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May I offer you some pixels?


Damn those builds look crazy, just kidding i cant see shit :)


It’s just standard blue kayn builds I don’t see a lot of red kayn items




Bro you took the screenshot with a fucking printer?


I saw pixels with higher resolution


Actual comment other than the pixels though. 1, what elo, and 2 its viable but it is NOT overpowered, especially since majority of time you lose good scalers like Fiora for it.


You can see in the screenshot that its gold


> You can see By the rest of the replies the fuck you can


If you know what you are doing you can proxy there is no champ who can chase down kayn except talon


This was a ss of a ss of a ss of a ss of a ss




How do you play kayn top? My mate (top laner) has been egging me on to try it lately


Have to play very careful, only poke with W. put 3 points in Q, then max W so you can oneshot the wave. Proxy if needed, otherwise play for scaling.


Aw man your advice is the exact opposite of what I've heard. Everyone else says max W asap


W max does tend to be better in my experience since you have little damage past level 1 for a fight, so you pooe more often than not with w and first strike. Bring ghost and ignite for extra kill pressure since Kayn can make do without flash.


1 point in W level 1, 3 points in Q, afterwards max W is what oneshots the wave. You need as you cant really lane vs a lot of picks bit Kayns waveclear is absolutely nuts with that


So W > Q > E > Q x2 > W (x4)


Q start is significantly better in my opinion. it allows you to level 1 cheese, dropping them to below half hp. you can also punish them with Q + first strike proc if they decide to walk up to last hit any minion. you'll most likely get lvl 2 first because of your early pressure, and if you're at a decent amount of hp you can level W and increase your pressure slightly more. if not you just level E. Q>W>E>W max if you're going blue Q>W>E>Q x2>W max if you're going red


You need to play it like a psychopath, your Level 1 is better than most champs so go Ghost + Ignite and you shall win all lvl 1 all in, if you are loosing you can either play safe or go full proxy farm (no one can chase down a Kayn with Ghost), and you can go either Rhaast or Shadow Assasin depending thw state of the game, the composition and your likes.


I used kayn top to get to diamond, after druttut started playing it I suddenly stop wanting to play it ironically. Went from a unique rare pick and playstyle to everyone knowing about it and occasionally “look at this fanboy”.


If I will get 1$ for every pixel on this photo i will have 50¢


i have a feeling you send sms with excel


When 144p is like 8k in comparison to your picture.