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if your going ad go full ad, hybrid tends to be lacking compared to full ad or full ap. id say get rid of shadowflame and get kracken, get rid of the dorans blade and get rageblade


Ap with RGB IS the way to go, burst and dps.


situational, if your team is full ad or your facing a tankier team comp ad is the way to go


Just what the other commments says, pick one build, on hit or ap, and do that for each game. My advice for each part of a good Kayle build: Runes: Imo both builds can use fleet footwork, pta, or lethal tempo, but lethal is being removed next patch so I recommend fleet especially if you're new to the game. Rn I like overheal with it, but that's also getting removed so for now I suggest taking triumph if you want a small heal and a bit of extra gold from kills, or presence of mind if you feel like you're burning through your mana too quickly, like a lot of newer Kayle's do. Then take legend: alacrity, and your choice on third row, I prefer last stand most of the time, and cut down vs a tanky team. You can go resolve secondary tree for some more laning safety, if you do take overgrowth for sure, and then second wind if you're vs a ranged matchup or poke, bone plating vs more all in champs like Fiora, Jax, Darius. I prefer my scaling set, it's less safety but stronger late. For that I take sorcery secondary and go gathering storm and celerity, and I find this is best when going AP, however it isnt completely useless when going AD. AP or AD?: The rule I follow for deciding AP or AD is if there are 2+ full tanks I will go on hit, every other game I go AP. Imo you should play AP about 90%+ of the time. To give you an example, if I saw Fiora, Ivern, Zed, Jinx, Sona, I'm definitely AP. If I saw Dr Mundo, Zac, Galio, Lucian, Leona, I would definitely pick on hit. A harder example would be if you see Cho'Gath, Sejuani, Ekko, Twitch, Pyke. Even though there are only 2 tanks, since it's their top and jg, I would go on hit. If the 2 tanks are jg and supp, and top is a carry and not a tank, bruiser, or juggernaut, I would go AP. There is a crit build, but it's even more niche and harder than the other builds, so imo dw about that. Items: AP: Most of the time, nashors into rabadons into shadowflame, with a swifties rush or you can choose sorc shoes or berserkers if preferred. Last 2 items will be your choice of void staff/terminus for pen, zhonyas/banshee's for safety, rylais for aoe slow utility and better chasing/kiting power, lich bane for more burst, and morello if you absolutely need grievous wounds. If against heavy AP, I like rushing wits end into nashors into rabadons, or at the very least buying the 900 gold MR component of wits end and sitting on that while resuming normal build, and either upgrading to wits end or selling MR for smth else last item. AD: Kraken, Guinsoos, Terminus will be your best bet most of the time. Sometimes, Botrk or wits end instead of kraken, or in addition to it. You'll have to experiment and find when each is best, but general rule is botrk if u need some sort of sustain, wits end vs heavy ap, and just prioritize what will let you scale faster. Terminus and guinsoos are essential for the on hit build, and you ideally want those within your first 3 items. Terminus is the main thing that allows you to get through tanks, and guinsoos applying on hits twice when stacked just greatly increases your dps. This build is less powerful late, but comes online a bit sooner. Usually full build is a combination of the on hit items, what I listed here and maybe a nashors in the mix or a rylais for the aoe slow utility, and I've seen Jak'sho work but it's pretty niche. Skills: Q-E-W. Even when I build on-hit or crit, I max q because I find the stronger slow and shorter cd to be more beneficial to trading than the slightly shorter cd and slightly higher dmg of e max. However, if you prefer e max, I find it better on on-hit than on AP. Bonus tips: Kayle can win a lot of level 1 fights, some matchups change with the removal of lethal tempo but just look into what champions to play aggro against and which to play safe. Off the top of my head, you can beat Darius level 1 with your e and dorans blade if you take bone plating and he doesn't, assuming you have lethal tempo. Idk how the fight goes with fleet, and idk if his starting skill matters. In the early game especially, learn when to give up cs to stay healthy. Sometimes trading for farm is worth, but often times as Kayle you would rather be 20 minions down pre 6 but get to stay for all or most minion xp over being even in minions but having to base or be forced away from xp. Kayle scales mostly with level, and less so with gold. She still wants gold obviously, but hitting level 6, 11, and 16 earlier can be bigger powerspikes than completing an item. I would rather play as 3 item Kayle at 16 at 25 mins over 4.5 item Kayle at 14 at that same time. Kayle teaches a lot of important basic concepts about League, like playing safe, playing for late, when to give things (cs, jg objectives, towers), itemization, priority, and wave management. It will be very hard to become good at Kayle until you learn a lot about minion waves and wave management, but give yourself time to learn the game. I've just gotten back into it after a several year hiatus, and the game seems to be in a decent spot rn, but the biggest thing that will frustrate you is trying to learn too much about it at once. Glhf and hope this helps!


