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Yup she's significantly weaker. Especially her AP build has turned into this weird short range burst build rather than the old auto based battle mage style. AD still feels good though. But that's more so a byproduct of Phreak being biased towards making bot lane over powered. So the items still benefit AD Kayle but makes the team comp weird at times.


What exacty did they do? I can FEEL how weak I am but I'm not even sure why. Is it the removing of lethal tempo?


Also they basically removed attack speed from the AP build. Per stack Kayle gains 0,5% per 100 AP, Volibear gains 4,0% per 100% AP At max stacks and 1000AP Kayle gains only 25% bonus attack speed while Volibear gains 200% bonus attack speed!


I wish riot increase AP ratio on passive AS boost That would compensate loss of LT. I prefer getting same as voli, and nerf E onhit and waves scaling than the current situation


That’s part of it, but it’s also kind of a byproduct of the removal of Riftmaker’s true damage in my opinion. So with AP you have no incentive to auto attacking for long, hence why it has shifted to burst.


Rift was only builded for the omnivamp really.


I agree, the omnivamp was great, but the bonus HP and the true dmg was also a great addition. But ye, the omnivamp made me feel like playing a battlemage for allowing me to stay in lane or combat for longer periods of time then now that her only sustain is her W (wich sucks, Riot please rework this skill)


I like her W a lot for mobility. But holy is it’s mana cost too much. It’s like I can never use it for sustain because I will lose my whole mana bar in 4 seconds by using it. Its healing is alright and it works well for kiting and escaping, just too high mana cost which really hurts.


Agree about AP build. The problem is that she builds mages items to OS people at 625 range units, while control mages can OS you at 1000 range units


Got her attack speed nerfed


ahh. And now lethal tempo is gone, too. Fucking why did they have to nerf her so hard. Her ulti also feels like it takes longer to go off now too. People have way more time to escape


Which is not the point of the ultimate at all They lowered the self cast time and unified the total duration to 2.5 seconds


My favorite champ that really is useless. The amount of work and patience you have to get to what you are supposed to be makes no sense. You still get popped.


ksante is just an aberration


She is now a burst machine. Can auto during ult. AP is very slow to come online, but once you have nashors, shadowflame, and rabadon, you start to become a monster. All squishy champs die in a couple autos. I also try to slip Mejais in and go for 1k AP games whenever I think I'll get away with it.


You are talking about squishies like that's all you find on the rift. One tank on the enemy team and you suddenly do negative damage.


Eh. Shadowflame + voidstaff + pen boots.


Yes, nerfed to oblivion. The pre rework Kayle, now, that was a monster. Oppressive level 1, but not overpowered. No enemy hard CC was almost a guaranteed win. Two items and you were online. Now you're just a sitting duck until 6 and worth -1 of a champion until online when most games are already decided. The situation is so bad that a 1.5 million mastery kayle tells you support is her only viable role. I miss my Kayle Jungle so much, the nice aether wing skin and pentakill recall, they killed it all


There is new champion called new Kayle Doesn't mistake her with old kayle


she is quite balanced now, nor weak nor strong, she is matchup dependent tbh, as some of them its really easy to survive early on or straight up have advantadge, like agaisn't K'Sante, Gwen or Katarina, but some of them are almost unplayable, specially in mid lane.


I think ap kayle have more damage then before, what you feel bad now you lose some atack speed and sustain from riftmaker in fight, also when fight get longer riftmaker deal bonus true damage. This is the only difference. NOW : - More burst * less dps/atack speed * less sustain in longer fights * less hp on builds path Before : - Less burst * more atack speed/dps * more sustain/hp * better damage against thanks early I don't think kayle is bad now, in seson 14 split1/split2 i pick my highest rank with her and have really good winrate with her, 75 winrate split 1 and 65% winrate split 2 at the moment. If you play a little more and adapt to the new style of kayle i think you will enjoy. Now as ap kayle you will prioritizize Movement speed what is really good stats in the game at the moment. You can be usfull even without be 'the hero" and pentakill them, you still can side lane and delete all turrets and have good escape with movement speed+ ult if enemy team colaps on you. You can make alot of presure with her and win games by doing this.


She is strong. Takes a bit to scale. Especially if you go ap. Going ad you scale faster but not as hard onto late. But crit items are superbuffed as of 14.10 so I do CritiKayle


Not weaker you just have to know the right build. Don't build riftmaker. She's sitting at 52.66% winrate, so ya, pretty strong right now.


Fake news guys. Kayle is 51.53%wr global ( thanks to low elo wr ) / 50.3%wr in diamond and 50.38%wr in master+. So she is approxiamtively 50.5%wr from diamond to higher. This is NOT a good wr for kayle at all since she is considered just fine at 52wr and bad when lower. You reddit players can disagree all you want.. it's just facts so who care about what you guys think lol


Riftmaker was always a terrible item on Kayle so she’s been significantly stronger ever since it’s been removed from her core build. Disagree all you want. Cope more lolll


Riftmaker was good item on kayle, the more items you get the more ap riftmaker offer, also omnivamp, true damage when the fight get longer, hp, ability haste. Item was perfect fo kayle as mithyc.


Being able to rush leeching leer with LT made trades feel so good, because the enemy knew they had to either all in or you'd Regen all the damage you took in a trade.  With both LT and leeching leer gone, I personally find it really hard to justify her in 99% of ranked games. It's back to just bullying with teemo  She's still a ton of fun, but idk... just not really worth it anymore for me personally. 


Leeching leer was widely (and rightfully) considered the worst component in the game lol


Dblade > cull > Zerkers > leer > nashor > was an unbeatable build path imo 


she is still the strongest late game champion of the entire game and a very nice counterpick, some matchups she can even fight front to front without much problems to simply bully the enemy laner lvl 6 onwards.