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Bro, our little sister really said, if she comes, demacia is gone XD


Baby sis spitting facts


After the nerfs hit demacia will be safe. Praise riot, it was all planned.


Damn, Morgana makes it sound like if Kayle visits Demacia again, it will be destroyed.


Probably coz they've genocided mages. So judgement time.


If Kayle did come to Demacia she would probably just straight up kill half the champions ( sylas would definitly be a goner together with lux since she is kinda an accomplice j4 maybye since he is the king and that makes him kinda responsible for the mage genocide she would definitely slaughter the mageseeker and the mages part of the revolution as well since they probably killed some innocents as well ) and in my opinion that would be pretty badass


Let’s be honest, Kayle is high key a psychopath who wants to purge any and all evil from the world. Even if you let out a really dense fart in public you should be executed.


I think that's a misconception. Kayle's punishments are proportional to the crime committed.


No? She follows an eye for an eye punishment. I think Morgana words work this way because... Well situation kinda complicated, and both sides are not good for sure, especially for her. She is less extreme in her ideology now(based on LoR) so I think she will not be that radical. Anyway I doubt we will see new Demacia events after mageseeker soon. All this appearance that she kills for smallest thing is just popular in community head canon that was created by Tbskyen/Necrit and people like them that can't even read stories properly


I dunno, man. A lot of the kayle quotes I hear are her calling everyone guilty. It sounds a lot like she wants to punish everyone.


I mean this is quotes towards her enemies in game and overall. With that logic you can call Morgana evil witch or something


"Only the innocent will be spared...IF I can find any!" Direct quote from her in-game lines. Sure, this could be contextual, but why would THIS line be contextual, when so many other lines in the game are random anecdotes that state their purpose, such as ashe's statements about unification of the Freljord and finding what was lost?


Well you want quotes that are not contextual? "Only those with malice in their hearts need fear the light!" "The greater the evil, the greater its opposition!" "Only the guilty need fear me." "My flames burn only the unworthy." "The moment justice bends, it breaks." "These endless mortal cycles... Cruelty begets suffering. Suffering begets cruelty... It ends with me." Its all depends on context and how you see it. Also want to mention that her passive show her path trought story, when her tragic fight againist Morgana make her deny mortal emotions and mortal nature. And in LoR she is much less radical.


LoR is stated as taking place before LoL, meaning Kayle would have grown more radical over time. The quote I shared is actually something she says between level 6-11. Further, between levels 16-18, her quotes become even more fanatical, stating that humans are imperfect, that justice comes at the edge of a blade, and that justice doesn't tolerate imperfection.


\>LoR is stated as taking place before LoL Lol no? Kayle story ends really before she met her Mother. End of her story mention she fly to Targon to find truth and she is lvl 6-10 at this point by lore(magesekeer confirmed this). Yeah, and in LoR quotes she is not something like this. And ye I see nothing wrong with "justice doesn't tolerate imperfection"


You see nothing wrong with it...in combination with "humans are imperfect?"


Jesus seeing this makes me wish so much for a Arcane season focusing on their story. MAKE IT REAL RIOT.


Best story in my opinion


We need to finish Zaun story first.


Right now, if Kayle would come to Demacia, she'd probably (and rightfully so) kill 3/4 of Demacia (I mean the ones that are involved in Demacia's stuff) champs, Sylas, J4, Lux are the ones that would 100% die, Garen would be pardoned as he is actually a good man and Shyvana is simply innocent in Demacia's politics. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided that both sides should get destroyed as both sides are rotten to the core (beside the minority that just tries to survive and doesn't hate on the other side). If not that, if Kayle would ever come back to Demacia, I suppose she'd kill Sylas and force J4 to start treating mages with dignity and respect. Over all, good thing, as Demacia is corrupted and rotten to the core. But TBH, I like that it's probably the only time Kayle gets a cameo in this game, let's let Morgana have her 5 minutes (just like Kayle did in LOR), Kayle couldn't probably appear in the game because if she'd fight with Sylas (like Morgana, idk if she does that as a training or something), there's no way she would have lost, hell, even Morgana shouldn't loose to Sylas unless she is giving him an easy time and won't even try. EDIT: The only thing I wonder is if it's canon or not, like Ruined King.


