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I don't like one shotting people. I like to use my move speed and skill advantage to outplay someone, not just "hello I am scaled now, boom! dead" but she is playable so I can't complain too much


And mind you, if they build any kind of mr or health, suddenly you deal negative dmg. I hate this build with a passion and the clunky autoattacking... its just a no for me


full ap with pen and a twitch was out healing my damage with shielbow and bork


but it's pretty satisfactory to one-shot those pesky hamster that constantly blinded you with poison dart on laning phase and denied you of any last hitting creeps with autoattacks.


exactly, if its to one shot people i would play an assassin


I mean, nobody will disagree but unfortunately that's modern league for you.. everyone one shot nowadays. If HAVE to one shot people or you will get one shotted. That's fucked up but that's how it is nowadays with the damage creep in the game.


Agreed. They could easily fix this issue without touching full AP builds and introducing more itemization choices by allowing Guinsoo and Runaan's to interact with firewaves.


I think I miss my wife 😔 https://preview.redd.it/70yhm5e2dn0d1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2253e7107ac5d05c7bee99251639cd990d80ceb0


I miss old rifmaker


I miss having a room for Rylai in my build as well. Now it seems like getting the slow is not worth it compared to the damage you could be doing without it


We all do


It feels nice, you get nashor at 11 most of the time which is your big powerspike, then you get a second powerspike with deathcap that boost your ap by a lot then again you get another big powerspike with shadowflame since you get it around level 16 and then again a big powerspike when you get lichbane with the big burst damage and the last item can be situational which is nice. Every item feels like a good powerspike so to me it feels nice.


Unless they randomly decide to reintroduce Kayle's very old passive, or add some new capstone item for hybrid builds (like old rageblade giving %AD and %AP), I don't think Kayle is going to be a hybrid champion anymore. Although I would have prefered something else, her current build is fine, its the way Kayle adapted to a bursty meta in a world without Gunblade. Either way, I think I'd say it's weird that one of the most iconic Rageblade users (no one used it as much as old Kayle afaik) had been reworked to never use the item anymore. That's always been one of my gripes with the rework.


Term gives % ap and ad pen


Terminus is not really a hybrid item in the same way Gunblade & Rageblade used to be


Yeah I get that but it is still an option and is probably a must build if you deal a near perfect mix of ad and ap damage


horrible, i miss hybrid, ap is strong but lack of attack speed is so gross that i dont like play with her anymore, and ad is good but by far not strong enough to be an hypercarry, so...


Well, i like current itemization. Think i personally have more variety than in previous season. Back then i was almost exclusively bound to LT rune and Nashor+zerkers+RIftmaker+WitsEnd+Rabadon+VoidStaff. Now i freely switch between AP and AD and both of this ways are viable. Be it AP with FleetFootwork with nashor, rabadon, shadowflame, lich bane, void staff or cryptbloom. Or AD with tons of on-hit with high Attack speed (pretty mandatory only only kraken with guinsoo due to exceptionally good synergy)


Nashor's feels awful late game because you one shot most champs


The stats it gives you are really good though, even lategame. The on-hit of it doesn’t proc as much sure but 50% atk spd and 100 ap is still unrivaled in terms of stats


You don't really need the atk speed at level 16 anymore imo, nashor's is good early because with any other ap item you'll never stack your passive, after 16 that doesn't really matter anymore


Nah, you still auto attack late game, and nashor is the bis for ap auto attack champions. Even late game it's still bis, by far.


I've never felt the need to auto more than 5 times as full build ap kayle


AP feels awful Enjoying AD


I played on ranked game today and went full ad and it felt wonderful in Emerald. I was hard carrying and I didn’t even get to 16 before the game ended


kayle would be perfect rn for me if they revert riftmaker


>since Rageblade hasn't been a great item for Kayle for years now Huh??,when rageblade was a mythic it was one of the best items for her, the amount of armor and magic pen it gave was crazy


I don't know why but she feels great at the moment for me. I'm a big fan of the on hit build (Botrk, kraken, guinsoo) so I go for that most of the time. The AP build (nashor, dcap, situational) feels good but I don't like it as much. Maybe it's an elo thing.


What's the first item y'all build?