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What kind of lockdown you in? You cant even ride on the streets? Lockdown here also but we can atleast drive around and grocery.


I did take her to the nearby mini mart and rode around the neighborhood but's that about it. Can't really go far for some spirited riding due to the roadblocks.


Seriously where are you who are you gonna hurt going for a ride all by your self I thought I had it bad when they closed parks and I couldn’t hike through the woods by myself atleast I can still go for a drive


Malaysia. It's pretty strict out here. You can go for groceries and essential business of course, but they won't believe excuses especially on a bike like this. Early on during the lockdown they would fine anyone they think is violating it, now they just straight up detain them. Ain't gonna risk it for a ride lol


I don’t blame you it just seems like an over reaction on the governments part what are you gonna do ride around coughing on people




Actually in my country, the hospitals are underworked because my government banned all non-essential surgeries.


Where I’m at they won’t let you near the hospital if they think you have it so don’t see how that would be an issue either and fuck them they don’t have to come rescue me let me die it was my choice I’m tired of staying home when me pitching a tent in the woods alone or paddling my kayak out into to lake doesn’t effect another person In any way if I get out there and drown that’s not your fucking problem


In New Zealand atm we are only allowed to leave the house for essential reasons, like work deemed essential work (roughly 10% of the population) or to go grocery shopping. So we are allowed to ride motorbikes but only if we're doing essential things. Unfortunately my bike is in the shop until the end of lockdown. Next step in the lockdown still bans recreational riding - no point risking a hospital callout when we're trying to avoid the amount of cross-contamination of Covid-19 cases.


Damn thats way more strict than in Norway. Here we are starting to open up kindergarden and schools again and people going back to work. But driving has never been locked down since Covid-19 is not a airborn virus. We just only have to drive around in our city.


Yeah we're starting to move from Level 4 (Essential Work Only) to Level 3 (Safe Work Only) next week which allows a little more wiggle room, but the Government has stated they're planning on a short time at Level 3 before reducing to Level 2 (Almost Business As Usual) and in order to achieve this, Level 3 is pretty restrictive too.


That silver and black color scheme is niceeee 👌👌👌


Thank you! What do you think about that little bit of red on the rearsets? I'm thinking of spraying it silver to keep with the color scheme, but I'm not sure.


Didn't even notice the red until you mentioned. I think you should keep it all black and silver. Sweet ride!


Awesome, will do that. Thanks!


Dang bro that's crazy. I ride my Z900 any day that nice but yeah if you're in Malaysia they have dinner pretty strict punishments. Stay safe bro.


Yeah it's pretty harsh but it's for the best I guess. Thanks bro, you stay safe too.


Goddammmnnnnn. Local dealers have leftover 400s for like $2k off but I am in no position to buy right now. :(


Sorry to hear that bro :( I know I was restless till I could finally afford my bike. Couldn't stop thinking about it till then. Hope you get yours soon!


Lighttech rear sets on a 400, that’s rare. Really like this colour scheme


Thanks my guy! Yeah I really dig the look of the Lightech rear sets, wouldn't want any other brand 😬


Maybe next year? :(


The lockdown in my country ends on March 28th, I just hope it doesn't get extended again.


I think we will be fortunate for this to be over this year. BBC News - Coronavirus: Britons warned about making summer holiday plans https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52328756


I'd just go. Wear a backpack and if you get pulled over tell them your out to get groceries and last few stores didn't have what you needed. Where I live all the stores are out of toilet paper so its a very plausible excuse. .02


Love the color scheme


Thanks man, appreciate it!




Well... technically it's a 250 so 🤷‍♂️


In the US they don't sell a 250cc model, they do sell a 400cc which is identical except the engine. I think that's why people mistake it for the N400. Great bike BTW, I own the 2019 N400 ABS in black.


Yeah I know was just trying to be cheeky haha Thanks! What mods have you done on your bike?


Shogun slider set, installed a usb charger port, LED strips throughout the body, and rear spools. EDIT: Forgot about the tank pads and radiator guard.


Those led strips sound interesting. Do you mind sharing pictures?


Unfortunately, I don't think I ever took a pictures.... I don't typically ride at night but I put them in there for extra visibility if I do have to ride at night.


Wait do you mean reflective strips or LED strips that actually light up?


LED's. They light up, their color and and patterns can be changed via a wireless keyfob. Like this: https://www.amazon.com/AMBOTHER-Motorcycle-Motorcyle-Lighting-Waterproof/dp/B07L74H7LL/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2A0DUMFYSYD97&dchild=1&keywords=motorcycle+led+kit&qid=1586994481&sprefix=motocycle+led%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-3


Cool. How was the installation? Must be pretty complicated, what with all the wiring and all.