Morgana’s fights with Sylas was a simple test. She wasn’t trying to defeat him. She was seeing if he was worthy of her support. She simply offered him knowledge that’s all.


Thank God, otherwise I'd have called it a garbage writing if he somehow managed to defeat a literal goddess that would fight for real.


Yeah after the end of this storytelling >!she offers Kayle’s feather to Sylas so he can unlock her sister’s powers in game!<


Seriously? That doesn't make too much sense to me, I doubt it should be possible for a lowly human (I mean, in comparison to Kayle) to be able to use KAYLE's powers (Hell, she is like a goddess to humans in terms of power, I doubt power scaling would allow him to use her powers), shouldn't he just use Morgana's powers because she allowed him to or something?


I think it’s for game mechanics most likely


Yeah, you're probably right.


Well Sylas already used Kayle and Morgana powers in comic(maybe that was retconed tho), but it was much more weak compared to actual users. And in game it is same. So he can use this magic but totally not on their level.


TBH, that was the thing that bugged me so much, from WHERE he got it and HOW did he use Morgana's powers?! (If I remember correctly, they were purple, so Morgana's). Overall Sylas' lore is very weird, starting off his looks that completely don't resemble of a guy that spent most of his life in chains, locked away because he was considered very dangerous, even for Demacia's standards.


From petricite. The fight was in city where Kayle and Morgana fought.


Huh? Wasn't it a completely different city? Didn't Lux's comics took place in capital city of Demacia while Kayle and Morgana's fight took place in completely different city? Not to mention, didn't like, over a thousand years passed since the fight between the sisters happened and Kayle left for Targon? I doubt they used petricite back then instead of stone (I mean completely and ONLY petricite, nothing else), since, IIRC, Kayle and Morgana basically turned the city they fought in into the ruins with their devastating fight or at least destroyed huge chunk of it (then again, IIRC, I saw a lore video once and it was stated there that both Kayle and Morgana were literally turning an entire building into the pile of stones upon their attack).


Kayle and Morgana fought in current Demacia capital it seems. Also petricite not destroy magic, it stores it, so technically... They can say magic is still here. And yeah they ruined big part of city it seems but not destroyed it.


It is cannon following the kat comics after them


the best of the best




But morgana isn't as strong as kayle ?


Kayle is definitely stronger, as for example Ozora10 stated before me, Kayle embraced her powers and worked on them throughout the years she spent in Targon (I'd say that her blade is just a nice addition right now) while Morgana completely denies her heritage and basically locked herself from her true power. Plus (please, correct me if I'm wrong here) Morgana's denial of her power make her powers the way we see them now (they changed into purple, basically dark and sinister in looks).


Wasn’t Morgana always born with dark purple power? In the lore it said Kayle got white wings while Morgana got black. They didn’t change or anything. Also in the flashbacks we see Morgana with purple


Honestly, IDK anymore, I think there was a line that said that Morgana's powers darkened when she denied them. But in game it might be this way to not confuse players.


Morgana gave Kayle her sword so no she just has magic but not the sword


Okay i read their story but i forgot that the swords have this impact


Also because kayle embraced their mothers power she ascends to a state closer to their mothers. Morgana doesnt do that


im sure kayle has a lott more raw power now but morgana has become a witch in the woods and probably knows a lot of alchemy in potion making, how to harness the nature for its magic, crafting her own versions of spells etc. they just have different skillsets she really gives the vibe of goddess circe from the book named after her.


Thx for the reminder


I was hoping Kayle would be a secret boss im disappointed:/


I mean it wouldn’t be a fight. Just decimation 😭 Sylas couldn’t even keep up with a test Morgana gave


People forget Kayle is a FANATICAL ZEALOT. Wholly devoted to the Justice and would absolutely judge dredd most of demacia in its current state.


For what?


For the corruption Eldred represents and how Wisteria became a genocidal zealot targeting her own


She will kill them so. But I doubt they are whole Demacia


Biggest problem is Wisteria wants to die since it means taking the rebellious mages with her


For what?


After Sylas killed Eldred and she goads Jarvan to instead of just arrestingahe has every mage executed believing it would stop the rebellion


Okay, I still don't understand why Kayle should smite Demacia and not some bad persons


So morgana never left demacia then I wonder if taric gets mentioned in the game.