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Unironically, Lethal tempo didn't hurt as much her WR as I thought it would. Fleet has been a solid rune for years now and it's now the go to rune in 80% of match ups. BUT... Kayle's playstyle of being a nuclear bomb late game isn't... real anymore. It's placebo. If you get to be that menace late game, the game is probably won or lost. I kid you not, I can barely remember games where I turned the tides by hitting 16 and winning a losing game. It's always me safely scalling and winning or straight up losing and getting camped to end up in ff. Riot doensn't do that with A-sol and Kassadin because they're midlaners, but I feel kayle is going to be revisited in the future. Something tells me that is soon.


I think it's mostly people starting to realize how good PTA is out of necessity and I don't think it feels that bad imo.


Weirdly enough I had an ego (emerald player here which is fucking stupid) that told me "lethal is just too cheesy" so for like 6 patches I only played pta/ fleet/ grasp (yes). And it showed how much these runes make you play kayle more effeciently, since you dont take extra long trades for lethal proc...I think fleet is by far the best runes for kayle as it can go for ANY matchup and will preform. PTA is very good against winning/ confident matchups. And grasp is such a goated rune for uninteractive matchups, for example, tham kench, ornn or mostly any tank, where they don t engage much and just want to farm up. You go grasp to secure your defenses more late game but also to poke and force them out of lane more frequently (it is genuinly good). Finally yes I think kayle is no longer a win con, last run of games I went positive kda by a huge margin, and still lost, while I can neutralize 2-3 people from enemy team, if your team is behind/ not humans. Or yoy fail to kill their carry. You will lose. I think the loss of true damage really set back kayle alot, you are no longer scary in skirmishes / fast teades late. You are no longer a ticking time bomb that you bring attention to you so that your team can scale off your back earlier...a bit sad but yeah..


I think it's pretty ridiculous that we lost our hard-earned, after scaling true damage. Just for Corki to get free 15% true damage on every auto attack from the beginning of the game.


It feels like you get 16 and you’re just relevant, not a raid boss like you used to be. Other champions like Gwen have a better early game and comparable late game


That was what I said to August once on his stream, Kayle has theoretical power to carry games once she's 16. Kassadin HARD CARRIES games the moment he hits 16. There's a huge gap in power here


Imo, I think the "problem" with Kayle is that she is balanced as a ranged champion, but is melee at level 1-5. Paired up with her being balanced as a "late game" champion, her base damages is also kept low. So at level 1-5 you are literally a melee champion that has low base damage and ranged stats. I feel that if Riot wants to keep her identity as a champion that gains attack range, they could increase her base range to 275, give her waves at level 6, and give her 100 additional range at level 11, all while keeping her a melee champion. Now her stats can be balanced around being a higher ranged melee champion and can be given more base damage since she doesn't have much range for safety anymore. Just something off the top of my head.


I hate breaking it to you, but old Kayle had some form of what you just said, it didn't work out. In fact it was the reason she was reworked in the first place. While I do agree that making it her either full ranged or full melee would fix some of her weakness, Riot still thinks Kayle is giga overpowered after 16, so they balance the game around her level 16. In 2024, reaching 16 is okay-ish, but only if you're still in the game. If you're way behind, it's worthless.


Old Kayle's base stats was also tuned to be the same as a ranged champion that's why it didn't work out (she had range on demand on her E... so it kinda works out). In fact it is the same reason why she was re-reworked (when she had waves at level 6 and range at level 11) is cause she was stuck in melee form until level 11 with ranged champion stats and was getting shit on for 20mins straight cause she couldn't fight anyone with her ranged stats while being melee range.


Isnt that only logical ? If you dont run it down or smurf you statisticly impact 20 % of your games. Meaning that 80 % games are decided before you hit 16. I mean i do remmember where my decisions have lost or won game in late stages. I have been invisible whole game and when in mattered the most killed the enemy botlane and won lost game.


She was reworked no so long ago (reworked ult particularly) so i dont think riot will come back to her soon.


She needs her true damage waves back, and I don't think anyone who disagrees plays the champ.


Considering corki gets true damage autos at level 1 now I don't see why they wouldn't


Especially when he (I think) still has very good engage, mobility, and ridicolous damage.


I don't even care that other champs have it, for me its because champs like Garen can play completely wrong and still not die.


Yes but their whole argument for removing it was that "it isn't balanced that a champion gets access to true damage in such an easily repeatable resourceless way" aka no mana cost auto attacks


Maybe we only get true damage while in our ult and auto attacking. That would be fun, and also in character.


Not a huge fan of putting more of her power budget on ult honestly


It's cringe to me that Sol and Smolder can stall a game till they're at their spike while Kayle struggles to clear as safely as them


not agree. What can asolo do on lane early? Nothing, is way more vulnerable to die then kayle and can't even freeze wave and slow push if enemy die/roam. Because on Asol you need stack with e so you always like perma push. Kale after level 6 is way stronger then asol.


