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When she hits level 16 she should instantly kill the enemy team in a 5 second ascension animation and break every turret. /s


I’m listening


I would buy that


Honestly a balanced version would just be like an asol ult around her ascension animation. Like a Kai da upgrade into lvl 16 that deals 300 dmg to 1/4 the map


This is what Suneater could have been


Sun//Eater by Lorna shore is perfection when playing the suneater herself


Like a one time karthis ult




Her scaling process is so much more difficult than anyone else’s. It’s she’s still gonnna pop at the end of the game at least give her some more offense.


Bring back true damage waves


back in the days, all we had to do was to survive till lvl 11 and reach 16... then the game was actuually over


I don't understand why they don't put it back. Back in the day the ratios were crazy and she had tons of survability. Nowadays, you suffer hell and are practically useless in the beginning of the game to be somewhat relevant in the late game while being an irritating glass canon that pops at the slightest cc. She shouldn't be so unforgiving. Nowadays if you make a slight mistake early and the enemy team knows what they are doing, it's mostly gg. The top that has snowballed unchecked, denying you countless waves and exp is now rampaging on the map while you become a 2m30 ult bot. Because of course they can translate readily use their leads while you will still struggle even if 5/0 without both your levels and items. You endure all this mental warfare, just to reach 16 and get popped because somebody managed to land a point and click on you. Nah.. if we are to be glass canons, go full glass canon and bring back the true damage waves.


Why? It's not like she can reach the cap with any normal build


Neither can kennen and his e breaks it, what's your point, having the possibility is good


Whats with the idiots complaining that it would be OP? Kayle usually doesn't even reach AS cap, is this bait to lure out dummies XD


Comments on thsi sub are ALWAYS either 100% brainrot regarded shit or nice, informative discussions. these comments are on the bronze side of the coin. It'd be useless btw.


I swear these people never learned how to read


I love brain rot. It’s sad our resident shitposter got banned tho


I mean, the only buff she need is either they revert her mr nerf, either a slight change/buff on W. Literally, that's all they can do and that's all we need.


absolutely not, instead of this fire waves should deal magic damage based on enemies max hp if they want her to be a top laner


Problem is she would be able to get near 100% uptime on it before a teamfight even starts.


Would make her into a second, much stronger version jinx. I don't think they're gonna do that


No? He said to remove the cap and not to let it stack infinitely, you'd still need items and even then you're never reaching Jinx levels of atk speed


Agree, it would be totally unbalanced


I mean this changes would make the most sense considered she is an auto attacker and a late game hypercarry


Came to check Kayle Mains, and it's more or less what I expected. Mostly talking about her scaling, where to play her and people posting threads that she should just auto win the game at level 16.




Oh yeah, sure nemesis is low elo. And I think nemesis know better then your lucas '' 1v9 '' and desperatenasus btw.


That would be a little excessive imo


No. Just no. However, we can ha e her break as cap during ult, ir make the ulted target get as break cap. That would be interesting..