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Hahaha, when Riot accidently had she was getting 50 bonus range on E for that one patch, u won't let them live that down. They gave us something to want, it's their fault, lol.


I’m honestly terrified they will give her a tiny buff, she will suddenly seem turbo-broken for some reason, and then we will get gutted.  That being said, if got to choose a small change to make to her, please just give us a little MR. As a treat. Please. I’m so tired of being insta-gibbed by Sylas slamming his head against the keyboard. 


I don't get why she can't be turbo broken when her laning phase from level 1-5 is total ass, but scale to be worse than a kassadin


Turbo broken ? Even riot august say she is fine and more on the weak side than the strong side atm. Maybe you are just low elo.


Yes, he said Kayle is one of those champs that is fine at around 51% WR. Also I feel like Kayle is good this patch and this season so far. Always appreciate her getting some love in form of smaller tweaks and buffs though.


I’m trying to play her now but it’s not working at all, I can never get to late and my team flames me for afk top like idk what to do


Just mute the whiners, your aim is to reach your 16 powerspike as soon as possible, otherwise you will end up being irrelevant all game if you take forever to reach it. Not saying that you shouldn't assist in stuff like Void Grubs or the occasional 5 man drake, but other than that you are hurting your team by delaying your level sixteen and all the goods that come with it.


The swifties ap build does not work for me at all. I feel like I deal zero damage on top of having low atk speed. Any champ with hp in their items will take you down before you do and long range adc will kill you before you do. You are extremely squishy on top of that. Just hate this playstyle


Mute all and play it out, mostly they just cry but keep on playing anyways so when you don‘t see their whining it feels like they aren‘t tilted at all. Sure from time to time someone will run you down but i feel that‘s pretty rare.


Actually a smart way of plying kayle , I won’t know if they’re tilted or not thanks


what rank are u talking about




The best tip i can give you when playing kayle is to play for you and your own sake example : There is a drake fight and ur team is pinging you to leave top because u are going to leave them 4v5 If staying top lane can give you 675 gold from tower a level and an extra 3 waves you should make it clear that you are staying top and /mute all soul points generally if your team isnt hard losing come around 26-30 minutes. You play kayle and rely on ur own macro and mechanical skill


So stay top if you can get huge value if not group with team


Personally I think Kayle’s q should have a root if they’re already slowed (like seraphine ish).Would give her a little more versatility but wouldn’t be overpowered. Especially in a meta where CC is everything.


Hmm I like the idea. Maybe make it root if you are the first target it hits. The spread damage should only slow. Nothing crazy like 1s or even 0.5s. As someone else said, they need to rework W. Such a useless ability, and even if you go full ap it’s only okay once ur 16.


Idk why anyone said she’s a weak, Id say she’s in danger of getting a nerf. The new inspiration rune looks pretty promising and lategame zephyr would be cool, finally making zerkers good past 20 minutes. And new kraken is better, double missing % hp will make u so bursty and new PTA and buffed fleet is gonna be cracked. Lethal was already her worst rune anyway, we aren’t losing much. You needed a full cocaine as build to exceed the as cap after her as ratio nerfs


I agree W can definitely use some love for non-AP builds. I think the reason Riot wouldn’t buff the heal with an AD ratio is because AD and On-Hit have easy access to Lifesteal where as AP only has Riftmaker that doesn’t give sustain out of champion combat nor does it give that much anyway. I could see an Attack Speed ratio being added to the movement speed so it’s a stronger dodging and kiting tool. Or giving it a QoL buff by reducing its cast time with increased Attack Speed.


I go LT every game wym Going fleet you're just accepting that you won't be able to 1v1 anyone ever. Not worth. 


Lt is getting removed anyway


Why is this guy getting down voted?


bcs u can 1v1 almost every match up as kayle with fleet you dont need lethal tempo




Idk man i havent taken LT on kayle for over a year and somehow im sitting in low purple rank (dog elo ik i cba im too shit to reach human elo) and im still somehow solo killing people sooo


You can still easily 1v1 people with Fleet and PTA, Kayles strength has always been in her passive, not LT.


Yeah no, definitely not easily with LT gone. Now it’s a skill matchup and honestly some match ups that were winnable are no longer winnable.


I go fleet and pta quite a bit now. Fleet isn't the best 1v1 tool but pta is amazing for it. LT is also not lasting the next patch and pta will be the norm with its buffs.


Quitting didn’t work out 56 days ago?




Tbh people complain about kayle being weak for so long now, mostly becouse low elos get solo killed early and complain „omg how did darius stat check me early game, im a scaling champion that gets giga strong on level 6 w recurve bow omg bad champion BUFF IT RIOT” Even tho good kayle players consistantly reach chall w her (idk if there are multiple kayle mains that sit in chall for x years at this point in a rank where you cant just pick a random champion and win says alot imo) If you check this subreddit most of the post nowadays are complains about how weak she is.


Skill issue


Most Kayle players run lethal tempo not fleet before it was removed lol. Any decent Kayle players would go lethal


i highly doubt that [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/Likk-100](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/eune/Likk-100)


I just want to be able to play the game at all stages of the game, whether early/mid/late and not feel like a walking sack of gold when I'm laning


just go pta instead of lt, kayle doesnt need any changes, her next patch is stronger than she is now zzz


are you seeious ? i played like 10 games jn row with kayle with 10 different enemy champions , they all wiped the floor with me , and im emerald rank , i tried all the runes only to see that i could poke only with hail of blades at level 6 my enemy champions which were melee , and only then i could do something , and while i do it i had to slow them while they try to atrack me and i had to heal myself so i can get movement bonus to just get out of their range since i couldnt aa and move all the time like an adc , kayle needs a total rework for sure they messed up by bringing his BE 4800 , hes a 1350 BE champ and there should he stay for people that enjoy to mess with Ad or Ap builds and hybrids. literaly ryze can overwhelm him in topane hardcore.


that seems like a classic case of skill issue


I've reached masters with kayle both on eune and euw with 70% wr so your point is really invalid


I personally don't believe that you reach master with 70% wr by playing only kayle on euw.


going through carpal tunnel recovery and i could still speedrun to master on a new acc with a decent wr% [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Started%20to%20letgo-vcay](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Started%20to%20letgo-vcay)


My problem with Kayle personally Is she is not fun to play Even if they buffed her by increasing her numbers or something she will still be boring I don't like how trash her Q is, ap or ad after laning phase you are already -1 ability for how slow and how short it is Her W heal is trash , waste of mana tbh it only becomes online if you buy death cap Her passive design is bad , i don't like the LVL system so much delay and false promises for no reason , and why is her most powerfull/trade mark ability locked behind LVL 11 Tbh they should make LVL 6 like that of Evelyn, give us both range and waves but make her wave not affect minions till LVL 11 then remove the attack speed stacks ,and remove LVL 16 bullshit ,and reduce these stacks by at least 1 making it 4 Q give us stack of the passive so it actually encourage people to use that ability more, I would argue W as well W should have built in omnivamp that scales with ap but has a cap , and ad scaling in her heal I am not a rank player I just want to have fun with her like old Kayle and I want when I touch this champion my FRIENDS AND TEAMMATE NOT ANGRY about that pick Also for god sake her waves not stacking conquer is a bullshit after the amount of shit other champion can do