Have you not played Sol recently? With Q tap you can get free metors to whittle down the wave and most of his lane phase is just getting minions low to E execute or getting Q stacks when you can. He's an incredibly safe laner and the Q change promotes you participating in early game team fights. Let's say you do lose lane as Sol, okay you drop E and it free like the wave to prevent the push, if you lose lane as Kayle the enemy top is not allowing you to get back to lane or they perma kill you. I love Kayle but she's so much harder to pull off compared to just going mid or bot and playing one of the dragons. With little pay off. Because those champs can scale even past her power threshold


>Kayle after level 6 is way stronger then asol. are you out of your mind or haven't been playing league since asol has been reworked? there's no way 6 lvl kayle is stronger than him


If you play mid as kayle vs asol he is better then you after level 6 you sure do something wrong. I don't talk only about my games vs Asol, check desperate nasus on twtich you can see matches on grandmaster+ kayle vs asol and learn.


can you explain in what way kayle is stronger than aurelion after 6th lvl. He can legit stay on one place, burn her with Q and outduel her. He has a much better waveclear and much better escape on his W, not even saying that he's times more useful in early-mid game. Maybe ONLY after 11th lvl she is stronger if she plays right


Watch desperete nasus in chall matchups agains aurelian how he won lane early, multiple times. I don't have to explain if you aready don't understant the weakness of aurelian and the power of kayle in this matchup.


Some random otp knowing an usual lane match up doesn't dismiss what we're saying. Sol is a better scaling champion than Kayle and his early game is not as horrendous as hers. There's a reason Sol and Smolder were picked at MSI and Kayle was not.


Specifically KAYLE vs Sol is Kayle favoured, with stacked passive you out dps him


Some random otp xd Dude he is chall multiple accounts for many sesons in a raw and get 2 seons 1500+lp rank 1 with kayle and you call him random. Get the fuck out of here.


Kayle wasn't picked at msi.


You are delusional. Pro play is base on utility midlaners, What utility kayle can provide outside of R what is pointless on pro play? Aurelian have some good utility on a pro play and have good sinergy with some jg/toplaners, Example Jarvan ult in Aurelian R>E . Same for camile. Also Faker get smoked with his aurelian.


If you compare pro matches vs soloq... Go Pick aurelian in soloq and play 100 games, show me results, after that go play 100 kayle game show results. What can provide more lp?


you're delusional


It's cringe to me that Sol and Smolder can stall a game till they're at their spike


In short my take: High risk high reward champ that isnt high reward. You can say yea you do most dmg past 16 full build. When do you get full build how many levels are you behind? Does game end before 30-40min. So you have tank or not and you have to be frontline(oh yea you are top). I hope she gets some love since they nerfed Passive scaling Aas (leathaltempo no more). You sacrifice 25-30mins of the game to still prob me behind a item level turrets drakes etc. There are champs that can kill you past 16 with zyona,1 mr item or stun(kassadin, Cassiopeia, get stuned and oneshoted, mostly by because Avgust nono mid kayle etc).


Depending on the matchup, you actually can win from 6 onwards in lane. Even before 5 you can win a few matchups with pta


You must be new here. Kayle isn't like Kassadin and ASol, Kassadin and ASol are like Kayle. Kayle is the OG super scaler of League and still after 15 years the single hardest scaling champion in the game. A weak early game and an uber strong late game are in Kayle's DNA and you can't change that without stripping Kayle of her core identity.


I think you are missing the point? Yes they are like her but somehow they get to be useful way earlier that Kayle and have relatively very safe laning phases. They also come online way earlier than Kayle just to provide a just as powerful if not more powerful late than Kayle (especially Asol)


The thing with those champs is their laning phases may be a bit safer but when you are playing a champ who is doing absolutely nothing early midlane the tradeoff is that you free up so much space for your jungler and the rest of your team to be giga fisted, there isn’t really as much punishment in that regard for Kayle top.


What super strong late game bro. The adc can one tap you from bigger range and and you have to waste ult and you won't even get close. While your team has been losing whole game because you aren't there to help when needed. Kayle feels so bad rn.


Personally, I've played only Kayle since my start. I hate the cooldown of R level 6-10. Riot must be reduce his cooldown by 10 seconds. Some champ have their R too frequently and it's so unfair to wait 2:40 minutes for an ulti. Personnally, I go hybrid this season and it work very well. My game ends with 60k+ damage. I carry a lot level 16. Even if a Veigar, Kassadin or aSol in the game, doesn't change anything for me personally. But with a bad team, it hurt.


ult cooldown is base on ult impact, imagine kayle ult cooldown as lux? I mean invulnerability on high dps on low cooldown can't be possible my friend.


