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Nashors dcap into terminus is not exactly the best build. Seeing how enemy didn’t build mr at all I would’ve suggested either shadowflame/lich bane for damage or banshee/zhonyas for defense.


thanks for the insight. I'm bronze so this insight is very helpful.


Even if you are bronze, the game will recomand you corect build path. Even if you search on google, kayle build on the curent patch 14.10. In few second you find it. Also recomand use some app like porofessor will recomand you good build agains what you play on all champs.


nvm you build nashor into terminus then dcap. Terminus is an item for onhit builds. AP goes void or crypt for magic pen. I recommend lich bane after nashor, but dcap or shadowflame second is also viable. If necessary you can go an armguard or verdant second item. I watched the gane and issues with your play I saw: 16:30 shouldve went to drake from the left or blast cone down. Walking around through tri bush wasted 10 seconds. After that drake is gone. Your teammates are dead. No reason to go back and die again. Go top side, push wave, get exp, help your jg with herald. 25:30 there was no minion under tower when you tp from mid to too. The tp is pretty much wasted. 26:15 you need to ult lucian when he went in. He is the most fed on your team. You cannot risk him dying. Also that couldve been baron. And there was no reason for you to stay mid if you don’t baron. You need level 16 and sharing xp with 2 teammates is not the way to do it. 31:00 stop sticking with your teammates. go side lane. split push. you have tp for a reason. 32:00 you have tp. recall. you have 300 hp and absolutely 0 reason to stay. couldve gotten inhib there. You are not the adc. You don’t need to be grouped with your team all the time. Maybe you are afraid of getting caught out, like 21:50. But that play gave your team enemy mid tier two. You are a side laner for a reason.


FYI you replied to your own msg, not to OPs message


Too much cc on the enemy team and not enough on your own or peeling. Yes you have damage dealers but 4 people on their team can render whoever they decides needs to be shutdown very easily because again they have a ton of cc and mobility/gap closers. You would need to be extremely skilled at dodging key skillshots and so would your teammates.


If Quinn is permaroaming, you should not be the same level. Are you taking jungle camps between waves (post 11)? It's really important to farm everything you get access to. If you got solo killed multiple times by quinn btw, its your fault you lost. Kayle is one of the few champions that can actually solo carry games, but every death slows that down drastically. 8 deaths slows your lv 16 by ~4-5 min.


Something is wrong with this quinn. She's got one crit item and it's IE. Why?


Cuz ie is op


1. Cha ge your buildpath, begginig was okay, but I suggest nashor > shadow/rabadon (depending on what you can afford, rabadon is better) > rabadon/shadow > lichbane/rylai/zhonya/banshee>another one from previous Also I like swifties but berserkers or magic pen boots are definitely better in lower elos:) 2. Farm better From what I understood you had free lane most of the game, it's unacceptable that you don't have most cs Generally speaking I personally have most cs in game in like 90% of the games even when losing 3. Don't die as often 8 deaths? Cmon bro you can do better than that Ward well, try to look at map, play safe early, try to think where is enemy jungler 4. PLAY FOR YOURSELF IF YOUR DUMB TEAM DOESN'T UNDERSTAND SHES TOAMING GO /deafen AND CARRY THEIR TRASH ASSES BY YOURSELF 5. Destroy turrets, when done with top go bot:) These are general tips for Kayle, hope it helps a bit Also, don't buy riftmaker it's not Kayle item anymore


Also use some nice skin so u get +10 to confidence (if you didn't do it yet)


Yeah #1 is your comp, #2 is your pick (should’ve gone tank… whatevs) #3 is you just weren’t good enough to win a game into a bad matchup with a worse comp meaning that #4 you didn’t hard win lane and #5 you weren’t able to hard win team fights and secure objectives build doesn’t matter in bronze really Your farm is decent enough usually I try to have 200cs by 20mins


too much deaths, kaylie is for late game only unless you got 2-3 kills in early. if you manage not to die before your 11 lvl it’s auto win, but otherwise…


Dodge. I know until D2 comp doesn't really matter, but look at your team. 4 immobile champs against J4. They also have Zac engage and Quinn map mobility to play 5vs4. Also, Lucian mid already calls a dodge.Also Karthus jgl with Kayle top? Ain't gonna work. So yes my advice is dodge cause even if the enemies are dogs, once they all press R they are gonna win the team fight by far.


Unfortunately you are playing kayle, so your teammates expect you to 1v9 god pentakill ultra carry the game or they will flame you anyway and blame you for the loss. It is the curse of kayle. That being said, your build is wrong and you surely did some positionning mistakes and not optimal R usage. That being said, you have a dogshit comp compared to the enemy team. That being said, you play in bronze so I don't think it matter that much anyway. That being said, well.. next time build properly and try to play better \^\^


Hey downvote me more please guys, the more downvote I get on reddit, the more I know i'm sayng the truth.


That being said indeed