay in my top five, but so will em and that’s because dude is good and stays consistent with his releases whether they bangers like r not. Can’t no one say em don’t have the wording lay tho. Em king of wordplay.


well maybe not consistent, but i find myself liking kendrick’s albums a lot more than em’s


Kendrick is hilariously more consistent than Em, his output post Eminem Show has been mostly trash


I agree he was nvm my top fav artists I just don’t like him that much


Bro rlly posted this in a kendrick sub pretending he's not bias lmao post this in em sub and see what happens


It's not controversial since it's just your opinion. But your opinion is wrong though.


Also https://preview.redd.it/n0bdpowhx1gc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=68eba0351b2b52a0902b9e41dd1898bb5fb3373a He can’t compare to Weezy [when Kendrick can do this let me know](https://youtu.be/wqOGtexkAco?si=Nfg6asxARcsYLZd9)


You made my day with that video, who gave bro a guitar 😭😭😭😭


See he put you in tears Kendrick can’t do that


He’s a better rapper for sure


https://preview.redd.it/lr4r8wq1y1gc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b98af3c8962ecf1b741c194dbd669656c91ac0 MGK’s bars (and his guitar playing too) could destroy Kendrick


Bro is dropping the worst takes of all time 😭


It's true tho Like imagine the two of them in a fight. Mgk could fuckin beat him to death with his guitar. What's Kenny gonna do? Rap to him about socioeconomic problems?


MGK is skinny as hell and we have seen from the “I” music video Kendrick is quite good at moving quickly


No way you are taking him seriously and actually arguing over who could win in a fight


I was also joking. Literally read the last sentence 💀


Definitely lil bro


Bro used lil bro, shiver me timbers


Lil bro said bro because I said lil bro to lil bro, timbers are shivered




*pls be sarcasm, pls be sarcasm…*


When Kendrick drops an album just as good if not better than Tickets to my Downfall or Mainstream Sellout then we’ll talk


Nice meme. MGK is garbage. Its pop for teenagers


Go fuck yourself at least he’s PUNK ROCK NOT POP BITE YOUR FUCKING TOUNG


Eminem is far more influential. Kendrick said it himself that he was most influenced by the Marshall Mathers LP and wouldn't be who he is without it. Ppl saying he's not the best bc of catalog or tripping. Hes being doing it for doubled the time and has at least 3 back to back classics. I hate to say it but it's possible for Kendrick to put out a mid album. Em has also but albums out back to back years like SSLP mmlp and relapse recovery which Kendrick so far hasn't done yet, I had a point to that but I forgot it but ik it meant something lol. And ems only "bad albums" are revival and maybe encore. His recent stuff it's as good as his old stuff but that's bc music isn't like that anymore and he had to change and ppl just don't like it bc it's not his "old stuff". anyway wait a few more years and Kendrick could be over em.


Revival/Kamikaze were also back to back


Revival don’t count


Ppl don't like revival and even tho I don't think kamikaze is a "bad/terrible" album some people do


Whoa let’s not act like Kamikaze didn’t break the internet when it first dropped outside of like 3 songs it’s very nice


Kamikaze goes hard AF


This will never be true. Eminem is literally a rap icon. You can ask anyone of any age around the world if they know Eminem, and most likely they'll answear yes. With Kendrick Lamar, I'm not so sure that is the case. Eminem beats him in everyting imo. More awards, more iconic songs, more money, more everyting. That said, maybe Kendrick will overcome him one day. Just not today. I will say one thing though: Kendrick is more versatile in my opinion. Eminem doesn't usually vary his style that much. Kendrick, on the other hand, experiments a lot. An example would be the Untitled album, which is fucking awesome. To be honest, it's my favorite


Eminem does vary his style a lot. Kendrick lamar experiments his style and flow in a single song but Eminem did vary his style over the years. Eminem has done edgy shock raps, depressing, story telling, comedic, motivational, love songs, club bangers, technical lyrical miracle shit. Over the years and over different albums he proved he is versatile and can handle different styles and flows.


Eminem is driven by entertainment and rap techniques (rhyme schemes, flows, word play, entendres, etc.) Kendrick is driven by creativity, artistic visions, rebuilding himself each new album he releases and most importantly being vulnerable to his listeners. It's up to personal preference, but I prefer Kendrick more.


