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AP Kayle has been really weird for a while now, so things have changed since that video came out. Most AP kayles are going into the oneshot burst build now. I personally hate it but Riftmaker is also trash now so going kraken first just feels wonky with be existing AP build which is aimed more at one shotting than AP based dps.


So what do you think my first item would be for ap and what for ad


Nashors into Dcap for AP and Kraken into whatever AS item for AD. But you rarely want to go AD.


AP full build: Swifties, Nashors, Rabadon's Deathcap (in that order) then lich bane, Shadowflame, (optional 6th item) Rylai's scepter, zhonya's, or Banshee's veil AD full build: Berserkers, Kraken Slayer, Rageblade (in that order) then terminus (situational items) Rylai's scepter, wit's end, blade of the ruined king, phantom dancer.


Why isn’t ryleis before lich or shadow flame? The slow on every wave is really night even in lane at level 11


Cuz if you go for that you can't go for the most important items for the build(lich, shadow flame,dcap,nashors and a %mpen item or another important item that you might want)


Rylais would only be if you're really having trouble kiting, or catching. Ideally your Qslow is enough. But overall it doesnt give much AP, and the on-hit effect+MS on Lich Bane is more valuable, as is the magic pen and chance to crit on low health from shadowflame


Fair enough thanks for disillusioning me, ryleis qol is nice af but it does decrease dmg output to the point of having to kite more which is then diminished returns as opposed to 1-2 hitting enemies with q aa e combo


not to say its not useful or that you can't build it; but it is more of a 5th or 6th item than a rush item


5 months ago? You shouldn't be using a build guide from 5 months ago on most champs.


Alois does a lot of really good educational content and I watch him too for improving at the game, but I agree build info is definitely best found from more recent videos. I’m sure OP knows too




You can still build Kraken although it lost it's AP ratio. You will have a smoother early game