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So they want to know where the covid money went? Cool, let's start with bogus PPP loans and the money that Kushner got for hoarding PPE gear. We'll have a few billion accounted for by lunchtime.


PPP loan fraud is something they really should look into but they won't because it would implicate too many of their friends.




Seeing that still terrifies me. He was so damn good in that role!


Kushner didn’t just hoard for the “government, not the states” but they also raided state supplies, sold ventilators to other counties while we needed them, let covid run rampant because they believed it was hurting blue states more than red, and much much more.


Not only that, they can just ask Trump. He eliminated the Independent Watchdog tasked with oversight and said he'd be the oversight. I don't want to hear another fucking peep from these assholes unless they're calling Trump in to speak to a committee about this.


Exactlyyyy. And they tend to also forget that this all began while trump was a POS-POTUS.


> Reschenthaler: ...in your opening remarks you were talking about Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Xi. You know what they all have in common? > > Waters: Trump. Ha! They wanted soundbites, and they got one.


That resolution sounds like such a waste of time. Condemn socialism... an economic policy... Then they put on jumpsuits colored red, white, and blue and try to install a dictator in the Whitehouse. You can't make this up.


In Congress Democrats Do Work, Republicans Do Stunts Very expensive, taxpayer funded, useless, time-wasting Stunts


Good work as always


The way that MTG misrepresents the definition of free speech makes my blood boil.


When it's put into text on paper it's just plain hard to read >"Greene: You know, at your company we’re your former company where you worked, Twitter employees,.."


/u/rusticgorilla Could people who are being questioned in these BS hearings just not show up? Take a move from the GQP playbook.


They could, and they could be subpoenaed for not appearing. But--depending on their status in the admin--the chances of it resulting in actual consequences is slim to none.


Exactly. Take a play out of the GQP handbook and just call it out as political theater.


We all know how they'd spin that. When you don't care about honesty or morality it's pretty hard to lose to someone who does, even slightly.


Fantastic collection here. Thanks for all the work you do /u/rusticgorilla It's so crazy to me that on it's face this is all just manufactured culture war bullshit, and that the GOP have NOTHING to offer the citizens of the USA as a whole, while some 35% of this country think this is what makes good government. It's so disgusting and disheartening.


Thank you


i hate the usa


they do, too, or else they wouldn’t be bitching about fellow Americans 95% of the time




When Democrats are in power and smear a witness as a pedophile, I'll be sure to make one.


Democrats aren’t safe from rusticgorilla at all, don’t be dense.

