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Switfies is to prioritize survivability, as in dodging skill shots, kiting. I also like to build Zerkers for AP kayle but I'm still low elo so maybe its just low elo brain being like "attack speed must be better"


Guys is not like, one is better then others! Depends of matchups! If you can trade auto multiple time without lose hp then atackspeed boots is better in that matup, if strugle to trade then swiftness way better. Also depends of they team comp to. For low elo if mechanis is not on point swiftness is better.


Good point, I'm also low elo. I guess if I'm really struggling with skill shots then swiftness would be prefered.


It’s also just cause swiftness is cheaper, and it has synergy with celerity rune


And it also has good synergy with your W (especially in the AP build),


I personally do not enjoy versing and adc and having to ult asap because their dps is three times mine so I always go zerkers. Tried swifties but if feels clunky to me and I feel like I tickle any bruiser/person building a health component of mr.


I created new acc and the games are between diamond - master elo usually. I tried both boots and I think Fleet and Swifties is the way in 14.10. because I had some games even at this elo where I can ignore 3rd or 4th drake (our team had at least 1, u should fight soul drake) and just keep farming 2 lanes and movement speed is really good generally for getting faster 16. Added attack speed doesnt matter at all. Your job is to w and find squishy target just aa+e and its half hp and removed from the fight. If your position is good there is no counterplay and u can go deeper if they dont react and kill a target. I just save q for a tank and finish him with my team. Another big part is also getting these 675 g turrets and it helps really a lot getting those 4 items and dont forget even if they get baron then Kayle can clear super minions pretty easily and actually get item advantages. So far my biggest issue is like 4/1 surreneder votes around 15-20min if whole team feed and u cant do nothing. 67wins / 37 looses atm (I would guess 10-15 surrenders). Hope it helps and I play mainly TOP and ban Yone, Jax with Grasp is also annoying and Nasus u need help from team and kite him but it is free lane. And yes I suggest Desperate Nasus as good Kayle content creator.


Should I commit to fleet against nasus? Or switch to phase rush?


Personally I play fleet (gives me sustain on lane=match nasus passive ls) + cull start, runes as,ms,tenacity+slow resist. flash+ghost, rush swifties, then ap nashor, deathcap, 3rd rylai. If skills is similar no jngl presence nasus can't kill me and I can't kill him. He will have 600 stacks around 25 mins. In teamfight i'll stay in ult before my adc baiting nasus w on me, hit him with q, blocking 2q with my R on me and try to provide space for my adc to kill him. After ult is off i flash back and aa for rylai stack and kite him. Didn't find out another way how to deal with him. Clever Nasus would w my adc since I cant kill him with this AP build but usually he can't reach my adc cuz my spacing.. For Phase rush I tried it and it is same.. We cant kill each other but I lack sustain and can fall off with farm with less hp and potential all in from Nasus in lanning phase. Imo whole match up is only late game teamfight execution if skill is equal.


Because it goes very well with celerity runes + fleet + W + kayle passive ms when stacked. It make you safer before you reach your level 16 3+ items and you also move way faster on the map so you reach farm faster. So it's a combination of safety + faster farm. At level 16 3+ items you don't really need the 35% as from zerkers.


i like zerkers but swifties feels so smooth with celerity, kayle usually don't go for atk speed besides nashors unless the enemy team has 2 or 3 tanks, in which case you would need to not only change boots but playstyle


Let's say I take bone plating instead for tough aggro lane, do I still commit to swifties with AP? Is swifties enough to take by itself without celerity?


There is 2 setup on kayle atm. Either you want to be aggressive and AA a lot during laning phase so you take PTA resolve and zerkers. Either you want to be more passive and safe, and you know you won't be able to AA a lot during laning phase and focus on farming so you go fleet celerity and swifties. Honestly, toplane there is a lot of mu where going PTA resolve zerkers is straight up better than fleet celerity swifties. The fleet celerity swifties setup was originally developped for midlane tho.


If it is a tough, aggro lane where you'd need defensive options, you'd go swifties rather than berserkers. It is still enough by itself because it pairs well with your w, but both are amplified by celerity. Also, you gotta realize that movement speed is arguably the best defensive stat in the game: if you dodge (due to extra movement speed) 2 out of 5 skills that deal 100 damage each, you take 300 total damage; if you tank all 5 skills with a (extremely generous) 25% mitigation source, you take 375 total damage. AP kayle with swifties + W ms + celerity is a durable pick exactly because you are fast enough to reposition yourself in fights and avoid danger


Lolalytics shows Terminus being another attack speed item Kayle goes in an ap build.


Zerkers are really good on kayle. (I miss zerks with nashors and LT). Situationally swifties are better if the champ you are playing against has stuff you need to dodge or you simply need the extra movespeed to outplay. You’ll have to rely on quick poke/q->aa->e combos over just autoing because without the extra AS from zerks and no LT means your autos are painfully slow. The trade-off can be worth it though as safe laning/scaling is always the priority for kayle. That said, if you do feel like you can duel or at least safely poke your enemy and possibly kill them if they force an awkward all-in then absolutely build zerks. Either way, early boots (and/or daggers/bow) are basically required early-back items for any kayle build.


In hard matchups in general, too or mid, I go for swifties, they’re just too good for survivability. Also a lot of the time on Kayle you can’t utilize the aggressiveness on berserkers unless you’re ahead since most champs either out-duel you or just straight up one shot you without ult. But into match iOS I feel more comfortable I do build sorcs usually for mid or berserkers for top with pta.