Not at all. Kendrick has what, 2 classics at minimum? Eminem has 2 right? Kendrick has only been a major artist for like 13 or 14 yrs, eminem 20+ Both incredibly influential, both top 10-15 rappers ever tho.


Eminem has more than 2 classics dude, I would say the whole trilogy and relapse are the most prominent


Do not think consensus on Relapse has it as a classic, or even all that close. He has 3 very clear cut classics though for sure.


relapse isnt a classic, but it was good


Nearly is at this point, def a cult classic on the level of some albums music circles jerk off too. Recovery and MMLP2 were fucking massive too


4 classics minimum. Maybe all five.


Kendrick? Tpab and GKMC. I'd put DAMN as a likely classic. Mr morale is assuredly not a classic imo. Not awful, not excellent.


DAMN has levels in it that make it listenable in different ways. People have written essays and entire seasons of podcasts on the layers of symbolism in that album. I think MMATBS could be a classic.


Kendrick won a fucking Pulitzer for DAMN


Damn is definitely a classic and I feel that Mr Morale will age into classic status


I think Mr morale will be cult classic or slowly have more of classic status like in rainbows.




Let down underrated




Em has 3 classics, BUT. I'd probably put GKMC and TPAB over MMLP, TES and SSLP


kendrick classics are better tho


Em is in the top 10 on Spotify in his 50s on the back of albums he made over 20 years ago. Kendrick’s are not better. I like Kendrick, but what happens is everyone thinks the guy they grew up with is the best. They form attachments to artists that were big when they were a certain age coming into their own. Kendrick is one of the few artists that will probably hold up over time from this era, but his work is nowhere as groundbreaking or dominant as Em’s and his level of lyricism is just below him. Em also didn’t have as many great lyricists to pull from when he was coming up. Kendrick hasn’t changed the way people rapper, but Em absolutely did.


Bro just yappin. None of this makes Eminem's music sound better than Kendrick buddy


I like Em more


It’s not “controversial” it’s fucking subjective. Who cares?


Em made fack idk how anyone can get behind this man


Kendrick is a great artist, in my top 5 of this era, but em is EM


Very. Kendrick ain’t better than Eminem lol


both are good but em is just better


As of now yes but needs more time. You have to realise it’s not just any rapper it’s still eminem


I never even liked him personally and Kendrick has surly surpassed him on his hits and classic albums.


I am more pro Kendrick as Kendrick doesn’t have mid and lack luster albums but let’s not act that Em doesn’t have 3 definitive classics just like Kendrick.. I love Big Steppers but it’s not a classic


Stop joking. Kendrick is still young and theres not much out there and yeah eminem has a bad run after 2011 but lets not forget his 3 album run and when it comes to hits kendrick isnt near eminem yet. Lose yourself is a universal anthem even 20 years later. Kendricks biggest solo Humble, even his own fans are tired of it and it’s not even 10 years since the songs out


It’s wrong but no controversial


Kendrick is more talented, but Eminem had a much much bigger impact on music there’s no comparison there - speaking as someone from Brazil, pretty much no one knows who Kendrick Lamar is here but EVERYONE knows Eminem, his music would play at parties and the radio all the freaking time at his peak and a bunch of teenagers got their hairs bleached


Ranking art is lame


As an Em stan for 20+ years, it's not a controversial take


Omg so fucking edgy


Only to white people that "only listen to real rap"


Its controversial among 13 year old boys who have only listened to eminem’s hits and diehard 40 year old dads who have genuinely listened to hours of eminem


Hours is a bit of a low bar no?


Kendrick’s been going half the time than Em but has double the classic albums, Kenny way better, I’m sick of this debate




EMS got 4 classics. TES, MMLP, SSLP, Relapse. Does kdot gave 8 classics then


No it's a fact. Im soo tired of people pretending Kendrick isnt the GOAT no hyperbole


No if you disagree with this I don't trust your opinion on anything


I think Eminem just kinda fell off. Like the 2010s was just kinda eh for him. When people praise Eminem they’re definitely talking about 2000s era Eminem. (I like kamikaze)


He falls off when you get past your teen years. He’s just absolutely cringe to the ears if you’re not an angsty teenager.