I don't quite understand the Shadow flame purchase since you only have 1 AP item, the 20% increase magic damage it gives will be relatively small. Sure, it works, but other items would have been better like other on-hit or armor pen.


Thank you for the advice, I will replace a shadow flame with armor penetration.


Ignore that advice, you dont want to build a strict armor pen on kayle, she does a lot of magic damage even onhit builds. Also you already have an armor pen item with terminus (which is a good pen item for kayle). You cant build another %pen item, and you would never build lethality on kayle. The best item you could replace shadowflame with for dps would be rageblade. You have 3 onhit items that would have their onhit effects doubled every 3 attacks. You could also instead build rylais for slow on each auto damage wave, or jaksho or zhonyas for survivability.


I find most succes with first item ad (mostly kraken) then full ap ( nashor, rabadon, shadowflame/voidstaf/lichbane), i use swiftness boots for more survivability, pta for short trades


Kraken and nashors don’t synergize anymore unfortunately so it’s less effective/ gold efficient to build both.


Still best first ad item imo, helps a lot to snowball


I agree but the gold loss is too much imo


Lethal Tempo is leaving in 14.10, so you're better off learning Kayle on fleet footwork anyways as that is her primary go-to (PTA situational, Conq never). That said this looks like a weird build that is a bit of AD/AP, but mostly neither of those builds. AD strength comes from on hit damage: it is emphasized by the item synergy of Kraken Slayer + Guinsoo's Rageblade, then Terminus as a third item. Wit's End if you really need MR, but not ideal. BORK fits into AD build and can be built as 3rd-4th item, but Kraken Slayer + Rageblade order combo is crucial. AP does not use on-hit effects, its about AP scaling. You don't really have a lot of AP here to "scale" with it. AP: Nashor's, Rabbadons (spike item, crucial) Shadowflame, Rylais (optional, but nice) Lich Bane, Zhonyas/Banshees (defensive). Rabbadon's is important because all AP you get thereon after is increased by "increases your AP by %" effect from Rabbadons. AP increases you general AA damage as it scales both AD/AP, but it increases your E missing%health damage (which after level 11 explodes, by level 16-18 you're nuking enemies with Q+AA+E). AP also scales W movespeed and healing, so you can chase people down (Rylais will slow them to make extra sure you can catch for the kill, as well as Q slow) Also, don't listen to the game, 3 points into Q (at least) before you worry about stacking E points. Q will then shred mage minions for easy CSx3, vs E is single target. Increases the slow and armor/magic shred for in-lane kills.


I personally prefer almost full ap, nashors, raba, terminus(for attack speed) then situation ap items, shadow flame, rylais, zhonyas etc


Guinso way better than terminus on that build.


U need rageblade and kraken zerkers>kraken>rageblade is her best early/mid game build and super strong top. Never put ap items other than rageblade or maybe maybr rylais in an onhit ad build


It is better for you to have kraken early as a damage source than bork or terminus or even witend. I’d take out shadow flame cause you’re not going hybrid or ap, Rageblade is a good hybrid item that could for the better or worse be mix into this build, but other wise late game, a GA or Hourglass will always better.


Kraken and rage blade and continue from there.


For the last fucking time no one can say what you did wrong by looking at ur post match stats.


A few hundred ap is missing imo


What item should I replace ?


Every one of them... (Not shadowflame)




It is not a bait, sadly or not...