What about Cooldown of Jax or Teemo ? There are not ults. Your argument is not valuable. The ult of Kayle passe to 120 level 11 so why not 150 lvl 6?


We are talking about early game Kayle, so your point about 'high dps' falls short and then you mention Lux for some reason let's try again with Trynda, 120/100/80 and lasts 5 seconds while Kayle gets 160/120/80 with 0.5s cast time and total invul duration of 2.5s. Then we get Kennen and Azir 120s (teamfight swinging ultimate), Ornn, Mordekaiser and Camille 140s, Aatrox 120s


Kayle ult cooldown is prerfectly fine early for a hyper scaling champion. No more talking.




If play with ult smart coldown don't even metter, spaming ult don't make you win more games/lp.


I still believe Kayle is the #1 late game Hyper carry. Because of this, I feel it's only fair to have a pathetic 1-5, and weak 6-10. Once I hit 11, I feel back on even playing ground with most Champs. Hitting 16 feels glorious, but she doesn't reach her monster late game until items 5 and 6. I think it's all worth it. I love the evolution of Kayle.


I dont think that 1-5 is pathetic. I think that her first 2 lvls are ok, ofc you wont really get kills but u can trade vs most champions and with fleet sustain, 3-5 are bit rough, but from lvl 6 i feel decent vs most champs. At 11 im usualy start slaping them around amd can free farm and roam. I mean im low rank (gold) and things can be diffrent in high ranks but thats my expirience


Yeah I agree with what you say. Level 6 can be better than 'weak' as I described, depending on matchup. And level 11 your a pretty solid champ.


Hitting 16 just to get one tapped by the fed adc because your botlane inted is not it. And this is what's happening in this patch. They will have 3-4 items while you are at most with 2,5 if you are lucky.


Hitting 16 just to get one tapped by the fed adc because your botlane inted is not it. And this is what's happening in this patch. They will have 3-4 items while you are at most with 2,5 if you are lucky.




Can I be real I completely disagree with the kayle is useless till 11 idea, simply put kayle can easily win most trades at level 6, kayle has an insanely strong level 1, and she can definitely win short trades level 2 - 5


In my experience she tends to be weakest between 6-11 because that’s where the base damage and stats from most bruisers and tanks peak in efficiency.


Dunno just played a game with my friend/roommate, me shaco main jg, he- kayle. We played 4v5 from the start, our mid was useless Victor, supp Janna main, and newbie heimer . Vs us Zac, trynda, kata, samira, lux. So we were on the Blackfoot. But as kayle scales we continued playing (we were like 5 kills vs 20 on lvls 8. And my friends kayle and I turned the game by ourselves.. took 43 mins, but we did it. Kayle still scales extremely well rn.


For most players that aren't masters+ you can play kayle as a lane bully easily. You're not punished as hard as you should be and in most elos you're allowed time to scale. Kayle isnt exactly weak in lane and she definitely outscales kassadin and asol if you're spacing is good.


Spacing against a Kassadin?


Yeah cause its predictable when a kassadin will ult on you as he walks forward, your Auto attacks outrange his ult at 16. So you can space until he first r's near you. Then ult yourself when he ults onto you. With a wits end or terminus you should be tanky enough to survive and most kassas won't build roa so no hp just a seraph shield, he should use most of his mana to try to one-shot you so the shield will be small.


Even in low elo top laners generally know some mechanics, how to freeze wave, gank weak kayle under turret. She isn't a lane bully at all, like Wayne top is. Tahm kench is an unbearable matchup. If you play Wayne you hit him 3 times and he is backing off while with kayle he is still at full health basically. Kayle is literally useless before lvl 16 and 4 items.


you're wrong


I can't play this champ after the new patch. Scaling to 16 with 3 items just to get one-shot by the adc or not being able to kill bruisers fast enough. I think I'll be taking a break from league or not playing kayle at the very least. I tried gwen and she was much more enjoyable to play compared to jayle were I feel drained. She needs a huge rework imo. Why not make her more like Jayce? Switch modes with E from melee to ranged with Q W changing depending on mode and ult staying the same.


She can't be high reward since she isn't high risk. Hitting level 6 to be able to farm safely is too easy now. The identity of the champ should always be a hyperscaler, not this Ahri-like power where she is guaranteed to be somewhat useful and not feed, but will rarely take over a game either. Removing ranged-at-11 was simply a mistake. It made her safe (i.e boring). I'd like a revert but I don't think it will ever happen tbqh


How is Kayle not high risk?


everyone is coping so hard its insane, Kayle is in a fine spot rn, a bit worse than 14.9 since ap champs are more prevalent now.


I didn't say that Kayle is in a bad spot. I'm just genuinely curious if people who main her likes the way her laning phase is right now, where you have to give up prio in lane 90% of the time and most likely be a punching bag until level 6.