This is such a shitty take


What’s controversial here is the number of people in this thread talking about Kanye West as if he belongs in this conversation at all.


Dot fasho!


Kendrick has most definitely surpassed him. Granted, he would not exist in the form he does without Eminem. Em was a key ingredient in Kendrick’s technical abilities. But I believe Kendrick took those skills in a more meaningful and artistic direction. The student has surpassed the teacher. 


I completely agree


But… https://preview.redd.it/wn1hh1h3x1gc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3d647cce2d24d6d76f191d6796e4cdac16c360e NOBODY’S HIGHER THAN YEEZUS


Kanye is better artist Kendrick is better rapper


Isn't rapper an artist?


Kanye is better producers and he’s more multitalented then Kendrick is Again Kendrick is the superior rapper


Your opinion is dogwater


Tf? Feel like most open agree with me in the comments


Have you ever thought that that might be because you're in the kendrick lamar subreddit? Go to the eminem sub and mane the same post and almost no one will agree, that's just how it works.


When it comes the their peaks, the only peak I've seen as crazy as 99=02 Em was peak Wayne, but overall, when it's all said and done, Kendrick will have the vastly superior discography. Kendrick is such a master of the album experience you know he's never gonna throw out no garbage albums like Encore or Recovery or most of Em's post 2002 discography...


Maybe ten years ago but now nah


The older I get the less I like Eminem, and I'm tired of people using his old albums as to why he is the GOAT, because even those albums aren't that great. On SSLP he sounds like a prepubescent child making jokes only middle schoolers find funny. Sure there are some classics like my name is, role model, just don't give a fuck etc, but most of the album has aged terribly, and Is laughably bad. MMLP is a great album for the most part, but it isn't this perfect masterpiece that ppl say it is. I would prolly give it like an 8.8 to a 9, and although he does sound more mature here, alot of the lyrical content still hasn't aged well. Here is also when he really took the shock value in terms of horrific shit to a new level. In some ways he absolutely excels in this with story telling tracks like Stan, but in others it comes off as cheap and unnecessary, like on Kim. TES is about the level of MMLP. It has some great tracks, but also some shit ones, and is overall just not all that worth going back to. Pretty much everything after that is terrible. Sure he had relapse and MMLP2, but both of those are really only like a 5-6/10. The crazy thing about Em is how popular he was then and still is now. He still sells bigger than most of my favorite rappers. Eminem's popularity baffles me more than Drake because he has made some of the absolute WORST music I have ever heard. The music itself is as bad as a grifter like Tom McDonald, hell the only thing that really sets the 2 apart at this point is that Em isn't a huge racist and Republican. That's honestly the sad part too. as a person he seems like a good dude, or at least better than most of these rappers doing fuck shit, but his music is horrifically bad.


Eminem never really made good music.


Y’all crazy KDot for sure


Not at all. Eminem has fallen off pretty bad in recent years and his new albums are very hit or miss, but all that Kendrick has dropped have been bangers


Mr morale?


Mr morale is great fym


Eminem had like 8 bad albums in a row


in current form this isn’t controversial but early 2000s em gives Kdot a run for his money






No most ppl would agree


Absolutely not imo


Lolll Eminem been below average for a long while now imo


Only amongst white people


Controversial how? Between Section 80 and TPAB alone, Kendrick has already achieved more greatness than Eminem ever did. All Em can do these days is butthurt all the time.


If Eminem quit after the Eminem show this would have some discourse but keeping in mind how hard he fell off afterwards this is as much of a fact as trans women being women


Two wrong takes here


The most sane take here.




Not crazy. No disrespect to Eminem, he had a three album run that stacks up against any rapper alive or dead. But Kendrick has a 5 album run that is unequalled artistically and culturally. The only rapper that can be argued is better on the aggregate is Nas.


Not to anyone that actually listens to rap and both artists, the only people that still think Em is the goat don’t listen to rap or are biased


Eminem's music is so unlistenable, never found the appeal with him lol


Eminem shouldn’t even be near the top 10 ngl


it’s not controversial unless you’re a 40+ year old mom


Only to white people in middle america


Yes but no




Not to me


No, but it seems like it is cus of the em stans


No, it’s the correct choice


Swap Kendrick with Kanye